US gun culture is 'corrupting the world,' Australia ex-deputy PM says after slaying

Tom Selleck's movie Quigley Downunder had an important story to tell.

Some people in Australia were intent on exterminating the natives.

Not the just classed them as 'Flora and Fauna', wouldn't allow them to live in towns, own property, drink in pubs etc.

Until 1967, when the People [White] spoke, and voted 90% to make the Aborigines equal under the law, having been awaked to their plight and the discrimination by "The Freedom Bus riders" who toured country towns protesting.
The riots as they were beaten up and their bus chased...made headline news in the big cities.

"Girls to the back...girls to the back" was the call as their bus was followed out of one town and nearly run off the road.
They thought they were to be attacked...and they searched the floor for bottles to use as weapons.
More cars arrived, the bus stopped...but it was Aborigines who had come to protect them...and the
attackers drove away.

One of the uni student protesters who was beaten up is now the Chief Justice of NSW.
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Tom Selleck's movie Quigley Downunder had an important story to tell.

Some people in Australia were intent on exterminating the natives.

Not the just classed them as 'Flora and Fauna', wouldn't allow them to live in towns, own property, drink in pubs etc.

Until 1967, when the People [White] spoke, and voted 90% to make the Aborigines equal under the law, having been awaked to their plight and the discrimination by "The Freedom Bus riders" who toured country towns protesting.
The riots as they were beaten up and their bus chased...made headline news in the big cities.

"Girls to the back...girls to the back" was the call as their bus was followed out of one town and nearly run off the road.
They thought they were to be attacked...and they searched the floor for bottles to use as weapons.
More cars arrived, the bus stopped...but it was Aborigines who had come to protect them...and the
attackers drove away.

One of the uni student protesters who was beaten up is now the Chief Justice of NSW.

Up here and bless my darling Prime Minister's soul he apologized from his heart about the schools.

We tried to oh my I have no words tonight. I'll do it tomorrow. We tried dragging the kids out of the tribes and re educating them.

I'm too hung over to address this properly. As it should be addressed. It was a dark time in life. That it was.
Well, I want to bash your country for it, but mine try to exterminate its natives also. But I will not act holier than thou over it either.

It was your evolutionary duty to eliminate the unfit races. Whites who did that have nothing to be ashamed of. Be proud, don't be a Lostralian.

Also unfit Neanderthals are the dumb bullies of the hereditary ruling class. Australians, to judge by class snobbery, were the lowest of the low. Yet, before the wussing matildas took over, they created a country that not only proved White superiority, but disproved class superiority.
Those who believe their race is superior tend to be very inferior individuals.

If the best thing you have to make you feel better about yourself is something you have no control over, you're a loser. :lol:
Not only inferior...but insecure douchebags underneath their own skin.
really....did i tell you that?....did i even mention a car? are not only overly paranoid are imagining things now....

I said "you gun-nuts", as in plural. Are you a 'gun-nut? If not then don't worry about the generalization. But I'll bet you've used that standard, dittohead deflection 'car-argument' many times before.

sure i have....and i bet a bright guy like you can prove it too .....since i have done it "many times" it should be easy to prove.....not only are you a paranoid are a delusional dipshit....



LOL...and I love it! :lol:
Thank god for big gov't. Big gov't checks and balances r-wing extremism. Big gov't was born out of r-wing extremism. Big government is the antithesis to r-wing extremism.
Gun deaths in the US will soon pass auto deaths in number. 32,000 gun deaths here a year. But that is just all right with our Gun Nuts.

Not all right with the majority of Americans, and with a few more outrageous crimes committed by those with absolutely free access to guns, you will see more gun control laws than you thought possible. And the NRA will be regarded with the same disdain as the KKK.

OR where is the free access in any of these crimes? All these 'outrageous crimes', which in context I assume you mean mass shootings, have the following things in common:

1. All but two of them were done in gun ban areas. That is like 2 out of 40 or so world wide.

2. In areas where guns are totally banned and it is very difficult for an average person to get them, the slaughters have been done with KNIVES.

3. In almost all of the US incidents, the people who did the killings were violating multiple laws regarding their obtaining their guns already. The Sandy Hook murderer had a mental history and was not supposed to have access to guns, but he killed his mother and got them anyway.

You are targeting the wrong source of the problem. The problem is not the tool used, the problem is what resides in the human heart; contempt for life and law.

Fix that and you will fix the mass murder problem.
Big gov't was born out of r-wing extremism. Big government is the antithesis to r-wing extremism.

You are obviously a troll, but I will play; if Big Government was born of right-wing extremism, then why is it the antithesis of right-wing extremism?

Only a libtard can be that stupid.
Just reacting to that disgusting touchy-feely Tom Selleck movie Quigley Down Under.

Well, I want to bash your country for it, but mine try to exterminate its natives also. But I will not act holier than thou over it either.

