US gun culture is 'corrupting the world,' Australia ex-deputy PM says after slaying

Gun deaths in the US will soon pass auto deaths in number. 32,000 gun deaths here a year. But that is just all right with our Gun Nuts.

Not all right with the majority of Americans, and with a few more outrageous crimes committed by those with absolutely free access to guns, you will see more gun control laws than you thought possible. And the NRA will be regarded with the same disdain as the KKK.

OR where is the free access in any of these crimes? All these 'outrageous crimes', which in context I assume you mean mass shootings, have the following things in common:

1. All but two of them were done in gun ban areas. That is like 2 out of 40 or so world wide.

2. In areas where guns are totally banned and it is very difficult for an average person to get them, the slaughters have been done with KNIVES.

3. In almost all of the US incidents, the people who did the killings were violating multiple laws regarding their obtaining their guns already. The Sandy Hook murderer had a mental history and was not supposed to have access to guns, but he killed his mother and got them anyway.

You are targeting the wrong source of the problem. The problem is not the tool used, the problem is what resides in the human heart; contempt for life and law.

Fix that and you will fix the mass murder problem.
No, no, no -- if we word the law correctly, criminals will obey it.

Right, Old Rocks?

Rocks is another one of them "drive-by" posters....says shit but never comes back to answer questions or defend what he says.....whats the point of participating?.....
OR where is the free access in any of these crimes? All these 'outrageous crimes', which in context I assume you mean mass shootings, have the following things in common:

1. All but two of them were done in gun ban areas. That is like 2 out of 40 or so world wide.

2. In areas where guns are totally banned and it is very difficult for an average person to get them, the slaughters have been done with KNIVES.

3. In almost all of the US incidents, the people who did the killings were violating multiple laws regarding their obtaining their guns already. The Sandy Hook murderer had a mental history and was not supposed to have access to guns, but he killed his mother and got them anyway.

You are targeting the wrong source of the problem. The problem is not the tool used, the problem is what resides in the human heart; contempt for life and law.

Fix that and you will fix the mass murder problem.
No, no, no -- if we word the law correctly, criminals will obey it.

Right, Old Rocks?

Rocks is another one of them "drive-by" posters....says shit but never comes back to answer questions or defend what he says.....whats the point of participating?.....

Unlike you, Rocks must have a life other than this forum.
No, no, no -- if we word the law correctly, criminals will obey it.

Right, Old Rocks?

Rocks is another one of them "drive-by" posters....says shit but never comes back to answer questions or defend what he says.....whats the point of participating?.....

Unlike you, Rocks must have a life other than this forum.

Yes, it's called fantasy. People like Old Rocks live in it quite often. By the way, negged for your trolling.
OR where is the free access in any of these crimes? All these 'outrageous crimes', which in context I assume you mean mass shootings, have the following things in common:

1. All but two of them were done in gun ban areas. That is like 2 out of 40 or so world wide.

2. In areas where guns are totally banned and it is very difficult for an average person to get them, the slaughters have been done with KNIVES.

3. In almost all of the US incidents, the people who did the killings were violating multiple laws regarding their obtaining their guns already. The Sandy Hook murderer had a mental history and was not supposed to have access to guns, but he killed his mother and got them anyway.

You are targeting the wrong source of the problem. The problem is not the tool used, the problem is what resides in the human heart; contempt for life and law.

Fix that and you will fix the mass murder problem.
No, no, no -- if we word the law correctly, criminals will obey it.

Right, Old Rocks?

Rocks is another one of them "drive-by" posters....says shit but never comes back to answer questions or defend what he says.....whats the point of participating?.....

Now that is a good question. What is the point of any of this? To say the same thing over and over and over........well you get the drift. So I stop by, read something crazy or stupid from the right wingers, make a derisive comment and leave. Why not do that? You get to express an opinion without wasting to much time reading the drivel right wingers post.

Maybe rocks does the same. Makes sense to me.

Also some of us have to work. Unlike some of ya'll. With 20 and 30 thousands posts.

Hey carmac. Neg me. It feels so good. LMAO. (do you really think your "negging" someone MEANS ANYTHING? Fuking crazies.
And the r-wing extremist racists have re emerged with the advent of President Obama's election in 2008. The 'SOUTH' is rising again so it seems.

You have a distinguished American in your presence, a 4 star general to be precise and yet Colin Powell is vilified and spat upon by the extremists in the GOP because he is an independent thinker and not in lock-step with the tea-baggers.

