US is a 'world leader' in child poverty

aw , the USA is fine , the best in the world for the mass of 320 million americans plus the millions of illegals in the USA in just about every category Luddely .

No, actually, we're not.

If you disagree with the figures in the OP, please post proof.

The figures are ok enough, but the headline is misleading. It claims world leader, but the article clarifies to mean #4 out of developed countries. That's a far cry from world leader.


If the article said THE world leader, you would be correct.

But fourth from the worst is hardly "fine" or "best in the world". .
But it's not fourth from the's fourth from the worst of the best in the world.

There is absolutely no comparison between child povety in the U.S. and child poverty in much of Africa, Asia, and South America.

A distinction I"m sure is lost on the hungry child.
aw , the USA is fine , the best in the world for the mass of 320 million americans plus the millions of illegals in the USA in just about every category Luddely .

No, actually, we're not.

If you disagree with the figures in the OP, please post proof.

The figures are ok enough, but the headline is misleading. It claims world leader, but the article clarifies to mean #4 out of developed countries. That's a far cry from world leader.


If the article said THE world leader, you would be correct.

But fourth from the worst is hardly "fine" or "best in the world". .
But it's not fourth from the's fourth from the worst of the best in the world.

There is absolutely no comparison between child povety in the U.S. and child poverty in much of Africa, Asia, and South America.

A distinction I"m sure is lost on the hungry child.
So you think a hungry child makes a distinction between "a world leader in poverty" and not? Either ranking has a meaning, or it doesn't. Of course none of it matters to the individual.

That's all

more propaganda coming from the UN and their cult members

IOW, let the children starve in the streets.
Though a 60% increase in child poverty is astounding and unacceptable , that doesn't make the US a "leader in child poverty". There are nations with much more higher indexes of child poverty.

So 'other nations are worse' is an excuse for the the US?
No , that's why I wrote it was unacceptable.
That doesn't make the US a leader in child poverty though.

That's all

more propaganda coming from the UN and their cult members

IOW, let the children starve in the streets.
Though a 60% increase in child poverty is astounding and unacceptable , that doesn't make the US a "leader in child poverty". There are nations with much more higher indexes of child poverty.

So 'other nations are worse' is an excuse for the the US?
No , that's why I wrote it was unacceptable.
That doesn't make the US a leader in child poverty though.

U.S. Child Poverty Second Highest Among Developed Nations: Report

Can government spending lift poor children from poverty?

A new report from UNICEF suggests it's possible. The latest edition of UNICEF's report on child poverty in developed countries found that 30 million children in 35 of the world's richest countries live in poverty. Among those countries, the United States ranks second on the scale of what economists call "relative child poverty" -- above Latvia, Bulgaria, Spain, Greece, and 29 others. Only Romania ranks higher, with 25.5 percent of its children living in poverty, compared with 23.1 percent in the U.S.

U.S. Child Poverty Second Highest Among Developed Nations Report
aw , the USA is fine , the best in the world for the mass of 320 million americans plus the millions of illegals in the USA in just about every category Luddely .

No, actually, we're not.

If you disagree with the figures in the OP, please post proof.

The figures are ok enough, but the headline is misleading. It claims world leader, but the article clarifies to mean #4 out of developed countries. That's a far cry from world leader.


If the article said THE world leader, you would be correct.

But fourth from the worst is hardly "fine" or "best in the world". .
But it's not fourth from the's fourth from the worst of the best in the world.

There is absolutely no comparison between child povety in the U.S. and child poverty in much of Africa, Asia, and South America.


*shaking head*
The Numbers Are Staggering: U.S. Is 'World Leader' in Child Poverty

By Paul Buchheit / AlterNet

April 13, 2015

America's wealth grew by 60 percent in the past six years, by over $30 trillion. In approximately the same time, the number of homeless children has also grown by 60 percent.

Financier and CEO Peter Schiff said, "People don’t go hungry in a capitalist economy." The 16 million kids on food stamps know what it's like to go hungry. Perhaps, some in Congress would say, those children should be working. "There is no such thing as a free lunch," insisted Georgia Representative Jack Kingston, even for schoolkids, who should be required to "sweep the floor of the cafeteria" (as theyactually do at a charter school in Texas).

$5 a Day for Food, But Congress Thought it was Too Much.

Nearly half of all food stamp recipients are children, and they averaged about $5 a day for their meals before the 2014 farm bill cut $8.6 billion (over the next ten years) from the food stamp program.

For Every 2 Homeless Children in 2006, There Are Now 3

On a typical frigid night in January, 138,000 children, according to the U.S. Department of Housing, were without a place to call home.

