US Credibility Crash as world swings to support Russia


Diamond Member
Apr 3, 2022
With US-Ukey Nazi forces taking a terrible beating in Khazaria , this reports on the decling support for the US proxy war efforts which have gone from bad to awful .

During interview Pulitzer Prize-winner Seymour Hersh stated “more than half” of the world’s population supports Russia. He commented on the growth of this support across the Global South, with Russia becoming increasingly popular among emerging nations. Hersh emphasized how this process has gained strength in Africa and Asia, where there is a strong transition of opinion among people, as citizens who previously had favorable views of the West have recently started to support Moscow.

Hersh claims the US has “lost so much credibility around the world” with its pro-war attitudes, that the current anti-Western wave is quite “dramatic”. He also commented on how the American government has invested billions in the war to the detriment of social programs, strongly destabilizing the internal scenario and affecting its own population – which is extremely condemned around the world, being considered something “outrageous” and contributing to the loss of credibility.
I think the word "support" is a bridge too far but there is no doubt countries are reconsidering their past virtue-signaling over the whole thing.

Perhaps it's because the US has 0 interest on trying to broker a peace deal. Between the fat neocon PACs and dem money laundering it's not going to happen either.....So the killing goes on so new toys can be tested.
With US-Ukey Nazi forces taking a terrible beating in Khazaria , this reports on the decling support for the US proxy war efforts which have gone from bad to awful .

During interview Pulitzer Prize-winner Seymour Hersh stated “more than half” of the world’s population supports Russia. He commented on the growth of this support across the Global South, with Russia becoming increasingly popular among emerging nations. Hersh emphasized how this process has gained strength in Africa and Asia, where there is a strong transition of opinion among people, as citizens who previously had favorable views of the West have recently started to support Moscow.

Hersh claims the US has “lost so much credibility around the world” with its pro-war attitudes, that the current anti-Western wave is quite “dramatic”. He also commented on how the American government has invested billions in the war to the detriment of social programs, strongly destabilizing the internal scenario and affecting its own population – which is extremely condemned around the world, being considered something “outrageous” and contributing to the loss of credibility.

Did Hersh provide any data to support his claims?
Who supports Russia?

". . .It should also be noted that not a single African country has come out in support of anti-Russian sanctions, since this region is critically dependent on supplies, weapons and food from the Russian Federation. . . "

I think the word "support" is a bridge too far but there is no doubt countries are reconsidering their past virtue-signaling over the whole thing.

Perhaps it's because the US has 0 interest on trying to broker a peace deal. Between the fat neocon PACs and dem money laundering it's not going to happen either.....So the killing goes on so new toys can be tested.

Peace that is built around Ukraine surrendering territory and receiving nothing
I think the word "support" is a bridge too far but there is no doubt countries are reconsidering their past virtue-signaling over the whole thing.

Perhaps it's because the US has 0 interest on trying to broker a peace deal. Between the fat neocon PACs and dem money laundering it's not going to happen either.....So the killing goes on so new toys can be tested.
Western propaganda has our population believing false narrative on this issue like no other.

In most other parts of the world, they more than likely, have a better understanding, around things like who benefits the most, around things like the destruction of the Nordstream pipeline, and who benefited most from the destruction of that dam.

As more and more of these types of outrages are done, world opinion will certainly shift against the Atlanticist and the NATO alliance, IMO.
Peace that is built around Ukraine surrendering territory and receiving nothing
Peace is built around truth and facts, and international pressure.

The Apartheid government in South Africa, held all the cards, but eventually, they had to yield.

It is important, to remember, who lives, on that contested territory, and ARTICLE ONE, of the United Nations.

THAT, is what has caused this entire war to begin with, and the interference of the US and the NATO nations in the first place, against those majority ethnic Russian population in the Donbas region to determine their own destiny.

They knew what they were doing, trying to provoke this war, back in 2019, it was an offense against Article One, paragraph 2 of the UN Charter. . . :rolleyes: Self-determination.


If the ruling elites in Ukraine didn't want to lose that territory, why the hell did they provoke a civil war with the 2014 west engineered coup, and 2019 discriminatory apartheid law, against the minority Russian population in the Donbas?


Ukraine passes language law, irritating president-elect and Russia​

The west admitted, they never had any intention of honoring the Minsk agreements. Those would have been nice. . . :sigh2:

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