US Drawing Up Plans To Sink the Russian Black Sea Fleet: Ukrainian Official

Really? If we were at war with Mexico and Russia was providing enormous amounts of deadly weapons to Mexico and bragging about killing our generals and sinking our ships, how would you respond to this?
If is a kids game. Are we invading Mexico? No we are not. Their beach property looks nice. We want it. Lets send mercs in there and say viva Mexico. To save them from mexican forces we have no choice but ti invade. Lmao
Yet Ynet !.This is turning into far more than a complex passion
play.The best opinions on this matter come from the best person
of sound mind.Like Pat Buchanan.
Now more than ever we need strong leaders like Eisenhower
Nixon and Reagan who worked to find common ground on which to
stand with Russia over conflict.Like Trump also managed.
" Russia has enlarged the territory it controls in Crimea and
it's Luhansk and Donetsk enclaves in the donbas.And now with the
fall of Mariupol,Moscow controls the entire Sea of Azov and has
completed it's land bridge from Russia to Crimea."
" Yet withal,Russia today remains a great power. "
" What of a U.S. - Russia detente as Moscow's future rather
than Cold War II . "
" Ike invited the " Butcher of Budapest " Nikita Khrushchev for a
12 day visit in 1959. Nixon initiated a " detente " with Leonid Brezhnev,
who had ordered the Warsaw Pact to crush the " Polish Spring in
1968.Reagan and Gorbachev negotiated the dismantling of an entire
class of Nuclear weapons in the 1987 Intermediate-Range Nuclear
Forces Treaty. "
" In 230 years the United States has never gone to war with
Russia.Not with the Romanovs, nor with the Stalinists,not with the
Cold War Communists nor with the Putinists. "
" U.S. vital interests dictate that we maintain that tradition. "
So Help Us all.
Za Zdarovie { Nah zda-rovh-yeh }.
You are confused. It was Reagan who labeled Russia (USSR) the Evil Empire, marking it as an enemy that had to be overcome, who supplied Stinger missiles to Afghanistan so they could defeat Russia and who increased the US defense spending to a level Russia could not match and that led to the dissolution of the USSR.

After the USSR freed all the countries Russia had held captive for 45 years since the end of WWII and tried to turn toward democracy and a free market economy and relations between Russia and the US and western Europe improved dramatically, but then Putin came to power and began using state power to remove all the rights and freedoms the Russian people had finally achieved and ended effective democracy and at the same time revived Cold War rhetoric, abrogated many of the post USSR policies and agreements and began threatening for soviet states and then attacking them and Russia has once again become a smaller and weaker version of what Reagan called the Evil Empire, and Putin has proved there is no possibility of friendly relations between Russia and the US as long and he is in power, and he has proved that a strong and resolute NATO is needed now just as much as it was in 1949.

Today, Russia has no place among civilized nations and will have no place among civilized nations until it has cleansed itself of Putin's malign influence.
Really? If we were at war with Mexico and Russia was providing enormous amounts of deadly weapons to Mexico and bragging about killing our generals and sinking our ships, how would you respond to this?
You forgot Russia invaded the Ukraine. There is no scenario where the US were invade Mexico we are friends. They are our biggest trading partner. Along with Canada, they are essential to our well-being. Russia invaded the Ukraine for no good reason, that's the bottom line and this horrible aggression has to be addressed in every way necessary.

Even if it's only going to start with one ship at a time, will this be a critical escalation and the end of mutually agreed upon rules governing this war?

Or could this be only in the interests of America's 'confidence' propaganda being used to ensure the Amerian people that they are still safe?

It really does appear to have some negative effect on building confidence in American minds!

And IMHO it's a bit puzzling on what the purpose could be when the ability to sink Russia's fleet is already there?
Yeah I always believe an article that refers to a Reuters article with unamed 'officials.' This is an example of the MSM's penchant to take a story with unsourced information and write yet another screed referring to that unsourced article. This is an example of telling a lie and then repeating it until it becomes a media 'truth.' Don't fall for it.
You're making an ass of yourself. Best you just go play.
Actually the way you worded the post was antagonistic to begin with. What the hell did you expect. I'm sorry if you're only here to hear your own voice and not the voice of others you should leave permanently.
yes, and we should also understand that we could be annihilated if we attack Russia. Is Ukraine worth the lives of 100 million americans? Let Russia have it back, who cares? its none of our business, except to keep the money flowing to the Biden family.
100% Accurate
Really? If we were at war with Mexico and Russia was providing enormous amounts of deadly weapons to Mexico and bragging about killing our generals and sinking our ships, how would you respond to this?
Russia did provide weapons to NK and Vietnam to kill Americans but it was never considered an act of war against the US. If the US invaded Mexico on a pile of bs like Putin drooled out to try to justify his invasion of Ukraine, I would campaign hard to get the US to withdraw.
Actually the way you worded the post was antagonistic to begin with. What the hell did you expect. I'm sorry if you're only here to hear your own voice and not the voice of others you should leave permanently.
How does this work for you?

