US gun culture is 'corrupting the world,' Australia ex-deputy PM says after slaying

the U.S. did it- the U.S. did it. Is the worlds version of Bush did it- Bush did it?
It was your evolutionary duty to eliminate the unfit races. Whites who did that have nothing to be ashamed of. Be proud, don't be a Lostralian.

Also unfit Neanderthals are the dumb bullies of the hereditary ruling class. Australians, to judge by class snobbery, were the lowest of the low. Yet, before the wussing matildas took over, they created a country that not only proved White superiority, but disproved class superiority.
On top of that, if you define the success of an ethnic group by how it extracts resources, destroys the planet, and can live in total disharmony and utterly out of balance with its environment and the natural systems, sure, in the short run, it appears the invading whites look more successful than the aboriginal Australians, but we should be the judge. And history is not over yet. Our modern systems teeter on the brink, one crisis away from catastrophe. Their system, well, it is much more hardy.

As a cultural and physical Anthropologist, I can tell you that the model the original Australians had adopted was far more intelligent, they required no outside inputs to survive. If a Coronal Mass Ejection should hit the earth tomorrow

In the natural world, we measure "success" and "fitness" The aborigines can survive as a community where the whites can't or won't. Likewise, even in the US, the Native Americans still keep alive many of the traditions of living off the land AS A COMMUNITY, that survivalists think only individuals can do. We are a species,


Your ideal is to have us live like those Stone Age savages, too stupid to develop their natural resources or even to invent the wheel. Your DNA has been taken over by its Neanderthal genes and you want us to lead us back to your deranged image of a caveman paradise.

Why do the Abos want a place in the White society if their Outback world is so wonderful? Why do these idealized refugees from evolution prefer to take what is ours instead? How easy it would be if any of your PC anthropology were true. Our Blacks would be happy to go back to the African jungle and our Indians would thrive in the Amazon snakepit.
On top of that, if you define the success of an ethnic group by how it extracts resources, destroys the planet, and can live in total disharmony and utterly out of balance with its environment and the natural systems, sure, in the short run, it appears the invading whites look more successful than the aboriginal Australians, but we should be the judge. And history is not over yet. Our modern systems teeter on the brink, one crisis away from catastrophe. Their system, well, it is much more hardy.

As a cultural and physical Anthropologist, I can tell you that the model the original Australians had adopted was far more intelligent, they required no outside inputs to survive. If a Coronal Mass Ejection should hit the earth tomorrow

In the natural world, we measure "success" and "fitness" The aborigines can survive as a community where the whites can't or won't. Likewise, even in the US, the Native Americans still keep alive many of the traditions of living off the land AS A COMMUNITY, that survivalists think only individuals can do. We are a species,


Your ideal is to have us live like those Stone Age savages, too stupid to develop their natural resources or even to invent the wheel. Your DNA has been taken over by its Neanderthal genes and you want us to lead us back to your deranged image of a caveman paradise.

Why do the Abos want a place in the White society if their Outback world is so wonderful? Why do these idealized refugees from evolution prefer to take what is ours instead? How easy it would be if any of your PC anthropology were true. Our Blacks would be happy to go back to the African jungle and our Indians would thrive in the Amazon snakepit.

"So the last will be first and the first last, for the called are many and the chosen ones are few.”
...if Big Government was born of right-wing extremism, then why is it the antithesis of right-wing extremism?
Well, if militarism, war profiteering, a vast, co-ordinated Brainwashing Machine, and a totalitarian National Security State are a continuation and refinement of Nazism and are to be considered Big Government, then Big Government is the triumph of right-wing extremism.

Therefore, you would be quite incorrect in your assumption that Big Government is the antithesis of right-wing extremism; it is, rather, its ultimate, logical expression.

