US Hate preacher gets another gig cancelled

Muslims have a problem? How many countries has this "Christian country" attacked the last 50 years?

I'm fine with that as long as we stay home also......bring the troops home. You never can tell where they will be instructed to attack next.
I'm fine with bringing the troops home, along with all our cash too. Let them hate us for free.

We have never attacked another country because God commanded us to do so, nor have we killed people who would not convert to Christianity.

Really? We don't attack other countries because they refuse to bend to our will? The will of a "Christian" country?

We have, in the past, protecting our legitimate interests abroad. However, since the world wants us to pay for them without giving us our right to defend our interests, I think we should just pull back and let the world go to hell.

We don't need their energy anymore, nor do we need their nastiness.

Sadly that might be the only way from stopping us from killing tens of thousands of innocent people.
Correct, we do not.

Tens of thousands. Well, I guess we can pull back and let the others do that killing for us. After all, it isn't like we aren't protecting 10's of millions of people, is it?

No, we are protecting a small handful of corporate entities.

[ thougQuote]Incorrecth they may benefit from it. In fact, they could be the reason, but regardless of the reason, we are protecting 10's of millions if not 100's of millions.

So which is it? I'm correct, I might be correct or I'm correct but you feel it is irrelevant?

10k so-called innocents are not really statistically significant. Yeah, I know. What if MY mother was one of those statistics.

What a sad statement. If thousands have to die to keep the good times rolling, so be it. They are insignificant.

The real problem then becomes this. We do nothing, anywhere; for fear we may make a mistake and harm someone innocent. Meanwhile, we leave out own citizens open to biological and nuclear attacks. Buildings get flown into. Subways bombed; hell marathons bombed.

This sad excuse has been played out and dismissed long ago. Saddam nor Assad were any threat to us but we were sure sold on that.

And all this because we happen to be rich and powerful and won't just give our hard-earned wealth away to everyone clamoring for 'their fair share'.

Oh, and we still are not forcing anyone to convert to Christianity or face burning to death or beheading.

Don't give "our wealth" away. Make sure that also means no selling arms to promote these wars we are supposedly protecting people from and I bet the middle East becomes more peaceful than it is currently.

Beheading or having a bomb dropped on you really makes no difference.
that only means englands [sic] hate is more than his,,,

silencing a difference of opinion doesnt [sic] make them right,,,it makes them what they claim to fight against,,,

It makes them what our ancestors fought against, in order to establish the United States as a country. And it shows us that in almost two and a half centuries, they still haven't learned.
And it's not surprising when the UK has disintegrated to the point that free speech is still in long as that speech marches in lockstep with what they believe in and want to hear.
Hopefully we will never fall into the free speech abyss.

That's how it's always been. That's why we rebelled against it, almost two and a half centuries ago, to establish out own nation, free from the shithole tyranny that Britain has always represented.
We are under attack by Muslims at home and abroad. We should stop all immigration of Muslims to the U.S. until this threat with Islam has been settled. Every Muslim that comes into this country has the potential to be radicalized—and they do their killing to honor their religion and Muhammad. During World War 2, we didn’t allow Japanese to immigrate to America, nor did we allow Germans. Why are we allowing Muslims now?​
What would Jesus do?

"If anyone will not welcome you or listen to you, shake the dust off your feet when you leave that place, as a testimony against them."

^ What Jesus told His disciples 2000 years ago. What is still applicable today...

Do you suppose that Jesus would tell the citizens of any nation, that they should allow their nation to be flooded with hostile, violent savages who hate the rightful inhabitants of that nation, and who have a proven inclination to bring violent crime, sexual assault, and other similar ills with them?
Western Europe is about a decade ahead of us in the globalist hate game. Christianity has been much further reduced there and England is no exception. A lot of wars there and they will give up their countries without firing a shot. To promote that there are rules to living is hate now. Incredible. The globalists can remove the foundation of any currency they control and cause mass impoverishment. But they are slowly educating people to a darker side. its like we are being pushed to party like there is no tomorrow. And who cares who pays for the trauma created. Perhaps Brexit will help them and help us.

One can only hope that enough Americans are paying attention to what is going on in Europe, and to the tragic consequences thereof, that we will have the sense to prevent the same from happening here.
that only means englands hate is more than his,,,

silencing a difference of opinion doesnt make them right,,,it makes them what they claim to fight against,,,
The stadium owners made a commercial decision as to the profitability of hosting deplorable hate. What's more right or freer than that?
It makes them what our ancestors fought against, in order to establish the United States as a country. And it shows us that in almost two and a half centuries, they still haven't learned.
Your ancestors fought against the British so you could break the treaties the British had made with the tribes which were preventing your land greed and the expansion westward.
To those on the left wrong, any expression of basic decency, morality, or even sanity, is “hate”.
They will never attack the Homosexual Mafia for their relentless attacks on tens of millions of Christian's. They agree with and support it.

Or worse, from their attacks, now taking place openly, against children—the promotion of their sick, insane, immoral, and outright evil agenda, to young children in public schools. And they call it “hate” to suggest that children should be protected from these sick perverts.
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It makes them what our ancestors fought against, in order to establish the United States as a country. And it shows us that in almost two and a half centuries, they still haven't learned.
Your ancestors fought against the British so you could break the treaties the British had made with the tribes which were preventing your land greed and the expansion westward.
:icon_lol: x 1
Bob Blaylock
What, your ancestors kept the treaties?
He hasn't been silenced. Venues have simply told him to not bring his hate there.
The poor man wasn't starved to death. All the shops in town simply told the man he couldn't do business there.

That's called an "analogy", by the way. Hopefully you will see how foolish your point was.

And it's not surprising when the UK has disintegrated to the point that free speech is still in long as that speech marches in lockstep with what they believe in and want to hear.
Hopefully we will never fall into the free speech abyss.

I thought you on the right believed people have the right to refuse discriminate :dunno:
Venues across the board recently canceled on Mr. Graham amid mounting pressure from (homosexual) activists to cut ties with the preacher over his controversial past comments about homosexuality, however.

Logistical snags aside, Mr. Graham insisted he will visit the U.K. in the coming months to preach the gospel from Glasgow to London.

“Some people may think we may have canceled. We’re not canceling anything. We’re coming,”
Mr. Graham said in an interview with Premier Christian News
Franklin Graham vows to tour U.K. despite venues canceling on evangelical leader

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