US Citizen Detained 7 Hrs, Forced to Renounce Citizenship


Senior Member
Jul 14, 2011
I've been watching mostly FOX lately (gotta love Megan Kelly!) so I missed this until my wife showed it to me:

Woman stuck in Mexico after renouncing US citizenship - msnNOW

Now I'm former military and went through ICI so I can see where a woman held and intimidated for seven hours would say whatever they wanted. But she had her license.
So in order to cover their asses, they flagged her Birth Certificate with Texas DHS so she couldn't get an original. Four months! Unreal.
I guess she has a twin brother. Same day, same hospital. Oops. Looks like she'll be getting back in soon but this is atrocious.

Easy prediction though. Conservs will try to find SOME way to justify this BS because you know the Agenda must never be wrong! Therefore, there are never mistakes and no one ever does anything that would be counter to The Agenda.

I did a search on FOX and the story is nowhere to be found. How surprising.
In a white nation, this would not be an issue. If she ever was a citizen, she ain't now. Get the fuck out.

See how easy that is?
In a white nation, this would not be an issue. If she ever was a citizen, she ain't now. Get the fuck out.

See how easy that is?

Thank you! Yes it was easy to prove the mindless sheep would justify anything, in order to adhere to the opinions spoonfed them by their Thought Masters.

Glad you believe the government and its' agencies can never make a mistake!

In a "white nation"! Oh the whackjobbery! LOL!

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