On the other hand, if your are referring to the codswallop that is fed as brainwashing to the politically naive suckers and saps who imagine that they are right-wingers, then you may say that such prole-feed is antithetical to Big Government.
...if Big Government was born of right-wing extremism, then why is it the antithesis of right-wing extremism?
Well, if militarism, war profiteering, a vast, co-ordinated Brainwashing Machine, and a totalitarian National Security State are a continuation and refinement of Nazism and are to be considered Big Government, then Big Government is the triumph of right-wing extremism.

Therefore, you would be quite incorrect in your assumption that Big Government is the antithesis of right-wing extremism; it is, rather, its ultimate, logical expression.

On the other hand, if your are referring to the codswallop that is fed as brainwashing to the politically naive suckers and saps who imagine that they are right-wingers, then you may say that such prole-feed is antithetical to Big Government.
Nothng to see here but willful ignorance and partisan bigotry.
It was your evolutionary duty to eliminate the unfit races. Whites who did that have nothing to be ashamed of. Be proud, don't be a Lostralian.

Also unfit Neanderthals are the dumb bullies of the hereditary ruling class. Australians, to judge by class snobbery, were the lowest of the low. Yet, before the wussing matildas took over, they created a country that not only proved White superiority, but disproved class superiority.
Those who believe their race is superior tend to be very inferior individuals.

If the best thing you have to make you feel better about yourself is something you have no control over, you're a loser. :lol:
Not only inferior...but insecure douchebags underneath their own skin.
Inarguably. Racists tend to hate themselves.
Gun deaths in the US will soon pass auto deaths in number. 32,000 gun deaths here a year. But that is just all right with our Gun Nuts.

Not all right with the majority of Americans, and with a few more outrageous crimes committed by those with absolutely free access to guns, you will see more gun control laws than you thought possible. And the NRA will be regarded with the same disdain as the KKK.

OR where is the free access in any of these crimes? All these 'outrageous crimes', which in context I assume you mean mass shootings, have the following things in common:

1. All but two of them were done in gun ban areas. That is like 2 out of 40 or so world wide.

2. In areas where guns are totally banned and it is very difficult for an average person to get them, the slaughters have been done with KNIVES.

3. In almost all of the US incidents, the people who did the killings were violating multiple laws regarding their obtaining their guns already. The Sandy Hook murderer had a mental history and was not supposed to have access to guns, but he killed his mother and got them anyway.

You are targeting the wrong source of the problem. The problem is not the tool used, the problem is what resides in the human heart; contempt for life and law.

Fix that and you will fix the mass murder problem.
No, no, no -- if we word the law correctly, criminals will obey it.

Right, Old Rocks?
Thank god for big gov't. Big gov't checks and balances r-wing extremism. Big gov't was born out of r-wing extremism. Big government is the antithesis to r-wing extremism.

Checks and balances son? GUESS what the Founders gave us to check even them?

Like throwing around clichés? Shows how ignorant you are.

'Checks and balances' indeed.

YOU have no clue about your own liberty and what was given to YOU by the Founders...DRONES as YOU usually are oblivious.

Drone on proud're in shackles by your own choosing.

The T ~OUT.
It was your evolutionary duty to eliminate the unfit races. Whites who did that have nothing to be ashamed of. Be proud, don't be a Lostralian.

Also unfit Neanderthals are the dumb bullies of the hereditary ruling class. Australians, to judge by class snobbery, were the lowest of the low. Yet, before the wussing matildas took over, they created a country that not only proved White superiority, but disproved class superiority.
Those who believe their race is superior tend to be very inferior individuals.

If the best thing you have to make you feel better about yourself is something you have no control over, you're a loser. :lol:
On top of that, if you define the success of an ethnic group by how it extract resource, destroys the planet, and can live in total disharmony and utterly out of balance with its environment and the natural systems, sure, in the short run, it appears the invading whites look more successful than the aboriginal Australians, but we should let the long view of history be the judge. And history is not over yet. Our modern systems teeter on the brink, one crises away from catastrophe. Their system, well, it is much more hardy.

