US Firm that paid indicted FBI informant tied to Trump Associates, records reveal

Nothing to see hear, Biden selling natural gas to the Ukraine, Biden's son getting a million dollar job at a natural gas corporation in the Ukraine, the International Monetary Agency and the World Bank lobbying to sell natural gas to the Ukraine.

1. Biden wasn't selling ANYTHING to the Ukraine.

2. Biden's son is irrelevant to the firing of the prosecutor.

3. Not just those you listed, but also The European Union, NATO, and the Republican Senate of the USA.

Irrelevant since the firing had NOTHING to do with Hunter Biden.

Shokin was announcing investigations in order to secure bribes. If the target company paid him off, the investigation would be quietly shelved. Burisma had already bribed the prosecutor to drop the investigation BEFORE they hired HB and they were upset that the prosecutor was fired. He'd been "handled".

After the prosecutor was fired, British government took over the Burisma investigation and completed it. Burisma was cleared of all charges.

You really should do some research and due dilligence before you swallow ANYTHING either party tells you. The problem with those calling themselves conservatives is their failure to verify anything they're told as long as it makes their "enemies" look bad.

The problem for Trumpists is that Democrats are NOT your enemies. Xi, Putin, Iran, and fascism are your enemies. And you're believing all of them over your own countrymen. Not very bright of you.

You've become the useful idiots that Krushchev warned the USA would take them down from the inside.

Irrelevant since the firing had NOTHING to do with Hunter Biden.

Maybe the hiring had something to do with the firing?

So why was Hunter hired?

The problem for Trumpists is that Democrats are NOT your enemies. Xi, Putin, Iran, and fascism are your enemies.

Putin is our enemy? So why the Reset? Why the flexibility?
Didn't the 1980s call, wanting their foreign policy back?

Iran is our enemy? Then why did Obama and Biden keep giving them billions of dollars?
1. Biden wasn't selling ANYTHING to the Ukraine.

2. Biden's son is irrelevant to the firing of the prosecutor.

3. Not just those you listed, but also The European Union, NATO, and the Republican Senate of the USA.

Biden was selling economic aid and natural gas policies to the Ukraine
Biden's son, I did not mention the firing of the prosecutor, I stated that Biden's son got a job at a natural gas company
Biden and Obama were working on the behalf of big banks and big oil, where Biden profited, through his son
This is what "companies with links to Trump" means... :rolleyes:

View attachment 917261
lol, I was just trying to post that very image. It’s the streeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeetch they had to go through to tie the payment to trump.

It boils down to: smirnovs payment was made by a company who’s investors second cousin, twice removed, was the wife of a lawyers who once represented the local schools janitor in a complaint of workplace misconduct by the principals brothers best friends nephews gardeners brother who was friends with a bartenders associates masseuse….

….and that’s how they know trump!

Something like that….
Six trips by Biden to the Ukraine, and then Biden gets his son a job on the board of Burisma. What transpired on these six trips?

We do know that Biden forced the Ukrainian government to fire the prosecutor investigating Biden's son.

Now in this little piece, we see the Executive Branch of the Government negotiated or influenced loans from the Rockefeller controlled Internation Monetary Fund.

Sounds like there is a lot to investigate. IMF, World Bank, Rockefellers, Burisma, the Vice President, the Vice President's son, John Kerry's son, Nancy Pelosi's son.

Shokin wouldn't prosecute corruption. Ukraine needed foreign investment..and the IMF and EU waited him gone before they invested in Ukraine.
Joe Biden had nothing to do with Hunter Biden getting a job at Burisma.

The prosecutor was not investigating Biden son. The investigation of Burisma began before Biden was hired.

When none of these so-called “facts” that you have posted is true, it makes the rest of your post complete bullshit.

Joe Biden was sent to the Ukraine to fire the prosecutor by the international monetary fund, the World Bank, NATO, the European Union, and the government of the United States of America.

None of it had anything to do with Hunter, Biden. These facts have been proven over and over and over again.

Why do you continue to post Russian lies and Putin’s propaganda?
Ok, just explain this then…how is it that the presidents son gets placed on the board of an oil and gas company…in Ukraine of all places?

How does that happen? I mean, there are plenty of oil and gas companies in the United States, why not get on the board of one of those? Why Ukraine?
Biden was selling economic aid and natural gas policies to the Ukraine
Biden's son, I did not mention the firing of the prosecutor, I stated that Biden's son got a job at a natural gas company
Biden and Obama were working on the behalf of big banks and big oil, where Biden profited, through his son
You really are an idiot.
Ok, just explain this then…how is it that the presidents son gets placed on the board of an oil and gas company…in Ukraine of all places?

How does that happen? I mean, there are plenty of oil and gas companies in the United States, why not get on the board of one of those? Why Ukraine?
Because Ukraine wanted guidance on highest and best businesses practices so they could attract foreign investors.
Alexander Smirnov was paid $600,000 by companies with links to trump in 2020 - the same year he allegedly began lying to FBI about Joe Biden's role in Ukraine business.

Anyone surprised?

Me neither.

Full story at the link.
surpried by what? Your article literally says there is no connection.....with that said, I am not at all surprised Xiden is going after a witness against him, and I am not at all surprised by this propaganda piece, that literally says nothing
Just so you know, every time you make a reference to the missile defense system in Europe I'm going to post this link to show you're a fucking disinformist.

lol, I was just trying to post that very image. It’s the streeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeetch they had to go through to tie the payment to trump.

It boils down to: smirnovs payment was made by a company who’s investors second cousin, twice removed, was the wife of a lawyers who once represented the local schools janitor in a complaint of workplace misconduct by the principals brothers best friends nephews gardeners brother who was friends with a bartenders associates masseuse….

….and that’s how they know trump!

Something like that….
Care to explain the lineage of the Steele Doc payments?
Every time the GOP committee comes up with a “witness” they either turn out to have no evidence or they are agents of China or Russia

"Tied to Trump associates"? Lefties must be desperate to come up with stuff like this.
Alexander Smirnov was paid $600,000 by companies with links to trump in 2020 - the same year he allegedly began lying to FBI about Joe Biden's role in Ukraine business.

Anyone surprised?

Me neither.

Full story at the link.
What, a company that had links to Trump paid for something? Lulz. Better get a new case of paper straws, homo.
Thread summary:

The Trump cultists are going all out to excuse their boys taking money from Russia and China.

Because they approve of it. Each Trump cultist wants to get their own share of that sweet sweet CCP cash.
Because Ukraine wanted guidance on highest and best businesses practices so they could attract foreign investors.
What the f…

Really?? So they hired Biden druggie son?

I’m not sure what’s worse, that you believe that, or that you expect us to believe that.

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