US Hate preacher gets another gig cancelled

What "hate"?

We are under attack by Muslims at home and abroad. We should stop all immigration of Muslims to the U.S. until this threat with Islam has been settled. Every Muslim that comes into this country has the potential to be radicalized—and they do their killing to honor their religion and Muhammad. During World War 2, we didn’t allow Japanese to immigrate to America, nor did we allow Germans. Why are we allowing Muslims now?

What would Jesus do?
When Jesus returns, people will be moved back to their natural boundaries

That's what Jesus WILL do

Jesus knew no boundaries.
Jesus had rules though.
And he said nothing about gay people ever. But he did approve of slavery.
And that’s one of the reasons so many people don’t disapprove of slavery. Because of Jesus approval.

Speaking in parables does not indicate approval. He did note "Do unto others as you wish to be done".

The gay argument is always fun but for another topic.
Billy was a great guy. Not that it's relevant but my buddy caddied for him one day. If I recall he gave a decent tip. Billy warned against doing the very thing Franklin is doing. He was burned by Nixon but learned from it and never did it again.
So you have nothing to prove you are not bullshitting but a golf anecdote? Impressive!
I'm pretty sure I never called for him to shut up. I'm noting he is unable to do what he is supposedly called to do because he has allowed politics to poison his message.
Franklin Graham? Politics? Is that what you call his fundamentalist foundational beliefs?
You are the one injecting politics into this matter, hypocrite and liar!

Jesus never turned away anyone.
But these cowardly venues have.

They have.

I don’t want to see religious bigotry in any form. It would disturb me if there was a wedding between the religious fundamentalists and the political right. The hard right has no interest in religion except to manipulate it.

Rev Billy Graham.
They have.

I don’t want to see religious bigotry in any form. It would disturb me if there was a wedding between the religious fundamentalists and the political right. The hard right has no interest in religion except to manipulate it.

Rev Billy Graham.
Then the question you have to answer honestly, if you can, is are the teachings of the bible when it comes to homosexuality and morality bigotry? Or "hateful" and political teachings?

Or are they rooted in sound moral principles the same as theft, adultery and murder are?
All are condemned in the Old Testament.

I doubt you can answer the question .
#5: the term 'hillbilly' originated in the Irish Hills of Michigan. They were potato farmers.
They have.

I don’t want to see religious bigotry in any form. It would disturb me if there was a wedding between the religious fundamentalists and the political right. The hard right has no interest in religion except to manipulate it.

Rev Billy Graham.
Then the question you have to answer honestly, if you can, is are the teachings of the bible when it comes to homosexuality and morality bigotry? Or "hateful" and political teachings?

Or are they rooted in sound moral principles the same as theft, adultery and murder are?
All are condemned in the Old Testament.

I doubt you can answer the question .

I do not have all the answers. Here is the answer I have.

For God so loved the world that he gave his only son so that whoever believes in him shall not die but have everlasting life

I see no reason a person who is gay can not do this. The Bible condemns me far more than it does a gay person. I have been divorced and remarried. The Bible calls that adultery. Do I have to stop that to accept the words above? No, I do not believe so.
Jesus never turned away anyone

On his blog, Breslin wrote, "The complaint [against me] goes more or less this way: Jesus would never have turned anyone away, no matter where they came from or who they were. Now let us set things right.

"Actually Jesus did turn people away. In Mark 5 Jesus healed the demoniac, and after the healing the man wanted to become a disciple. Jesus said, No, go back to your own people and tell them all that the Lord in His mercy has done for you. And when the rich young man wanted to follow Jesus, He told him, Go first and sell what you have and give it to the poor and then come follow me. And in John 6, Jesus taught a very hard message so that most of those following Him turned away and would no longer walk in His company. He did not soften His message so as to win them back.

"So the post-modern thought that Jesus was warm and fuzzy and making no demands on anyone is just not true and avoids the very hard teachings that eventually led to His crucifixion."

Boulder pastor says Jesus turned some away
Jesus never turned away anyone

On his blog, Breslin wrote, "The complaint [against me] goes more or less this way: Jesus would never have turned anyone away, no matter where they came from or who they were. Now let us set things right.

"Actually Jesus did turn people away. In Mark 5 Jesus healed the demoniac, and after the healing the man wanted to become a disciple. Jesus said, No, go back to your own people and tell them all that the Lord in His mercy has done for you.

