US gun culture is 'corrupting the world,' Australia ex-deputy PM says after slaying

"The common enemy is the white man."

I may cut him some slack for this comment.

malcolm x - quotations
Here's some more quotes of Malcolm from your link...

Minister Malcolm X said:
"Education is our passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to the people who prepare for it today."
You have to look at the man in context.

Not to mention the last years of his life, he changed his militant stance on whites and were actually working hand in hand with him.

You criticize and label a man that was rightly hostile to racist whites as the biggest racist in American history. I don't ever hear that about Bull Connor.

You really should stop and think sometimes.
irrelevant you're just showing your racist side defending him.
So you're just stuck on seeing him as racist despite his growth. Even if he didn't grow, he had rights to state that. Whites were openly beating, killing and lynching blacks.

Not all are gonna be singing and walking with peace leaves like MLK. I think that's racist whites biggest problem...a strong black man.

That's Malcolm X. And that's why I love and respect him.
So you call a man that was responding to the blatant societal racism directed at HIM and other blacks as racist?



What part of that comment didn't you understand?
Supposed a white person said it, you would be on of the first to jump on the racist train.
Why did he say it?
Do you think he had good reason to say that at the time?
Did he change his stance since then?

Think McFly....

"The common enemy is the white man."
What if Rush Limbaugh said
"The common enemy is the black man."
What part of that comment didn't you understand?
Supposed a white person said it, you would be on of the first to jump on the racist train.
Why did he say it?
Do you think he had good reason to say that at the time?
Did he change his stance since then?

Think McFly....

"The common enemy is the white man."
What if Rush Limbaugh said
"The common enemy is the black man."
I like how you ignored the questions.

You're done.
So you call a man that was responding to the blatant societal racism directed at HIM and other blacks as racist?



What part of that comment didn't you understand?
Supposed a white person said it, you would be on of the first to jump on the racist train.
Why did he say it?
Do you think he had good reason to say that at the time?
Interesting that you believe racism is OK so long as you believe there is an OK reason for it.
Why is that?
I sure hope you're right.

You have to admit that the gun-nuttery is pretty baked into the cake of the American culture.
Further proof that anti-gun loons can only argue from emotion, ignorance and/or dishonesty.
Coming from a far rightwing radical gun-nutter who is so nutty he named himself after a gun that he would have no normal usage of.
I mean, you can't make this shat up.
Contunied proof that anti-gun loons can only argue from emotion, ignorance and/or dishonesty.
Please keep up the good work.
There has not been a posting connected to the topic for a couple of pages.
Yes, because individual liberty was for so long in our history... was considered justice. Justice in that era of course meant... 'just us' whites!

The Low-IQ savages had no sense of justice. They were so kill-happy that suspicion was proof. In fact, their true character was exactly what you snobs think of Whites who committed the original sin of being born in the working class. Another characteristic anyone with any life experience will notice is that the feral races have no consideration for others, including of course for those of their own race. For example, they don't flush in public toilets, not caring if anyone else has to smell their feral sink. They leave glass bottles in parking lots, etc.

If aristocratic academentia didn't have an iron grip on social studies and biology, an independent mind would easily see that these races are really obsolete species, fugitives from evolution.

Are you off your meds again?

Your answer fits your IQ. Homo sapiens implies that only High IQs are human. Despite the capitalist King Apes taking credit for it, we are the ones who created everything that prevents you unevolved primates from living like wild animals, so that is what you really are. Because of your insults and ingratitude, it is our duty to let you die off, confiscate everything your rich heroes stole from us, and only use our minds to benefit our own species.
As for Australia:

Gun politics

Firearm laws in Australia are enforced at a Federal and State level. Gun ownership is accessible to the civilian population, and those people must comply with 'genuine reasons' to obtain a 'Permit to Acquire' from their State government. 'Genuine Reasons' focus on either hunting and/or sport/target shooting (for Rifles), and do not include 'personal protection.' ....

The rate of homicides involving firearms per 100,000 population in 2009 was 0.1 .... The overall homicide rate of Australia was 1.2 deaths per 100,000 for 2007-2008,In 1996 ...

