US gun culture is 'corrupting the world,' Australia ex-deputy PM says after slaying

Yes, because individual liberty is just so dangerous.

Yes, because individual liberty was for so long in our history... was considered justice. Justice in that era of course meant... 'just us' whites!

The Low-IQ savages had no sense of justice. They were so kill-happy that suspicion was proof. In fact, their true character was exactly what you snobs think of Whites who committed the original sin of being born in the working class. Another characteristic anyone with any life experience will notice is that the feral races have no consideration for others, including of course for those of their own race. For example, they don't flush in public toilets, not caring if anyone else has to smell their feral sink. They leave glass bottles in parking lots, etc.

If aristocratic academentia didn't have an iron grip on social studies and biology, an independent mind would easily see that these races are really obsolete species, fugitives from evolution.

Are you off your meds again?
Exercising your God-Given right to defend your liberty is now "cowboy"? Really?

Cowboys shot outlaws and other subhuman scum out to destroy society. Instead of arresting public enemies, let's deport them to the United Q'ingdom or Lostralia.

I say deport them to Texas.

That wouldn't be humane. No, we must find our feral predators a happy home where they will be loved. It's all our fault that they became vicious animals and the best way we can atone for it is to send them to a country that lives under a Hug a Thug or A Punk Is a Hunk ruling class.
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Cowboys shot outlaws and other subhuman scum out to destroy society. Instead of arresting public enemies, let's deport them to the United Q'ingdom or Lostralia.

I say deport them to Texas.

That wouldn't be humane. No, we must find our feral predators a happy home where they will be loved. It's all our fault that they became vicious animals and the best way we can atone for it is to send them to a country that lives under a Hug a Thug or A Punk Is a Hunk ruling class.

No, Texas would be a far better place for them. Think of all them dead cowboys as a result.
Rocks is another one of them "drive-by" posters....says shit but never comes back to answer questions or defend what he says.....whats the point of participating?.....
Considering he gets paid by the post, you think he'd be in here all day and night.

Maybe he's got other boards to spam.

I see you have almost 44 thousand posts yourself. Wow! How much do they pay you?
Nothing. Making fun of progressives is its own reward. :lol:
Funny how we're only supposed to respect veterans and active duty members who support Obama, isn't it?

I can guess your opinion of Colonel West...and it's not at all respectful.

Who's Colonel West?
Really? :wtf:

He's a black conservative politician. The left throws every kind of racial epithet at him.
And yes, one is supposed to show some respect to members of one's own Party affiliation.
One can if one wishes. Me, I respect people who earn it.
US gun culture is 'corrupting the world,' Australia ex-deputy PM says after Okla. slaying - U.S. News

MELBOURNE, Australia -- Furious at the killing of an Australian college baseball player in Oklahoma, a senior figure in the victim's home country blamed the “gun culture” of United States for the death, saying it was “corrupting the world."


Lane, 22, had left Melbourne to attend East Central University in Ada, Oklahoma, where he was on a baseball scholarship.

Well, I'm saddened whenever anyone visiting the USA is killed by some fruitcake: Recall the sad story of the Italian newlywed, run down in California.

Mr. Lane apparently found prospects better in Oklahoma than in Australia.

Perhaps ex-deputy PM's in Australia should be asking themselves: How did living in Ada, Oklahoma EVER look like a better alternative than ANYWHERE in Australia.
If you want to be a subject so bad, I suggest you move to some progressive paradise like Cuba or North Korea. Leave us citizens alone.
You? a citizen? Don't make me laugh!

What productive role do you play in the government of your nation?

You don't even know the meaning of the word "citizen". · · :lol:

I really hate to tell you this, because I know it's news to you -- but you're not as smart as you think you are. And you really have nothing to justify that level of arrogance. Sorry for gutting your CV, but "being a progressive" isn't an accomplishment worthy of respect, nor does it give your opinions greater weight than those of others.

I'll give you a moment to get acquainted with reality. I don't believe you two have met before.
Well, if militarism, war profiteering, a vast, co-ordinated Brainwashing Machine, and a totalitarian National Security State are a continuation and refinement of Nazism and are to be considered Big Government, then Big Government is the triumph of right-wing extremism.

Therefore, you would be quite incorrect in your assumption that Big Government is the antithesis of right-wing extremism; it is, rather, its ultimate, logical expression.

On the other hand, if your are referring to the codswallop that is fed as brainwashing to the politically naive suckers and saps who imagine that they are right-wingers, then you may say that such prole-feed is antithetical to Big Government.
Nothng to see here but willful ignorance and partisan bigotry.
Nothing to see in your post but a red herring, a lack of rational argument, and a refusal to face the facts.

Is Harvard a good enough source for you? As usual your facts are merely uninformed opinion.

One paragraph from the study for you....

