US Embassador to Lybia Killed

Who started the Arab spring crap? Bush and Cheney, wasn't it?

What does democracy mean in the middle east? It means democracy with theocracy.

Bush and Cheney didn't do their homework on demographics.

The US could start posturing and go to war but the troops pay the price ... and aren't even mentioned in the RNC convention.

Now where is the responsible leadership?

Negged for just being that fucking dumb.

they're the ones who destabilized the region.
We really shouldn't have helped the Libyans and Egyptians push out Mubarak and Gaddafi, those countries were much more stable under their rule. I can't recall the last time an American Embassy was attacked under Mubarak or when an American Ambassador was killed under Gaddafi.

I'm glad Guddafi is dead. That son of a diseased pig helped plan and fund the Locherbie bombing of the Pan AM 747. Piss on Guddafi and his memory. Long live the infant Lybian government and I wish them luck and speed in capturing and prosecuting these religious wackos tha killed our ambassadore.

Oh no doubt Gaddafi was an asshole, I never said he was a good man by any means, but I have a feeling these Islamists taking over in Libya now are much worse. I could be wrong but a dead American Ambassador is definently not a good start for the new Libya.

Agreed but he knew that he was working in a potentially dangerous part of the world. His family must be very sad today and hopefully soon very proud of his sacrifice.
The US Ambassador to Lybia has been killed, as have at least two other embassy staffers.

And what are we going to do about it? Nothing. This is a time when we need a leader - a real, in the front kind - but we don't have one. The obamedia will try to downplay this and focus on its real 'job,' of trying to help obama get reelected.

Is it any wonder why under this administration our allies don't trust us and our enemies laugh at us?

oh please...

what should he do? start carpet bombing libya?

i think we should send the idiot there who did the video... let all the religious freaks have at it.


come on, let's hear it from the idiot neo-con brigade.

what should the president, any president do about a terror attack that isn't government sanction.

come on, let's hear it from the bomb bomb bomb iran idiots....
Who started the Arab spring crap? Bush and Cheney, wasn't it?

What does democracy mean in the middle east? It means democracy with theocracy.

Bush and Cheney didn't do their homework on demographics.

The US could start posturing and go to war but the troops pay the price ... and aren't even mentioned in the RNC convention.

Now where is the responsible leadership?

Negged for just being that fucking dumb.

they're the ones who destabilized the region.

Bullshit. The region was destabilized long, long ago when westerners carved it up.
Poor liberals all in a snit asking Conservatives what to do.. Frightening, isn't it? They're literally braindead.. Like a single-celled amoeba. They're Appeasement Policy has now cost American lives and what do they do?? APOLOGIZE TO THE ENEMY.
I'm glad Guddafi is dead. That son of a diseased pig helped plan and fund the Locherbie bombing of the Pan AM 747. Piss on Guddafi and his memory. Long live the infant Lybian government and I wish them luck and speed in capturing and prosecuting these religious wackos tha killed our ambassadore.

Oh no doubt Gaddafi was an asshole, I never said he was a good man by any means, but I have a feeling these Islamists taking over in Libya now are much worse. I could be wrong but a dead American Ambassador is definently not a good start for the new Libya.

Agreed but he knew that he was working in a potentially dangerous part of the world. His family must be very sad today and hopefully soon very proud of his sacrifice.

I have to admit I expected our Ambassadors overseas to have good enough security to prevent things like this, guess you can't be everywhere all the time.
Life is cheap in Libya, it always has been.

That doesn't mean it's A-OK and we should just roll with it.
The US Ambassador to Lybia has been killed, as have at least two other embassy staffers.

And what are we going to do about it? Nothing. This is a time when we need a leader - a real, in the front kind - but we don't have one. The obamedia will try to downplay this and focus on its real 'job,' of trying to help obama get reelected.

Is it any wonder why under this administration our allies don't trust us and our enemies laugh at us?

oh please...

what should he do? start carpet bombing libya?

i think we should send the idiot there who did the video... let all the religious freaks have at it.
Seriously? :eusa_eh:
You mean the man who masterminded airplane hijackings and killed Americans?

A bastard to be sure, but he was forced to dismantle his nuke program and became pretty benign. First choice for head of state in Libya? No, but far superior to the Muslim Brotherhood.
Mubarak in Egypt? First choice for Egypt, Nope, but a reasonable leader of a secular government, vastly superior again, to a theocracy led by Islamic terrorists.

still not going to miss a murdering bastard even if the ones that followed him are just as bad if not worse....Instead I plan on not missing them evil fucks in the future.
I see your point, but we've been on the wrong side in so many "nation building" experiments that you'd think we would opt for relative stability over replacing it with an unknown quantity.
Look at Cuba, Iran and now Egypt and Libya. Our record is poor.
Poor liberals all in a snit asking Conservatives what to do.. Frightening, isn't it? They're literally braindead.. Like a single-celled amoeba. They're Appeasement Policy has now cost American lives and what do they do?? APOLOGIZE TO THE ENEMY.

no one is asking you what to do idiota.

we just want to hear what you think (and i use the term loosely in your case) should be done since all you have is a lot of obama derangement syndrome.

come on snooks... let's see the detritis that drops from your keyboard.
I know, cute, huh.

One can understand God's annoyance with Jews through the ages. They do frequently insist on being on the wrong side....and not just wrong, but specifically wrong for THEM.
I for one felt real anger when the initial response from the White House last night was to apologize for insulting Muslims before expressing grief, anger, and concern for the murdered Americans. The formal response from President Obama was more measured and did condemn the acts for which he said there was 'no excuse', but again there was an implied apoliogy for any insult to Muslims.

Mixed signals indeed.
Who started the Arab spring crap? Bush and Cheney, wasn't it?

What does democracy mean in the middle east? It means democracy with theocracy.

Bush and Cheney didn't do their homework on demographics.

The US could start posturing and go to war but the troops pay the price ... and aren't even mentioned in the RNC convention.

Now where is the responsible leadership?

Negged for just being that fucking dumb.

they're the ones who destabilized the region.

Sorry Jill, but that title belongs to Jimmy Carter.
Oh no doubt Gaddafi was an asshole, I never said he was a good man by any means, but I have a feeling these Islamists taking over in Libya now are much worse. I could be wrong but a dead American Ambassador is definently not a good start for the new Libya.

Agreed but he knew that he was working in a potentially dangerous part of the world. His family must be very sad today and hopefully soon very proud of his sacrifice.

I have to admit I expected our Ambassadors overseas to have good enough security to prevent things like this, guess you can't be everywhere all the time.

The place was and is still very volatile. Who could have guessed that a handful of these wack jobs would go ballistic over an obscure movie made in LA by some ignorant Jewish guy and shown trailers on the internet?

That kinda stuff just isn't predictable or preventable. It is the result of freedom of expression. We have to absorb the price of letting any asshole say any stupid thing he or she wants. Sometimes it pisses people off. The dumb ass Jew knew he would make the Muslims crazy with his film and he did. I hope they track his ass down. He is the one that set this off. Yes you have the right to say anything you want. You also have the right to get your ass handed to you if you say something stupid enough.

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