Don't let the dittoheads take you all back to the 40's and 50's America. Don't!
Funny how we're only supposed to respect veterans and active duty members who support Obama, isn't it?

I can guess your opinion of Colonel West...and it's not at all respectful.
OR where is the free access in any of these crimes? All these 'outrageous crimes', which in context I assume you mean mass shootings, have the following things in common:

1. All but two of them were done in gun ban areas. That is like 2 out of 40 or so world wide.

2. In areas where guns are totally banned and it is very difficult for an average person to get them, the slaughters have been done with KNIVES.

3. In almost all of the US incidents, the people who did the killings were violating multiple laws regarding their obtaining their guns already. The Sandy Hook murderer had a mental history and was not supposed to have access to guns, but he killed his mother and got them anyway.

You are targeting the wrong source of the problem. The problem is not the tool used, the problem is what resides in the human heart; contempt for life and law.

Fix that and you will fix the mass murder problem.
No, no, no -- if we word the law correctly, criminals will obey it.

Right, Old Rocks?

Rocks is another one of them "drive-by" posters....says shit but never comes back to answer questions or defend what he says.....whats the point of participating?.....
Considering he gets paid by the post, you think he'd be in here all day and night.

Maybe he's got other boards to spam.
No, no, no -- if we word the law correctly, criminals will obey it.

Right, Old Rocks?

Rocks is another one of them "drive-by" posters....says shit but never comes back to answer questions or defend what he says.....whats the point of participating?.....

Unlike you, Rocks must have a life other than this forum.

being that we both have been here the same amount of time and have about the same amount of posts i guess he is here about as often as i you enjoy sticking your foot in your ass as often as you do in these threads?......
No, no, no -- if we word the law correctly, criminals will obey it.

Right, Old Rocks?

Rocks is another one of them "drive-by" posters....says shit but never comes back to answer questions or defend what he says.....whats the point of participating?.....

Now that is a good question. What is the point of any of this? To say the same thing over and over and over........well you get the drift. So I stop by, read something crazy or stupid from the right wingers, make a derisive comment and leave. Why not do that? You get to express an opinion without wasting to much time reading the drivel right wingers post.

Maybe rocks does the same. Makes sense to me.

Also some of us have to work. Unlike some of ya'll. With 20 and 30 thousands posts.

Hey carmac. Neg me. It feels so good. LMAO. (do you really think your "negging" someone MEANS ANYTHING? Fuking crazies.

hey Zeke i understand what your saying.....but when you do what you say and ask a question or say something that brings up a question about what you say but the poster never comes question stands.....why participate?......and dont give the shit about working like that other asswipe Rocks junior did.....Rocks has been here a month longer than me and has almost a 1,000 posts more than me......
Rocks is another one of them "drive-by" posters....says shit but never comes back to answer questions or defend what he says.....whats the point of participating?.....

Unlike you, Rocks must have a life other than this forum.

being that we both have been here the same amount of time and have about the same amount of posts i guess he is here about as often as i you enjoy sticking your foot in your ass as often as you do in these threads?......

Well than Rocks has been here right along with you all that time idiot. Open your eyes fool.
No, no, no -- if we word the law correctly, criminals will obey it.

Right, Old Rocks?

Rocks is another one of them "drive-by" posters....says shit but never comes back to answer questions or defend what he says.....whats the point of participating?.....
Considering he gets paid by the post, you think he'd be in here all day and night.

Maybe he's got other boards to spam.

I see you have almost 44 thousand posts yourself. Wow! How much do they pay you?

You have a distinguished American in your presence, a 4 star general to be precise and yet Colin Powell is vilified and spat upon by the extremists in the GOP because he is an independent thinker and not in lock-step with the tea-baggers.

Don't let the dittoheads take you all back to the 40's and 50's America. Don't!
Funny how we're only supposed to respect veterans and active duty members who support Obama, isn't it?

I can guess your opinion of Colonel West...and it's not at all respectful.

Who's Colonel West?

And yes, one is supposed to show some respect to members of one's own Party affiliation.
Rocks is another one of them "drive-by" posters....says shit but never comes back to answer questions or defend what he says.....whats the point of participating?.....

Unlike you, Rocks must have a life other than this forum.

Yes, it's called fantasy. People like Old Rocks live in it quite often. By the way, negged for your trolling.

