US Credibility Crash as world swings to support Russia

After 30 years begging NATO to stop just to find the military alliance breathing down her neck it was high time to tell the diplomats to shut up and let the russian bombs do the talking.

If anything Russia was too patient and tolerant.
Sure thing, Даниил.
China has a ton of problems that will preclude it from surpassing the US. India on the other hand….
China is far ahead of India. China has no immediate and constant threats like Kashmir and Pakistan, nor does China face the social issues like religious animosity and caste/class disparities found in India.
What possible fucking difference would it make (if it even is true) that half the world supports Russia?

If half the world supported Hitler, would that make defeating him any less important or meritorious?
Meritorious and important are relative concepts, whereas raw materials, trade agreements, and diplomatic influence have real effects across the spectrum.
Meritorious and important are relative concepts, whereas raw materials, trade agreements, and diplomatic influence have real effects across the spectrum.
Unresponsive. Try again.
We don’t make agreements with individual leaders of nations and abandon them when those individuals are no longer in power. How would that work out for the US seeing as we can turn the Presodency over every 4 years.

We don’t make agreements with individual leaders of nations and abandon them when those individuals are no longer in power.

So, we made an agreement with a nation? Nice!
When was the treaty signed? Link?
Peace is built around truth and facts, and international pressure.

The Apartheid government in South Africa, held all the cards, but eventually, they had to yield.

It is important, to remember, who lives, on that contested territory, and ARTICLE ONE, of the United Nations.

THAT, is what has caused this entire war to begin with, and the interference of the US and the NATO nations in the first place, against those majority ethnic Russian population in the Donbas region to determine their own destiny.

They knew what they were doing, trying to provoke this war, back in 2019, it was an offense against Article One, paragraph 2 of the UN Charter. . . :rolleyes: Self-determination.

View attachment 795235

If the ruling elites in Ukraine didn't want to lose that territory, why the hell did they provoke a civil war with the 2014 west engineered coup, and 2019 discriminatory apartheid law, against the minority Russian population in the Donbas?


Ukraine passes language law, irritating president-elect and Russia​

The west admitted, they never had any intention of honoring the Minsk agreements. Those would have been nice. . . :sigh2:
If the ruling elites in Ukraine didn't want to lose that territory, why the hell did they provoke a civil war with the 2014 west engineered coup, and 2019 discriminatory apartheid law, against the minority Russian population in the Donbas?

If a group of Mexicans wants to cut part of California or Texas and make it Mexico where does "Self-determination."come in? Should those areas are no longer part of USA territory? Why didn't we just give Hawaii to Japan?

Your own post shows NATO would not limit who could join..
NATO, EU, Russia.PNG
Money talks. We'll remain center stage until China has clearly surpassed us economically.
China should eventually return ....again.... to worlds largest economy...

Problems and all ...if it doesn't implode

It didn't mean we had to be a retarded loser nation but globo homo inc has other plans for the FUSA and the west
Clearly, the U.S. has supplied its enemies with countless points of argumentation and criticism. We should have done much better.
At the same time, even the briefest of objective views will see that virtually no one is trying to emigrate to China or Russia.
China should eventually return ....again.... to worlds largest economy...

Problems and all ...if it doesn't implode

It didn't mean we had to be a retarded loser nation but globo homo inc has other plans for the FUSA and the west
China has a population problem that it can’t overcome in the near to mid term. Their population peaked 10 years ago, has been shrinking and this trend will accelerate.
If the ruling elites in Ukraine didn't want to lose that territory, why the hell did they provoke a civil war with the 2014 west engineered coup, and 2019 discriminatory apartheid law, against the minority Russian population in the Donbas?

If a group of Mexicans wants to cut part of California or Texas and make it Mexico where does "Self-determination."come in? Should those areas are no longer part of USA territory? Why didn't we just give Hawaii to Japan?

Why would we give Hawaii to Japan? Native Hawaiians are Polynesian, not Japanese.

Your own post shows NATO would not limit who could join..
View attachment 795359
The point is we knew expansion of NATO was viewed as a threat to Russia because they told us thats how they viewed it from the start (and have continued to do so over the decades) That doesn’t mean we have to listen or that their reaction to that expansion is appropriate, but we can’t act aghast when there is a reaction nor can we act like we didn’t play a part in causing that reaction.
What possible credibility could "Russia" have after the illegal annexation of Crimea?
China is far ahead of India. China has no immediate and constant threats like Kashmir and Pakistan, nor does China face the social issues like religious animosity and caste/class disparities found in India.
China's problems surround their shrinking and aging population not internal or external threats. Their collapse will be a result of the one child policy and the preference for boys during that time.
Putin has made it necessary to expand NATO
How is that working out for Putin?

How so? What about all the expansion prior to Putin coming to power?
Why doesnt Russia make peace on Ukraines terms

Withdraw all troops to previous borders including Crimea
Pay reparations for all damages incurred from their invasion
Be accountable for war crimes

Seems reasonable

Because they believe they are better off prolonging the war if those are the terms I'd imagine.
Putin is pretty blameless in this situation...

He was just protecting his people from a possible Nazi invasion ....and Biden and the western world decided to side with the Nazis......

EDIT: If it turns out bad for Russia...I will totally pretend I never said any of this and claim I supported Ukraine and the US all along...


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