US Government Bans Americans From Receiving Proven Cancer Cures!


VIP Member
Oct 2, 2013
Long History of fraud despite their own admission alternative cancer cures in fact work, and force chemo on everyone even though its a death sentence.

How can this war against the american people by its own government happen and worse how can this be allowed to continue?
Don't forget witch doctors!

Why won't America allow witch doctors to treat patients?
I've learned that for the most part, doctors are nothing more than glorified drug dealers. You can sit outside a doctors office and watch the drug peddlers go in (with their briefcases full of drug samples) to see the doctor while you sit in the waiting room for an hour. And God help you if you're a senior. They don't want to keep you alive if your condition starts costing them money and will pressure family members to put you on hospice. The medical profession is as corrupt as our government, in fact they're in bed together.
I've learned that for the most part, doctors are nothing more than glorified drug dealers. You can sit outside a doctors office and watch the drug peddlers go in (with their briefcases full of drug samples) to see the doctor while you sit in the waiting room for an hour. And God help you if you're a senior. They don't want to keep you alive if your condition starts costing them money and will pressure family members to put you on hospice. The medical profession is as corrupt as our government, in fact they're in bed together.
I'll check with a friend who was talking with me about cancer a couple months ago. He was telling me about isolated tribes of Indians in South America who never develop cancer because they have secret remedies. The local and regional governments keep people from visiting them and they are paid by the government not to divulge any information to outsiders. I'll find out and get back to the thread.
I've learned that for the most part, doctors are nothing more than glorified drug dealers. You can sit outside a doctors office and watch the drug peddlers go in (with their briefcases full of drug samples) to see the doctor while you sit in the waiting room for an hour. And God help you if you're a senior. They don't want to keep you alive if your condition starts costing them money and will pressure family members to put you on hospice. The medical profession is as corrupt as our government, in fact they're in bed together.
I'll check with a friend who was talking with me about cancer a couple months ago. He was telling me about isolated tribes of Indians in South America who never develop cancer because they have secret remedies. The local and regional governments keep people from visiting them and they are paid by the government not to divulge any information to outsiders. I'll find out and get back to the thread.
I'll be interested in your findings.
Two fields in which the practice of capitalism should have never been allowed: medicine and education. Not even here in these united states ... of moral poverty and corporate greed. There's nothing inherently contradictory about structuring and protecting those fields as strictly socialized institutions in a capitalist country. In fact, given the nature of the capitalist playing field that's been allowed to take shape in the US in particular, the reluctance to do so should smack as counterintuitive to anyone not looking to make a buck at the expense of the ill and/or our own children.
Millions saved due to personalized breast cancer treatments...

Personalised breast cancer treatment has saved millions: experts
30 Sept.`15 - In just three decades, the once monolithic approach to diagnosing and treating breast cancer has become more personalised and less intrusive -- a transformation that likely saved millions of lives, experts say.
From testing methods adapted to an individual's level of risk, better drugs and selective use of chemotherapy, treatment is no longer a one-size-fits-all for some 1.6 million people diagnosed with the disease every year. "In the past few decades, we have witnessed major changes and improvements in the treatment of breast cancer," Justin Stebbing, a professor in cancer medicine at Imperial College London, told AFP. Despite advances, breast cancer remains the leading cancer killer of women aged 20-59 worldwide. Every year the disease claims more than half a million lives, according to the World Health Organization.


Despite advances, breast cancer remains the leading cancer killer of women aged 20-59 worldwide. Every year the disease claims more than half a million lives, according to the World Health Organization

Taking a bite out of this grim toll through better awareness is the goal of October's Breast Cancer Awareness Month, which has seen the Eiffel Tower glow pink, and a fashion show in London starring cancer survivors. Much has changed since the 1980s, when mastectomy -- or surgical removal of the breast -- was the go-to treatment for all types of breast cancer. Today's approach prefers to target just the tumour, called a lumpectomy.

Not only are better drugs available, but doctors also have a much better understanding of disease variations between patients, requiring different therapies. The hormone treatment Tamoxifen, for example, effective against 70 percent of breast cancers, has become key in treating pre-menopausal women since trials in the 1980s. At the same time, an alternative called Anastrozole is effective in women who have already gone through menopause, said Aine McCarthy, a doctor and spokeswoman for charity group Cancer Research UK.