Australia banned semi-automatic weapons and "The American Journal of Law and Economics reported in 2010 that firearm homicides in Australia dropped 59 percent between 1995 and 2006. In the 18 years before the 1996 laws, there were 13 gun massacres resulting in 102 deaths, according to Harvard researchers, with none in that category since."
emphases added
Not at all -- you already live like a Stone Age savage, in your understanding and perception of the world around you.

Not uncommon -- in America.


Typical of your jealous hatred of normal people is that you only look up to that fantasizing freak Hawking because he's a creepy-looking helpless cripple. The motto of your mutant clique is, "If it's weird, it's wise." It's time people woke up to the fact that your New Age is nothing but a Dark Age and that you freaks are a clear and present danger to all the rest of us.

OLD SCHOOL: Manifest Destiny
NEW AGE: Mini-me Fuzzy Dust

Hawking has more intelligence in two of his Brain Cells than you have in your whole fucking do realize that right?.....well wait maybe you dont.....

If it makes a pathetic Trekkie like you think you're brilliant by having a crackpot escapist for a guru, I have too much compassion to disillusion you. You'd probably commit suicide if you knew the truth about New Age science. If Stevie Wondergeek is so smart, why didn't he use his mind to work on the cure for his own disease? Because he isn't smart enough, that's why. He's a phony fantasy fan who is jealous of those with the superior ability to create something useful.
In the United States:

The American Journal of Public Health conducted a study that concluded "the United States has higher rates of firearm ownership than do other developed nations, and higher rates of homicide. Of the 233,251 people who were homicide victims in the United States between 1988 and 1997, 68% were killed with guns, of which the large majority were handguns." The ATF estimated in 1995 that the number of firearms available in the US was 223 million.
emphasis added
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No doubt the NRA & Rush Limbaugh will slam this.

US gun culture is 'corrupting the world,' Australia ex-deputy PM says after Okla. slaying - U.S. News

MELBOURNE, Australia -- Furious at the killing of an Australian college baseball player in Oklahoma, a senior figure in the victim's home country blamed the “gun culture” of United States for the death, saying it was “corrupting the world."

so wait, the teens are bored and decided to kill somebody - and this is a gun issue? this is a typical statement by a liberal jackass. it has nothing to do with the gun. they were going to kill because they were bored. that is the problem. and that is a problem political correctness and looking the other way less we offend someone has caused in this country. liberlal values are what is corrupting this country and causing issues
In the United States:

The American Journal of Public Health conducted a study that concluded "the United States has higher rates of firearm ownership than do other developed nations, and higher rates of homicide. Of the 233,251 people who were homicide victims in the United States between 1988 and 1997, 68% were killed with guns, of which the large majority were handguns." The ATF estimated in 1995 that the number of firearms available in the US was 223 million.
emphases added

The study, which just appeared in Volume 30, Number 2 of the Harvard Journal of Law & Public Policy (pp. 649-694), set out to answer the question in its title: "Would Banning Firearms Reduce Murder and Suicide? A Review of International and Some Domestic Evidence." Contrary to conventional wisdom, and the sniffs of our more sophisticated and generally anti-gun counterparts across the pond, the answer is "no." And not just no, as in there is no correlation between gun ownership and violent crime, but an emphatic no, showing a negative correlation: as gun ownership increases, murder and suicide decreases.

The findings of two criminologists - Prof. Don Kates and Prof. Gary Mauser - in their exhaustive study of American and European gun laws and violence rates, are telling:

Nations with stringent anti-gun laws generally have substantially higher murder rates than those that do not. The study found that the nine European nations with the lowest rates of gun ownership (5,000 or fewer guns per 100,000 population) have a combined murder rate three times higher than that of the nine nations with the highest rates of gun ownership (at least 15,000 guns per 100,000 population).
No doubt the NRA & Rush Limbaugh will slam this.

