US Diplomats drafted a statement for Ukraine President to promise Biden investigation

Trump turned over the transcript and you can't quote anything you claim.

Bullshit liar.

He turned over a MEMO. it says so right on the fuckin document ya moron

It's 5 pages out of a half hour phone call

Trump turned over the LEAST damning part of it...and even THAT screwed him big time
And yet you can't quote anything that backs up your parroted BS claim.

Your TDS is enough proof for you, but not for normal people.
It matched it perfectly.

Trying to paint the whistleblower as being wrong is just being desperate.

Trump has been nailed and you can lie, stomp your feet & pout all you want, your fat assed orange POS is on the way out.
/——/ Your so called whistle blower just made up the story. Would you like to be convicted of a crime by some anonymous person with no direct knowledge of your actions? Do you think that is just or does the ends justify the means of it get rid of Trump? Whistleblower Had No ‘Direct Knowledge’ Of Trump Telephone Call — Just ‘Hearsay’
:lol: :cuckoo: :lol:

Dirt on whom? Biden? When you argue that it is somehow illegal to dig up the dirt on Biden, you are contending that Biden is dirty.

1) Trump's is lying about Biden in the Ukraine by calling him corrupt in a call for the Ukraine prosecutor to resign to help out Hunter Biden. This has already been debunked. Trump knows it was debunked. He is lying to dupe his feeble minded base i.e. you.. Biden was acting for the good of the US (and other countries) that anted the prosecutor removed so that corruption in the Ukraine could be reduced. Funds were being withheld because it was futile to give Ukraine money if corruption would just take it. It had nothing to sdo with Hunter Biden.

2) It is illegal for a President to ask foreign governments to help them win elections

3) It is illegal to use his office to bribe foreign leaders for election help.

4) It is not illegal to research opponents, work on your campaign, etc when not "on the clock".
/——-/ When did they “debunk” Hunter Biden getting a $50,000 a month no show job in an Ukraine gas company that he knows nothing about and doesn’t speak the language? When Daryl?
There is nothing illegal about taking a seat on a board of a foreign corporartion.

There is nothing illegal on taking advantage of your father's fame to make money. Just ask Ivanka.

What was debunked is your lie about Joe acting to protect his son when he was acting for our country.
/——/ Problem is Daryl, that is your conjecture to explain away an obvious conflict of interest that if a Trump family member had done you libtards would be screaming bloody murder.

Wow, you think the Trump family have not gained profit from Trump's actions as President. Now that is some funny shit.
/——/ Did Hunter Biden profit from his dad being VP? Or is your fake outrage one way?
Trump turned over the transcript and you can't quote anything you claim.

Bullshit liar.

He turned over a MEMO. it says so right on the fuckin document ya moron

It's 5 pages out of a half hour phone call

Trump turned over the LEAST damning part of it...and even THAT screwed him big time
And yet you can't quote anything that backs up your parroted BS claim.

Your TDS is enough proof for you, but not for normal people.
It matched it perfectly.

Trying to paint the whistleblower as being wrong is just being desperate.

Trump has been nailed and you can lie, stomp your feet & pout all you want, your fat assed orange POS is on the way out.
Completely false!

Another denier.
/——/ Oh, so anyone who doesn’t go along with your witch hunt is a denier? Bwhahahaha Bwhahahaha
Repeating your bullshit endlessly is just white noise and desperation
So it is OK for Trump to bribe foreign leaders into providing dirt on his rivals. You assfucks really hate the Constitution.
:lol: :cuckoo: :lol:

Dirt on whom? Biden? When you argue that it is somehow illegal to dig up the dirt on Biden, you are contending that Biden is dirty.
Isn't it funny how Trump only looks for dirt on his political opponents?
/——/ The only thing funny is your idiotic question. Why would anyone “dig up dirt” on his supporters? BTW “dig up dirt on his political opponents “ is exactly why Adam Shytface and the democRATs are doing to Trump. You moron.
Trump is constantly producing his our dirt on himself.

Actually, dumbass, candidates often hire firms to dig up dirt on themselves to know what is out there.

Trump is guilty as fuck. You can't pretend you are investigating & eliminating corruption when the only person you are after is your political opponent. Probably something he learned from his hero Vlad.
/——/ “Trump is constantly producing his our dirt on himself” Say what???

Your logic is nonsense. No one needs to dig up dirt on themselves because they would already know all about it. Your spin is stupid.
Campaigns do it all the time. If you weren't such a fucking idiot, you would know this
:lol: :cuckoo: :lol:

Dirt on whom? Biden? When you argue that it is somehow illegal to dig up the dirt on Biden, you are contending that Biden is dirty.
Isn't it funny how Trump only looks for dirt on his political opponents?
/——/ The only thing funny is your idiotic question. Why would anyone “dig up dirt” on his supporters? BTW “dig up dirt on his political opponents “ is exactly why Adam Shytface and the democRATs are doing to Trump. You moron.
Trump is constantly producing his our dirt on himself.

Actually, dumbass, candidates often hire firms to dig up dirt on themselves to know what is out there.

Trump is guilty as fuck. You can't pretend you are investigating & eliminating corruption when the only person you are after is your political opponent. Probably something he learned from his hero Vlad.
/——/ “Trump is constantly producing his our dirt on himself” Say what???

Your logic is nonsense. No one needs to dig up dirt on themselves because they would already know all about it. Your spin is stupid.
Campaigns do it all the time. If you weren't such a fucking idiot, you would know this
What campaign did you work for when you dug up the dirt?

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