US Drawing Up Plans To Sink the Russian Black Sea Fleet: Ukrainian Official

You don't know anything about the US Military. It has plans for everything. If left-handed little blue men from Antares invaded Rhode Island tomorrow, the Pentagon has a plan in some dusty file drawer to deal with it. In the mid-seventies I was involved in war game CPXs (command post exercises) testing out our plans to invade and conquer Saudi Arabia (then a fast friend of the USA).
Except for Liechtenstein. NO ONE fucks with the terror that is Lichtenstein!
I also understand that there is a line they better not cross...........
Welcome back, so soon!

There is a line that neither Russia or the US must not cross. That's the point i've been trying to make, but in slightly different words.
.and we as in the past will make shit hard for them in Ukraine..........
That's exactly the intent of the US and there's no doubt that Russia is suffering what can be considered as minor losses, as compared to what is possible. Sinking the Russian fleet in the Criimea would be a major loss for Russia.

And now we are again back to having to consider Russia's response to that happening.

( I have no interest in getting into possibilities on that question)

That's what I'm attempting to do for you and other Americans.

It doesn't matter if you're not ready to go there yet. Your comments are showing that I've got the question into your head.

How long can I keep you facilitating the discussion?
You are a legend in your own mind..........and all over the board you post anything you can to say America sucks...........anyone can go see your posts to see it.
I depend on an audience, as do all others if they expect to be effective. Your emotions are working against your cause.
There's a way to do it and still maintain plausible deniability.
On Face the Nation?

America's government/Biden/whoever can be blamed, has instilled false confidence into the heads of the American people.
This is the main purpose of the propaganda blitz that everybody is fully aware of by now.

The main purpose of this discussion is i bringing that realization to life, and then having a very small effect on some people turning to opposing America's war against Russia.
The destruction of the Russian fleet in the Crimea can be easily accomplished in my opinion. I can't imagine, with my limited knowledge of the details, that any fleet can be defended against another highly capable country.

The details of the escalation are what will be frightening.

If an equal response against the US fleet was the answer from Russia, I'm not optimistic that WW3 could be avoided.

The discussion on the details should take place in order for Americans to understand the realities of Biden's/America's war. The main purpose would be to balance out America's 'confidence' propaganda effort. There are far too many not understanding the possible consequences.
There you go again, proving it is impossible to support Putin without lying, even Putin can't do it. We both know the proposal is for the US to send anti ship missiles to Ukraine so that Ukraine can use them to clear the Russian blockade of Ukraine's ports, not for the US to sink any Russian ships, so why do you keep repeating lies about the US sinking ships?
There you go again, proving it is impossible to support Putin without lying, even Putin can't do it. We both know the proposal is for the US to send anti ship missiles to Ukraine so that Ukraine can use them to clear the Russian blockade of Ukraine's ports, not for the US to sink any Russian ships, so why do you keep repeating lies about the US sinking ships?
if US missiles sink Russian ships it doesn't matter who fired them. We would be engaging in an act of war and Russia would retaliate. Are you ready for that?
if US missiles sink Russian ships it doesn't matter who fired them. We would be engaging in an act of war and Russia would retaliate. Are you ready for that?
If that were true it then Russia would have grounds to attack the US because our missiles are blowing up Russian tanks and aircraft. The Russian ships are acting in violation of international maritime law and committing an act of war by blockading Ukraine's ports and are therefore legitimate targets just as Russian tanks and aircraft committing acts of war against Ukraine are.
probably and a coup in Russia is in the works. the question is whether the new guy will be better or worse
A lot of people in Russia do not like Putin, not because he is "too Stalin", but because he is "not Stalin enough", or rather, "not Stalin at all". Beware of your desires. They can come true.
There you go again, proving it is impossible to support Putin without lying, even Putin can't do it. We both know the proposal is for the US to send anti ship missiles to Ukraine so that Ukraine can use them to clear the Russian blockade of Ukraine's ports, not for the US to sink any Russian ships, so why do you keep repeating lies about the US sinking ships?
I understand that you don't agree with my characterization of the situation.

Your reasoning as opposed to mine on the purpose of the weapons to the Ukraine is not something I find important enough to debate.

Me supporting Putin is your misconception. The details are in a discussion, but my impression is that your dogma is in the way of that being possible.

I'm lying?
Then pull the trigger Ivan.............Tired of your fucking threats.......
Do you know why American politicians are afraid of North Korea? Because they know that there are no traitors in the leadership. Russia has spoiled the American political elite too much. If she cleans her ranks now, then you will be the first to run to book a one-way ticket to New Zealand or even to North Korea, because a personal bunker is unlikely to help.
The russian authorities are not humane communists, but the same capitalists as in the United States, and so that the world does not end its existence, capitalism as a system that cannot live without wars, must be eliminated.
Or humanity will be eliminated. Socialism or death!
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A lot of people in Russia do not like Putin, not because he is "too Stalin", but because he is "not Stalin enough", or rather, "not Stalin at all". Beware of your desires. They can come true.
You speak well for the fact that Putin is hugely popular with his people. No other leader of Russia is going to be less resolute and determined.

Putin's name is used in place of 'Russia' because it's an essential part of the propaganda message we're all very familiar with by now.

Regardles of which victim country, they were all madmen!

But then Bush2 showed the world that an American was the real madman!
I understand that you don't agree with my characterization of the situation.

Your reasoning as opposed to mine on the purpose of the weapons to the Ukraine is not something I find important enough to debate.

Me supporting Putin is your misconception. The details are in a discussion, but my impression is that your dogma is in the way of that being possible.

I'm lying?
In post after post you repeat Putin's lie about the war being between Russia and the US or Russia or NATO, but neither the US or NATO is at war, only Russia and Ukraine are. You began this thread with a lie, that the US was planning to sink Russian ships and you have repeated this lie throughout the thread. So why lie about the proposal to send anti ship missiles to Ukraine and repeat Putin's lie about the war being between Russia and the US unless you support Putin?
The russian authorities are not humane communists, but the same capitalists as in the United States, and so that the world does not end its existence, capitalism as a system that cannot live without wars, must be eliminated.
Or humanity will be eliminated. Socialism or death!
China is offering a new and different slant on capitalism.

The world's socially responsible democracies may very well begin to tend toward some of their policies that legitimize a capitalist system that's not under restrictions of democratic demands of the ballot box.

However, China could be an anomaly in that it's been so successful so far.

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