He didn't turn him away, he healed him.

And when the rich young man wanted to follow Jesus, He told him, Go first and sell what you have and give it to the poor and then come follow me. And in John 6, Jesus taught a very hard message so that most of those following Him turned away and would no longer walk in His company. He did not soften His message so as to win them back.

"So the post-modern thought that Jesus was warm and fuzzy and making no demands on anyone is just not true and avoids the very hard teachings that eventually led to His crucifixion."

Boulder pastor says Jesus turned some away

Did he make demands? Of course but anyone that wanted what Jesus had to offer simply had to follow John 3:16.

In the 1880s, Canadian Indian Affairs and the Royal Canadian Mounted Police began snatching Indian youth from their families and forcing them into church-run institutions. Children were raped, beaten, and punished for speaking their languages. They were chained and shackled and locked in closets, basements and bathrooms.

The brutality endured by more than 300,000 native youth in these 80 schools, which existed until 1984, is now being exposed by survivors seeking justice.

Harriet Nahanee of North Vancouver was the first to come forward. At the age of five, Nahanee was yanked from her family and taken to a school operated by the United Church.
First Nations press for rights and restitution - Freedom Socialist Party

Collusion, cover-up and child abuse in the Church of England | Andrew Brown

Jesus never turned away anyone

On his blog, Breslin wrote, "The complaint [against me] goes more or less this way: Jesus would never have turned anyone away, no matter where they came from or who they were. Now let us set things right.

"Actually Jesus did turn people away. In Mark 5 Jesus healed the demoniac, and after the healing the man wanted to become a disciple. Jesus said, No, go back to your own people and tell them all that the Lord in His mercy has done for you.

He didn't turn him away, he healed him.

And when the rich young man wanted to follow Jesus, He told him, Go first and sell what you have and give it to the poor and then come follow me. And in John 6, Jesus taught a very hard message so that most of those following Him turned away and would no longer walk in His company. He did not soften His message so as to win them back.

"So the post-modern thought that Jesus was warm and fuzzy and making no demands on anyone is just not true and avoids the very hard teachings that eventually led to His crucifixion."

Boulder pastor says Jesus turned some away

Did he make demands? Of course but anyone that wanted what Jesus had to offer simply had to follow John 3:16.
He DID turn him away. Can't you read?

Jesus healed the demoniac, and after the healing the man wanted to become a disciple. Jesus said, No, go back

Leftists who demand God be removed from Government, demand government do what Jesus demand of YOU as a person
Jesus never turned away anyone

On his blog, Breslin wrote, "The complaint [against me] goes more or less this way: Jesus would never have turned anyone away, no matter where they came from or who they were. Now let us set things right.

"Actually Jesus did turn people away. In Mark 5 Jesus healed the demoniac, and after the healing the man wanted to become a disciple. Jesus said, No, go back to your own people and tell them all that the Lord in His mercy has done for you.

He didn't turn him away, he healed him.

And when the rich young man wanted to follow Jesus, He told him, Go first and sell what you have and give it to the poor and then come follow me. And in John 6, Jesus taught a very hard message so that most of those following Him turned away and would no longer walk in His company. He did not soften His message so as to win them back.

"So the post-modern thought that Jesus was warm and fuzzy and making no demands on anyone is just not true and avoids the very hard teachings that eventually led to His crucifixion."

Boulder pastor says Jesus turned some away

Did he make demands? Of course but anyone that wanted what Jesus had to offer simply had to follow John 3:16.
He DID turn him away. Can't you read?

Jesus healed the demoniac, and after the healing the man wanted to become a disciple. Jesus said, No, go back

Leftists who demand God be removed from Government, demand government do what Jesus demand of YOU as a person

He told him to go and tell others what happened so that they may come to him also.
You would never see one of our leftist assholes that are members here post a story like this:

Imam's fiery message speaks to radical British Muslims

2005-07-17 04:00:00 PDT London -- "Everything changed with the 19 magnificent terrorists of 9/11," thunders Sheikh Omar Bakri Mohammed. A raucous rejoinder of "Allah Akbar," or God is great, rings out from the more than 60 men who fill the Collingwood Hall community center on a Saturday night in East London.

The room is so crowded that some of the audience -- mainly young men under 25 -- must sit on the floor while others watch from the hallway.