It was your evolutionary duty to eliminate the unfit races. Whites who did that have nothing to be ashamed of. Be proud, don't be a Lostralian.

Guys, this pretty much demonstrates that Prometheus is a racist agitator and not someone any American should give any credit to. And that is at best consideration, at worst he has a high probability of being a government provocateur and informant.

Don't take the bait. Stick to our constitutional principles, not racist fantasy.
Well, I want to bash your country for it, but mine try to exterminate its natives also. But I will not act holier than thou over it either.

It was your evolutionary duty to eliminate the unfit races. Whites who did that have nothing to be ashamed of. Be proud, don't be a Lostralian.

Also unfit Neanderthals are the dumb bullies of the hereditary ruling class. Australians, to judge by class snobbery, were the lowest of the low. Yet, before the wussing matildas took over, they created a country that not only proved White superiority, but disproved class superiority.
Those who believe their race is superior tend to be very inferior individuals.

If the best thing you have to make you feel better about yourself is something you have no control over, you're a loser. :lol:

"You must spread some Reputation around..."

I said "you gun-nuts", as in plural. Are you a 'gun-nut? If not then don't worry about the generalization. But I'll bet you've used that standard, dittohead deflection 'car-argument' many times before.

sure i have....and i bet a bright guy like you can prove it too .....since i have done it "many times" it should be easy to prove.....not only are you a paranoid are a delusional dipshit....



LOL...and I love it! :lol:

oh.....i get it.....:lol:......:smoke:
Well, I want to bash your country for it, but mine try to exterminate its natives also. But I will not act holier than thou over it either.

It was your evolutionary duty to eliminate the unfit races. Whites who did that have nothing to be ashamed of. Be proud, don't be a Lostralian.

Also unfit Neanderthals are the dumb bullies of the hereditary ruling class. Australians, to judge by class snobbery, were the lowest of the low. Yet, before the wussing matildas took over, they created a country that not only proved White superiority, but disproved class superiority.
Those who believe their race is superior tend to be very inferior individuals.

If the best thing you have to make you feel better about yourself is something you have no control over, you're a loser. :lol:
On top of that, if you define the success of an ethnic group by how it extract resource, destroys the planet, and can live in total disharmony and utterly out of balance with its environment and the natural systems, sure, in the short run, it appears the invading whites look more successful than the aboriginal Australians, but we should let the long view of history be the judge. And history is not over yet. Our modern systems teeter on the brink, one crises away from catastrophe. Their system, well, it is much more hardy.

As a cultural and physical Anthropologist, I can tell you that the model the original Australians had adopted was far more intelligent, they required no outside inputs to survive. If a Coronal Mass Ejection should hit the earth tomorrow and wipe out humanities power grids for the next 18 months, the whites of Australia will largly starve, loot, riot and die. The aboriginals who have held on to their ancient way and knowledge? The ones that don't rely on, "just in time" resource lines and supply lines from manufacturers and food suppliers? They will be just fine.

In the natural world, we measure "success" and "fitness" of a species by it's ability to survive. The aborigines can survive as a community where the whites can't or won't. Likewise, even in the US, the Native Americans still keep alive many of the traditions of living off the land AS A COMMUNITY, that survivalists think only individuals can do. We are a communal species, doing it alone will never work. Eventually the individual dies.

And you can bet, those who have guns to hunt their own food? They will last a hell of a lot longer than those who don't . . . . . :cool:
Tom Selleck's movie Quigley Downunder had an important story to tell.

Some people in Australia were intent on exterminating the natives.

Not the just classed them as 'Flora and Fauna', wouldn't allow them to live in towns, own property, drink in pubs etc.

to their plight and the discrimination by "The Freedom Bus riders" protesting.
The riots as they were beaten up and their bus chased...made headline news in the big cities.

One of the uni student protesters who was beaten up is now the Chief Justice of NSW.

How touchy-feely. You should put a halo on your avatar to indicate your moral superiority over your pioneers. New Age Lostralians sitting around the multicultie campfire, singing Kumbaya. The marshmallows will be white.

Civil Rights for the Uncivilized. Been there, been burned. We'll trade you Eric Holdup for your Chief Justice. We need Affirmative Action appointments who can't blame White Americans for their incompetence.
Well, I want to bash your country for it, but mine try to exterminate its natives also. But I will not act holier than thou over it either.

It was your evolutionary duty to eliminate the unfit races. Whites who did that have nothing to be ashamed of. Be proud, don't be a Lostralian.

Guys, this pretty much demonstrates that Prometheus is a racist agitator and not someone any American should give any credit to.

Stick to our constitutional principles.

You spit on our pioneers. You're just a sick girlyman masochist who wants to get overrun by savages. Your hidden goal is to humiliate us with your anti-majority laws so you can put us in our place.

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