US capitalism spreads war and poverty

Wrong forum. It needs to be posted in conspiracy theories. The author, Finian Cunningham, is a native of a country that is all but bankrupt and apparently he uses his capitalist contacts on the left to make a buck criticizing America's capitalist (for now) system that keeps him in his Lexus. Anti-capitalist tirades are a dime a dozen.
Not to worry. Obama is working on that.
Lol...he is moving us closer to socialism not fast enough though.

Yeah, National Socialism never caused any wars, did it?

You know the guy you're quoting is probably a communist, don't you?

No it didn't actually. If you care to go into NS causing wars then PM me or start a thread I will debate that with you. Please stick to the subject at hand. Oh and him being a communist not my cup of tea but we agree on this.US spends more on warfare than anything else.
What about people in the US? Did any of you actually take the time to read the article?

Nope. Life's too short to spend it reading obvious garbage posted by a fruitcake who claims Hitler was right.

In fact, U.S. capitalism and form of government, is responsible for more freedom and prosperity than any other system ever tried.

No doubt we'll get the usual malcontents who try to insist that since the U.S. isn't perfect, it has to be torn down.

The fact that the U.S. has been better than any other country when it comes to freedom and prosperity, is ignored by these whiners... which is why the whiners in turn are ignored by normal people.
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Not to worry. Obama is working on that.
Lol...he is moving us closer to socialism not fast enough though.

Yeah, National Socialism never caused any wars, did it?

You know the guy you're quoting is probably a communist, don't you?

No it didn't actually. If you care to go into NS causing wars then PM me or start a thread I will debate that with you. Please stick to the subject at hand. Oh and him being a communist not my cup of tea but we agree on this.US spends more on warfare than anything else.

Hmmmm, WWII wasn't started by NS. Who knew!
What about people in the US? Did any of you actually take the time to read the article?

Nope. Life's too short to spend it reading obvious garbage posted by someone who claims Hitler was right.

In fact, U.S. capitalism and form of government, is responsible for more freedom and prosperity than any other system ever tried.

No doubt we'll get the usual malcontents who try to insist that since the U.S. isn't perfect, it has to be torn down.

The fact that the U.S. is better than any other country when it comes to freedom and prosperity, is ignored by these whiners... which is why the whiners in turn are ignored.
Now that is freaking hilarious! You really are brainwashed into believing that crap aren't tell so much from how someone views their country. You seem to think the US does no harm...I know damn well it does.

Not to worry. Obama is working on that.
Lol...he is moving us closer to socialism not fast enough though.

Yeah, National Socialism never caused any wars, did it?

You know the guy you're quoting is probably a communist, don't you?

No it didn't actually. If you care to go into NS causing wars then PM me or start a thread I will debate that with you. Please stick to the subject at hand. Oh and him being a communist not my cup of tea but we agree on this.US spends more on warfare than anything else.

Hmmmm, WWII wasn't started by NS. Who knew!
Correct. Start a thread tag me in it if you want to discuss it please.
What about people in the US? Did any of you actually take the time to read the article?

Nope. Life's too short to spend it reading obvious garbage.

In fact, U.S. capitalism and form of government, is responsible for more freedom and prosperity than any other system ever tried.

No doubt we'll get the usual malcontents who try to insist that since the U.S. isn't perfect, it has to be torn down.

The fact that the U.S. is better than any other country when it comes to freedom and prosperity, is ignored by these whiners... which is why the whiners in turn are ignored.

You ever notice how neo Nazis are often exactly the same as the blacks they rail against? They vilify these people when they themselves are sitting on the porch drinking their beer (provided by us, the taxpayers, because they're too fucking lazy, or stupid, to get a job), and then they have the temerity to lecture us about what's what.

Too funny.
What about people in the US? Did any of you actually take the time to read the article?

Nope. Life's too short to spend it reading obvious garbage posted by someone who claims Hitler was right.

In fact, U.S. capitalism and form of government, is responsible for more freedom and prosperity than any other system ever tried.

No doubt we'll get the usual malcontents who try to insist that since the U.S. isn't perfect, it has to be torn down.

The fact that the U.S. is better than any other country when it comes to freedom and prosperity, is ignored by these whiners... which is why the whiners in turn are ignored.
Now that is freaking hilarious! You really are brainwashed into believing that crap aren't tell so much from how someone views their country. You seem to think the US does no harm...I know damn well it does.

Lol...he is moving us closer to socialism not fast enough though.

No it didn't actually. If you care to go into NS causing wars then PM me or start a thread I will debate that with you. Please stick to the subject at hand. Oh and him being a communist not my cup of tea but we agree on this.US spends more on warfare than anything else.

Hmmmm, WWII wasn't started by NS. Who knew!
Correct. Start a thread tag me in it if you want to discuss it please.

You can address it here.
What about people in the US? Did any of you actually take the time to read the article?

Nope. Life's too short to spend it reading obvious garbage.

In fact, U.S. capitalism and form of government, is responsible for more freedom and prosperity than any other system ever tried.

No doubt we'll get the usual malcontents who try to insist that since the U.S. isn't perfect, it has to be torn down.

The fact that the U.S. is better than any other country when it comes to freedom and prosperity, is ignored by these whiners... which is why the whiners in turn are ignored.

You ever notice how neo Nazis are often exactly the same as the blacks they rail against? They vilify these people when they themselves are sitting on the porch drinking their beer (provided by us, the taxpayers, because they're too fucking lazy, or stupid, to get a job), and then they have the temerity to lecture us about what's what.

