US District Court Blocks Trumps $2.5 Billion In Emergency Funds For Border Wall

Trump loses in court again, and this time on his phony emergency to build his vanity wall.

Judge blocks Trump from using billions in military funds for border wall

A federal judge on Friday issued a ruling blocking the Trump administration from tapping billions of dollars in military funds to construct a wall on the United States's southern border.

U.S. District Judge Haywood Gilliam issued the permanent injunction in a California federal court, after initially ruling last month to temporarily halt the administration’s use of military funds for the border wall.

President Trump declared a national emergency earlier this year in order to divert roughly $6 billion in Defense Department funds toward border wall construction. Friday's ruling blocks the administration from using $2.5 billion in military funds for a border wall.

The injunction halts border wall construction at different sites in New Mexico, California, Arizona and Texas, expanding Gilliam's previous ruling.


U.S. Dist. Court Judge Blocks Trump's illegitimate theft of $2.5 billion for his Border Wall

Shirt and sweet. But for the challenged on the right, a link to another source.

Judge blocks Trump from using billions in military funds for border wall
Deport the fucker and build our wall
Trump loses in court again, and this time on his phony emergency to build his vanity wall.

Judge blocks Trump from using billions in military funds for border wall

A federal judge on Friday issued a ruling blocking the Trump administration from tapping billions of dollars in military funds to construct a wall on the United States's southern border.

U.S. District Judge Haywood Gilliam issued the permanent injunction in a California federal court, after initially ruling last month to temporarily halt the administration’s use of military funds for the border wall.

President Trump declared a national emergency earlier this year in order to divert roughly $6 billion in Defense Department funds toward border wall construction. Friday's ruling blocks the administration from using $2.5 billion in military funds for a border wall.

The injunction halts border wall construction at different sites in New Mexico, California, Arizona and Texas, expanding Gilliam's previous ruling.


U.S. Dist. Court Judge Blocks Trump's illegitimate theft of $2.5 billion for his Border Wall

Shirt and sweet. But for the challenged on the right, a link to another source.

Judge blocks Trump from using billions in military funds for border wall
The judge is correct, only Congress has the authority to determine spending.

Trump's illegal action illustrates his contempt for the Constitution, our democratic institutions, and the will of the people.
The nutters aren't going to like this sensible post. They hate anything grounded in factual truth.
Some puke traitor judge from California blocks building a border wall in Texas, shocker.
That’s what happens when you don’t follow the law

FU liberals and FU California.
You literally whine more than my 4week year old niece. Grow up

Meh we hate your guts, our mission is to destroy the scum left once and for all.
Really? I thought you mission was to show as many people as possible how stupid you are. And you do a splendid job of it.
Some puke traitor judge from California blocks building a border wall in Texas, shocker.
That’s what happens when you don’t follow the law

FU liberals and FU California.
You literally whine more than my 4week year old niece. Grow up

Meh we hate your guts, our mission is to destroy the scum left once and for all.
Really? I thought you mission was to show as many people as possible how stupid you are. And you do a splendid job of it.

Lib please you people hate the right don't deny it. :anj_stfu:
Some puke traitor judge from California blocks building a border wall in Texas, shocker.

How do they even remotely claim jurisdiction over construction in another state? Circuit judges are not to involve themselves in the Executive Branch. That is the purview of the Supreme Court to settle disputes within the government.
Some puke traitor judge from California blocks building a border wall in Texas, shocker.

How do they even remotely claim jurisdiction over construction in another state? Circuit judges are not to involve themselves in the Executive Branch. That is the purview of the Supreme Court to settle disputes within the government.

When an illegal sneaks across the border in Texas and kills an American citizen in Texas will that California judge be held accountable?
I'd bus every illegal crossing in Texas to that judge's neighborhood and release them in front of his house, thousands of them.
Notice how this scumbag did it on the very last day of the Supreme Court's Session??

Typical dimocrap scum Judge.

This will get over-turned as soon as it hits SCOTUS. Meanwhile, Trump should pull an Andrew Jackson and tell the Court to enforce its ruling, then ignore it.

District Courts making decisions that affect the Country Nationally is just plain wrong. Trump should just ignore it.

BTW, dimocrap scum?

After watching pieces of the dimocrap scum debate. You are going to lose so bad, that the dimocrap scum party might not even exist in December of 2020.

You people are incredibly juvenile and remarkably stupid. It's just unbelievable how fucking stupid you are.

I'm so waiting for the new Democratic President to do this, and see how the rightards handle it. A whole new set of precedents have been set that will haunt them for generations to come.

Be careful what you wish for rightards.
The agendas we have enacted over the decades has led to a massive surveillance system in both public and private endevours including the internet. People have been destroyed for doing nothing but venting by the power of the fiefdoms. There are men and women who scour over what is written or typed on sites like this who have no objective because they are controlled by their fiefdoms of power. What you type makes you happy as we head further and further into the pit of despair as long as it is a Prog who leads the race. People in law/corrections/judge fiefdoms who are Progs and upright as you say you are and people who spout that they are religious and of God have not stood up for those destroyed by surveillance/internet observance. The haunting is not for generations. It is here but is not enforced at the max. We have the laws in place to bring a total police state to our nation. And we have a good percentage of the population unaware of it and will want it if things get bad enough. Get your azz destroyed by not saying a word directly to anyone that offends them but something mumbled or typed that affets their ego drivers them to do something because they can and they can affect other people while doing it and you will have something more then an opinion also. People are led easily. And follow the despicable because it is inherent in our genes.
This is a blatant usurpation of the executive branch.
The US district court only challenged the construction in their district. It sticks because this is "illegal money grab to divert $2.5 billion of unauthorized funding for his pet project".
I'd bus every illegal crossing in Texas to that judge's neighborhood and release them in front of his house, thousands of them.
Do it... what’s stopping you?

Oh that’s right, you’re just a troll who is all talk...

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