US Drawing Up Plans To Sink the Russian Black Sea Fleet: Ukrainian Official​

You're making an ass of yourself Stann.

Fk you on your idea of me leaving.
Yeah I always believe an article that refers to a Reuters article with unamed 'officials.' This is an example of the MSM's penchant to take a story with unsourced information and write yet another screed referring to that unsourced article. This is an example of telling a lie and then repeating it until it becomes a media 'truth.' Don't fall for it.
You could be right Leo.

Judging from your track record around here, I doubt it!

Why aren't you complaining about how I worded the title too? fkun low intelligence American schmuck!
You could be right Leo.

Judging from your track record around here, I doubt it!

Why aren't you complaining about how I worded the title too? fkun low intelligence American schmuck!
Good catch! Your thread title is a lie too. Thanks. Fucking knukle-dragging Canuk.
You could be right Leo.

Judging from your track record around here, I doubt it!

Why aren't you complaining about how I worded the title too? fkun low intelligence American schmuck!
Hit piece on your America sucks crusade
I'm fully convinced that this war is America's war against Russia. And I've provided ample reasons for my opinion on that.

No, if fact I posted a link that suggests that it's being considered.

And with that, you've given me a valid reason why you should be ignored.

I have too many more important questions to debate than your obsession on why the US is supplying arms to the Ukraine.

Clean up your fkng act on the lying accusations or we're finished.
Agreed. What’s mind boggling is why would the US ruling class pursue a war with Russia over the most corrupt nation in Europe with a strong Nazi influence and of no importance to the US.
If is a kids game. Are we invading Mexico? No we are not. Their beach property looks nice. We want it. Lets send mercs in there and say viva Mexico. To save them from mexican forces we have no choice but ti invade. Lmao
You missed the point I made. Try again.
Possibilities for Russia:
Destroying the rocket launcher(s) before they are operational.

Destroying a US ship in retaliation

Russia using a tactical nuclear weapon.

Russia suffering the loss and continuing the war to completion.

Russia suffering the loss and retreating back to Russian borders.
You forgot one, Russia using a several nuclear weapons to take out key cities across Europe. Is Putin crazy enough to do so? If he thinks he has nothing to lose I think he would do it. He would start with one shot only to see if his orders were followed. He would publicly execute any officers who did not launch on orders to be sure the rest of his command would do as they were told. I do not think Putin is able to accept a loss and retreat to previous borders, if his health is as bad as some in the press want to proclaim then this situation is more dangerous than most people realize.
Russia did provide weapons to NK and Vietnam to kill Americans but it was never considered an act of war against the US. If the US invaded Mexico on a pile of bs like Putin drooled out to try to justify his invasion of Ukraine, I would campaign hard to get the US to withdraw.
You might want to get informed on what has occurred in Ukraine in the last ten years.
Russia did provide weapons to NK and Vietnam to kill Americans but it was never considered an act of war against the US. If the US invaded Mexico on a pile of bs like Putin drooled out to try to justify his invasion of Ukraine, I would campaign hard to get the US to withdraw.
Remember the Cuban missile crisis? This is the equivalent for Russia.

Secondly why is our corrupt government supporting a neo-Nazi regime? Why would anyone with a brain risk nuclear war over fucking Ukraine?
if US missiles sink Russian ships it doesn't matter who fired them. We would be engaging in an act of war and Russia would retaliate. Are you ready for that?

That's true.

Personally, I am not ready for that ....hope cooler heads prevail and that doesn't happen.
100% Accurate
Wow ! So now I know how you guys think, putin invaded their Ukraine just so we could put more money and Biden's pockets. You probably believe that this would have never happened if trump was in office. You're wrong on both accounts, putin is psychotic, he has the delusion that NATO nations are going to attack him, and unfortunately because he's attack the Ukraine and practically destroyed it, and now he's threatening Finland and Sweden. He's bringing about his own worst fears. If he doesn't relent from all this aggression, he may well bring about the destruction of this world. It would have happened sooner if trump was still president, because he said he would bomb Moscow, that would lead to a nuclear war.
Remember the Cuban missile crisis? This is the equivalent for Russia.

Secondly why is our corrupt government supporting a neo-Nazi regime? Why would anyone with a brain risk nuclear war over fucking Ukraine?
BS. We arent putting nukes in Uktaine. And we werent bringing them into NATO.

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