US gun culture is 'corrupting the world,' Australia ex-deputy PM says after slaying

You are correct. I have a 99% chance that the guy down the street isn't going to blow ME away just because he owns 3-4 guns because... that same guy, he's going down to the nearest public school to shoot and massacre innocent children.

You keep getting dumber with each post. How do you do that?

You don't see mass school shootings? The perp is usually an angry white male armed to the teeth with usually 3 or 4 guns of mass destruction.

Sorry if you think that's dumb.
"Guns of mass destruction"?

I'm sorry, remind me again...why is it you insist we should take you seriously? :confused:
You are correct. I have a 99% chance that the guy down the street isn't going to blow ME away just because he owns 3-4 guns because... that same guy, he's going down to the nearest public school to shoot and massacre innocent children.

like i are the other kind of "gun nut"......the kind that sees guns pointing at them wherever they go....paranoia.....dont leave home without it....:eusa_shifty:

Well, he fits the profile doesn't he? You yourself likes to profile, don't you? You know...

just stay out of the inner city neighborhoods where the REAL "gun-nuts" live.

thats not profiling.....thats the know how i know?.....your good buddy Dean says that.....
You keep getting dumber with each post. How do you do that?

You don't see mass school shootings? The perp is usually an angry white male armed to the teeth with usually 3 or 4 guns of mass destruction.

Sorry if you think that's dumb.
"Guns of mass destruction"?

I'm sorry, remind me again...why is it you insist we should take you seriously? :confused:

its hard to take overly paranoid people seriously....this guy no doubt has nightmares about being shot,by his neighbor......i hope he doesn't own any guns....he might flip out any day and kill someone.....but that's the other kind of "gun nuts" out there.....people like this guy....
You don't see mass school shootings? The perp is usually an angry white male armed to the teeth with usually 3 or 4 guns of mass destruction.

Sorry if you think that's dumb.
"Guns of mass destruction"?

I'm sorry, remind me again...why is it you insist we should take you seriously? :confused:

its hard to take overly paranoid people seriously....this guy no doubt has nightmares about being shot,by his neighbor......i hope he doesn't own any guns....he might flip out any day and kill someone.....but that's the other kind of "gun nuts" out there.....people like this guy....

Do you wear your seat belt? Why?
Do you stand under trees during a lightning storm? Why?
Do you run railroad crossings? Why?

I think you get the drift. Americans who own firearms for self defense do not consider the 'risk' of assault to one's family or self to be acceptable risk. While others consider the risk acceptable.

Freedom of choice to execute a human right is inherent

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like i are the other kind of "gun nut"......the kind that sees guns pointing at them wherever they go....paranoia.....dont leave home without it....:eusa_shifty:

Well, he fits the profile doesn't he? You yourself likes to profile, don't you? You know...

just stay out of the inner city neighborhoods where the REAL "gun-nuts" live.

thats not profiling.....thats the know how i know?.....your good buddy Dean says that.....

Way to pass the buck kiddo. Sheesh, what ever happened to personal responsibility?
You are correct. I have a 99% chance that the guy down the street isn't going to blow ME away just because he owns 3-4 guns because... that same guy, he's going down to the nearest public school to shoot and massacre innocent children.

You keep getting dumber with each post. How do you do that?

You don't see mass school shootings? The perp is usually an angry white male armed to the teeth with usually 3 or 4 guns of mass destruction.

Sorry if you think that's dumb.

A mass school shooting, every once in a great while, I'm not letting such a small percentage change my life. You have a greater chance of dying in a car accident. Do you drive? Pretty risky! I hope you don't smoke, drink, chew. If you are overweight, high blood pressure, you are at a high risk. Biking, motorcycling, hiking and type of going out of the house is risky. In fact being shot is not as high in the injury scale as walking down the street and getting randomly shot. If you are murdered, it's like someone you know.
You don't see mass school shootings? The perp is usually an angry white male armed to the teeth with usually 3 or 4 guns of mass destruction.

Sorry if you think that's dumb.
"Guns of mass destruction"?

I'm sorry, remind me again...why is it you insist we should take you seriously? :confused:

its hard to take overly paranoid people seriously....this guy no doubt has nightmares about being shot,by his neighbor......i hope he doesn't own any guns....he might flip out any day and kill someone.....but that's the other kind of "gun nuts" out there.....people like this guy....

Don't own any guns, never have and never will. But I have a car and according to you gun-nuts, that's equal to a gun because you gun-nuts keep telling us that fact.
"Guns of mass destruction"?

I'm sorry, remind me again...why is it you insist we should take you seriously? :confused:

its hard to take overly paranoid people seriously....this guy no doubt has nightmares about being shot,by his neighbor......i hope he doesn't own any guns....he might flip out any day and kill someone.....but that's the other kind of "gun nuts" out there.....people like this guy....

Don't own any guns, never have and never will. But I have a car and according to you gun-nuts, that's equal to a gun because you gun-nuts keep telling us that fact.

Soooo, you are for tougher restrictions on automobiles?
I'm not worried. You will never see a disarmed United States
Almost certainly true.

But with people like you as the mindless pawns of militarism, it is quite likely that, in the future, you will not see a United States at all.

