US Embassador to Lybia Killed

If nothing else, hunker down in embassies with reinforced security and wait it out...It is their countries, their idiots, the best thing to do is stay out of the way of their flailing around....or just leave.

But one thing for sure, cut off the money.....period.
That was dumb.

Hunkering down won't work in such a small embassy. Unless you can fit thousands of troops in there you need to leave.

I would suggest rigging the place with explosive to blow the rotten SOBs all to Hell so they can go meet their 72 virgins. Why give them the satisfaction of burning our embassy down.
If nothing else, hunker down in embassies with reinforced security and wait it out...It is their countries, their idiots, the best thing to do is stay out of the way of their flailing around....or just leave.

But one thing for sure, cut off the money.....period.
That was dumb.

Hunkering down won't work in such a small embassy. Unless you can fit thousands of troops in there you need to leave.

I would suggest rigging the place with explosive to blow the rotten SOBs all to Hell so they can go meet their 72 virgins. Why give them the satisfaction of burning our embassy down.

Hell yea!! I second that!
And if we had a real leader in office now the Arab Spring would have been an opportunity instead of something to try and avoid the way obama has been doing. We will pay a long and heavy price for his incompetence.

We've tried nation building, moron. How'd that work out for us in Iraq? Iran? Vietnam?

Obama pissed away the opportunity to maintain a sphere of influence in Iraq by not negotiating for maintaining a small force of Special forces in country. He had to get out for the brag factor.

Carter threw the Shah under the bus because he was cruel to the Russians that were trying to overthrow hid regime. Besides, Carter wanted a nice religious leader like the Ayatollah to take over.

JFK and LBJ, two Democrats, were responsible for Vietnam and Nixon got us out, albeit way to slowly to suit me.

I'm pretty sure that the Iraqis told the Americans to fuck off.
There was no opportunity to 'maintain a small force blah blah...'
We have freedom of speech and the Internet transmit our free speech all over the world. We have embassies in countries where people have not had free speech long enough to learn to ignore what they don't like. Apparently being an ambassador can be a deadly occupation. We can request that the governments go after the people responsible. We can even asked for those people to be handed over to us. We can not go into their country hunting them down. We can try to educate the people of other countries that the free speech we have is not a reflection of anyone other than the person(s) who uploaded the video. Hopefully communities will begin to change their attitude. Pulling away would not be a good long term strategy.

If we don't get an acceptable response from their new government, that we helped put in place, cutting off all foreign aid and assistance would be a good first step.
They kill Americans and our first response is to condemn the movie maker?

How did the United States respond? By condemning anyone who might have "hurt the religious feelings of Muslims." An apologetic statement released by the U.S. embassy expressed offense at those who might have upset Muslim sensibilities but did not express any outrage, or even disapproval, of those who would storm a U.S. embassy and destroy the American flag. Here is the statement released Tuesday by the U.S. embassy, in its entirety:

The Embassy of the United States in Cairo condemns the continuing efforts by misguided individuals to hurt the religious feelings of Muslims -- as we condemn efforts to offend believers of all religions. Today, the 11th anniversary of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks on the United States, Americans are honoring our patriots and those who serve our nation as the fitting response to the enemies of democracy. Respect for religious beliefs is a cornerstone of American democracy. We firmly reject the actions by those who abuse the universal right of free speech to hurt the religious beliefs of others.

Radicals attack US embassy, Obama apologizes. Will Romney speak out? (UPDATE: Romney speaks out) |
We have freedom of speech and the Internet transmit our free speech all over the world. We have embassies in countries where people have not had free speech long enough to learn to ignore what they don't like. Apparently being an ambassador can be a deadly occupation. We can request that the governments go after the people responsible. We can even asked for those people to be handed over to us. We can not go into their country hunting them down. We can try to educate the people of other countries that the free speech we have is not a reflection of anyone other than the person(s) who uploaded the video. Hopefully communities will begin to change their attitude. Pulling away would not be a good long term strategy.

If we don't get an acceptable response from their new government, that we helped put in place, cutting off all foreign aid and assistance would be a good first step.

We don't pull out of Arkansas because of a bunch of dumb hill-billies.
oh please...

what should he do? start carpet bombing libya?

i think we should send the idiot there who did the video... let all the religious freaks have at it.

works for me.

Of course it does. You are as bad as the scum that did this.

But no word against the religious freaks who did this:..
If publicly speaking out against a religion or ridiculing those who adhere to it constitutes religious "freakishness" and is deserving of being murdered and dragged through the streets, then I think jillian is as deserving as the film makers for the work she's done here to discredit and marginalize Christians.
What does Iran and the Shah have buggerall to do with this??

Read your history....that would be a good start.

I dont have to read it, idiot. I was there.
You don't have an answer. You just throw out sound bites you heard somewhere. Maybe the voices in your head.

If you lived it, you apparently are too stupid to have learned from it. Tell us how successful we were in PROPPING UP an unpopular dictator in Iran. Was it a success or a failure? What do you think would have happened if we tried to prop up unpopular dictators in Libya and Egypt?
And if we had a real leader in office now the Arab Spring would have been an opportunity instead of something to try and avoid the way obama has been doing. We will pay a long and heavy price for his incompetence.

We've tried nation building, moron. How'd that work out for us in Iraq? Iran? Vietnam?

Obama pissed away the opportunity to maintain a sphere of influence in Iraq by not negotiating for maintaining a small force of Special forces in country. He had to get out for the brag factor.

Carter threw the Shah under the bus because he was cruel to the Russians that were trying to overthrow hid regime. Besides, Carter wanted a nice religious leader like the Ayatollah to take over.

JFK and LBJ, two Democrats, were responsible for Vietnam and Nixon got us out, albeit way to slowly to suit me.

I spoke to someone inside the Special Ops community.

We're still operating in Iraq. The pull-out was fake. The media just isn't covering Iraq anymore. Currently 5th Grp personnel are in joint operational mode there. They simply pulled out the bulk of the conventional forces.
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If publicly speaking out against a religion or ridiculing those who adhere to it constitutes religious "freakishness" and is deserving of being murdered and dragged through the streets, then I think jillian is as deserving as the film makers for the work she's done here to discredit and marginalize Christians.

:slap: NO ONE is deserving of that...

We should condemn the violence first and foremost, not coddle their irrationality...
Who started the Arab spring crap? Bush and Cheney, wasn't it?

And if we had a real leader in office now the Arab Spring would have been an opportunity instead of something to try and avoid the way obama has been doing. We will pay a long and heavy price for his incompetence.

That's actually a really interesting statement.
What should he have done differently?

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