US gives Iran 6B’s and Iran kicks out inspectors

What is wrong with you Americans, of which I am one of you! This is almost RIDICULOUS.

Do I want the world to light up in nuclear war? Hell no!

But you have to ask yourself----------->NOT who wins, but who/whom is willing to give their life/lives who are now leaders of these crackpot regimes. NOT A DAMN ONE OF THEM!

They know we can turn them to glass. We do not want to. But, are you willing to bend over to stop a war they do not want either?

Your choice. You either take their deal, and lose your way of life, or you tell them to pound sand, while letting them ALL know they will also not survive.
No money was released. $6B was sent from S. Korea, where it's been held, to Switzerland, and it will be doled out in humanitarian aid, not cash, not money.
Hey, your spin is great incompetent one, lol. So you are saying................if you allow me to read between the lines.........that all of this happened because your friends, the Iranians, just decided to be nice?

OK, whatever you say, lol. And I have some swampland I will sell you really cheap.

Same ole, same ole, when Obama gave the farm too. But you go ahead and keep on, keepin on. We may have been born at night, but it was not late last night. Your toadies have again been busted, and all your propaganda is useless, helpless, and hopeless.
No money was released. $6B was sent from S. Korea, where it's been held, to Switzerland, and it will be doled out in humanitarian aid, not cash, not money.
Haha that’s not what ABC reported. Iran made clear it’s their money to do what they wish with
Hey, your spin is great incompetent one, lol. So you are saying................if you allow me to read between the lines.........that all of this happened because your friends, the Iranians, just decided to be nice?

OK, whatever you say, lol. And I have some swampland I will sell you really cheap.

Same ole, same ole, when Obama gave the farm too. But you go ahead and keep on, keepin on. We may have been born at night, but it was not late last night. Your toadies have again been busted, and all your propaganda is useless, helpless, and hopeless.
Another fucking idiot.

My friends? It wasn't a Democrat who let Iran off the hook so they could start up their nuclear program again. It was Donald "The Fuckup" Trump.
Haha that’s not what ABC reported. Iran made clear it’s their money to do what they wish with
Wingnut Republicans always say don't believe anything that Iranian hardliners say.

Until it's politically convenient to believe whatever Iranian hardliners say.

Who gives a shit? I thought trumpers said we can't be the world's policeman. Let the Israelis solve their own problems, right?
Exactly ( except when Israel sends two waves of 75 Warplanes each wave 45 mins apart and they destroy both the Iranian Air Force and Iranian Nuke capabilities then the American Far Left & Left will blame Israel )
Ole Potatohead and Kerry at it again. Just like what happened during the Queer Barry/Potatohead administration.

They have never met an Iranian Mullah that they didn't love more than life itself.

Now the Mullahs have $6 billion they didn't have when Trump was President.

More treachery from the Potatohead administration. I wonder how much of a kickback he will get funneled through Kerry's buddies?

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