US Business Owners Can Be Fined and Imprisoned for Supporting Israeli Boycott

The antiboycott laws, enforced by US Department of Commerce's Bureau of Industry and Security under the Export Administration Act, discourage and even outlaw "furthering or supporting" the Israeli boycott.

The Bureau is charged with administering and enforcing the Antiboycott Laws under the Export Administration Act.

Those laws discourage, and in some circumstances, prohibit U.S. companies from furthering or supporting the boycott of Israel sponsored by the Arab League, and certain Moslem countries, including complying with certain requests for information designed to verify compliance with the boycott.

Compliance with such requests may be prohibited by the Export Administration Regulations (EAR) and may be reportable to the Bureau.

The penalties for taking part in the boycott range from fines of tens of thousands of dollars to multiple years in prison.
Activist Post: US Business Owners Can Be Fined and Imprisoned for Supporting Israeli Boycott

Noone can force a person or company to invest in or buy from or do business in Israel. Nothing in the provisions addressed in the laws addressed in the article change that. So, we shall continue to see individuals pressure companies to not invest in or buy from or do buisness in Israel and we shall continue to see companies listen to the calls of people of conscience.

The mistake here is in assuming that those individuals trying to pressure companies to boycott Israel are 'people of conscience'. Some may indeed be so, but the prevalence of lies told by the BDS supporters about Israel argues against that. As does the kind of 'Satanic' rhetoric coming from far too many of those supporters....
Courts can rule on accusations of LIBEL which
result in financial loss -----if that libel is based
on bigotry-----the situation is aggravated and
awarded damages can be increased----but
feel free ----go right ahead. The fact is
that you guys have been doing it since
1950--------have fun. Whle we are at it---
always make sure to check cloting and inexpensive
household appliances to see if they are made in
Indonesia or pakistan------avoid them.

Also avoid egyptian cotton or any shop
that bears a sign-----closed (for some period
of time) on Friday---in protest of the
2 bombers bostoni and oppression of christians
[ame=]TIAA-CREF, Divest from the Israeli Occupation! Protest 7/17/2012 - YouTube[/ame]
Define failure.

BDS is a long term ad campaign. Success is today's sales plus tomorrow's influence.

It is too early to tell but it is looking good.

Please explain how 'it is looking good'

Israel is pouring a lot of resources into defeating it.

They must consider it a real threat.

Any country would defend itself against boycotts. IT doesn't mean they consider it a real threat. I already told you Israel and Israelis thrive on hate
Please explain how 'it is looking good'

Israel is pouring a lot of resources into defeating it.

They must consider it a real threat.

Any country would defend itself against boycotts. IT doesn't mean they consider it a real threat. I already told you Israel and Israelis thrive on hate
Israelis thrive on hate...I had clearly seen this tactic of choice as a way to unify people...I suppose a politician like Began used Terrorism it and hate to works.

The question History might ask"? "Was it worth it after all?
Israel is pouring a lot of resources into defeating it.

They must consider it a real threat.

Any country would defend itself against boycotts. IT doesn't mean they consider it a real threat. I already told you Israel and Israelis thrive on hate
Israelis thrive on hate...I had clearly seen this tactic of choice as a way to unify people...I suppose a politician like Began used Terrorism it and hate to works.

The question History might ask"? "Was it worth it after all?

The bolded has nothing to do with Israel thriving on hate. I merely stated a fact.
Israel is pouring a lot of resources into defeating it.

They must consider it a real threat.

Any country would defend itself against boycotts. IT doesn't mean they consider it a real threat. I already told you Israel and Israelis thrive on hate
Israelis thrive on hate...I had clearly seen this tactic of choice as a way to unify people...I suppose a politician like Began used Terrorism it and hate to works.

The question History might ask"? "Was it worth it after all?
Israelis thrive to the, and you know this how....? Because those voices in your head told you so? Say hi to them will you. Thanks.

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