Well, he fits the profile doesn't he? You yourself likes to profile, don't you? You know...

thats not profiling.....thats the know how i know?.....your good buddy Dean says that.....

Way to pass the buck kiddo. Sheesh, what ever happened to personal responsibility?
Oh, you mean personal responsibility like you and the Aussie refusing to hold criminals responsible for their actions?
I'm not worried. You will never see a disarmed United States
Almost certainly true.

But with people like you as the mindless pawns of militarism, it is quite likely that, in the future, you will not see a United States at all.


Oh piss off. How did our long gun registry do anything at all?


Billion dollar boondoggle. Tell them the truth.

Epic fail.
I'm not worried. You will never see a disarmed United States
Almost certainly true.

But with people like you as the mindless pawns of militarism, it is quite likely that, in the future, you will not see a United States at all.

The '60's called. They want their acid-fueled rhetoric back.


Not even the purple double domes called like that. Sheesh numan is a product of lib 101 mmmmmmmmmm lets see born in the 80's me thinks.
Dumbo Obama's EO directing the CDC research gun crime resulted in them turning to Institute of Medicine (IOM) to review the causes and prevention of gun violence. In late June the IOM released a report "Priorities for Research to Reduce the Threat of Firearn-Related Violence. It was a surprising report for the anti-gun movement

Interesting enough, out of the low estimated usage, 108,000 defensive gun use in the report, still equates to 10 defensive gun uses for each murder with a gun in the U.S. Realistic numbers of defensive uses are difficult to interpret says the CDC, because respondents were not asked specifically about defensive gun use. Quite possibly to skew the low estimated 108,00 number.

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Dumbo Obama's EO directing the CDC research gun crime resulted in them turning to Institute of Medicine (IOM) to review the causes and prevention of gun violence. In late June the IOM released a report "Priorities for Research to Reduce the Threat of Firearn-Related Violence. It was a surprising report for the anti-gun movement

Interesting enough, out of the low estimated usage, 108,000 defensive gun use in the report, still equates to 10 defensive gun uses for each murder with a gun in the U.S. Realistic numbers of defensive uses are difficult to interpret says the CDC, because respondents were not asked specifically about defensive gun use. Quite possibly to skew the low estimated 108,00 number.


For me, despite a screaming headline and that's the left's way of joke journalism these days, whenever a so called study and/or poll comes up I want the methodology.

No methodology or link given to a pdf they can take the poll and shove it.
I'm not worried. You will never see a disarmed United States
Almost certainly true.

But with people like you as the mindless pawns of militarism, it is quite likely that, in the future, you will not see a United States at all.


I know you hate death sticks dude. That's cool, but most of the people in this country don't own guns because they're "mindless pawns of militarism". Some surely do but most people with rifles just use them in a sporting manner. Some hunt, some shoot. Very few long rifles are involved in the crimes you read about. Usually handguns are the gun of murderers and, FWIW, I really don't care for hand guns too much. Where I live I have to contend with all kinds of dangers that police could never respond to in time to save me. Those dangers are due to the fact that I live in a big country with a lot things that bite, plus lot crazy people high on meth and god knows what else. Worse yet, this nation is in it's death throes so when it goes down, I'm better off with having a death stick than not. I say this because I have a daughter. I hope you can respect this.
Almost certainly true.

But with people like you as the mindless pawns of militarism, it is quite likely that, in the future, you will not see a United States at all.

The '60's called. They want their acid-fueled rhetoric back.


Not even the purple double domes called like that. Sheesh numan is a product of lib 101 mmmmmmmmmm lets see born in the 80's me thinks.

When it doesn't seem like you're getting enough attention here, or you simply can't connect dots to a coherent post, put up an avatar of a woman's ass. That ought to work.

I'm not worried. You will never see a disarmed United States
Almost certainly true.

But with people like you as the mindless pawns of militarism, it is quite likely that, in the future, you will not see a United States at all.


I know you hate death sticks dude. That's cool, but most of the people in this country don't own guns because they're "mindless pawns of militarism". Some surely do but most people with rifles just use them in a sporting manner. Some hunt, some shoot. Very few long rifles are involved in the crimes you read about. Usually handguns are the gun of murderers and, FWIW, I really don't care for hand guns too much. Where I live I have to contend with all kinds of dangers that police could never respond to in time to save me. Those dangers are due to the fact that I live in a big country with a lot things that bite, plus lot crazy people high on meth and god knows what else. Worse yet, this nation is in it's death throes so when it goes down, I'm better off with having a death stick than not. I say this because I have a daughter. I hope you can respect this.
I'm betting he can't.

Irrational gun-haters want people to be unable to protect themselves from criminals. They have as yet not explained why.
STUDY: Using Guns for Defense Leads to Fewer Injuries - US News and World Report

STUDY: Using Guns for Defense Leads to Fewer Injuries

Just a month after the shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary, President Obama called for an assessment of the existing research on gun violence and recommendations for more studies. Now, that assessment is out, and it delves deeply into what research shows us about why gun violence happens in this country – and also into how well the defensive use of guns work.

Citing four separate studies between 1988-2004, the assessment from the Institute of Medicine and the National Research Council says crime victims who use guns in self-defense have consistently lower injury rates than victims who use other strategies to protect themselves (other strategies include stalling, calling the police or using weapons such as knives or baseball bats).

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