US is not ready for Medicare for all

Was just reading a left wing think tank is putting the $$$ at 34 trillion dollars ...

but was it $34 trillion for 10 years without taking in to consideration that if there were Universal Health Care for everyone, then they would need no MEDICAID, need no CHIPS, need no VA, need no Obamacare, need no govt employee heathcare or separate health care for the Military and families, or take out the cost of the tax deductions we give employer's for the benefit, that we ARE spending a lot of money on now. Is their estimate saying this is an additional 34 trillion, or did they minus out what we are spending right now on all of these different health care programs?

If you read the same article I did, it said it was more then all that and SS combined.

What happens when, say, 10 years from now, government has enacted Medicare for all, many private insurance companies have had to close their doors and access to private insurance is no longer an option, or at least an affordable option.

Now, the government has you in its clutches and you have nowhere to go. Government realizes that the current income will not support the system, so now they have to start raising taxes every year to pay for it.

Oh, and that promise that, once you're on MFA that there will be no more copays, no more prescription costs and medical treatment will be free, that will go away once they realize the cost is going to be MUCH higher than they anticipated, and people are going to the doctor for every little ache and pain.

It wont be long before they start saying "well, looks like we will need to start charging a copay after all, aaaaaaand.....were going to need you to chip in about 30% of the cost of your prescriptions.....aaaaaaaand.....were going to have to raise your taxes by another $500 next year to help cover costs..."

And have nowhere to go, because all your old insurance companies are gone.

I've heard people say "it will be cheaper because we won't have to pay some ceo 15 million a year".....really?? You think government run health care wont have its share of people siphoning from the system? Instead of a ceo being paid 15 million a year, you'll have politicians raiding the fund for 15 million per year.

Government has never been the bastion of efficiency. Government is wasteful and spendy, and there is never a pool of money yet that the government cant leave alone. They see money setting somewhere, they have to spend it. The same will happen with this Medicare for all taxation money.
Please see the map of the world below. The vast majority of the world has universal healthcare or free healthcare. If they can do it, we can do it.

As a patient at the world famous Cleveland Clinic, I can testify that when you go to their downtown campus, you are the one that feels like the foreigner.

Not only do people come here from all around the world for treatment, but the medical personnel is pretty much the same. Doctors who came here from other countries got educated here for the most part, and stayed because of the money. That's why we have the best from all around the world.

If you want to be like those other countries, then look for a doctor shortage not long after that. Nobody wants to spend 8 years in college to make a mediocre income. Many less will want to practice in the US if they can make the same amount as they can back home.
Not true. Check out universal health care in other countries. Currently there are many more individuals who want to go to medical school tan there is room for.
What happens when, say, 10 years from now, government has enacted Medicare for all, many private insurance companies have had to close their doors and access to private insurance is no longer an option, or at least an affordable option.

Now, the government has you in its clutches and you have nowhere to go. Government realizes that the current income will not support the system, so now they have to start raising taxes every year to pay for it.

Oh, and that promise that, once you're on MFA that there will be no more copays, no more prescription costs and medical treatment will be free, that will go away once they realize the cost is going to be MUCH higher than they anticipated, and people are going to the doctor for every little ache and pain.

It wont be long before they start saying "well, looks like we will need to start charging a copay after all, aaaaaaand.....were going to need you to chip in about 30% of the cost of your prescriptions.....aaaaaaaand.....were going to have to raise your taxes by another $500 next year to help cover costs..."

And have nowhere to go, because all your old insurance companies are gone.

I've heard people say "it will be cheaper because we won't have to pay some ceo 15 million a year".....really?? You think government run health care wont have its share of people siphoning from the system? Instead of a ceo being paid 15 million a year, you'll have politicians raiding the fund for 15 million per year.

Government has never been the bastion of efficiency. Government is wasteful and spendy, and there is never a pool of money yet that the government cant leave alone. They see money setting somewhere, they have to spend it. The same will happen with this Medicare for all taxation money.
Please see the map of the world below. The vast majority of the world has universal healthcare or free healthcare. If they can do it, we can do it.
Many of those countries are a fraction of the size of the u.s., plus, all the money they tax from their citizens stays in the country. They are not shipping hundreds of billions to every other country across the globe.

On top of that, while those countries have free healthcare, how many of then are happy with that system? How many can get the level of treatment they want, and don't have to wait 6 months to see a doctor?

