US gun culture is 'corrupting the world,' Australia ex-deputy PM says after slaying

Here's an idea.

Let's send Australia a contingent of our black thugs, keep guns away from them and see what happens!

Call it a social experiment.
US gun culture is 'corrupting the world,' Australia ex-deputy PM says after slaying

A survey taken by the Detroit News in a city of 700 000 that has lost a quarter of its population from 2000 to 2010 (down from a high of 1.8 million in 1950), published the results on 10/09/2012 indicating that:
- 50.9% of the city's residents would leave today if they could
- 40% planned to leave within the next 5 years
- 49.3% said crime was the biggest challenge they faced over education, unemployment and lack of public transportation.
- 53% of women feel unsafe, compared to 43% of men.
- 50% or more feel unsafe in households with incomes at $50,000 or below, compared to about one-third of those making $75,000 or more.

A former police chief has stated that "The increased prevalence of individuals choosing to use acts of violence to settle disputes between friends, acquaintances and more disturbingly family members must be addressed, if we are to stop the violence in our communities." The ease of access to firearms to settle such disputes produces a "deadly mixture" where Detroit averages 1 homicide daily.

Some residents of Detroit report that "At night you can sit here and listen to the gunfire."

This all stands in marked contrast to Windsor Ontario, located just 1800 feet across the Detroit River from the "Motor City," and recognized one of the safest cities in Canada.

Recently Windsor went 27 months without 1 homicide - unlike Detroit, this city is subject to Canada's strict controls on handguns and where automatic weapons are illegal.
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Shit, I think you may actually be on my side here. Just call it a complementary post if that's the case.

FYI... many criminals were honest, legal gun owners in good standing before they turned to crime.


Many criminals? Got some facts to support that stretch?

Why, yes I do and I'm thrilled you asked... Here is one, the only one in fact.

Now, pay attention, do you know of anyone ever born a criminal from birth? Anyone?
Here's an idea.

Let's send Australia a contingent of our black thugs, keep guns away from them and see what happens!

Call it a social experiment.
US gun culture is 'corrupting the world,' Australia ex-deputy PM says after slaying

Windsor Ontario, located just 1800 feet across the Detroit River from the "Motor City," is one of the safest cities in Canada and recently went 27 months without 1 homicide.

I counter with Juarez, Mexico nestled right next to El Paso, Texas
2000 dead
As I understand it firearms are pretty much illegal in Australia, yet two whites murdered an Indian with a firearm. I suggest the Australians worry about their own problems.
Here's an idea.

Let's send Australia a contingent of our black thugs, keep guns away from them and see what happens!

Call it a social experiment.
US gun culture is 'corrupting the world,' Australia ex-deputy PM says after slaying

Windsor Ontario, located just 1800 feet across the Detroit River from the "Motor City," is one of the safest cities in Canada and recently went 27 months without 1 homicide.

How they skewer the stats up here.

Not one homicide? It has to be first degree and a complete charge on that first degree before they will class it as a homicide.

That's why TO consistently has only 50 plus "murders" per year.

They have gotten away with jerking your chains for forever because of wording.
As I understand it firearms are pretty much illegal in Australia, yet two whites murdered an Indian with a firearm. I suggest the Australians worry about their own problems.

That's all you have? one murder in Australia vs 32,000 gun deaths in the US?

Pathetic, but thank you for that lopsided stat.
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Yeah.... that whole thing about people having the right to defend themselves and a right to the means to do so - its a cancer, and needs to be cut out.
“The U.S. has chosen the pathway of illogical policy with regard to guns,"
And yet, those what want more gun control can only argue from emotion, ignorance and/or dishonesty
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White supremacist executed for Jasper, Texas dragging death of black man » Corpus Christi Caller-Times

HUNTSVILLE — White supremacist gang member Lawrence Russell Brewer was executed Wednesday evening for the infamous dragging death slaying of James Byrd Jr., a black man from East Texas.

Byrd, 49, was chained to the back of a pickup truck and pulled whip-like to his death along a bumpy asphalt road in one of the most grisly hate crime murders in recent Texas history.

Brewer, 44, was asked if he had any final words, to which he replied: "No. I have no final statement."