Long before the deadly July 7 bombings in London, Bakri's detractors warned that behind the lurid sound bites and incendiary language was an extremist whose sermons might be interpreted by his followers as justification for terrorist attacks in Britain.

Imam's fiery message speaks to radical British Muslims
I do not have all the answers. Here is the answer I have.

For God so loved the world that he gave his only son so that whoever believes in him shall not die but have everlasting life

I see no reason a person who is gay can not do this. The Bible condemns me far more than it does a gay person. I have been divorced and remarried. The Bible calls that adultery. Do I have to stop that to accept the words above? No, I do not believe so.
No one, least of all me, is asking you to asking you to change your morals and beliefs. This isn't about you.
It's about the UK and the anti free speech bubble they are enclosed in.

And it isn't just about Franklin Graham. He is only the latest example of what goes on in this little close minded island.
It's a place where if someone is going to say something you think might offend some other person, religion, etc.
then they cannot speak.

And this applies to certain groups which cannot be, Muslim, racial minorities, etc.
But if you are someone who may have something critical to say about trans people, Muslims, feminists, etc.
then their rights supersede yours and you are ipso facto, a second class citizen in your own nation.

Can you spot the hypocrisy?
I do not have all the answers. Here is the answer I have.

For God so loved the world that he gave his only son so that whoever believes in him shall not die but have everlasting life

I see no reason a person who is gay can not do this. The Bible condemns me far more than it does a gay person. I have been divorced and remarried. The Bible calls that adultery. Do I have to stop that to accept the words above? No, I do not believe so.
No one, least of all me, is asking you to asking you to change your morals and beliefs. This isn't about you.
It's about the UK and the anti free speech bubble they are enclosed in.

And it isn't just about Franklin Graham. He is only the latest example of what goes on in this little close minded island.
It's a place where if someone is going to say something you think might offend some other person, religion, etc.
then they cannot speak.

And this applies to certain groups which cannot be, Muslim, racial minorities, etc.
But if you are someone who may have something critical to say about trans people, Muslims, feminists, etc.
then their rights supersede yours and you are ipso facto, a second class citizen in your own nation.

Can you spot the hypocrisy?

Do they practice hypocrisy? Maybe but it's the UK and not any of my business.
All of the venues graham booked for his tour in England have canceled on him. One had a petition written up and signed to prevent him from speaking at one venue.

I believe in free speech. However this isn't the US and these are privately owned venues so the owners have the right to pick and choose who speaks in their venues. They should show some support for freedom of speech but like I stated, this isn't the US.

graham says they will find new venues for him to speak.

I don't agree with anything graham says or does.

Evangelist preacher Franklin Graham planned a seven-city UK tour. All seven venues have dropped him

He is a sham, how can you be a man of God and be a backer of Trump.
I do not have all the answers. Here is the answer I have.

For God so loved the world that he gave his only son so that whoever believes in him shall not die but have everlasting life

I see no reason a person who is gay can not do this. The Bible condemns me far more than it does a gay person. I have been divorced and remarried. The Bible calls that adultery. Do I have to stop that to accept the words above? No, I do not believe so.
No one, least of all me, is asking you to asking you to change your morals and beliefs. This isn't about you.
It's about the UK and the anti free speech bubble they are enclosed in.

And it isn't just about Franklin Graham. He is only the latest example of what goes on in this little close minded island.
It's a place where if someone is going to say something you think might offend some other person, religion, etc.
then they cannot speak.

And this applies to certain groups which cannot be, Muslim, racial minorities, etc.
But if you are someone who may have something critical to say about trans people, Muslims, feminists, etc.
then their rights supersede yours and you are ipso facto, a second class citizen in your own nation.

Can you spot the hypocrisy?
It's consistent. Don't be slamming entire groups of people based on negative stereotypes that drive a wedge between them and the rest of society. It creates "Other" which is the start of awful things. I wish the US was more like our progenitors
Franklin has no excuse for his hate
What "hate"?

We are under attack by Muslims at home and abroad. We should stop all immigration of Muslims to the U.S. until this threat with Islam has been settled. Every Muslim that comes into this country has the potential to be radicalized—and they do their killing to honor their religion and Muhammad. During World War 2, we didn’t allow Japanese to immigrate to America, nor did we allow Germans. Why are we allowing Muslims now?

What would Jesus do?
He wouldn't call that hate.

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