US declares war against Pakistan

Uh, I thought congress wasn't in session right now. Congress does the war declaring..... Not a tv lack of personality with ratings so low they are measured in the third decimal place
Every time she makes a stupid like this, People in New Orleans head for the high ground yelling "oh nos! the dyke failed!"

It's sad. not only are you afraid of her, but you can never even show her to be wrong on anything at all. All her ever have is sad childish attacks based on her sexuality.
Afghanistan was the war Barack Obama campaigned to fight and win.

Inaccurate. Declaring War would be the proper and Constitutional thing to do. They are not doing this. Our Government hasn't followed the Constitution in many many years. We are already at War with Pakistan. We are also at War with Iraq & Afghanistan as well. None have been declared which is something our Constitution requires. If they would follow our Constitution,real debate could take place and exit strategies would have to be formed. Following our Constitution by way of officially declaring War is not only the right thing to do but it's actually far more practical in the end. Maybe someday our politicians will get back to respecting our Constitution. I'm not too optimistic about that day coming anytime soon though.

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