US gun culture is 'corrupting the world,' Australia ex-deputy PM says after slaying

Do the people in the rest of the world ever ask why their Governments want their Citizens disarmed?
Hint - It's not for your safety.
You write a lot but say nothing.

Yep, I also have a son that works in the UK

I would say if your son lives there and is finding it a 'very' different culture, then he is not very cognizant of the culture and not very adapable. Though there are differences, the things you cite in your post are the same: abortion, the break down of the family, the fact that a lot of people, including men/fathers, can go on the dole or on welfare and not be working, absent fathers, single mothers on welfare, liberalism/secularism, materialism, etc. All of those things are the same in the UK. They also have a lot of disenfranchized youth: one example of that is the riots that occured about a year or so ago in London. I was close friends and a working colleague with a British woman at that time who discussed the issue at length: it is the same type of social problem the US has with ghetto neighborhoods in the US: young people who are poor and poorly educated who do not see themselves as being included in the mainstream of society, who see themselves as being treated differenly because of race or culture/religion, who lack opportunity and jobs, etc. These things are all the same type of thing you cited in your post.

Tell me, if you think the British culture is so different, do you actually have any idea at all where and how it is different? Or is it just your son saying it is different in a general way but not being specific? I was involved in a long term relationship with a British man. In addition to spending months at a time in the UK, we talked about the differences in our cultures (he lived in the US for 5 years). I know what the differences are, do you?

I know Misty, I think she is an elitist type that brags about herself and because she brags so much, she think her opinions are the only correct ones.
The people he blamed were the product of a 'gun culture' society. That's all. He's right on!

He didn't blame people at all.

Hope he didn't get any blood on his shoes.

True. He blamed the “gun culture” of United States for the death, saying it was “corrupting the world."

Of course... guns don't kill people, “gun culture” of United States is what kills people" is what he meant. Sorry.
And he was wrong, of course.

Why are you and he simply unable to blame criminals for their actions?

Oh, yes -- it wouldn't allow you to preach about the evils of guns.
I guess it's too much to ask that he blame the people who actually committed the murder, huh?

No time for that, I suppose. There's a dead body to stand on and preach from.

If these boys didn't have easy access to a gun, how would they have shot our Australian boy?

How did they get the guns?

Statistics show they obtained them illegally.

Do you think criminals are going to be deterred by more gun laws?

Hint: No.

And banning guns simply isn't going to happen in America. That's off the table. Sheer fantasy.
I guess it's too much to ask that he blame the people who actually committed the murder, huh?

No time for that, I suppose. There's a dead body to stand on and preach from.

If these boys didn't have easy access to a gun, how would they have shot our Australian boy?

How did they get the guns?

Statistics show they obtained them illegally.

Do you think criminals are going to be deterred by more gun laws?

Hint: No.

And banning guns simply isn't going to happen in America. That's off the table. Sheer fantasy.

Dave didn't you know she has a gun problem in her own country.
Here's an idea.

Let's send Australia a contingent of our black thugs, keep guns away from them and see what happens!

Call it a social experiment.

I would like to know why America has so many black thugs, and we don't have many at all.

Maybe its the guns?

there are probably more black people in the County i live in then your whole Country.....out of your 23 million,what percentage is black?....
Here's an idea.

Let's send Australia a contingent of our black thugs, keep guns away from them and see what happens!

Call it a social experiment.

I would like to know why America has so many black thugs, and we don't have many at all.

Maybe its the guns?

there are probably more black people in the County i live in then your whole Country.....out of your 23 million,what percentage is black?....

aborigines of Australia? are they considered black?
What are you worried about? Gun control is not after your right to defend yourself liar... it's after the criminals right to bear arms like ak-47's and rapid fire machine guns.

You don't have a clue what you are talking about. Geeze louise. AK 47's and machine guns?

Aye carumba!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Look what you even posted "criminals right to bear arms". I can't breathe.
In the dictionary, next to the definition of "pea-wit", guess whose picture you'll see?

Franco or Dudley.....has to be one of them.....:eusa_think:
No doubt the NRA & Rush Limbaugh will slam this.

US gun culture is 'corrupting the world,' Australia ex-deputy PM says after Okla. slaying - U.S. News

MELBOURNE, Australia -- Furious at the killing of an Australian college baseball player in Oklahoma, a senior figure in the victim's home country blamed the “gun culture” of United States for the death, saying it was “corrupting the world."

It's not the "gun" culture. It's the "gangsta" culture.
I own about a dozen firearms. I've yet to kill anyone.

Liberals believe if you just take away the weapons from thugs like this, suddenly everyone will be holding hands and living in harmony. They completely ignore the fact that they are the ones that planted the seeds for this kind of behavior when they destroyed the black family unit with their government dependency programs.
You write a lot but say nothing.

