US gun culture is 'corrupting the world,' Australia ex-deputy PM says after slaying

Okay, let's just take, for example, the UK. In the UK, abortion is legal and yet they don't have a worldwide reputation for having a 'violent gun culture.' In the UK, single women get pregnant and have children and the welfare system takes care of them, just like in the US, yet the UK is not known for having a 'violent gun culture.' The British are just as materialistic as Americans. In fact, everything is the same in the UK, everything you mention here, except guns, the availablity of guns. The only difference is the availability of guns.

So, you are blaming everything but guns on the problems in the US; whereas, other countries have the same problems and the same circumstances and are not violent societies with worldwide reputations for being 'violent gun culture.'

Hmmmmm......could it be the gun afterall????? Duh.

The culture in the UK is not the same. Nice try though.

I've spent a great deal of time in the UK, have you? All of the things you mention as being cultural problems in the US: abortions, single women on welfare, the break up of families, etc., all of those things are the same in the UK. So your points, which I addressed, do not support the contention that it is those things that are the problem in America. The only thing that is different in the UK, based on your own premise, is guns. It is the guns, not abortion, not the welfare system, not the break down of the family, not being a secular society, etc., that is making the US a 'violent gun culture.'

Yep, I also have a son that works in the UK
Don't these dip-shits understand that we Americans have a constitutional right to own a firearm????

Fuck em.
Indeed the problem is American "culture" or lack thereof. Leave the gun word out of it.
Calm, civilized, well cultured and educated people don't have a problem.Inbred savage half breed and ignorant rednecks surrounded by millions of mud people is akin to holding a day care center in a rattlesnake den.
When the majority of society cheers while watching a city get bombed to bits ,while knowing it's filled with civilians, shows a severely mentally ill nation.
Why Switzerland Has The Lowest Crime Rate In The World - YouTube.

At least we have plenty to eat and a culture that disapproves of fucking a goat. Thank god!
The culture in the UK is not the same. Nice try though.

I've spent a great deal of time in the UK, have you? All of the things you mention as being cultural problems in the US: abortions, single women on welfare, the break up of families, etc., all of those things are the same in the UK. So your points, which I addressed, do not support the contention that it is those things that are the problem in America. The only thing that is different in the UK, based on your own premise, is guns. It is the guns, not abortion, not the welfare system, not the break down of the family, not being a secular society, etc., that is making the US a 'violent gun culture.'

Yep, I also have a son that works in the UK

I would say if your son lives there and is finding it a 'very' different culture, then he is not very cognizant of the culture and not very adapable. Though there are differences, the things you cite in your post are the same: abortion, the break down of the family, the fact that a lot of people, including men/fathers, can go on the dole or on welfare and not be working, absent fathers, single mothers on welfare, liberalism/secularism, materialism, etc. All of those things are the same in the UK. They also have a lot of disenfranchized youth: one example of that is the riots that occured about a year or so ago in London. I was close friends and a working colleague with a British woman at that time who discussed the issue at length: it is the same type of social problem the US has with ghetto neighborhoods in the US: young people who are poor and poorly educated who do not see themselves as being included in the mainstream of society, who see themselves as being treated differenly because of race or culture/religion, who lack opportunity and jobs, etc. These things are all the same type of thing you cited in your post.

Tell me, if you think the British culture is so different, do you actually have any idea at all where and how it is different? Or is it just your son saying it is different in a general way but not being specific? I was involved in a long term relationship with a British man. In addition to spending months at a time in the UK, we talked about the differences in our cultures (he lived in the US for 5 years). I know what the differences are, do you?
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Indeed the problem is American "culture" or lack thereof. Leave the gun word out of it.
Calm, civilized, well cultured and educated people don't have a problem.Inbred savage half breed and ignorant rednecks surrounded by millions of mud people is akin to holding a day care center in a rattlesnake den.
When the majority of society cheers while watching a city get bombed to bits ,while knowing it's filled with civilians, shows a severely mentally ill nation.
Why Switzerland Has The Lowest Crime Rate In The World - YouTube.

WOW talk about ignorant and uneducated. You actually used Switzerland as your argument?
I've spent a great deal of time in the UK, have you? All of the things you mention as being cultural problems in the US: abortions, single women on welfare, the break up of families, etc., all of those things are the same in the UK. So your points, which I addressed, do not support the contention that it is those things that are the problem in America. The only thing that is different in the UK, based on your own premise, is guns. It is the guns, not abortion, not the welfare system, not the break down of the family, not being a secular society, etc., that is making the US a 'violent gun culture.'

Yep, I also have a son that works in the UK

I would say if your son lives there and is finding it a 'very' different culture, then he is not very cognizant of the culture and not very adapable. Though there are differences, the things you cite in your post are the same: abortion, the break down of the family, the fact that a lot of people, including men/fathers, can go on the dole or on welfare and not be working, absent fathers, single mothers on welfare, liberalism/secularism, materialism, etc. All of those things are the same in the UK. They also have a lot of disenfranchized youth: one example of that is the riots that occured about a year or so ago in London. I was close friends and a working colleague with a British woman at that time who discussed the issue at length: it is the same type of social problem the US has with ghetto neighborhoods in the US: young people who are poor and poorly educated who do not see themselves as being included in the mainstream of society, who see themselves as being treated differenly because of race or culture/religion, who lack opportunity and jobs, etc. These things are all the same type of thing you cited in your post.

Tell me, if you think the British culture is so different, do you actually have any idea at all where and how it is different? Or is it just your son saying it is different in a general way but not being specific? I was involved in a long term relationship with a British man. In addition to spending months at a time in the UK, we talked about the differences in our cultures (he lived in the US for 5 years). I know what the differences are, do you?