That's about the same number of households that have each increased their wealth by $10 million per yearsince the recession.

The US: Near the Bottom in Education, and Sinking

The U.S. ranks near the bottom of the developed worldin the percentage of 4-year-olds in early childhood education. Early education should be a primary goal for the future, as numerous studies have shown that pre-school helps all children to achieve more and earn more through adulthood, with the most disadvantaged benefiting the most. But we're going in the opposite direction. Head Start was recently hit with the worst cutbacks in its history.

Children's Rights? Not in the U.S.

It's hard to comprehend the thinking of people who cut funding for homeless and hungry children. It may be delusion about trickle-down, it may be indifference to poverty, it may be resentment toward people unable to "make it on their own."

The indifference and resentment and disdain for society reach around the globe. Only two nations still refuse to ratify the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child: South Sudan and the United States.

Kingston isn't the only Republican to say kids should work in their schools. Remember when Newt Gingrich said they should clean the toilets at school?

I realize they're not fetuses but we cannot let the Republicans get away with cutting food stamps.

the war on poverty has been a complete failure

time to go in another direction

BUT the rights war on the war on poverty has pretty much succeeded in mythology!

How the War on Poverty Succeeded (in Four Charts)

If you measure poverty properly, which is only now being done, you find that the poverty rate has fallen pretty dramatically since the middle of the nineteen-sixties. Indeed, according to an important new study by a group of economists at Columbia University, it has dropped by forty per cent. The main driver of this fall, in fact, has been the very type of anti-poverty programs that L.B.J. championed: food stamps and housing subsidies, Social Security and Medicare, and generous income subsidies, in the form of tax credits, for the low-paid.

This first chart illustrates what I am talking about. The dotted blue line shows the official poverty measure (O.P.M.) since 1967. It bobs up and down, depending on the state of the economy, but it’s basically flat. Look at the solid red line, though, which is falling. It represents the Columbia researchers’ estimate of historical poverty rates according to a new and more comprehensive measure of need that the Census Bureau created in 2011, known as the supplemental poverty measure (S.P.M.). According to this revised metric, the poverty rate in 1967 was as high as twenty-six per cent. It has since fallen dramatically, to sixteen per cent in 2012; in the period immediately before the Great Recession, it fell below fifteen per cent.

To be sure, this chart isn’t all good news. Even the solid line shows the poverty rate remaining pretty much constant since 2000. But it presents a very different picture of the past fifty years than the one that the Republicans are peddling.

How the War on Poverty Succeeded in Four Charts - The New Yorker
aw , the USA is fine , the best in the world for the mass of 320 million americans plus the millions of illegals in the USA in just about every category Luddely .

No, actually, we're not.

If you disagree with the figures in the OP, please post proof.

The figures are ok enough, but the headline is misleading. It claims world leader, but the article clarifies to mean #4 out of developed countries. That's a far cry from world leader.


If the article said THE world leader, you would be correct.

But fourth from the worst is hardly "fine" or "best in the world". .
But it's not fourth from the's fourth from the worst of the best in the world.

There is absolutely no comparison between child povety in the U.S. and child poverty in much of Africa, Asia, and South America.


*shaking head*
Which is not stated in the Thread title.
No, actually, we're not.

If you disagree with the figures in the OP, please post proof.

The figures are ok enough, but the headline is misleading. It claims world leader, but the article clarifies to mean #4 out of developed countries. That's a far cry from world leader.


If the article said THE world leader, you would be correct.

But fourth from the worst is hardly "fine" or "best in the world". .
But it's not fourth from the's fourth from the worst of the best in the world.

There is absolutely no comparison between child povety in the U.S. and child poverty in much of Africa, Asia, and South America.

A distinction I"m sure is lost on the hungry child.
So you think a hungry child makes a distinction between "a world leader in poverty" and not? Either ranking has a meaning, or it doesn't. Of course none of it matters to the individual.


That's exactly what I said - that the lame ass excuse that we're not the worst doesn't matter to a hungry child.
the United States ranks second on the scale of what economists call "relative child poverty" -- above Latvia, Bulgaria, Spain, Greece, and 29 others.

1) its a pity that liberalism has impoverished our children
2) although poor by liberal standards our poor kids are 10 times richer than Bulgarian poor kids, relatively speaking.
3) dumbto3's solution, as a typical liberal, is more and more crippling welfare giving rise to the need for more and more crippling welfare.
4) Conservatives know how to eliminate poverty: Republican capitalism. China just did it and instantly eliminated 40% of the entire world's poverty. Liberalism is the cause of poverty.
The figures are ok enough, but the headline is misleading. It claims world leader, but the article clarifies to mean #4 out of developed countries. That's a far cry from world leader.