Too funny.
1. Not a neo nazi
2.I don't drink,smoke or do drugs
3. I don't have a porch to sit on
4.I am nothing like negro's
5.I am disabled and get SSI for that and am now looking for work...know of anything in WNC let me know.
Nope. Life's too short to spend it reading obvious garbage posted by someone who claims Hitler was right.

In fact, U.S. capitalism and form of government, is responsible for more freedom and prosperity than any other system ever tried.

No doubt we'll get the usual malcontents who try to insist that since the U.S. isn't perfect, it has to be torn down.

The fact that the U.S. is better than any other country when it comes to freedom and prosperity, is ignored by these whiners... which is why the whiners in turn are ignored.
Now that is freaking hilarious! You really are brainwashed into believing that crap aren't tell so much from how someone views their country. You seem to think the US does no harm...I know damn well it does.

Hmmmm, WWII wasn't started by NS. Who knew!
Correct. Start a thread tag me in it if you want to discuss it please.

You can address it here.
Actually I can't because that would derail my thread intended for other purposes not that. Now zip it.
Nope. Life's too short to spend it reading obvious garbage.

In fact, U.S. capitalism and form of government, is responsible for more freedom and prosperity than any other system ever tried.

No doubt we'll get the usual malcontents who try to insist that since the U.S. isn't perfect, it has to be torn down.

The fact that the U.S. is better than any other country when it comes to freedom and prosperity, is ignored by these whiners... which is why the whiners in turn are ignored.

You ever notice how neo Nazis are often exactly the same as the blacks they rail against? They vilify these people when they themselves are sitting on the porch drinking their beer (provided by us, the taxpayers, because they're too fucking lazy, or stupid, to get a job), and then they have the temerity to lecture us about what's what.

Too funny.
1. Not a neo nazi
2.I don't drink,smoke or do drugs
3. I don't have a porch to sit on
4.I am nothing like negro's
5.I am disabled and get SSI for that and am now looking for work...know of anything in WNC let me know.
Now that is freaking hilarious! You really are brainwashed into believing that crap aren't tell so much from how someone views their country. You seem to think the US does no harm...I know damn well it does.

Correct. Start a thread tag me in it if you want to discuss it please.

You can address it here.
Actually I can't because that would derail my thread intended for other purposes not that. Now zip it.

Derail what? A thread that no one is going to follow? :lol::lol::lol:

Man oh man, I would love to know how many lefties would like nothing more than to agree with this thread but will avoid doing so because they don't want to be associated with National Socialist.


Not to worry. Obama is working on that.
Lol...he is moving us closer to socialism not fast enough though.

Yeah, National Socialism never caused any wars, did it?

You know the guy you're quoting is probably a communist, don't you?

No it didn't actually. If you care to go into NS causing wars then PM me or start a thread I will debate that with you. Please stick to the subject at hand. Oh and him being a communist not my cup of tea but we agree on this.US spends more on warfare than anything else.

Hmmmm, WWII wasn't started by NS. Who knew!
UK and France, "Capitalist Democracies", declared war on National Socialist Germany.
Britain and France declare war on Germany ? This Day in History ? 9/3/1939

Yeah, National Socialism never caused any wars, did it?

You know the guy you're quoting is probably a communist, don't you?

Of course not, and Hitler never caused suffering. I see the OP thinks Hitler was right. Nuff said.
Stick to the thread topic please.

Man oh man, I would love to know how many lefties would like nothing more than to agree with this thread but will avoid doing so because they don't want to be associated with National Socialist.


LOL...that is funny.
Mr. National Socialist:

Please note that I have thanked you for your post. I don't expect you get too many of those with "Hitler was Right" in your name and an avatar about not caring what any of us think...which of course is care, or you wouldn't be posting....and therefore looking for a fight that you are sure to win, because you are the sole judge. Thus feed Ego.

I thanked you, in advance, for any answers you might provide to questions I have.

How is a National Socialist different than the Socialist we have in the White House, if in fact, there is a difference?

Why do the Poor in America, and your article says they are Hungry, constitute such a large percentage of the Obese and the Morbidly Obese?

I have heard an excuse made that they can't afford to get healthy food...just Big Macks with extra cheese and bacon...but nobody who has had a couple of Big Macks is Hungry...and a report that just came out showed that they could eat healthy instead of the Big Macks for around a dollar more a day. Anybody who won't get off his ass to make a dollar more a day has got to be disabled...and you can't tell me America is not feeding the truly disabled in this country.

People who are looking for Hungry people can find them in America, I guess...or they claim they can find them...but I haven't seen one since the War on Poverty and the Great Society. I' ll bet you can find a lot more starving people in Socialists type countries than you will ever find in the U.S.A. How about Africa for example? Why, after all this time, can't they feed themselves in Africa...or in South Chicago...where the Great Socialist operated for some years, before bringing his show to Washington?

Instead of the Hungry, I have seen an incredible growth in Obesity and Morbid Obesity, since Lyndon Johnson declared a War on Poverty. How's that War on Poverty going? I'll bet you Socialists need more money, don't you? Now you need it to fight a War on Obesity.

It is true that America is on the decline (because the Socialists have mortgaged our children's future to buy votes)....but you have to admit, overall, its has been and is now, the greatest society ever established on this planet...based on Christian Morals and Jeffersonian Virtues, and if you won't admit it..say which one was the greatest? Is it Hitler's National Socialists?

Or perhaps the United Soviet Socialist Soviet Rebublic?

Why is Socialism making a bold push...having great success with a Socialist in the White House in the face of the example that the failed U. S.S. R. set?

In what manner was Hitler right?

Thank you for any answers
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