Glad you had a ltr with a Brit, my son decided not to get involved with Europeans, he would rather have a lady from the states. There idea of FoS is completely different and it really isn't FoS at all it is nothing like we enjoy in America. That is one example.
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you notice how orgasmic some people get when another country runs us down?

the op should MOVE he feels the same...nobody holding him here...he can bless another country with his presence
you notice how orgasmic some people get when another country runs us down?

Point of order Stephanie, Australia isn't "running us down" one vapid Australian politician is doing the criticizing, he doesn't speak for all Australians nor is he emblematic of all Australians. Fischer isn't articulate enough to make his points without resorting to inflammatory rhetoric and as such should be discounted as simply another irrational loud mouth until he can actually manage to recover his senses. ;)
you notice how orgasmic some people get when another country runs us down?

Point of order Stephanie, Australia isn't "running us down" one vapid Australian politician is doing the criticizing, he doesn't speak for all Australians nor is he emblematic of all Australians. Fischer isn't articulate enough to make his points without resorting to inflammatory rhetoric and as such should be discounted as simply another irrational loud mouth until he can actually manage to recover his senses. ;)

ok you're right...point taken there..but I stand with what I said about the OP;)
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You write a lot but say nothing.

I've spent a great deal of time in the UK, have you? All of the things you mention as being cultural problems in the US: abortions, single women on welfare, the break up of families, etc., all of those things are the same in the UK. So your points, which I addressed, do not support the contention that it is those things that are the problem in America. The only thing that is different in the UK, based on your own premise, is guns. It is the guns, not abortion, not the welfare system, not the break down of the family, not being a secular society, etc., that is making the US a 'violent gun culture.'

Yep, I also have a son that works in the UK

I would say if your son lives there and is finding it a 'very' different culture, then he is not very cognizant of the culture and not very adapable. Though there are differences, the things you cite in your post are the same: abortion, the break down of the family, the fact that a lot of people, including men/fathers, can go on the dole or on welfare and not be working, absent fathers, single mothers on welfare, liberalism/secularism, materialism, etc. All of those things are the same in the UK. They also have a lot of disenfranchized youth: one example of that is the riots that occured about a year or so ago in London. I was close friends and a working colleague with a British woman at that time who discussed the issue at length: it is the same type of social problem the US has with ghetto neighborhoods in the US: young people who are poor and poorly educated who do not see themselves as being included in the mainstream of society, who see themselves as being treated differenly because of race or culture/religion, who lack opportunity and jobs, etc. These things are all the same type of thing you cited in your post.

Tell me, if you think the British culture is so different, do you actually have any idea at all where and how it is different? Or is it just your son saying it is different in a general way but not being specific? I was involved in a long term relationship with a British man. In addition to spending months at a time in the UK, we talked about the differences in our cultures (he lived in the US for 5 years). I know what the differences are, do you?
Yeah.... that whole thing about people having the right to defend themselves and a right to the means to do so - its a cancer, and needs to be cut out.

What are you worried about? Gun control is not after your right to defend yourself liar... it's after the criminals right to bear arms like ak-47's and rapid fire machine guns.

You don't have a clue what you are talking about. Geeze louise. AK 47's and machine guns?

Aye carumba!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Look what you even posted "criminals right to bear arms". I can't breathe.
In the dictionary, next to the definition of "pea-wit", guess whose picture you'll see?
I guess it's too much to ask that he blame the people who actually committed the murder, huh?

No time for that, I suppose. There's a dead body to stand on and preach from.

If these boys didn't have easy access to a gun, how would they have shot our Australian boy?

Two young blacks in Spokane just beat to death an old WWII veteran with flashlights.

Does America have a "flashlight culture"?.

Oh and Noomi what about your martial arts expert who just beat to death a young Irish tourist and seriously injured the other young man?

Does Australia have a "martial arts" culture?

Of course not.

What we have to do is to address the murder in these psychopaths hearts who will use anything to kill or maim another person.
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If these boys didn't have easy access to a gun, how would they have shot our Australian boy?
Easy access? Only to an ignorant and/or dishonest mind.
It was ILLEGAL for them to have a gun; they had to break the law to get them.

It takes a special kind of stupid to not recognize that you cannot prevent people from breaking the law by enacting another law.
The Aussie needs to get his facts right.
It is not easy to get guns at gun shows. That is a lie.
The thugs that killed him did not get them at a gun show.
Criminals do not get their guns from gun shows or gun shops.

Aussies don't understand that we have Amendments, that give us rights & freedom from our government.
They don't have any there.
Here's an idea.

Let's send Australia a contingent of our black thugs, keep guns away from them and see what happens!

Call it a social experiment.

I would like to know why America has so many black thugs, and we don't have many at all.

Maybe its the guns?

maybe you do not have all the race profiteers a.k.a. sharpton, jckson, obama and all the rich white plantators of the left which keep the black population on the XXI century plantation and incite racial hatred and violence against the whitey through their servitude media?
If these boys didn't have easy access to a gun, how would they have shot our Australian boy?

they DID NOT have the access to the guns. Neither was 21.

So your point is moot.

they had ILLEGAL guns which are available EVERYWHERE.

In AU as well as in the UK - for the thugs.

All you, libtard nuts want to do is - to take away the guns from the legal ownership.

And you do not care about illegal ownership - as in this situation - at all.
Here's an idea.

Let's send Australia a contingent of our black thugs, keep guns away from them and see what happens!

Call it a social experiment.

I would like to know why America has so many black thugs, and we don't have many at all.

Maybe its the guns?

So much stupid in this post I really don't know where to begin. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
I guess it's too much to ask that he blame the people who actually committed the murder, huh?

No time for that, I suppose. There's a dead body to stand on and preach from.

If these boys didn't have easy access to a gun, how would they have shot our Australian boy?

How about describing what easy access is?

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