US Intel Chief Reports Hunter Biden E-Mails 'NOT Part Of Russian Dis-Information Scheme' Despite Dems Claim


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Intel chief says Hunter Biden emails 'not part' of Russian disinformation scheme, despite Dem claims

Intel chief says Hunter Biden emails 'not part' of Russian disinformation scheme, despite Dem claims

The only attempted Dis-Information Scheme is Joe Biden's Campaign and The Democrats Attempting To Re-Invent The Faux Russian Election Interference BS, Claiming Russians Are Responsible For The Criminal / Treasonous E-Mails On Hunter's 2 Laptops!

Intel chief says Hunter Biden emails 'not part' of Russian disinformation scheme, despite Dem claims'not part' of Russian disinformation scheme, despite Dem claims

Intel chief says Hunter Biden emails 'not part' of Russian disinformation scheme, despite Dem claims

The only attempted Dis-Information Scheme is Joe Biden's Campaign and The Democrats Attempting To Re-Invent The Faux Russian Election Interference BS, Claiming Russians Are Responsible For The Criminal / Treasonous E-Mails On Hunter's 2 Laptops!

Uh oh. Cant wait to hear the lefy lie and spin and blame it all on trump . Uh oh , lock them up.
Intel chief says Hunter Biden emails 'not part' of Russian disinformation scheme, despite Dem claims'not part' of Russian disinformation scheme, despite Dem claims

Intel chief says Hunter Biden emails 'not part' of Russian disinformation scheme, despite Dem claims

The only attempted Dis-Information Scheme is Joe Biden's Campaign and The Democrats Attempting To Re-Invent The Faux Russian Election Interference BS, Claiming Russians Are Responsible For The Criminal / Treasonous E-Mails On Hunter's 2 Laptops!

Did you say 2 laptops?
The libs will claim ratcliffe is a trump stooge, or point to the 20 something other officials who claim it is Russia Russia russia.
Honestly, there is no amount of proof of any kind of wrong doing that will change their minds.

Let’s just watch as this week rolls on, and more and more stuff from hunters laptop comes out. They will just keep denying.
“It was a hunter body double in that porn!”
I'm just waiting for the live-action news broadcast of the FBI raiding Joe's basement, preferably right in the middle of the up-coming televised debate. The TV could have a 3-panel split screen - Trump could be in one screen, the FBI / Police raiding Joe's home / basement Joe in 1 to gauge his reaction.

Intel chief says Hunter Biden emails 'not part' of Russian disinformation scheme, despite Dem claims'not part' of Russian disinformation scheme, despite Dem claims

Intel chief says Hunter Biden emails 'not part' of Russian disinformation scheme, despite Dem claims

The only attempted Dis-Information Scheme is Joe Biden's Campaign and The Democrats Attempting To Re-Invent The Faux Russian Election Interference BS, Claiming Russians Are Responsible For The Criminal / Treasonous E-Mails On Hunter's 2 Laptops!

The same intel chief that Trump can trust because he had to replace five people before he got one he could believe...
Intel chief says Hunter Biden emails 'not part' of Russian disinformation scheme, despite Dem claims'not part' of Russian disinformation scheme, despite Dem claims'not part' of Russian disinformation scheme, despite Dem claims'not part' of Russian disinformation scheme, despite Dem claims

Intel chief says Hunter Biden emails 'not part' of Russian disinformation scheme, despite Dem claims

The only attempted Dis-Information Scheme is Joe Biden's Campaign and The Democrats Attempting To Re-Invent The Faux Russian Election Interference BS, Claiming Russians Are Responsible For The Criminal / Treasonous E-Mails On Hunter's 2 Laptops!

The same intel chief that Trump can trust because he had to replace five people before he got one he could believe...
There it is.
Tell us, she we have someone like comey with his blatant corruption?
Or how about Mueller, who lets people sit and die in prison he k owe are innocent because he withheld exculpatory evidence?