US gun culture is 'corrupting the world,' Australia ex-deputy PM says after Okla. slaying - U.S. News

MELBOURNE, Australia -- Furious at the killing of an Australian college baseball player in Oklahoma, a senior figure in the victim's home country blamed the “gun culture” of United States for the death, saying it was “corrupting the world."

so wait, the teens are bored and decided to kill somebody - and this is a gun issue? this is a typical statement by a liberal jackass. it has nothing to do with the gun. they were going to kill because they were bored. that is the problem. and that is a problem political correctness and looking the other way less we offend someone has caused in this country. liberlal values are what is corrupting this country and causing issues
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The study, which just appeared in Volume 30, Number 2 of the Harvard Journal of Law & Public Policy (pp. 649-694), set out to answer the question in its title: "Would Banning Firearms Reduce Murder and Suicide? A Review of International and Some Domestic Evidence." Contrary to conventional wisdom, and the sniffs of our more sophisticated and generally anti-gun counterparts across the pond, the answer is "no." And not just no, as in there is no correlation between gun ownership and violent crime, but an emphatic no, showing a negative correlation: as gun ownership increases, murder and suicide decreases.
Oh, No!! sniff I once again -- not, again, this tendentious trash of NRA propaganda published by right-wing students at Harvard, so that they may gain brownie-points for whatever Nazoid bureaucracy they hope to join after graduation !!

No doubt the NRA & Rush Limbaugh will slam this.

US gun culture is 'corrupting the world,' Australia ex-deputy PM says after Okla. slaying - U.S. News

MELBOURNE, Australia -- Furious at the killing of an Australian college baseball player in Oklahoma, a senior figure in the victim's home country blamed the “gun culture” of United States for the death, saying it was “corrupting the world."

so wait, the teens are bored and decided to kill somebody - and this is a gun issue? this is a typical statement by a liberal jackass. it has nothing to do with the gun. they were going to kill because they were bored. that is the problem. and that is a problem political correctness and looking the other way less we offend someone has caused in this country. liberlal values are what is corrupting this country and causing issues

No, it's the gun-culture that has partially corrupted those youths, that coupled with boredom and voila... another gun-related death to add to the hefty stats.

so wait, the teens are bored and decided to kill somebody - and this is a gun issue? this is a typical statement by a liberal jackass. it has nothing to do with the gun. they were going to kill because they were bored. that is the problem. and that is a problem political correctness and looking the other way less we offend someone has caused in this country. liberlal values are what is corrupting this country and causing issues

No, it's the gun-culture that has partially corrupted those youths, that coupled with boredom and voila... another gun-related death to add to the hefty stats.

the gun culture has? hmmm most gun owners I know aren't bored. they are out at the range or in the fields. in fact most members of the gun culture are looking for more free time to excercise their rights. I think you have your cultures confused here
In the United States:
The American Journal of Public Health conducted a study that concluded "the United States has higher rates of firearm ownership than do other developed nations, and higher rates of homicide. Of the 233,251 people who were homicide victims in the United States between 1988 and 1997, 68% were killed with guns, of which the large majority were handguns." The ATF estimated in 1995 that the number of firearms available in the US was 223 million.
emphasis added
<0.0028% of the guns in the US are used to commit murder.
I don't see your pont.
Typical of your jealous hatred of normal people is that you only look up to that fantasizing freak Hawking because he's a creepy-looking helpless cripple. The motto of your mutant clique is, "If it's weird, it's wise." It's time people woke up to the fact that your New Age is nothing but a Dark Age and that you freaks are a clear and present danger to all the rest of us.

OLD SCHOOL: Manifest Destiny
NEW AGE: Mini-me Fuzzy Dust

Hawking has more intelligence in two of his Brain Cells than you have in your whole fucking do realize that right?.....well wait maybe you dont.....

If it makes a pathetic Trekkie like you think you're brilliant by having a crackpot escapist for a guru, I have too much compassion to disillusion you. You'd probably commit suicide if you knew the truth about New Age science. If Stevie Wondergeek is so smart, why didn't he use his mind to work on the cure for his own disease? Because he isn't smart enough, that's why. He's a phony fantasy fan who is jealous of those with the superior ability to create something useful.
you got all that out of what i said? a Trekkie and Hawking is my "Guru"?....:lol:.....well at least i was right about are a dumbass......

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