How many of those countries are under a dictatorships or socialist government, and their citizens have no choice but to be in the government run program.
Many of these countries cut costs by killing the sick.
which countries are those?
Was just reading a left wing think tank is putting the $$$ at 34 trillion dollars ...

but was it $34 trillion for 10 years without taking in to consideration that if there were Universal Health Care for everyone, then they would need no MEDICAID, need no CHIPS, need no VA, need no Obamacare, need no govt employee heathcare or separate health care for the Military and families, or take out the cost of the tax deductions we give employer's for the benefit, that we ARE spending a lot of money on now. Is their estimate saying this is an additional 34 trillion, or did they minus out what we are spending right now on all of these different health care programs?

If you read the same article I did, it said it was more then all that and SS combined.


No I had not read the article, I was just wondering....
Hopefully, the US will never be "ready" for Welfare for All, never so beat down and desperate that we accept socialism.
US is not ready for Medicare for all.
Democrats, do not over play your hand when you are running against the worst President in our history.
US voters favor a hybrid system that includes a government that anyone can buy into along with a private option.
Do not let ideaology override practicality.
A majority of the ameican people support it, capital is not ready for all of us to have access to healthcare.
A majority of American people would also like their debt erased.
Medicare for all would help, what's the #1 reason for most mortgage foreclosures again?
The number one reason for mortgage foreclosures is death of a wage earning spouse.
Hellthcare in the ...

Hopefully, the US will never be "ready" for Welfare for All, never so beat down and desperate that we accept socialism.
You already do, it's just not for the unsubstantial people, it is reserved for the privileged class.

Privatized gains versus socialized losses for the Wall Street bankster class
Internalized profit versus externalized risk and expense for the "job creator" class
Socialism for the aristocracy versus laissez-faire capitalism for the masses

Hind tit hellth"care", the most expensive among advanced post-industrial nations. Don't forget to vote for this shit.

Ranking 37th — Measuring the Performance of the U.S. Health Care System

World Health Organization’s Ranking of the World’s Health Systems
Some people fancy all health care debates to be a case of Canadian Health Care vs. American. Not so. According to the World Health Organization’s ranking of the world’s health systems, neither Canada nor the USA ranks in the top 25.

Improving the Canadian Healthcare System does not mean we must emulate the American system, but it may mean that perhaps we can learn from countries that rank better than both Canada and the USA at keeping their citizens healthy.

World Health Organization's Ranking of the World's Health Systems

U.S. Health Care Ranked Worst in the Developed World
The U.S. health care system has been subject to heated debate over the past decade, but one thing that has remained consistent is the level of performance, which has been ranked as the worst among industrialized nations for the fifth time, according to the 2014 Commonwealth Fund survey 2014. The U.K. ranked best with Switzerland following a close second.

The Commonwealth Fund report compares the U.S. with 10 other nations: France, Australia, Germany, Canada, Sweden, New Zealand, Norway, the Netherlands, Switzerland and the U.K. were all judged to be superior based on various factors. These include quality of care, access to doctors and equity throughout the country. Results of the study rely on data from the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, the World Health Organization and interviews from physicians and patients.

U.S. Health Care Ranked Worst in the Developed World

As Republicans struggle to agree on a replacement for the Affordable Care Act, the Commonwealth Fund has rated the U.S. health care system as the worst among the 11 developed nations it analyzed as part of an evaluation conducted every three years. The think tank also rated the U.S. health care system as the worst-performing of the nations analyzed when the last evaluation was released in 2014.

The U.S. health care system has been rated the worst (by far) among high-income nations

How does the quality of the U.S. healthcare system compare to other countries?
Bench-marking U.S. quality measures against those of similarly large and wealthy countries is one way to assess how successful the U.S. has been at improving care for its population, and to learn from systems that often produce better outcomes. The OECD has compiled data on dozens of outcomes and process measures. Across a number of these measures, the U.S. lags behind similarly wealthy OECD countries (those that are similarly large and wealthy based on GDP and GDP per capita).In some cases, such as the rates of all-cause mortality, premature death, death amenable to healthcare, and disease burden, the U.S. is also not improving as quickly as other countries, which means the gap is growing.