If the article said THE world leader, you would be correct.

But fourth from the worst is hardly "fine" or "best in the world". .
But it's not fourth from the's fourth from the worst of the best in the world.

There is absolutely no comparison between child povety in the U.S. and child poverty in much of Africa, Asia, and South America.

A distinction I"m sure is lost on the hungry child.
So you think a hungry child makes a distinction between "a world leader in poverty" and not? Either ranking has a meaning, or it doesn't. Of course none of it matters to the individual.


That's exactly what I said - that the lame ass excuse that we're not the worst doesn't matter to a hungry child.

dear, you cant claim to care about hungry children and be a liberal. Liberalism slowly starved 120 million to death in USSR and Red China. Get hungry people starved to death!! The second Republicans gifted capitalism to China it eliminated 40% of all the poverty on earth.

Do you have the IQ to understand?
The Numbers Are Staggering: U.S. Is 'World Leader' in Child Poverty

By Paul Buchheit / AlterNet

April 13, 2015

America's wealth grew by 60 percent in the past six years, by over $30 trillion. In approximately the same time, the number of homeless children has also grown by 60 percent.

Financier and CEO Peter Schiff said, "People don’t go hungry in a capitalist economy." The 16 million kids on food stamps know what it's like to go hungry. Perhaps, some in Congress would say, those children should be working. "There is no such thing as a free lunch," insisted Georgia Representative Jack Kingston, even for schoolkids, who should be required to "sweep the floor of the cafeteria" (as theyactually do at a charter school in Texas).

$5 a Day for Food, But Congress Thought it was Too Much.

Nearly half of all food stamp recipients are children, and they averaged about $5 a day for their meals before the 2014 farm bill cut $8.6 billion (over the next ten years) from the food stamp program.

For Every 2 Homeless Children in 2006, There Are Now 3

On a typical frigid night in January, 138,000 children, according to the U.S. Department of Housing, were without a place to call home.

That's about the same number of households that have each increased their wealth by $10 million per yearsince the recession.

The US: Near the Bottom in Education, and Sinking

The U.S. ranks near the bottom of the developed worldin the percentage of 4-year-olds in early childhood education. Early education should be a primary goal for the future, as numerous studies have shown that pre-school helps all children to achieve more and earn more through adulthood, with the most disadvantaged benefiting the most. But we're going in the opposite direction. Head Start was recently hit with the worst cutbacks in its history.

Children's Rights? Not in the U.S.

It's hard to comprehend the thinking of people who cut funding for homeless and hungry children. It may be delusion about trickle-down, it may be indifference to poverty, it may be resentment toward people unable to "make it on their own."

The indifference and resentment and disdain for society reach around the globe. Only two nations still refuse to ratify the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child: South Sudan and the United States.

Kingston isn't the only Republican to say kids should work in their schools. Remember when Newt Gingrich said they should clean the toilets at school?

I realize they're not fetuses but we cannot let the Republicans get away with cutting food stamps.


See the OP and check who voted it "funny. How sad/sick is that?

WTH is wrong with people???
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haven't looked but it was probably 'ME' !! I'll go look see what you mean Luddely !!
yeah , think it me that tagged the BS as being 'funny' , just my opinion as I disbelieve the information Luddley !! But yeah , think that I tagged it as funny because I was able to undo the 'funny' and then rerate it again as FUNNY !!
yeah , think it me that tagged the BS as being 'funny' , just my opinion as I disbelieve the information Luddley !! But yeah , think that I tagged it as funny because I was able to undo the 'funny' and then rerate it again as FUNNY !!

I just shake my head in utter and complete sadness because you laughing at hungry children is very typical of many RWs and christians who post here.

I work with our local food bank. I wonder if you would still think its funny if you saw the hungry children that I do.

Its the total lack of sympathy and compassion from empty, dead people like you that makes it impossible to ever truly eradicate hunger among children.

You'll lie because that's what people like you do but I'd bet money that you're fat and diabetic.
Republicans gifted capitalism to China .

This is the best Special Edism yet!

Yep, classic Special Ed Dear.

The dummy posted some of the most ridiculous slop about China that I've ever read. Like other things he knows nothing about, he will yammer on and on. He also went on a laughable rant on Amazon about China. He has been laughed off those boards.

He's the personification of the RW who is ignorant very loudly.
Its the total lack of sympathy and compassion from empty, dead people like you that makes it impossible to ever truly eradicate hunger among children.

dear, I know you as a violent liberal bigot. Its your sense and the liberal sense of moral superiority, i.e, bigotry, that prevents us from eliminating poverty on earth as China just did.

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