- 'Into the millions' -
I'll stick with science! ;)

Yeh the science of chemo: "Oh you have stage 4 cancer? Awe thats too bad, oh btw we will scare you into paying us 75,000 bucks to kill you with chemo before you die 4 months to 5 years later!

Don't forget witch doctors!

Why won't America allow witch doctors to treat patients?

If they can fix me when I am sick I dont care if they are purple googly mooglies! The irony is that these 'witch doctors', one of whom was president kennedys personal physician endorses them. That and in one case 55,000 people cure of cancer by the purple googly mooglies petitioned their gubbermint to put a stop to the monopoly and the gubbermint instead approved it.

These claims of quackery are nothing more than monopoly protectionism and highly illegal RICO actions by gubmint.

In the case of burzynski with his discovery of antineoplastons which is a completely non toxic cure that allows people to live a normal life cancer free the gubmint even stole his patents! How fucked is that!!!

They gave this guy the worst brain cancer cases, he permanently cured over 50% of them using nontoxic amino acids the score is:

Gubmint pharma ---0
Witch Doctor--------50+%
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I've learned that for the most part, doctors are nothing more than glorified drug dealers. You can sit outside a doctors office and watch the drug peddlers go in (with their briefcases full of drug samples) to see the doctor while you sit in the waiting room for an hour. And God help you if you're a senior. They don't want to keep you alive if your condition starts costing them money and will pressure family members to put you on hospice. The medical profession is as corrupt as our government, in fact they're in bed together.
I'll check with a friend who was talking with me about cancer a couple months ago. He was telling me about isolated tribes of Indians in South America who never develop cancer because they have secret remedies. The local and regional governments keep people from visiting them and they are paid by the government not to divulge any information to outsiders. I'll find out and get back to the thread.

Worse they are cancer hospice centers.
Hoxley was curing cancer in his treatment centers left and right with non toxic herbs as a family tradition for generations and even won a law suit against the FDA forcing the commissioner to resign in infamy, the gubmint with endless sources of tax and corporate money simply bide their time, make a few new regulations to further suppress competition then they put locks on the doors of all his now nationwide clinics that were curing people.

The only way he could open them was to sue and sue and sue and sue, a battle of attrition against a gubmint agency with endless wealth and the power to regulate competition out of the market.

Of course like ALL US gubmint they get tax money so they dont care, they just get rid of one asswipe and stick in another to continue violating peoples rights forcing all the competition into bankruptcy in support of big pharma!

Its not a level playing field because people have to sue using their own hard earned private money while the mobsters get to use tax or other corporate money.

Same thing with rene cassie, "cured" thousands of people, the gubmint forces these people to provide their services for free by creating regulations that outlaw everything and anyone who does not have a gubmint license and when you get a gubmint license for mob business protection of course then you can only use mob approved drugs and mob approved services of which a true cancer cure is not one of them, however removing money from your wallet to theirs they do exceedingly well. Its all about money and its as illegal as rico can get since they have no jurisdiction to tell people they cannot seek whatever solution they wish for their health care.

.....and now we have obama care forced upon us and even deeper labyrinth of mob health care to fix the last 100 years of mob health care abuse and now it's da law! lovely comforting thought.

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How can this war against the american people by its own government happen and worse how can this be allowed to continue?
"GREED"... so long as it's MORE profitable to keep peddling cancer drugs and treatments knowing they don't work, and NOT profitable to CURE you, this will continue.

I believe there are cures out there ALREADY for cancer, but they've been forcefully shut down by BIG PHARMACEUTICAL MONEY.
I've learned that for the most part, doctors are nothing more than glorified drug dealers. You can sit outside a doctors office and watch the drug peddlers go in (with their briefcases full of drug samples) to see the doctor while you sit in the waiting room for an hour. And God help you if you're a senior. They don't want to keep you alive if your condition starts costing them money and will pressure family members to put you on hospice. The medical profession is as corrupt as our government, in fact they're in bed together.
I'll check with a friend who was talking with me about cancer a couple months ago. He was telling me about isolated tribes of Indians in South America who never develop cancer because they have secret remedies. The local and regional governments keep people from visiting them and they are paid by the government not to divulge any information to outsiders. I'll find out and get back to the thread.
I'll be interested in your findings.
I talked to my friend this morning and he gave me this site. An Agent Orange victim, he had pancreatic cancer. Someone started him on this drink and his cancer disappeared 3 years ago. There are a couple more native remedies but this one is touted as the best.