US is not ready for Medicare for all.
Democrats, do not over play your hand when you are running against the worst President in our history.
US voters favor a hybrid system that includes a government that anyone can buy into along with a private option.
Do not let ideaology override practicality.

Are you ready for a 20% tax increase to pay for Medicare for all?
What happens when, say, 10 years from now, government has enacted Medicare for all, many private insurance companies have had to close their doors and access to private insurance is no longer an option, or at least an affordable option.

Now, the government has you in its clutches and you have nowhere to go. Government realizes that the current income will not support the system, so now they have to start raising taxes every year to pay for it.

Oh, and that promise that, once you're on MFA that there will be no more copays, no more prescription costs and medical treatment will be free, that will go away once they realize the cost is going to be MUCH higher than they anticipated, and people are going to the doctor for every little ache and pain.

It wont be long before they start saying "well, looks like we will need to start charging a copay after all, aaaaaaand.....were going to need you to chip in about 30% of the cost of your prescriptions.....aaaaaaaand.....were going to have to raise your taxes by another $500 next year to help cover costs..."

And have nowhere to go, because all your old insurance companies are gone.

I've heard people say "it will be cheaper because we won't have to pay some ceo 15 million a year".....really?? You think government run health care wont have its share of people siphoning from the system? Instead of a ceo being paid 15 million a year, you'll have politicians raiding the fund for 15 million per year.

Government has never been the bastion of efficiency. Government is wasteful and spendy, and there is never a pool of money yet that the government cant leave alone. They see money setting somewhere, they have to spend it. The same will happen with this Medicare for all taxation money.
Please see the map of the world below. The vast majority of the world has universal healthcare or free healthcare. If they can do it, we can do it.

As a patient at the world famous Cleveland Clinic, I can testify that when you go to their downtown campus, you are the one that feels like the foreigner.

Not only do people come here from all around the world for treatment, but the medical personnel is pretty much the same. Doctors who came here from other countries got educated here for the most part, and stayed because of the money. That's why we have the best from all around the world.

If you want to be like those other countries, then look for a doctor shortage not long after that. Nobody wants to spend 8 years in college to make a mediocre income. Many less will want to practice in the US if they can make the same amount as they can back home.
Not true. Check out universal health care in other countries. Currently there are many more individuals who want to go to medical school tan there is room for.

I don't believe you. Unless they are planning to move to a different country to practice.

Because if what you say is true, then why do I keep reading about doctor shortages, and doctor strikes?

The only country I know that has more students than there is room, would be Canada, and in that case, many US students go to Canada and get a cheaper education, on the backs of Canadian Tax payers, and at the same time have no intention of staying. That's why almost 1/3 of all students in Canada, leave the country after getting their degree, all while Canada has a massive doctor shortage.

Why? Because they come to the US where they get paid more. It's that simple.
What happens when, say, 10 years from now, government has enacted Medicare for all, many private insurance companies have had to close their doors and access to private insurance is no longer an option, or at least an affordable option.

Now, the government has you in its clutches and you have nowhere to go. Government realizes that the current income will not support the system, so now they have to start raising taxes every year to pay for it.

Oh, and that promise that, once you're on MFA that there will be no more copays, no more prescription costs and medical treatment will be free, that will go away once they realize the cost is going to be MUCH higher than they anticipated, and people are going to the doctor for every little ache and pain.

It wont be long before they start saying "well, looks like we will need to start charging a copay after all, aaaaaaand.....were going to need you to chip in about 30% of the cost of your prescriptions.....aaaaaaaand.....were going to have to raise your taxes by another $500 next year to help cover costs..."

And have nowhere to go, because all your old insurance companies are gone.

I've heard people say "it will be cheaper because we won't have to pay some ceo 15 million a year".....really?? You think government run health care wont have its share of people siphoning from the system? Instead of a ceo being paid 15 million a year, you'll have politicians raiding the fund for 15 million per year.

Government has never been the bastion of efficiency. Government is wasteful and spendy, and there is never a pool of money yet that the government cant leave alone. They see money setting somewhere, they have to spend it. The same will happen with this Medicare for all taxation money.
Please see the map of the world below. The vast majority of the world has universal healthcare or free healthcare. If they can do it, we can do it.

As a patient at the world famous Cleveland Clinic, I can testify that when you go to their downtown campus, you are the one that feels like the foreigner.

