US Embassador to Lybia Killed

Supporting violent terrorist groups overthrowing an anti-US dictator and a pro-US dictator has made the North Africa region more dangerous for the world.

Be careful what you wish for....
The US Ambassador to Lybia has been killed, as have at least two other embassy staffers.

And what are we going to do about it? Nothing. This is a time when we need a leader - a real, in the front kind - but we don't have one. The obamedia will try to downplay this and focus on its real 'job,' of trying to help obama get reelected.

Is it any wonder why under this administration our allies don't trust us and our enemies laugh at us?

Under Gaddafi this would have never happened.

You mean the man who masterminded airplane hijackings and killed Americans?

Yes, the same guy the Bush administration made a deal with to drop his WMD program and renounce terrorism.
The US Ambassador to Lybia has been killed, as have at least two other embassy staffers.

And what are we going to do about it? Nothing. This is a time when we need a leader - a real, in the front kind - but we don't have one. The obamedia will try to downplay this and focus on its real 'job,' of trying to help obama get reelected.

Is it any wonder why under this administration our allies don't trust us and our enemies laugh at us?

Send Mittens over there to set everyone straight! He has business experience!
The US Ambassador to Lybia has been killed, as have at least two other embassy staffers.

And what are we going to do about it? Nothing. This is a time when we need a leader - a real, in the front kind - but we don't have one. The obamedia will try to downplay this and focus on its real 'job,' of trying to help obama get reelected.

Is it any wonder why under this administration our allies don't trust us and our enemies laugh at us?

Under Gaddafi this would have never happened.

Exactly! And under Mubarak, our flag would still be flying over out embassy in Egypt. S of S clinton is doing a bang up job, isn't she?

I always knew Mubarak and Gaddafi would be missed, we really fucked up here.
Under Gaddafi this would have never happened.

You mean the man who masterminded airplane hijackings and killed Americans?

Yes, the same guy the Bush administration made a deal with to drop his WMD program and renounce terrorism.
He was scared and rightly so. Around that time we were extremely dangerous. Of course that was before Obama half neutered us by being a bitch and saying sorry for being a free nation.
Exactly! And under Mubarak, our flag would still be flying over out embassy in Egypt. S of S clinton is doing a bang up job, isn't she?

I always knew Mubarak and Gaddafi would be missed, we really fucked up here.

How so? We didn't have boots on the ground during their uprising. How is it our fault at all?

We really shouldn't have helped the Libyans and Egyptians push out Mubarak and Gaddafi, those countries were much more stable under their rule. I can't recall the last time an American Embassy was attacked under Mubarak or when an American Ambassador was killed under Gaddafi.
The US Ambassador to Lybia has been killed, as have at least two other embassy staffers.

And what are we going to do about it? Nothing. This is a time when we need a leader - a real, in the front kind - but we don't have one. The obamedia will try to downplay this and focus on its real 'job,' of trying to help obama get reelected.

Is it any wonder why under this administration our allies don't trust us and our enemies laugh at us?

Under Gaddafi this would have never happened.

You mean the man who masterminded airplane hijackings and killed Americans?

A bastard to be sure, but he was forced to dismantle his nuke program and became pretty benign. First choice for head of state in Libya? No, but far superior to the Muslim Brotherhood.
Mubarak in Egypt? First choice for Egypt, Nope, but a reasonable leader of a secular government, vastly superior again, to a theocracy led by Islamic terrorists.
He has more experience than the black messiah when he sold his bullshit slogans to idiots like you.

So what experience did Obamination have as a community organizer, law professor, US Senator without even 1 term completed?

The US Ambassador to Lybia has been killed, as have at least two other embassy staffers.

And what are we going to do about it? Nothing. This is a time when we need a leader - a real, in the front kind - but we don't have one. The obamedia will try to downplay this and focus on its real 'job,' of trying to help obama get reelected.

Is it any wonder why under this administration our allies don't trust us and our enemies laugh at us?

Send Mittens over there to set everyone straight! He has business experience!
I always knew Mubarak and Gaddafi would be missed, we really fucked up here.

How so? We didn't have boots on the ground during their uprising. How is it our fault at all?

We really shouldn't have helped the Libyans and Egyptians push out Mubarak and Gaddafi, those countries were much more stable under their rule. I can't recall the last time an American Embassy was attacked under Mubarak or when an American Ambassador was killed under Gaddafi.

Spot on. The truth hurts.
I always knew Mubarak and Gaddafi would be missed, we really fucked up here.

