US gun culture is 'corrupting the world,' Australia ex-deputy PM says after slaying

It's not the "gun" culture. It's the "gangsta" culture.
I own about a dozen firearms. I've yet to kill anyone.

With "yet" being the keyword here. If you ever do snap, you'll be well prepared and well armed!

A snap is unlikely, but I have so far thwarted a robbery at knife point and the rape of my wife. In both cases, merely showing my weapon was sufficient to cause the perp to reconsider. No police report was made in either case. The same situation repeats itself 10s of thousands of times every year, but in one of your Utopian "gun free zones", I would have been eviscerated and my wife would have been raped.
Thank you for your concern for our safety.

No wonder the perp ran. He brought a knife to a gunfight. If he were packing, chances are very good that at the mere sight of your weapon, he would of shot you both to death. Live by the gun, die by the gun.
With "yet" being the keyword here. If you ever do snap, you'll be well prepared and well armed!

A snap is unlikely, but I have so far thwarted a robbery at knife point and the rape of my wife. In both cases, merely showing my weapon was sufficient to cause the perp to reconsider. No police report was made in either case. The same situation repeats itself 10s of thousands of times every year, but in one of your Utopian "gun free zones", I would have been eviscerated and my wife would have been raped.
Thank you for your concern for our safety.

No wonder the perp ran. He brought a knife to a gunfight. If he were packing, chances are very good that at the mere sight of your weapon, he would of shot you both to death. Live by the gun, die by the gun.

LOL, so let me get this straight , let's completely disarm Ernie to avoid potentially antagonizing the armed prep by being armed himself? :rolleyes:
It's not the U.S. gun's the U.S. THUG Subculture.

Generations of boys are being raised without strong father figures, and without proper guidance, they believe that being a Gansta is a legitimate career choice. It also doesn't help to have a Race Baiter in the White House.

You are right about the "U.S. thug subculture. I've noticed that the 'gangsta mentality has permeated the young white race with a tremendous force. Now days you have more white youth listening to and being influenced by that rap-crap so called music than ever before.

I myself hate rap and most hip-hop music... I just do.
A snap is unlikely, but I have so far thwarted a robbery at knife point and the rape of my wife. In both cases, merely showing my weapon was sufficient to cause the perp to reconsider. No police report was made in either case. The same situation repeats itself 10s of thousands of times every year, but in one of your Utopian "gun free zones", I would have been eviscerated and my wife would have been raped.
Thank you for your concern for our safety.

No wonder the perp ran. He brought a knife to a gunfight. If he were packing, chances are very good that at the mere sight of your weapon, he would of shot you both to death. Live by the gun, die by the gun.

LOL, so let me get this straight , let's completely disarm Ernie to avoid potentially antagonizing the armed prep by being armed himself? :rolleyes:

Swish!!!! Right over your head. I'm saying that using a gun to protect oneself and or family is no guarantee of success at all. The wild wild west proved that.

We all know that whites do not murder.

Let's perform a mental exercise.

You are walking down a deserted street in Springfield after dark.

You hear footsteps behind glance over your shoulder and see...

Either two black guy, or two white guys...which would make you more fearful?

No need to answer...Jesse Jackson was very honest on this subject...

"There is nothing more painful to me at this stage in my life than to walk down the street and hear footsteps and start thinking about robbery. Then look around and see somebody white and feel relieved..."

-Jesse Jackson

Two guys.
No wonder the perp ran. He brought a knife to a gunfight. If he were packing, chances are very good that at the mere sight of your weapon, he would of shot you both to death. Live by the gun, die by the gun.

LOL, so let me get this straight , let's completely disarm Ernie to avoid potentially antagonizing the armed prep by being armed himself? :rolleyes:

Swish!!!! Right over your head. I'm saying that using a gun to protect oneself and or family is no guarantee of success at all. The wild wild west proved that.