I would say if your son lives there and is finding it a 'very' different culture, then he is not very cognizant of the culture and not very adapable. Though there are differences, the things you cite in your post are the same: abortion, the break down of the family, the fact that a lot of people, including men/fathers, can go on the dole or on welfare and not be working, absent fathers, single mothers on welfare, liberalism/secularism, materialism, etc. All of those things are the same in the UK. They also have a lot of disenfranchized youth: one example of that is the riots that occured about a year or so ago in London. I was close friends and a working colleague with a British woman at that time who discussed the issue at length: it is the same type of social problem the US has with ghetto neighborhoods in the US: young people who are poor and poorly educated who do not see themselves as being included in the mainstream of society, who see themselves as being treated differenly because of race or culture/religion, who lack opportunity and jobs, etc. These things are all the same type of thing you cited in your post.

Tell me, if you think the British culture is so different, do you actually have any idea at all where and how it is different? Or is it just your son saying it is different in a general way but not being specific? I was involved in a long term relationship with a British man. In addition to spending months at a time in the UK, we talked about the differences in our cultures (he lived in the US for 5 years). I know what the differences are, do you?

I know Misty, I think she is an elitist type that brags about herself and because she brags so much, she think her opinions are the only correct ones.

Be explicit and say what I am bragging about here. Am I bragging about how much money I have or cars or jewelry or what? Exactly what do you consider bragging?
If these boys didn't have easy access to a gun, how would they have shot our Australian boy?

How did they get the guns?

Statistics show they obtained them illegally.

Do you think criminals are going to be deterred by more gun laws?

Hint: No.

And banning guns simply isn't going to happen in America. That's off the table. Sheer fantasy.

Dave didn't you know she has a gun problem in her own country.
No nation has a gun problem. They have a criminal problem.
Gun control equals common sense. Why are you r-wingers afraid of common sense?

Tell that to the 2 MILLION people in the US who use a firearm to prevent a crime, every year.


That's a big fat lie... isn't it?
Is it? Disprove it...

From WISCONSIN alone : (February 2012)

Cato Institute study says armed citizens prevent thousands of crimes

"Researchers at the Cato Institute have reviewed eight years worth of news reports about shooting in self-defense and conclude, "the vast majority of gun owners are ethical and competent, and tens of thousands of crimes are prevented each year by ordinary citizens with guns."

An Armed society bent on protecting their liberty is a polite society.

I think you owe the poster you address an apology...unless YOU can back up your claim?
Lostralian Crocodile Dumdeedum, "That's not a knife. This is a knife," pulling out a plastic one he got at McDonald's.
How did they get the guns?

Statistics show they obtained them illegally.

Do you think criminals are going to be deterred by more gun laws?

Hint: No.

And banning guns simply isn't going to happen in America. That's off the table. Sheer fantasy.

Dave didn't you know she has a gun problem in her own country.
No nation has a gun problem. They have a criminal problem.

80% of violent crimes are caused by gangs....Blacks are 50% of all murders in this country...These facts are from the fbi, doj and police departments.
Dave didn't you know she has a gun problem in her own country.
No nation has a gun problem. They have a criminal problem.

80% of violent crimes are caused by gangs....Blacks are 50% of all murders in this country...These facts are from the fbi, doj and police departments.
The problems with this country? Language, Borders, and lastly culture.

The American culture is out of control...some more than others. The black culture sure needs to look at itself instead of screaming 'racism' every time some one NOT in their culture, speaks of it.

Quite frankly? Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, The Reverend Farakhan, Holder, And even Obama are prime dealers of race politics and portend to tell us to shut they peddle their ill wares OF racism...they're race pimps.

/ OT post...
How did they get the guns?

Statistics show they obtained them illegally.

Do you think criminals are going to be deterred by more gun laws?

Hint: No.

And banning guns simply isn't going to happen in America. That's off the table. Sheer fantasy.

Dave didn't you know she has a gun problem in her own country.
No nation has a gun problem. They have a criminal problem.

Just trying to speak the language that she can comprehend
Here's an idea.

Let's send Australia a contingent of our black thugs, keep guns away from them and see what happens!

Call it a social experiment.

I would like to know why America has so many black thugs, and we don't have many at all.

Maybe its the guns?

there are probably more black people in the County i live in then your whole Country.....out of your 23 million,what percentage is black?....

The Lostralians can afford to get all snooty about going around defenseless because they permanently tamed their Abos long ago. Americans never got a chance to do that to our own feral races. In fact, the ruling class is importing more of them to put us in our place.

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