How so? We didn't have boots on the ground during their uprising. How is it our fault at all?

We really shouldn't have helped the Libyans and Egyptians push out Mubarak and Gaddafi, those countries were much more stable under their rule. I can't recall the last time an American Embassy was attacked under Mubarak or when an American Ambassador was killed under Gaddafi.

I'm glad Guddafi is dead. That son of a diseased pig helped plan and fund the Locherbie bombing of the Pan AM 747. Piss on Guddafi and his memory. Long live the infant Lybian government and I wish them luck and speed in capturing and prosecuting these religious wackos tha killed our ambassadore.
Under Gaddafi this would have never happened.

You mean the man who masterminded airplane hijackings and killed Americans?

A bastard to be sure, but he was forced to dismantle his nuke program and became pretty benign. First choice for head of state in Libya? No, but far superior to the Muslim Brotherhood.
Mubarak in Egypt? First choice for Egypt, Nope, but a reasonable leader of a secular government, vastly superior again, to a theocracy led by Islamic terrorists.

still not going to miss a murdering bastard even if the ones that followed him are just as bad if not worse....Instead I plan on not missing them evil fucks in the future.
Qaddafi should be dead, but we should've done it earlier ourselves instead of alllowing Europe to drag out the bombing which allowed terrorist groups to rush in to fill the leadership gap.

Obamination's weak ass plan against Qaddafi helped create the attack on our Embassy.A strong pro-western leader should have replaced Qaddafi quickly to prevent Libya from turning into Somalia on the Med Sea.
You mean the man who masterminded airplane hijackings and killed Americans?

Yes, the same guy the Bush administration made a deal with to drop his WMD program and renounce terrorism.
He was scared and rightly so. Around that time we were extremely dangerous. Of course that was before Obama half neutered us by being a bitch and saying sorry for being a free nation.

obama apologized for religious freedom. That's what he apologized for. The only surprise is, that he didn't say "Help me transform it."
How so? We didn't have boots on the ground during their uprising. How is it our fault at all?

We really shouldn't have helped the Libyans and Egyptians push out Mubarak and Gaddafi, those countries were much more stable under their rule. I can't recall the last time an American Embassy was attacked under Mubarak or when an American Ambassador was killed under Gaddafi.

I'm glad Guddafi is dead. That son of a diseased pig helped plan and fund the Locherbie bombing of the Pan AM 747. Piss on Guddafi and his memory. Long live the infant Lybian government and I wish them luck and speed in capturing and prosecuting these religious wackos tha killed our ambassadore.

You really think the religious wackos in charge are interested in capturing the people that put them in power? How blind to the facts can you be?
We really shouldn't have helped the Libyans and Egyptians push out Mubarak and Gaddafi, those countries were much more stable under their rule. I can't recall the last time an American Embassy was attacked under Mubarak or when an American Ambassador was killed under Gaddafi.

I'm glad Guddafi is dead. That son of a diseased pig helped plan and fund the Locherbie bombing of the Pan AM 747. Piss on Guddafi and his memory. Long live the infant Lybian government and I wish them luck and speed in capturing and prosecuting these religious wackos tha killed our ambassadore.

You really think the religious wackos in charge are interested in capturing the people that put them in power? How blind to the facts can you be?

Blind enough to know that this just happened and all of the facts are not available yet.
How so? We didn't have boots on the ground during their uprising. How is it our fault at all?

We really shouldn't have helped the Libyans and Egyptians push out Mubarak and Gaddafi, those countries were much more stable under their rule. I can't recall the last time an American Embassy was attacked under Mubarak or when an American Ambassador was killed under Gaddafi.

I'm glad Guddafi is dead. That son of a diseased pig helped plan and fund the Locherbie bombing of the Pan AM 747. Piss on Guddafi and his memory. Long live the infant Lybian government and I wish them luck and speed in capturing and prosecuting these religious wackos tha killed our ambassadore.

Oh no doubt Gaddafi was an asshole, I never said he was a good man by any means, but I have a feeling these Islamists taking over in Libya now are much worse. I could be wrong but a dead American Ambassador is definently not a good start for the new Libya.
So you would cave in to these terrorists? What a stupid coward you are.

what demands are they making that we supposedly "cave" to?

was the US government responsible for timothy mcveigh?

what exactly should be done, mouth almighty?

You want to go after the person who exercised his right of free speech, rather than after the terrorists. I guess you would also have sent Salman Rushdie to Iran.

that's what you got from my post?

is there anything you won't lie about?

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