US: CIA claims to be losing troubling number of agents


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
You make it FAR worse if you don't hire the best and brightest regardless of race. creed, religion. It is going to be an even steeper uphill climb with the presumed increase in foreign governments capabilities.

The CIA sent a top-secret message to its global network of stations and bases that said a concerning number of informants recruited from other countries to spy for the U.S. have been captured, killed or compromised.
Clearly the posting of a top secret message here on these boards is sure sign that the CIA isn't a place where I'd trust regarding confidentiality.
You make it FAR worse if you don't hire the best and brightest regardless of race. creed, religion. It is going to be an even steeper uphill climb with the presumed increase in foreign governments capabilities.

The CIA sent a top-secret message to its global network of stations and bases that said a concerning number of informants recruited from other countries to spy for the U.S. have been captured, killed or compromised.

The CIA is another agency that needs to be defunded and shut and sold for scrap.
You make it FAR worse if you don't hire the best and brightest regardless of race. creed, religion. It is going to be an even steeper uphill climb with the presumed increase in foreign governments capabilities.

The CIA sent a top-secret message to its global network of stations and bases that said a concerning number of informants recruited from other countries to spy for the U.S. have been captured, killed or compromised.
Thanks to Hillary and Biden
If that is actually true then it's a matter of the simplest answer is usually the correct one. Someone leaked agent information.

You don't have large amounts of agents in a relatively short period of time terminated or compromised without someone feeding information.

The second and next likely cause is a concentrated effort by multiple adversaries working together against us.
If that is actually true then it's a matter of the simplest answer is usually the correct one. Someone leaked agent information.

You don't have large amounts of agents in a relatively short period of time terminated or compromised without someone feeding information.

The second and next likely cause is a concentrated effort by multiple adversaries working together against us.

The first assessment if the worst fear of every intel agency around the world. Especially such a high ranking Double Agent.

If they find such a person, nothing short of Capital Punishment should be their fate.
If that is actually true then it's a matter of the simplest answer is usually the correct one. Someone leaked agent information.

You don't have large amounts of agents in a relatively short period of time terminated or compromised without someone feeding information.

The second and next likely cause is a concentrated effort by multiple adversaries working together against us.

How many CIA agents are CCP loyalists? But white supremacy and Bad Orange Man is the problem, right?
How many CIA agents are CCP loyalists? But white supremacy and Bad Orange Man is the problem, right?

I'm not sure of the intent in that, especially the second question but I won't pretend to know who could have leaked the info or why, and I don't know the foriegn powers would conspire against the cia.

I was simply stating those would be my most logical primary reasons why it happened. The who's and the why's I don't know.
I'm not sure of the intent in that, especially the second question but I won't pretend to know who could have leaked the info or why, and I don't know the foriegn powers would conspire against the cia.

I was simply stating those would be my most logical primary reasons why it happened. The who's and the why's I don't know.

Why bother conspiring against an Agency that's doing all they can to aid our enemies?

Did they get Afghanistan right?

Do they know who's coming across the border?

Another Agency that needs to be defunded
Why bother conspiring against an Agency that's doing all they can to aid our enemies?

Did they get Afghanistan right?

Do they know who's coming across the border?

Another Agency that needs to be defunded

Ok I give up. I have no idea what you're saying because none of your quotes of me have added to dialogue or discussed anything. It makes no sense to me what your point is, if there even is one. It's just closed ended questions.

The CIA Is a Disaster and It Is Time to Start Over

7 Oct 2021 ~~ By Larry Johnson
Let me be very clear–we need a clandestine service that collects intelligence from foreign nationals who occupy key positions in their respective governments. That was supposed to be the mission of the CIA, but it is failing and the failures are killing people who thought we would protect them. It is time for the CIA to be dismantled and a new organization that knows how to properly protect foreign spies be created.
The New York Times broke the story on Tuesday, October 5:
Top American counterintelligence officials warned every C.I.A. station and base around the world last week about troubling numbers of informants recruited from other countries to spy for the United States being captured or killed, people familiar with the matter said.​
The message, in an unusual top secret cable, said that the C.I.A.’s counterintelligence mission center had looked at dozens of cases in the last several years involving foreign informants who had been killed, arrested or most likely compromised. Although brief, the cable laid out the specific number of agents executed by rival intelligence agencies — a closely held detail that counterintelligence officials typically do not share in such cables.​
The primary mission of the Central Intelligence Agency is to convince foreign government, military and intelligence officials to betray their country and give us their most sensitive intelligence. We want to know what the human beings who are in ruling other countries are really thinking. We want to know if they are trying to destroy us.
The individuals who are recruited by a CIA Case Officer to give us the inside dope are dubbed as assets of the CIA. If their relationship with the CIA is discovered by their own government they are traitors and are treated accordingly. This usually means the spy is executed.
The CIA is doing a terrific job of protecting itself and hiding its failures. The NY Times article, which details many of the failings, is more prima facie evidence that the CIA cannot protect its supposed secrets:
The cable highlighted the struggle the spy agency is having as it works to recruit spies around the world in difficult operating environments. In recent years, adversarial intelligence services in countries such as Russia, China, Iran and Pakistan have been hunting down the C.I.A.’s sources and in some cases turning them into double agents. . . .​
The rot afflicting the CIA includes bureaucratic inertia, no accountability and built-in incentives to put notches on a belt without worrying about what happened to those notches.
These problems are not new. I know a Case Officer, now retired, who fabricated sources in Costa Rica and was promoted because of his “success”. When his successor discovered the fabrications, that Case Officer was told to get new sources. No action was taken to punish the other Case Officer who lied about his recruitments. Instead, he was promoted subsequently and retired after more than 30 years with a healthy pension.
Then there was the case of Robert Ames (now deceased), who was CIA Chief of Middle East Division in the Directorate of Operations. He had recruited Ali Hassan Salameh, aka the “Red Prince”. Salameh was a senior PLO operative and part of Black September who participated in the planning of the 1972 Munich massacre of Israeli athletes and other terror attacks.
Ames turned the Red Prince over to Case Officer Sam Wyman to “manage” the relationship. You can hear and see Sam Wyman tell the story (go to 15:45):

The CIA takes great pride in its “secret” accomplishments. And there have been some. But there are many failures–most are kept hidden from the American public. The recent spate of CIA assets being captured and murdered is not new. It is an old story. The Russians did it to us. Do you recall Aldrich Ames and Robert Hanssen? The CIA lost scores of Russian spies who agreed to work for us because of their treachery. Once again, poor tradecraft and no accountability. This is a longstanding problem with the CIA.

The Clinton/Bush/Obama administrations --- or regimes ---- fully implemented the communist takeover which should have been only mildly noticeable when Hillary or Jeb was elected in 2016, but President Trump threw a super-sized truck wrench into THEIR machinations many of us were amazed by his election, some of us, like myself, correctly called it the pushback against globalization.
Most, myself included, had no conception of how deeply the Deep State (America's "China Class") had entrenched itself in every frigging gov't agency: Obama's total takeover of the Senior Executive Service of the civil service, the purge and replacement of the generals/admirals with pro-CCP stooges (during Clinton and Bush and Obama), the massive lateral transfers of CIA personnel to the State Department during Hillary's time as Sec. State sealed the satanic deal. No way could Trump, even if he did everything right and I have been a critic of some of his moves, could have succeeded against such insurmountable odds.
Truman was correct to disband the OSS and remake it into the CIA during the Cold War. It's necessary once again to disband and remake this agency again. Bureaucracy and unfortunately political ideology has creeped into the CIA.

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