Using a gun to protect oneself and/or one's family is FAR superior proposition as opposed to attempting to do so unarmed especially when one is defending oneself against an armed assailant. As with anything else there are no GUARANTEES but slanting the odds in one's favor is always a good idea, on the other hand SOME people should avoid owning or handling firearms because SOME people appear not to have enough common sense to handle anything more potentially dangerous than a toothbrush.
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MELBOURNE, Australia -- Furious at the killing of an Australian college baseball player in Oklahoma, a senior figure in the victim's home country blamed the “gun culture” of United States for the death, saying it was “corrupting the world."


April 13, 2009

It is a common fantasy that gun bans make society safer. In 2002 -- five years after enacting its gun ban -- the Australian Bureau of Criminology acknowledged there is no correlation between gun control and the use of firearms in violent crime. In fact, the percent of murders committed with a firearm was the highest it had ever been in 2006 (16.3 percent), says the D.C. Examiner.

Even Australia's Bureau of Crime Statistics and Research acknowledges that the gun ban had no significant impact on the amount of gun-involved crime:

•In 2006, assault rose 49.2 percent and robbery 6.2 percent.
•Sexual assault -- Australia's equivalent term for rape -- increased 29.9 percent.
•Overall, Australia's violent crime rate rose 42.2 percent.

Moreover, Australia and the United States -- where no gun-ban exists -- both experienced similar decreases in murder rates:

•Between 1995 and 2007, Australia saw a 31.9 percent decrease; without a gun ban, America's rate dropped 31.7 percent.
•During the same time period, all other violent crime indices increased in Australia: assault rose 49.2 percent and robbery 6.2 percent.
•Sexual assault -- Australia's equivalent term for rape -- increased 29.9 percent.
•Overall, Australia's violent crime rate rose 42.2 percent.
•At the same time, U.S. violent crime decreased 31.8 percent: rape dropped 19.2 percent; robbery decreased 33.2 percent; aggravated assault dropped 32.2 percent.
•Australian women are now raped over three times as often as American women.

While this doesn't prove that more guns would impact crime rates, it does prove that gun control is a flawed policy. Furthermore, this highlights the most important point: gun banners promote failed policy regardless of the consequences to the people who must live with them, says the Examiner.

Source: Howard Nemerov, "Australia experiencing more violent crime despite gun ban," D.C. Examiner, April 8, 2009."

Arrogant loudmouth ugly American Pubs and the dupes have been corrupting the world for over a hundred years...

The Oz "gun ban" is on assault weapons and they haven't had a mass killing since. And lot less crime since their $15 min wage. Consider that, 50% racist Pub dupes...

must be nice when you have only 20 million people to worry about....and 80% are the same can relate to that live in your 97% white think i forgot about your remark about the "Brownies" out here you made? shit are no different than those you talk about....

He did? Ha. Are you REALLY surprised?

the left has been, is and always will be the evil racist, misogynistic and elitist scumbag crowd, whose ONLY goal is to get a constant grip on power and others people money.
That is the core nature of the left - it is totalitarian.

Too bad a lot of useful idiots are listening to their lies and even believing them.

yea the little fucker tells everyone about those hater racist "pubs" as he calls them....but makes a crack about the Mexicans i live turns out he lives in a town that is 97% white....he is just another Hypocrite....
Drudge is reporting that "Shorty" the WWII veteran who was murdered in his car, was beaten to death these thugz using flashlights.. Are Australia and the librul KOOK brigade going to start a worldwide boycott of flashlights?

The subject is "guns"... you idiot!

Which is none of Australia's business. They do not now nor have they ever been able to make laws in the US nor have they any say on our Constitution.

How about they stick to the racists in their own country like the white 's that killed an Indian?
Drudge is reporting that "Shorty" the WWII veteran who was murdered in his car, was beaten to death these thugz using flashlights.. Are Australia and the librul KOOK brigade going to start a worldwide boycott of flashlights?

The subject is "guns"... you idiot!

Which is none of Australia's business. They do not now nor have they ever been able to make laws in the US nor have they any say on our Constitution.

How about they stick to the racists in their own country like the white 's that killed an Indian?

The Australians have every right to complain. It was one of their citizens who was senselessly gunned down.
The subject is "guns"... you idiot!