He glanced at his parents watching through a nearby window, took several deep breaths and closed his eyes. A single tear hung on the edge of his right eye as he was pronounced dead at 6:21 p.m., 10 minutes after the lethal drugs began flowing into his arms, both covered with intricate black tattoos.

People who hate, of whatever color, do atrocities. Many on this board would be prime suspects for such atrocities were one to happen in their neighborhood, given the level of toxic hate they post.
Thank you for helping to prove that those who want more gun control can only argue from emotion, ignorance and/or dishonesty.
Gun control equals common sense. Why are you r-wingers afraid of common sense?

Tell that to the 2 MILLION people in the US who use a firearm to prevent a crime, every year.


That's a big fat lie... isn't it?

No, it's not. Do try and keep up, I know it will be hard for you....

The graphs below are provided by the US Department of know the FBI. Those guys...





FBI ? Violent Crime
Shit, I think you may actually be on my side here. Just call it a complementary post if that's the case.

FYI... many criminals were honest, legal gun owners in good standing before they turned to crime.


Many criminals? Got some facts to support that stretch?

He doesn't...he's just talking out of his ass...which makes a certain amount of sense with his head stuck up there and all.
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Yeah.... that whole thing about people having the right to defend themselves and a right to the means to do so - its a cancer, and needs to be cut out.

What are you worried about? Gun control is not after your right to defend yourself liar... it's after the criminals right to bear arms like ak-47's and rapid fire machine guns.
Yeah.... that whole thing about people having the right to defend themselves and a right to the means to do so - its a cancer, and needs to be cut out.

What are you worried about? Gun control is not after your right to defend yourself liar... it's after the criminals right to bear arms like ak-47's and rapid fire machine guns.

You don't have a clue what you are talking about. Geeze louise. AK 47's and machine guns?

Aye carumba!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Look what you even posted "criminals right to bear arms". I can't breathe.
Yeah.... that whole thing about people having the right to defend themselves and a right to the means to do so - its a cancer, and needs to be cut out.

What are you worried about? Gun control is not after your right to defend yourself liar... it's after the criminals right to bear arms like ak-47's and rapid fire machine guns.

Sure it is junior. Unfortunately governments are incompetent by their very nature, so they pass laws based on the lowest common denominator. Their solution is to outlaw everything in the misbegotten hope (never once actually occurring) that the criminals won't get them.

They do and the only people who suffer are the innocent civilians who no longer can defend themselves.
As I understand it firearms are pretty much illegal in Australia, yet two whites murdered an Indian with a firearm. I suggest the Australians worry about their own problems.

That's all you have? one murder in Australia vs 32,000 gun deaths in the US?

Pathetic, but thank you for that lopsided stat.

Oh there are so many more. But you arent worth the time.
Yeah.... that whole thing about people having the right to defend themselves and a right to the means to do so - its a cancer, and needs to be cut out.

What are you worried about? Gun control is not after your right to defend yourself liar... it's after the criminals right to bear arms like ak-47's and rapid fire machine guns.

You don't have a clue what you are talking about. Geeze louise. AK 47's and machine guns?

Aye carumba!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Look what you even posted "criminals right to bear arms". I can't breathe.

That's right... The NRA stands for the criminals right to bear arms like it or not. The NRA doesn't differentiate.
As I understand it firearms are pretty much illegal in Australia, yet two whites murdered an Indian with a firearm. I suggest the Australians worry about their own problems.

That's all you have? one murder in Australia vs 32,000 gun deaths in the US?

Pathetic, but thank you for that lopsided stat.

Oh there are so many more. But you arent worth the time.

Facts? Epic failure on your part pal, but thanks for playing. Next?
Um...wasn't Australia a penal colony from the dregs of England's goals? Why yes. It was.

We have a right to bear arms. This is the USA. So if Australia sees a problem, then let them stay there.
Um...wasn't Australia a penal colony from the dregs of England's goals? Why yes. It was.

We have a right to bear arms. This is the USA. So if Australia sees a problem, then let them stay there.

Wasn't the USA from the dregs of England's goals? Why yes. It was.

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