As a cultural and physical Anthropologist, I can tell you that the model the original Australians had adopted was far more intelligent, they required no outside inputs to survive. If a Coronal Mass Ejection should hit the earth tomorrow and wipe out humanities power grids for the next 18 months, the whites of Australia will largly starve, loot, riot and die. The aboriginals who have held on to their ancient way and knowledge? The ones that don't rely on, "just in time" resource lines and supply lines from manufacturers and food suppliers? They will be just fine.

In the natural world, we measure "success" and "fitness" of a species by it's ability to survive. The aborigines can survive as a community where the whites can't or won't. Likewise, even in the US, the Native Americans still keep alive many of the traditions of living off the land AS A COMMUNITY, that survivalists think only individuals can do. We are a communal species, doing it alone will never work. Eventually the individual dies.

And you can bet, those who have guns to hunt their own food? They will last a hell of a lot longer than those who don't . . . . . :cool:
A country boy can survive -- no matter what the country. :thup:
Gun deaths in the US will soon pass auto deaths in number. 32,000 gun deaths here a year. But that is just all right with our Gun Nuts.

Not all right with the majority of Americans, and with a few more outrageous crimes committed by those with absolutely free access to guns, you will see more gun control laws than you thought possible. And the NRA will be regarded with the same disdain as the KKK.

OR where is the free access in any of these crimes? All these 'outrageous crimes', which in context I assume you mean mass shootings, have the following things in common:

1. All but two of them were done in gun ban areas. That is like 2 out of 40 or so world wide.

2. In areas where guns are totally banned and it is very difficult for an average person to get them, the slaughters have been done with KNIVES.

3. In almost all of the US incidents, the people who did the killings were violating multiple laws regarding their obtaining their guns already. The Sandy Hook murderer had a mental history and was not supposed to have access to guns, but he killed his mother and got them anyway.

You are targeting the wrong source of the problem. The problem is not the tool used, the problem is what resides in the human heart; contempt for life and law.

Fix that and you will fix the mass murder problem.


England and Japan are fine examples of mostly 'gun-corruption' free society's. It's the 'cowboy-mentality that has corrupted the US mostly.
How touchy-feely. You should put a halo on your avatar to indicate your moral superiority over your pioneers. New Age Lostralians sitting around the multicultie campfire, singing Kumbaya. The marshmallows will be white.

Civil Rights for the Uncivilized. Been there, been burned. We'll trade you Eric Holdup for your Chief Justice. We need Affirmative Action appointments who can't blame White Americans for their incompetence.

You spit on our pioneers. You're just a sick girlyman masochist who wants to get overrun by savages. Your hidden goal is to humiliate us with your anti-majority laws so you can put us in our place.

I repeat:

Those who believe their race is superior tend to be very inferior individuals.

If the best thing you have to make you feel better about yourself is something you have no control over, you're a loser. :lol:
When you have anything on your resume besides "White!!", let us know, mmmkay?


Oh, and you have too much rep. Lemme fix that.

Dang. Gotta spread some love before Prom Queen gets what he deserves.
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On top of that, if you define the success of an ethnic group by how it extracts resources, destroys the planet, and can live in total disharmony and utterly out of balance with its environment and the natural systems, sure, in the short run, it appears the invading whites look more successful than the aboriginal Australians, but we should be the judge. And history is not over yet. Our modern systems teeter on the brink, one crisis away from catastrophe. Their system, well, it is much more hardy.

As a cultural and physical Anthropologist, I can tell you that the model the original Australians had adopted was far more intelligent, they required no outside inputs to survive. If a Coronal Mass Ejection should hit the earth tomorrow

In the natural world, we measure "success" and "fitness" The aborigines can survive as a community where the whites can't or won't. Likewise, even in the US, the Native Americans still keep alive many of the traditions of living off the land AS A COMMUNITY, that survivalists think only individuals can do. We are a species,


Your ideal is to have us live like those Stone Age savages, too stupid to develop their natural resources or even to invent the wheel. Your DNA has been taken over by its Neanderthal genes and you want us to lead us back to your deranged image of a caveman paradise.

