US gives Iran 6B’s and Iran kicks out inspectors

One thing about Ole Potatohead that we all know by now.

Potatohead fucks up everything he touches.

There was absolutely no need to give the Mullahs one cent but he couldn't help himself.

He is a fucking idiot and so are the people that were stupid enough to vote for him. Shame on them!
Did you catch the part where Trump approved this transfer of funds in 2020? Or do I need to send you off searching again?
Apparently, the Iranians held in U.S. prisons that Iran negotiated this deal with us to be released back to Iran . . . would rather stay in the U.S. prisons than go home to their country.

Damn, Joseph Biden (God's choice) has made America SO GREAT that prisoners don't want to leave this country!

I appreciate the Dembots parroting the Xiden propaganda...but in the real world...

“This money belongs to the Islamic Republic of Iran," Raisi said through a government translator about the swap. "And naturally, we will decide — the Islamic Republic of Iran will decide — to spend it wherever we need it.”
Trump correctly says that Potatohead is dumber than a rock.

Gay Barry was right to say "never underestimate the ability of Joe to fuck something up".

When are you Moon Bats ever going to admit that you were also dumber than a rock to have voted for this dickhead?

"I brought 58 HOSTAGES home from many different countries, including North Korea, and I never paid anything. They all understood they MUST LET THESE PEOPLE COME HOME!" Trump continued. "Toward the end, it got so that countries didn't even start the conversation asking for money, because they knew they would not get it. Once you pay, you always pay, & MANY MORE HOSTAGES WILL BE TAKEN. Our grossly incompetent "leader," Crooked Joe Biden, gave 6 BILLION DOLLARS for 5 people. Iran gave ZERO for 5. He's Dumb as a ROCK!"
What a great negotiator this Potatohead is.

He gave $6 billion to get five hostages.

Meanwhile Iran pocketed the $6 billion and then got five of their hostages for free.


Looks like Ole Potatohead never bothered to read Trump's book "The Art of the Deal".

However, it was never about any hostages.

It was about that jackass traitor John Kerry getting Iran the money. His daughter married some Iranian big shot and like always Kerry's loyalties are with the enemy. He has a long record of that.

Potatohead, being dumber than rock, went along with it.
Not the major threat by any measure.
If you ask Israelis on the streets of Tel Aviv they will tell you they fear an Iranian Nuke attack Far more than a conventional attack from an Iranian proxy base in Lebanon or a Syrian Airstrike or Rockets from Hamastan ( Gaza )

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