Not only do people come here from all around the world for treatment, but the medical personnel is pretty much the same. Doctors who came here from other countries got educated here for the most part, and stayed because of the money. That's why we have the best from all around the world.

If you want to be like those other countries, then look for a doctor shortage not long after that. Nobody wants to spend 8 years in college to make a mediocre income. Many less will want to practice in the US if they can make the same amount as they can back home.
Not true. Check out universal health care in other countries. Currently there are many more individuals who want to go to medical school tan there is room for.

I don't believe you. Unless they are planning to move to a different country to practice.

Because if what you say is true, then why do I keep reading about doctor shortages, and doctor strikes?

The only country I know that has more students than there is room, would be Canada, and in that case, many US students go to Canada and get a cheaper education, on the backs of Canadian Tax payers, and at the same time have no intention of staying. That's why almost 1/3 of all students in Canada, leave the country after getting their degree, all while Canada has a massive doctor shortage.

Why? Because they come to the US where they get paid more. It's that simple.
In 2018–2019, 21,622 applicants were accepted to allopathic (MD) medical schools out of the 52,777 who applied, for an overall acceptance rate of 41%. You can find acceptance rates for particular schools you are considering in our medical school profiles.

You obviously do not have a child or no someone who has attempted to get into medical school recently.
What happens when, say, 10 years from now, government has enacted Medicare for all, many private insurance companies have had to close their doors and access to private insurance is no longer an option, or at least an affordable option.

Now, the government has you in its clutches and you have nowhere to go. Government realizes that the current income will not support the system, so now they have to start raising taxes every year to pay for it.

Oh, and that promise that, once you're on MFA that there will be no more copays, no more prescription costs and medical treatment will be free, that will go away once they realize the cost is going to be MUCH higher than they anticipated, and people are going to the doctor for every little ache and pain.

It wont be long before they start saying "well, looks like we will need to start charging a copay after all, aaaaaaand.....were going to need you to chip in about 30% of the cost of your prescriptions.....aaaaaaaand.....were going to have to raise your taxes by another $500 next year to help cover costs..."

And have nowhere to go, because all your old insurance companies are gone.

I've heard people say "it will be cheaper because we won't have to pay some ceo 15 million a year".....really?? You think government run health care wont have its share of people siphoning from the system? Instead of a ceo being paid 15 million a year, you'll have politicians raiding the fund for 15 million per year.

Government has never been the bastion of efficiency. Government is wasteful and spendy, and there is never a pool of money yet that the government cant leave alone. They see money setting somewhere, they have to spend it. The same will happen with this Medicare for all taxation money.
Please see the map of the world below. The vast majority of the world has universal healthcare or free healthcare. If they can do it, we can do it.

As a patient at the world famous Cleveland Clinic, I can testify that when you go to their downtown campus, you are the one that feels like the foreigner.

Not only do people come here from all around the world for treatment, but the medical personnel is pretty much the same. Doctors who came here from other countries got educated here for the most part, and stayed because of the money. That's why we have the best from all around the world.

If you want to be like those other countries, then look for a doctor shortage not long after that. Nobody wants to spend 8 years in college to make a mediocre income. Many less will want to practice in the US if they can make the same amount as they can back home.
Not true. Check out universal health care in other countries. Currently there are many more individuals who want to go to medical school tan there is room for.

And your proof is????
It is one of those oddities....the same people that do not want to be forced to do things have no issue with the government forcing doctors and hospitals to provide care despite lack of ability to be compensated for their service and products by the one being treated.
Yup. It's a waste of time trying to pierce the bubble.

Ask them how Medicare works, they launch into talk radio platitudes. Ask them how the Meltdown happened, they launch into talk radio platitudes.

They. Just. Don't. Know.

It's kind of funny, but more than that, it's dangerous.
Medicare "works" by coercion, confiscation, and redistribution...All of its "choices" are within the framework of this original centralized State aggression....Marxism lite.

But it is instructive to see your pal, the fake libertarian, carrying the water for statism.
Hell yes Oddscrotum, Medicare is socialism. Let the free market rule.
As you get old it is like buying auto insurance for a car with 300,000 miles on it. Insurance is based on risk. In a free market old people pay thousands a month because they are high risk. In a free market the government does not step in to pay for those without insurance. The government would go broke.
And what about the socialist school system in the US. People without kids pay taxes to pay for schools for children that are not theirs. The hell with that. People with kids pay and figure out schools on their own. And what about fire departments and police? We pay to support through taxes but what if we never have a fire or a problem requiring police. This is all BS, Oddscrotum. I am with you.

