US Hate preacher gets another gig cancelled

Franklin has no excuse for his hate
What "hate"?

To those on the left wrong, any expression of basic decency, morality, or even sanity, is “hate”.
They will never attack the Homosexual Mafia for their relentless attacks on tens of millions of Christian's. They agree with and support it.
The "homosexual Mafia" ? Attacks on Christians? Holy shit, get a grip. There is no homosexual mafia and the attacks are against bigots, Christian or not. Many gay folks are Christian and many Christians are not bigots and in fact support gays.

Would you dare invoke a "black mafia" when blacks demand equality?. I doubt it. Racism is somewhat out of fashion but bashing gays is easier to get away with. You fucking cowards just go after who ever is the easiest target. The fact is that you have a need to hate someone, anyone.
What, your ancestors kept the treaties?

If there is any point that is relevant to you, it is this. As a New Zealander, you know nothing about my country, and no sane person regards any opinion or feigned knowledge on your part about my country to be worth the elections it takes to display it on his screen.

And even if anything that you've said in this thread were true, none of it is relevant anyway.
The "homosexual Mafia" ? Attacks on Christians? Holy shit, get a grip. There is no homosexual mafia…

With one tip of your forked tongue, you deny it exists, but with the other tip of your forked tongue, you are the biggest advocate and defender of them and their sick agenda on this entire forum. You cannot even keep your lies consistent.
We are under attack by Muslims at home and abroad. We should stop all immigration of Muslims to the U.S. until this threat with Islam has been settled. Every Muslim that comes into this country has the potential to be radicalized—and they do their killing to honor their religion and Muhammad. During World War 2, we didn’t allow Japanese to immigrate to America, nor did we allow Germans. Why are we allowing Muslims now?
What would Jesus do?

"If anyone will not welcome you or listen to you, shake the dust off your feet when you leave that place, as a testimony against them."

^ What Jesus told His disciples 2000 years ago. What is still applicable today...

Do you suppose that Jesus would tell the citizens of any nation, that they should allow their nation to be flooded with hostile, violent savages who hate the rightful inhabitants of that nation, and who have a proven inclination to bring violent crime, sexual assault, and other similar ills with them?

I'm not really sure if your fantasies are a valid topic.
What "hate"?

We are under attack by Muslims at home and abroad. We should stop all immigration of Muslims to the U.S. until this threat with Islam has been settled. Every Muslim that comes into this country has the potential to be radicalized—and they do their killing to honor their religion and Muhammad. During World War 2, we didn’t allow Japanese to immigrate to America, nor did we allow Germans. Why are we allowing Muslims now?

What would Jesus do?
When Jesus returns, people will be moved back to their natural boundaries

That's what Jesus WILL do

Jesus knew no boundaries.
Jesus had rules though.
And he said nothing about gay people ever. But he did approve of slavery.
And that’s one of the reasons so many people don’t disapprove of slavery. Because of Jesus approval.
Jesus never approved of slavery. He acknowledged its existence. He did not want slaves who became his followers to have their lives made even worse. By being good examples of Jesus's love they might be able to lead the masters to a saving knowledge.
He hasn't been silenced. Venues have simply told him to not bring his hate there.
The poor man wasn't starved to death. All the shops in town simply told the man he couldn't do business there.

That's called an "analogy", by the way. Hopefully you will see how foolish your point was.

And it's not surprising when the UK has disintegrated to the point that free speech is still in long as that speech marches in lockstep with what they believe in and want to hear.
Hopefully we will never fall into the free speech abyss.

I thought you on the right believed people have the right to refuse discriminate :dunno:

Only a bakery it seems.
Franklin has no excuse for his hate
What "hate"?

To those on the left wrong, any expression of basic decency, morality, or even sanity, is “hate”.
They will never attack the Homosexual Mafia for their relentless attacks on tens of millions of Christian's. They agree with and support it.
The "homosexual Mafia" ? Attacks on Christians? Holy shit, get a grip. There is no homosexual mafia and the attacks are against bigots, Christian or not. Many gay folks are Christian and many Christians are not bigots and in fact support gays.

Would you dare invoke a "black mafia" when blacks demand equality?. I doubt it. Racism is somewhat out of fashion but bashing gays is easier to get away with. You fucking cowards just go after who ever is the easiest target. The fact is that you have a need to hate someone, anyone.

I used to think racism was out of fashion also but it's not in many circles.
Franklin Graham: the apple that fell far from the tree – Baptist News Global

“I can’t support the Graham crusade. For years now, he has twisted the gospel I love into an endorsement of extreme policies that hurt immigrants, Muslims, the LGBGTQ community, and poor and low-income neighbors.”

Baptist minister Mark Wingfield noted in a 2017 column for Baptist News Global that “the son of America’s most famous evangelist last week rushed to the defense of Donald Trump, saying the president’s hardline ban on immigration was just fine because it is ‘not a biblical issue.’” Like Wingfield, I find Graham’s xenophobic rhetoric to be either uninformed or blatantly false in light of explicit biblical admonitions such as Zechariah 19:34: “You shall treat the stranger who sojourns with you as the native among you, and you shall love him as yourself, for you were strangers in the land of Egypt.”


wow. From the Baptist, the crucifixion of Franklin Graham. or should I say a total expose.
There is a schism in the devout Christians. One side believes and follows the Bible, and the other side believes and follows Donald Trump.
I believe in and follow the Bible. So many Democrats today are hostile to Christianity. President Trump defends Christians.
This is not necessarily a case of "hate." Some speech is intended to incite people to do evil things to others. graham's attacks on LGBTQs, Muslims, and others raise the question of what impact his appearances might have on the communities involved. The venues are private, and his speech may go against the venue operators' beliefs. Moreover, local city councils, religious leaders, business leaders, and private citizens have let their feelings known about him.
Then why did they invite him in the first place? Like any good preacher, he preaches against all sins including homosexuality.
I do not have all the answers. Here is the answer I have.

For God so loved the world that he gave his only son so that whoever believes in him shall not die but have everlasting life

I see no reason a person who is gay can not do this. The Bible condemns me far more than it does a gay person. I have been divorced and remarried. The Bible calls that adultery. Do I have to stop that to accept the words above? No, I do not believe so.
No one, least of all me, is asking you to asking you to change your morals and beliefs. This isn't about you.
It's about the UK and the anti free speech bubble they are enclosed in.

And it isn't just about Franklin Graham. He is only the latest example of what goes on in this little close minded island.
It's a place where if someone is going to say something you think might offend some other person, religion, etc.
then they cannot speak.

And this applies to certain groups which cannot be, Muslim, racial minorities, etc.
But if you are someone who may have something critical to say about trans people, Muslims, feminists, etc.
then their rights supersede yours and you are ipso facto, a second class citizen in your own nation.

Can you spot the hypocrisy?
Yes, I can!

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