Thanks for the neg... quite an honor considering the source. I've done well by you. :lol:
...if Big Government was born of right-wing extremism, then why is it the antithesis of right-wing extremism?
Well, if militarism, war profiteering, a vast, co-ordinated Brainwashing Machine, and a totalitarian National Security State are a continuation and refinement of Nazism and are to be considered Big Government, then Big Government is the triumph of right-wing extremism.

Therefore, you would be quite incorrect in your assumption that Big Government is the antithesis of right-wing extremism; it is, rather, its ultimate, logical expression.

On the other hand, if your are referring to the codswallop that is fed as brainwashing to the politically naive suckers and saps who imagine that they are right-wingers, then you may say that such prole-feed is antithetical to Big Government.
Nothng to see here but willful ignorance and partisan bigotry.
Nothing to see in your post but a red herring, a lack of rational argument, and a refusal to face the facts.
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If you want to be a subject so bad, I suggest you move to some progressive paradise like Cuba or North Korea. Leave us citizens alone.
You? a citizen? Don't make me laugh!

What productive role do you play in the government of your nation?

You don't even know the meaning of the word "citizen". · · :lol:

You have a distinguished American in your presence, a 4 star general to be precise and yet Colin Powell is vilified and spat upon by the extremists in the GOP....
Hmmm... I still remember when Powell was abused by the left.
And now lauded by the very same....
Another indication that I am not a "liberal". I have never stopped despising Colin Powell.

Read his autobiography -- He was too stupid to hide his stupidity · · · and reveal the corruption of the military officer corp.
Your ideal is to have us live like those Stone Age savages....
Not at all -- you already live like a Stone Age savage, in your understanding and perception of the world around you.

Not uncommon -- in America.


Typical of your jealous hatred of normal people is that you only look up to that fantasizing freak Hawking because he's a creepy-looking helpless cripple. The motto of your mutant clique is, "If it's weird, it's wise." It's time people woke up to the fact that your New Age is nothing but a Dark Age and that you freaks are a clear and present danger to all the rest of us.

OLD SCHOOL: Manifest Destiny
NEW AGE: Mini-me Fuzzy Dust
OR where is the free access in any of these crimes? All these 'outrageous crimes', which in context I assume you mean mass shootings, have the following things in common:

1. All but two of them were done in gun ban areas. That is like 2 out of 40 or so world wide.

2. In areas where guns are totally banned and it is very difficult for an average person to get them, the slaughters have been done with KNIVES.

3. In almost all of the US incidents, the people who did the killings were violating multiple laws regarding their obtaining their guns already. The Sandy Hook murderer had a mental history and was not supposed to have access to guns, but he killed his mother and got them anyway.

You are targeting the wrong source of the problem. The problem is not the tool used, the problem is what resides in the human heart; contempt for life and law.

Fix that and you will fix the mass murder problem.


England and Japan are fine examples of mostly 'gun-corruption' free society's. It's the 'cowboy-mentality that has corrupted the US mostly.
Exercising your God-Given right to defend your liberty is now "cowboy"? Really?

Cowboys shot outlaws and other subhuman scum out to destroy society. Instead of arresting public enemies, let's deport them to the United Q'ingdom or Lostralia.
Thank god for big gov't. Big gov't checks and balances r-wing extremism. Big gov't was born out of r-wing extremism. Big government is the antithesis to r-wing extremism.
Yes, because individual liberty is just so dangerous.

Yes, because individual liberty was for so long in our history... was considered justice. Justice in that era of course meant... 'just us' whites!

The Low-IQ savages had no sense of justice. They were so kill-happy that suspicion was proof. In fact, their true character was exactly what you snobs think of Whites who committed the original sin of being born in the working class. Another characteristic anyone with any life experience will notice is that the feral races have no consideration for others, including of course for those of their own race. For example, they don't flush in public toilets, not caring if anyone else has to smell their feral sink. They leave glass bottles in parking lots, etc.

If aristocratic academentia didn't have an iron grip on social studies and biology, an independent mind would easily see that these races are really obsolete species, fugitives from evolution.

England and Japan are fine examples of mostly 'gun-corruption' free society's. It's the 'cowboy-mentality that has corrupted the US mostly.
Exercising your God-Given right to defend your liberty is now "cowboy"? Really?

Cowboys shot outlaws and other subhuman scum out to destroy society. Instead of arresting public enemies, let's deport them to the United Q'ingdom or Lostralia.

I say deport them to Texas.

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