Guyabano - Natural Cancer Cell Killer - Facts Research Data
I've learned that for the most part, doctors are nothing more than glorified drug dealers. You can sit outside a doctors office and watch the drug peddlers go in (with their briefcases full of drug samples) to see the doctor while you sit in the waiting room for an hour. And God help you if you're a senior. They don't want to keep you alive if your condition starts costing them money and will pressure family members to put you on hospice. The medical profession is as corrupt as our government, in fact they're in bed together.
I'll check with a friend who was talking with me about cancer a couple months ago. He was telling me about isolated tribes of Indians in South America who never develop cancer because they have secret remedies. The local and regional governments keep people from visiting them and they are paid by the government not to divulge any information to outsiders. I'll find out and get back to the thread.

I think it has more to do with their environment.
No chemicals or other cancer causing agents.
I think it has more to do with their environment.
No chemicals or other cancer causing agents.

If thats not bad enough....doctors and food suppliers today are interfering with the natural process of human healing.

If you want something to truly fear its Monsanto with their gubmint sanctioned genetic modifications that are kept secret from the public.

Instead of outlawing it they promote this weapon of mass destruction worldwide. The body is a complex chemical process that they either know and are willfully or negligently creating food that shifts the chemistry away from what nature can protect.

The biggest problem is the constant barrage of fraud from gubmint and medical agencies we are led to believe we should trust.
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I think it has more to do with their environment.
No chemicals or other cancer causing agents.

If thats not bad enough....doctors and food suppliers today are interfering with the natural process of human healing.

If you want something to truly fear its Monsanto with their gubmint sanctioned genetic modifications that are kept secret from the public.

Instead of outlawing it they promote this weapon of mass destruction worldwide. The body is a complex chemical process that they either know and are willfully or negligently creating food that shifts the chemistry away from what nature can protect.
Just for example, when I have a cold or flu, medicines make me sicker for a longer time. Homemade chicken soup cures it in no time flat.
Long History of fraud despite their own admission alternative cancer cures in fact work, and force chemo on everyone even though its a death sentence.

How can this war against the american people by its own government happen and worse how can this be allowed to continue?

Didn't know people with cancer were huge fans of avoiding potential cures because the fucking government said so? :)

If I'm dying my adherrence to such laws is going bye-bye. Not inclined to stop at red lights either. :)
I've learned that for the most part, doctors are nothing more than glorified drug dealers. You can sit outside a doctors office and watch the drug peddlers go in (with their briefcases full of drug samples) to see the doctor while you sit in the waiting room for an hour. And God help you if you're a senior. They don't want to keep you alive if your condition starts costing them money and will pressure family members to put you on hospice. The medical profession is as corrupt as our government, in fact they're in bed together.
I'll check with a friend who was talking with me about cancer a couple months ago. He was telling me about isolated tribes of Indians in South America who never develop cancer because they have secret remedies. The local and regional governments keep people from visiting them and they are paid by the government not to divulge any information to outsiders. I'll find out and get back to the thread.
I'll be interested in your findings.
I talked to my friend this morning and he gave me this site. An Agent Orange victim, he had pancreatic cancer. Someone started him on this drink and his cancer disappeared 3 years ago. There are a couple more native remedies but this one is touted as the best.

Guyabano - Natural Cancer Cell Killer - Facts Research Data
Thanks for that, Hossfly. Very interesting.
Long History of fraud despite their own admission alternative cancer cures in fact work, and force chemo on everyone even though its a death sentence.

How can this war against the american people by its own government happen and worse how can this be allowed to continue?

Didn't know people with cancer were huge fans of avoiding potential cures because the fucking government said so? :)

If I'm dying my adherrence to such laws is going bye-bye. Not inclined to stop at red lights either. :)

however that is not the problem.

the gubmint does not stop you from trying potential cures they simply burn all the books eradicate all the alternative medical clinics and outlaw the appropriate medicines so you cant buy them.
Wow. The bizarre conspiracy theories on this thread make my head spin.

But thanks for letting me know the gubmint is hiding a cure for cancer that is caused by Monsanto.

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