A "free market" is where there is no government regulation at all, and companies are free to create abusive monopolies, use extortion, etc.
Insurance is supposed to be just risk pooling, but that can easily be done without anyone extracting over half the money paid in as profits.
Any insurance company that is not nonprofit essentially is an extortion racket.
The whole point of a democratic republic is to organize risk pooling with out the profit motive.
For example, the wealthy are not supposed to get better service from firemen or police than poor people.

Do you really want everything to be on the profit motive, where the children of wealthy are the only ones that get educated or are healthy?
Absolutely not. Most of what I said was tongue in cheek.
My point is so many of those who reject any socialist reforms in our society love it when they collect.

If you rob Peter to pay Paul, the Paul's in your society generally have no objection.
What happens when, say, 10 years from now, government has enacted Medicare for all, many private insurance companies have had to close their doors and access to private insurance is no longer an option, or at least an affordable option.

Now, the government has you in its clutches and you have nowhere to go. Government realizes that the current income will not support the system, so now they have to start raising taxes every year to pay for it.

Oh, and that promise that, once you're on MFA that there will be no more copays, no more prescription costs and medical treatment will be free, that will go away once they realize the cost is going to be MUCH higher than they anticipated, and people are going to the doctor for every little ache and pain.

It wont be long before they start saying "well, looks like we will need to start charging a copay after all, aaaaaaand.....were going to need you to chip in about 30% of the cost of your prescriptions.....aaaaaaaand.....were going to have to raise your taxes by another $500 next year to help cover costs..."

And have nowhere to go, because all your old insurance companies are gone.

I've heard people say "it will be cheaper because we won't have to pay some ceo 15 million a year".....really?? You think government run health care wont have its share of people siphoning from the system? Instead of a ceo being paid 15 million a year, you'll have politicians raiding the fund for 15 million per year.

Government has never been the bastion of efficiency. Government is wasteful and spendy, and there is never a pool of money yet that the government cant leave alone. They see money setting somewhere, they have to spend it. The same will happen with this Medicare for all taxation money.
Please see the map of the world below. The vast majority of the world has universal healthcare or free healthcare. If they can do it, we can do it.

As a patient at the world famous Cleveland Clinic, I can testify that when you go to their downtown campus, you are the one that feels like the foreigner.

Not only do people come here from all around the world for treatment, but the medical personnel is pretty much the same. Doctors who came here from other countries got educated here for the most part, and stayed because of the money. That's why we have the best from all around the world.

If you want to be like those other countries, then look for a doctor shortage not long after that. Nobody wants to spend 8 years in college to make a mediocre income. Many less will want to practice in the US if they can make the same amount as they can back home.
Not true. Check out universal health care in other countries. Currently there are many more individuals who want to go to medical school tan there is room for.

And your proof is???? › medical-school-admissions › statistics
They are all shifting the liability of the patent to other doctors. A family doctor can no longer treat all ailments. They can do the basics, but that's about it.
it is the complete opposite up where I live in Maine.... your Primary care physician does everything, they are jack of all trades...

Mainly because we just do not have enough doctors up here, near no specialists.... the Doc couldn't peddle us off to another doctor if they wanted to...

My Doc is a jack of all trades, she is my Gyno, she does the exam and pap smear, she removes my suspicious skin cancer spots instead of a Dermatologist, she does everything....Doctors in Maine even have to pull dangerously infected teeth and are trained in such now, because we don't have enough Dentists either.... they are truly the family Doc, of yesteryear.

When I was in Massachusetts and in Florida, it was just as you said...

As far as malpractice insurance..... the AMA has caused this problem because they do not get rid of or take the repeated bad doctor's license away... I was researching this a few years back, and if memory serves it was something like 1 to 3% of the Doctors out there, are responsible for 80% of the mal practice suits.... all the other good doctors are having to pay high malpractice insurance costs, to pay for the repeated mistakes of a handful of doctors...

Actually, malpractice lawsuits are seldom successful for the complainant. However to defend the accused is a lot of money. Insurance companies don't hire lawyers like ambulance chasers and public defendants. They have the OJ team who are the best in the business. Because of that, they charge the most money.