"While American gun ownership is quite high, Table 1 shows many other
developed nations (e.g., Norway, Finland, Germany, France,
Denmark) with high rates of gun ownership. These countries,
however, have murder rates as low or lower than many developed
nations in which gun ownership is much rarer. For example,
Luxembourg, where handguns are totally banned and ownership
of any kind of gun is minimal, had a murder rate nine times
higher than Germany in 2002.9"

Russia 20.54 [2002] 4,000
Luxembourg 9.01 [2002] c. 0
Hungary 2.22 [2003] 2,000
Finland 1.98 [2004] 39,000
Sweden 1.87 [2001] 24,000
Poland 1.79 [2003] 1,500
France 1.65 [2003] 30,000
Denmark 1.21 [2003] 19,000
Greece 1.12 [2003] 11,000
Switzerland 0.99 [2003] 16,000
Germany 0.93 [2003] 30,000
Norway 0.81 [2001] 36,000
Austria 0.80 [2002] 17,000
If you want to be a subject so bad, I suggest you move to some progressive paradise like Cuba or North Korea. Leave us citizens alone.
You? a citizen? Don't make me laugh!

What productive role do you play in the government of your nation?

You don't even know the meaning of the word "citizen". · · :lol:


Daveman has done far more to protect your ability to be an ignorant, racist twit than you will ever know. It's sad that this country actually supports and now encourages dipshits like you. You do nothing but drain this society of resources that would be much better used elsewhere.
Is Harvard a good enough source for you? As usual your facts are merely uninformed opinion.
An amusing statement, considering that your "source" is a bunch of Harvard kids running a right-wing propaganda journal under the aegis of the Harvard name!!

From their own statement on their home page:

About Harvard JLPP

The Harvard Journal of Law & Public Policy is published three times annually by the Harvard Society for Law & Public Policy, Inc., an organization of Harvard Law School students.

The Journal is one of the most widely circulated student-edited law reviews and the nation’s leading forum for conservative and libertarian legal scholarship.
emphases added

Pardon me if I maintain a little healthy scepticism about their tendentious claims.

Meanwhile, from a source with a bit more critical oversight:

Gun politics

In the European Union:

The 1991 Council Directive 91/477/EEC started the process of creating a new common legal system for gun owners in the EU, and introduced the European Firearms Pass for owners carrying firearms from one member state to another. In late 2007 the European Parliament and Council adopted a legislative report to tighten gun control laws and establish an extensive firearms database. Passed with overwhelming backing, the tough new gun control rules were "hoped to prevent Europe from becoming a gun-friendly culture like the United States," in the words of the International Herald Tribune.

In Finland, the poster child for your Harvard students' journal, the situation does not seem to be the gun owners' jamboree which the kids at Harvard suggested:

The ownership and use of firearms in Finland is regulated by the country's Firearms Act of 1998. Weapons are individually licensed by local police forces, there is no limit on the number of licenses an individual may hold. Licenses are granted for recreational uses, exhibition or (under certain circumstances) professional use....
Note: NOT for "personal protection"!!

With the exception of law enforcement, only specially trained security guards may carry loaded weapons in public....In November 2007 Finland updated their gun laws, pre-empting a new EU directive prohibiting the carrying of firearms by under-18's by removing the ability of 15- to 18-year-olds to carry hunting rifles under parental guidance. In 2010, after controversial high school shootings in 2008 prompted government review, a constitutional law committee concluded that people over the age of 20 can receive a permit for semiautomatic handguns. Though individuals have to show a continuous activity in a handguns sporting club for the last two years before they can have a license for their own gun.
emphases added
Meanwhile, from a source with a bit more critical oversight:

Gun politics

In the European Union:

The 1991 Council Directive 91/477/EEC started the process of creating a new common legal system for gun owners in the EU, and introduced the European Firearms Pass for owners carrying firearms from one member state to another. In late 2007 the European Parliament and Council adopted a legislative report to tighten gun control laws and establish an extensive firearms database. Passed with overwhelming backing, the tough new gun control rules were "hoped to prevent Europe from becoming a gun-friendly culture like the United States," in the words of the International Herald Tribune.

In Finland, the poster child for your Harvard students' journal, the situation does not seem to be the gun owners' jamboree which the kids at Harvard suggested:

The ownership and use of firearms in Finland is regulated by the country's Firearms Act of 1998. Weapons are individually licensed by local police forces, there is no limit on the number of licenses an individual may hold. Licenses are granted for recreational uses, exhibition or (under certain circumstances) professional use....
Note: NOT for "personal protection"!!

With the exception of law enforcement, only specially trained security guards may carry loaded weapons in public....In November 2007 Finland updated their gun laws, pre-empting a new EU directive prohibiting the carrying of firearms by under-18's by removing the ability of 15- to 18-year-olds to carry hunting rifles under parental guidance. In 2010, after controversial high school shootings in 2008 prompted government review, a constitutional law committee concluded that people over the age of 20 can receive a permit for semiautomatic handguns. Though individuals have to show a continuous activity in a handguns sporting club for the last two years before they can have a license for their own gun.
emphases added

Who gives a fuck?
No doubt the NRA & Rush Limbaugh will slam this.

US gun culture is 'corrupting the world,' Australia ex-deputy PM says after Okla. slaying - U.S. News

MELBOURNE, Australia -- Furious at the killing of an Australian college baseball player in Oklahoma, a senior figure in the victim's home country blamed the “gun culture” of United States for the death, saying it was “corrupting the world."

Question, should people have the right to protect themselves. From Criminals? Or even from Authorities? Right is right.

The truth doesn't need a PR mod, only lies need that. ...Truth doesn't change, but the minds of men are fast changing today.


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