Which is none of Australia's business. They do not now nor have they ever been able to make laws in the US nor have they any say on our Constitution.

How about they stick to the racists in their own country like the white 's that killed an Indian?

The Australians have every right to complain. It was one of their citizens who was senselessly gunned down.

So should Indian boycott Australia and complain about the racist crimes in their Country? And claim it is due to some culture of Australia? As I understand it Australia has a real problem with white Supremacists.
Big deb is pretending that any problem goes away 100% when you ban it. The only thing that exists that Is 100% is Big Debs Retardation levels

The only one pretending are those who push for gun control such as closed mind who really doesn't have a mind just talking points.

Really so I guess you can tell me all the things that have been banned that no longer exist, right?

When you cant you'll be exposed for the dumbass you are. Ready? Annnnnd go!

So you are admitting that gun bans will only disarm the legal gun owner and not the criminal. So your stupid ass laws are pretty much worthless in controlling the true criminals of our society.
The only one pretending are those who push for gun control such as closed mind who really doesn't have a mind just talking points.

Really so I guess you can tell me all the things that have been banned that no longer exist, right?

When you cant you'll be exposed for the dumbass you are. Ready? Annnnnd go!

So you are admitting that gun bans will only disarm the legal gun owner and not the criminal. So your stupid ass laws are pretty much worthless in controlling the true criminals of our society.
Shit, I think you may actually be on my side here. Just call it a complementary post if that's the case.
Which is none of Australia's business. They do not now nor have they ever been able to make laws in the US nor have they any say on our Constitution.

How about they stick to the racists in their own country like the white 's that killed an Indian?

The Australians have every right to complain. It was one of their citizens who was senselessly gunned down.

So should Indian boycott Australia and complain about the racist crimes in their Country? And claim it is due to some culture of Australia? As I understand it Australia has a real problem with white Supremacists.

Most every country has a few r-wing extremists. Thus Australia has racists.
The subject is "guns"... you idiot!

Which is none of Australia's business. They do not now nor have they ever been able to make laws in the US nor have they any say on our Constitution.

How about they stick to the racists in their own country like the white 's that killed an Indian?

The Australians have every right to complain. It was one of their citizens who was senselessly gunned down.

Australian murderers are well known. One serial killer was extremely famous for killing tourists. The Backpacker murders. He killed them with guns, knives, well anything he could kill with.
Aussies aren't pure as the driven snow.
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Really so I guess you can tell me all the things that have been banned that no longer exist, right?

When you cant you'll be exposed for the dumbass you are. Ready? Annnnnd go!

So you are admitting that gun bans will only disarm the legal gun owner and not the criminal. So your stupid ass laws are pretty much worthless in controlling the true criminals of our society.
Shit, I think you may actually be on my side here. Just call it a complementary post if that's the case.

He's not closed minds is an anti gunner.
Really so I guess you can tell me all the things that have been banned that no longer exist, right?

When you cant you'll be exposed for the dumbass you are. Ready? Annnnnd go!

So you are admitting that gun bans will only disarm the legal gun owner and not the criminal. So your stupid ass laws are pretty much worthless in controlling the true criminals of our society.
Shit, I think you may actually be on my side here. Just call it a complementary post if that's the case.

Many criminals were honest, legal gun owners in good standing before they turned to crime.
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So you are admitting that gun bans will only disarm the legal gun owner and not the criminal. So your stupid ass laws are pretty much worthless in controlling the true criminals of our society.
Shit, I think you may actually be on my side here. Just call it a complementary post if that's the case.

FYI... many criminals were honest, legal gun owners in good standing before they turned to crime.


Many criminals? Got some facts to support that stretch?
The only one pretending are those who push for gun control such as closed mind who really doesn't have a mind just talking points.

Really so I guess you can tell me all the things that have been banned that no longer exist, right?

When you cant you'll be exposed for the dumbass you are. Ready? Annnnnd go!

So you are admitting that gun bans will only disarm the legal gun owner and not the criminal. So your stupid ass laws are pretty much worthless in controlling the true criminals of our society.

Thats what happened up here with the long gun registry. Billion dollar boondoggle.

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