Why do the Abos want a place in the White society if their Outback world is so wonderful? Why do these idealized refugees from evolution prefer to take what is ours instead? How easy it would be if any of your PC anthropology were true. Our Blacks would be happy to go back to the African jungle and our Indians would thrive in the Amazon snakepit.
You should move to Antarctica. You'll love it. It's all white.
Gun deaths in the US will soon pass auto deaths in number. 32,000 gun deaths here a year. But that is just all right with our Gun Nuts.

Not all right with the majority of Americans, and with a few more outrageous crimes committed by those with absolutely free access to guns, you will see more gun control laws than you thought possible. And the NRA will be regarded with the same disdain as the KKK.

OR where is the free access in any of these crimes? All these 'outrageous crimes', which in context I assume you mean mass shootings, have the following things in common:

1. All but two of them were done in gun ban areas. That is like 2 out of 40 or so world wide.

2. In areas where guns are totally banned and it is very difficult for an average person to get them, the slaughters have been done with KNIVES.

3. In almost all of the US incidents, the people who did the killings were violating multiple laws regarding their obtaining their guns already. The Sandy Hook murderer had a mental history and was not supposed to have access to guns, but he killed his mother and got them anyway.

You are targeting the wrong source of the problem. The problem is not the tool used, the problem is what resides in the human heart; contempt for life and law.

Fix that and you will fix the mass murder problem.


England and Japan are fine examples of mostly 'gun-corruption' free society's. It's the 'cowboy-mentality that has corrupted the US mostly.
Exercising your God-Given right to defend your liberty is now "cowboy"? Really?
Thank god for big gov't. Big gov't checks and balances r-wing extremism. Big gov't was born out of r-wing extremism. Big government is the antithesis to r-wing extremism.
Yes, because individual liberty is just so dangerous.

Yes, because individual liberty was for so long in our history... was considered justice. Justice in that era of course meant... 'just us' whites!
...if Big Government was born of right-wing extremism, then why is it the antithesis of right-wing extremism?
Well, if militarism, war profiteering, a vast, co-ordinated Brainwashing Machine, and a totalitarian National Security State are a continuation and refinement of Nazism and are to be considered Big Government, then Big Government is the triumph of right-wing extremism.

Therefore, you would be quite incorrect in your assumption that Big Government is the antithesis of right-wing extremism; it is, rather, its ultimate, logical expression.

On the other hand, if your are referring to the codswallop that is fed as brainwashing to the politically naive suckers and saps who imagine that they are right-wingers, then you may say that such prole-feed is antithetical to Big Government.
:lmao: And there you are in the other thread making fun of Christians for their beliefs.
OR where is the free access in any of these crimes? All these 'outrageous crimes', which in context I assume you mean mass shootings, have the following things in common:

1. All but two of them were done in gun ban areas. That is like 2 out of 40 or so world wide.

2. In areas where guns are totally banned and it is very difficult for an average person to get them, the slaughters have been done with KNIVES.

3. In almost all of the US incidents, the people who did the killings were violating multiple laws regarding their obtaining their guns already. The Sandy Hook murderer had a mental history and was not supposed to have access to guns, but he killed his mother and got them anyway.

You are targeting the wrong source of the problem. The problem is not the tool used, the problem is what resides in the human heart; contempt for life and law.

Fix that and you will fix the mass murder problem.


England and Japan are fine examples of mostly 'gun-corruption' free society's. It's the 'cowboy-mentality that has corrupted the US mostly.
Exercising your God-Given right to defend your liberty is now "cowboy"? Really?
Be gentle. Kid was scared by a Sheriff Woody doll.

[ame=]Toy Story Clip - Sid Learns A Lesson - YouTube[/ame]

England and Japan are fine examples of mostly 'gun-corruption' free society's. It's the 'cowboy-mentality that has corrupted the US mostly.
Exercising your God-Given right to defend your liberty is now "cowboy"? Really?
Be gentle. Kid was scared by a Sheriff Woody doll.

[ame=""]Toy Story Clip - Sid Learns A Lesson - YouTube[/ame]

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