US Hire Palestinian armed guards.[Jerusalem]

Away yeah I forgot to mention a "terrorist" attack against the Jews which are less protected, but what am I thinking?! You don't care anyway..

Oh I care, I care a great deal. But my reservoir of caring is finite and needs to be carefully apportioned. I just add up the number of Palestinians, murdered and abused by Israelis and then add up the number of Israelis murdered and abused by Palestinians, total the numbers and then allocate my reservoir of sympathy accordingly to each side in proportion to their suffering.
in the past 60 years Challenger....the score line is 140,000+ Palestinian DEAD to 12,000 Israeli DEATHS.......but we all know Danny and his Zionist Fcuk Wits are wallowing in Palestinian BLOOD......This Guiltiness they carry for life.

Which ISLAMONAZI link supplied you with these details, I find that the numbers of Jews killed by Palestinian terrorists is 3,791 and the number of Palestinians killed by palestinians is 2,014.
Most of the Palestinian dead were as a direct result of the arab muslims declaring war on Israel so take them out leaving you with 12,800 so pretty even when you consider.
You will have to get up very early if you want to catch me out on figures ?
since 1948 my figures are correct you FOOL
the Jewish People were right in exploiting these avenues to escape oppression and death, but are wrong to hide the existence of said co-operation
the Jewish Agency established a relationship with the NAZI Regime in order to further their zionist goals

I disagree with your proposition that "The author will write and say just about anything that will sell" this was the doctoral thesis of Mahmoud Abbas and therefor not for sale

and I learnt something new to me
The Truth About Nazi-Zionist Relations Ingrid Weckert s Jewish Emigration from the Third Reich Counter-Currents Publishing

But it has never been hidden has it as the world knew about it in the 1930's, all you are doing is spouting ISLAMONAZI LIES and BLOOD LIBELS because you have been told to by your cleric/imam enabler.
Away yeah I forgot to mention a "terrorist" attack against the Jews which are less protected, but what am I thinking?! You don't care anyway..

Oh I care, I care a great deal. But my reservoir of caring is finite and needs to be carefully apportioned. I just add up the number of Palestinians, murdered and abused by Israelis and then add up the number of Israelis murdered and abused by Palestinians, total the numbers and then allocate my reservoir of sympathy accordingly to each side in proportion to their suffering.
in the past 60 years Challenger....the score line is 140,000+ Palestinian DEAD to 12,000 Israeli DEATHS.......but we all know Danny and his Zionist Fcuk Wits are wallowing in Palestinian BLOOD......This Guiltiness they carry for life.

Which ISLAMONAZI link supplied you with these details, I find that the numbers of Jews killed by Palestinian terrorists is 3,791 and the number of Palestinians killed by palestinians is 2,014.
Most of the Palestinian dead were as a direct result of the arab muslims declaring war on Israel so take them out leaving you with 12,800 so pretty even when you consider.
You will have to get up very early if you want to catch me out on figures ?
since 1948 my figures are correct you FOOL

Not if they come from an ISLAMONAZI source which will never accept that there is anything wrong in using children as human shields and fighting from civilian areas.

As I said you will need to get up early if you want to catch me out on numbers, and it seems that I have pressed the right buttons for you to become aggressive after being shown to be wrong.

Did you forget about all the wars the arab muslims started that resulted in 78,000 deaths of armed militia, you must be as you counted them in your totals.

How about explaining the 50,000 Palestinians mass murdered in the concentration camps by Jordanian forces in one month, or is that something you don't want making public knowledge as it puts the demonising of Israel on a back burner ?

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