US Credibility Crash as world swings to support Russia

If you are at all interested in what the CSCE is? It is this;

Source: Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars 1
Final Act of the Conference on Security and Co-operation in Europe

". . . Accordingly, the participating States will refrain from any acts constituting a threat of force or
direct or indirect use of force against another participating State. Likewise they will refrain from
any manifestation of force for the purpose of inducing another participating State to renounce the
full exercise of its sovereign rights. Likewise they will also refrain in their mutual relations from
any act of reprisal by force.
No such threat or use of force will be employed as a means of settling disputes, or questions
likely to give rise to disputes, between them.. . . "

This is what, Russia HAD been wanting both the US, NATO, and the EU to come under, and make a compromise, for a comprehensive European security structure, before the war broke out. . . but again, the US and the EU balked on that idea. . .

The institutional bureaucrats in NATO, and the Brussels bureaucracy, had no interest in losing their cushy jobs and opulent lifestyles.

It all comes down to money, power and interests of the ruling oligarchy.


Why would any formerly enslaved Eastern European nation want to join NATO?

Russia is a perfect neighbor.
This is more than a partisan issue.

They are plenty of neo-cons and global elites that are in on this as well .. . .

Lindsey Graham & John McCain in Ukraine - Preparing for a proxy war with Russia (2016)​

Amazing how that asshole was the worst man in the world in '08....Now the leftoids couldn't jam their heads far enough up his dead ass.
Originally posted by Toddsterpatriot
Why defend the newly free nations of Eastern Europe?

"Defend" eastern european countries from an imaginary russian aggression?

How is that even possible?
With US-Ukey Nazi forces taking a terrible beating in Khazaria , this reports on the decling support for the US proxy war efforts which have gone from bad to awful .

During interview Pulitzer Prize-winner Seymour Hersh stated “more than half” of the world’s population supports Russia. He commented on the growth of this support across the Global South, with Russia becoming increasingly popular among emerging nations. Hersh emphasized how this process has gained strength in Africa and Asia, where there is a strong transition of opinion among people, as citizens who previously had favorable views of the West have recently started to support Moscow.

Hersh claims the US has “lost so much credibility around the world” with its pro-war attitudes, that the current anti-Western wave is quite “dramatic”. He also commented on how the American government has invested billions in the war to the detriment of social programs, strongly destabilizing the internal scenario and affecting its own population – which is extremely condemned around the world, being considered something “outrageous” and contributing to the loss of credibility.
The natives in africa have opinions?

I’m surprised to hear that
I think the word "support" is a bridge too far but there is no doubt countries are reconsidering their past virtue-signaling over the whole thing.

Perhaps it's because the US has 0 interest on trying to broker a peace deal. Between the fat neocon PACs and dem money laundering it's not going to happen either.....So the killing goes on so new toys can be tested.
I think the US would be happy to broker a peace deal that left Russia back behind its 2000 borders. Putin isn’t going to accept that and the Ukrainians aren’t interested in any “peace deals” that leave one square millimeter of Ukrainian soil under Russian control. No sane nation rewards an invader if it can help it.
"Defend" eastern european countries from an imaginary russian aggression?

How is that even possible?
Imaginary Russian aggression? Tell that to the Georgians, the Chechens and the Ukrainians. Imaginary Russian aggression cost each of them territory and large body counts.
We (the west) promised Russia (not Putin) that NATO wouldn’t move one inch East when they agreed to dismantle the USSR. It’s a promise we’ve broken over and over.
As someone mentioned earlier, was this a pinky promise?

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