DNI Ratcliffe Debunks Adam Schiff's Latest Russia Conspiracy Theory Regarding Hunter Biden

Schiff, notorious for pushing the narrative that Trump colluded with Russia in the 2016 election, seems intent to vindicate his Russia conspiracies.

“We know that this whole smear on Joe Biden comes from the Kremlin,” Schiff said on CNN. “That’s been clear for well over a year now that they’ve been pushing this false narrative about this vice president and his son.”

Ratcliffe emphatically denied this assertion.

Here we go....

Intel chief says Hunter Biden emails 'not part' of Russian disinformation scheme, despite Dem claims'not part' of Russian disinformation scheme, despite Dem claims'not part' of Russian disinformation scheme, despite Dem claims'not part' of Russian disinformation scheme, despite Dem claims

Intel chief says Hunter Biden emails 'not part' of Russian disinformation scheme, despite Dem claims

The only attempted Dis-Information Scheme is Joe Biden's Campaign and The Democrats Attempting To Re-Invent The Faux Russian Election Interference BS, Claiming Russians Are Responsible For The Criminal / Treasonous E-Mails On Hunter's 2 Laptops!

The same intel chief that Trump can trust because he had to replace five people before he got one he could believe...
And there it is, the conspiracy gets wider.
for those that wish to ignore this Post story and say "its a smear campaign.........question......what if it is true?
Ever give that consideration?
Intel chief says Hunter Biden emails 'not part' of Russian disinformation scheme, despite Dem claims'not part' of Russian disinformation scheme, despite Dem claims'not part' of Russian disinformation scheme, despite Dem claims'not part' of Russian disinformation scheme, despite Dem claims

Intel chief says Hunter Biden emails 'not part' of Russian disinformation scheme, despite Dem claims

The only attempted Dis-Information Scheme is Joe Biden's Campaign and The Democrats Attempting To Re-Invent The Faux Russian Election Interference BS, Claiming Russians Are Responsible For The Criminal / Treasonous E-Mails On Hunter's 2 Laptops!

The same intel chief that Trump can trust because he had to replace five people before he got one he could believe...

This is also the same guy who's been releasing previously confidential stuff like Hilary's emails, in order to influence the election? That guy?

I'm guessing he is as credible as Barr.
Hunter and Joe never spoke on the 14-hour flight to China.
- hunter was in the back doing lines of coke.

Joe never knew and never asked Hunter where he went when they got to China.
- Joe never asked where the several millions of dollars that suddenly appeared in his checking account came from - he assumed it was campaign contributions.

Joe had no idea who the Burisma guys were who showed up in Washington asking for his meeting. Joe thought by 'fellow board members' with Hunter that they meant fellow Frat brothers (the 'board members' referring to the board used during the brotherhood ceremony).

Joe played golf with Hunter and the Burisma guys, but he thought 'Burisma' was the Specialist at Starbucks who makes the coffee.
- He thought the millions he was getting from 'Burisma' was from a Coffee Maker's UNION.

Joe never knew what Hunter was doing in Ukraine on that trip, either. His crack-head son gave him the advice that he should deal with the Ukraine PM like Clint Eastwood would, that he would think it was funny because the PMN loved Eastwood films. Joe didn't KNOW he was extorting the PM. Like Hillary, he was too stupid to know he was breaking the law.

Meanwhile, the Burisma guys wrote thousands of fake e-mails, with the help of China and Russia - who wanted Trump to win all along - wrote thousands more from other sources. NINJA's then broke into Hunter's house one night after he had passed out, placed him in compromising sexual positions with hookers, animals, and children, cleaned everything up so he would never know, stole his laptop, loaded all the e-mails and photos on his laptop, and then dropped it off at the Computer Repair business.

After 90 days had passed & Hunter not knowing where his laptop was, the owner of the store took possession of Hunter's laptop....and the rest is Democrat / Liberal / Fake News Media / Snowflake Conspiracy History....

It makes perfect sense now....

:p Bwuhahahahahaha
I say again to those that want to simply brush this off.....what if it is true? Did you ever consider that?

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