This is why you see a lot of "settled out of court" cases. It costs more money to fight a suit than just to pay if off.

I think that the UK idea would be a solution to all this: Loser pays all. Sue for whatever you like, but if you lose, you are financially responsible for the costs associated of those you accused of wrongdoing.

That will never happen of course. Trial lawyers contribute big bucks to Democrats come election time, and most of our representatives were lawyers themselves.
Yup. It's a waste of time trying to pierce the bubble.

Ask them how Medicare works, they launch into talk radio platitudes. Ask them how the Meltdown happened, they launch into talk radio platitudes.

They. Just. Don't. Know.

It's kind of funny, but more than that, it's dangerous.
Medicare "works" by coercion, confiscation, and redistribution...All of its "choices" are within the framework of this original centralized State aggression....Marxism lite.

But it is instructive to see your pal, the fake libertarian, carrying the water for statism.
Hell yes Oddscrotum, Medicare is socialism. Let the free market rule.
As you get old it is like buying auto insurance for a car with 300,000 miles on it. Insurance is based on risk. In a free market old people pay thousands a month because they are high risk. In a free market the government does not step in to pay for those without insurance. The government would go broke.
And what about the socialist school system in the US. People without kids pay taxes to pay for schools for children that are not theirs. The hell with that. People with kids pay and figure out schools on their own. And what about fire departments and police? We pay to support through taxes but what if we never have a fire or a problem requiring police. This is all BS, Oddscrotum. I am with you.

A "free market" is where there is no government regulation at all, and companies are free to create abusive monopolies, use extortion, etc.
Insurance is supposed to be just risk pooling, but that can easily be done without anyone extracting over half the money paid in as profits.
Any insurance company that is not nonprofit essentially is an extortion racket.
The whole point of a democratic republic is to organize risk pooling with out the profit motive.
For example, the wealthy are not supposed to get better service from firemen or police than poor people.

Do you really want everything to be on the profit motive, where the children of wealthy are the only ones that get educated or are healthy?
Absolutely not. Most of what I said was tongue in cheek.
My point is so many of those who reject any socialist reforms in our society love it when they collect.

If you rob Peter to pay Paul, the Paul's in your society generally have no objection.
Paul is today's generation including you, and Peter is future generations who have to pay for the debt being built up to pay for your social security and the medicare.
US is not ready for Medicare for all.
Democrats, do not over play your hand when you are running against the worst President in our history.
US voters favor a hybrid system that includes a government that anyone can buy into along with a private option.
Do not let ideaology override practicality.

Are you ready for a 20% tax increase to pay for Medicare for all?

My objections to Welfare for All has nothing to do with paying for it. We'll have to pay for health care one way or another. What I object to is centralized control of markets (and consumers).
US is not ready for Medicare for all.
Democrats, do not over play your hand when you are running against the worst President in our history.
US voters favor a hybrid system that includes a government that anyone can buy into along with a private option.
Do not let ideaology override practicality.
A majority of the ameican people support it, capital is not ready for all of us to have access to healthcare.
A majority of American people would also like their debt erased.
Medicare for all would help, what's the #1 reason for most mortgage foreclosures again?

Stahhp this line of bullshit, please.

The #1 reason behind mortgage foreclosures (which is way 2006-2010 etc ) is due to bad bank loans.

get current with your accusations please.

Last edited:
Clearly you don't know what you're talking about. There's plenty of choice in Medicare Advantage plans, plenty of choice in Medicare Supplement plans. That's in terms of various plans offered by insurers, in terms of providers, in terms of network, in terms of levels of coverage, in terms of available formularies, and in terms of specific services.

I know that no amount of proof or information outside your closed universe is allowed, but just so I know I tried, here's a chance to educate yourself:

No Mac, there are NOT plenty of choice in Medicare/Medicare Advantage plans.

It all depends on what state one lives in, even boils down to what county a person lives in.

Medicare, as it stands now, does not treat the consumer, you and I, equally.

Don't let the curent rash of commercials confuse you.

What if the Government decides to disregard 'Advantage Plans'?

What will you do if the Government decides it will no longer pay for your long term treatment of xyz?

What will happen when the Government decides it needs to triple a person's premiums?

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