US issues terror alert over anti-government extremists

The last time we had a national terror alert was due to the threats posed by Al-Qaeda after they flew commercial jets into buildings, killing nearly 3000 people. Now America's rightwingnuts are threatening to finish Al-Qaeda's destruction of the USA.
What a bunch of shit. The people destroying this country are now in power. The decline of America has been a priority since 2008. Obama rekindled the race war and started a war on the police. The media joined in and exaggerated every race related story it could. The manufactured crisis over the years, including Covid, have done nothing but erode our freedoms bit by bit. Biden handlers have now put this destruction of institutions and traditions in overdrive.

75 to 80 million voters being terrorists is patently ridiculous and only helplessly deluded and stupid people believe it and are stupid enough to enable it. You are a stupid person. Your posts prove that. Assflap.

Obama didn't rekindle any race war, the problem was there are some people who couldn't stand the idea of a black president over them.
BLM and ISIS were formed under his administration. Rightly or wrongly some of the blame falls on him.
Wrong! ISIS was formed during Bush. You don't know shit; ‘Chilling’: Man charged with threats to Rep. Jeffries’ family amid Capitol riot
I tried teaching that idiot, but sadly, he's ineducable...

ISIS garnered power under Obama’s leadership. Didn’t hear about them til he came to power.​
They grew out of Al-Qaeda in Iraq which formed to combat our forces in Iraq when Bush idiotically invaded there. They morphed into IS, Islamic State and then later, ISIL or ISIS after they invaded Syria. You really don't know shit, do ya, ShortBus?​
LMAO...fat slob Faun conversing with BWK the Chinese troll. Priceless. And I already showed you that ISIS truly gained power under Obama. Want me to do it again?
You got your ass kicked over my documentary where you failed to show proof I was wrong. If you watched it, which you didn't, it clearly explains what ISIS did after Bush left office. They never lost power you fucking idiot.
Documentary? LOL

In 2014, ISIS took control of Falluja, Mosul and Tikrit in Iraq, and declared itself a caliphate, which is a political and religious territory ruled by a leader known as a caliph.

From your link, ShortBus...

The roots of ISIS trace back to 2004

But you said they "formed" under Obama. You must think Obama was president in 2004? :cuckoo:

The roots of ISIS trace back 622AD when Islam began. Read the Koran it will tell you exactly what ISIS does and is. ISIS will tell you the same.
The truth bothers you doesn't it? What I said is fact.
What you said is not true, it's rightarded dementia. Hence, the crazy emoticon.

There are approaching 2 billion Muslims who follow the Qur'an who are not led to terrorism because of Islam. So no, ISIS was not formed in 622AD. It was formed in 2004 as Al-Qaeda-in-Iraq. That's a fact. I don't expect you to recognize facts when you seem because you're a cultist who believes in "alternative facts."

But you do expose how similar the right's Al-Qaeda-in-US are with their brethren, Al-Qaeda-in-Iraq. You both share the same excuse for terrorism -- butwhataboutism.
It is in their holy literature. Islam obligates jihad and teaches hate for anything un Islamic. It condones rape, terror, intolerance and anything that advances the religion.

That is the truth.
It's not a religion. It is an ideology. Can you name one country that is 75% or more Islamic that is not a Sharia run oppressive regime?

Safest place for a Muslim woman or a Muslim gay man in the Middle East is.....Israel
I said Biden would be a national disaster, and I was absolutely right..... I told ya so people. The Democrat's are a super disaster. Their hypocrisy is so unbelievable, that anyone with just a fraction of their brain power can see what's going on.
With the brain power you have, you'll never be able to explain the national disaster. Too bad for you.
Just let the facts set you free, and don't go crying to Mama when you are paying higher taxes for everything.

The last time we had a national terror alert was due to the threats posed by Al-Qaeda after they flew commercial jets into buildings, killing nearly 3000 people. Now America's rightwingnuts are threatening to finish Al-Qaeda's destruction of the USA.
Strange if there is a national terror alert it should start with BLM and ANTIFA in Seattle and Portland, Then there is the guy in DC in the Fred Flintstone Water Buffalo hat not much of a threat but annoying.
Just more Democrat anti trump bs.
Neither BLM nor Antifa struck at the heart of our government like the rightwingnut Al-Qaeda-in-US did. Sad that whataboutisms are your only escape.
Pelosi needed to shoot a peaceful unarmed woman when a few dozen protesters were allowed inside.
Just remember- 74 million and 9 billion rounds of ammo purchased just last year.
Karen Democrats felt threatened by a few dozen unarmed people. They ain’t seen nothing yet.

Send Efrem Zimbalist Jr. after me.
Damn son, it's one lie after another with you. You really are a pitiful sour soul who's every post liens on gigantic lies.
Trumpism is a mental disease with symptoms which include zombie-like cultist behavior. His fans would fly commercial jets into U.S. buildings if he told them that would MAGA.
Would they burn down cities? Filthy Dems are already doing that.Funny how Dems work. Orwell had a word for it. "DoubleThink".
They do whatever Trump tells them to do. They would drink Jim Jones' kool-aid if he said to.

The last time we had a national terror alert was due to the threats posed by Al-Qaeda after they flew commercial jets into buildings, killing nearly 3000 people. Now America's rightwingnuts are threatening to finish Al-Qaeda's destruction of the USA.
What a bunch of shit. The people destroying this country are now in power. The decline of America has been a priority since 2008. Obama rekindled the race war and started a war on the police. The media joined in and exaggerated every race related story it could. The manufactured crisis over the years, including Covid, have done nothing but erode our freedoms bit by bit. Biden handlers have now put this destruction of institutions and traditions in overdrive.

75 to 80 million voters being terrorists is patently ridiculous and only helplessly deluded and stupid people believe it and are stupid enough to enable it. You are a stupid person. Your posts prove that. Assflap.
Al-Qaeda said the same thing as you after 9/11. Congrats, rightwingnuts. You're the new Al-Qaeda.
So the millions of Americans who voted for Trump are now synonymous with Al-Queda? What a crock!
Al-Qaeda attacked the Pentagon and Trump supporters attacked the Capitol. So yeah, a faction of them are Al-Qaeda-in-US.
That's such a stupid analogy it doesn't even deserve a response.
Get back to me when you're willing to admit that conservatives have as much right to protest as liberals do and that "protests" that turn our cities into war zones for months at a time are far more dangerous to America than a protest that turned into a riot for a few hours at the Capital!
No one said you don't have the right to protest. What you don't have the right to do is to try and "take" the Capitol to murder the VP and lawmakers.
How many lawmakers were "murdered" that day? Were people pissed off? Were they shouting things? Oh, yeah! How many lawmakers were even touched that day? What was the extent of the real damage that day? Was the Congress shut down for weeks while the building was fixed due to the extensive damage wrought that day? You've taken a protest that got totally out of hand when Capital Police let protestors into the building and now you're using it as the excuse to brand millions of Americans as terrorists. It's bullshit and always will be!
You ARE saying that the right doesn't have the same right to protest as you on the left do! So is the main stream media! So is the justice system! How many protesters that took over the Wisconsin State House got prison time? None? Yet you want to put conservative protesters in prison for lengthy sentences for doing the exact same thing!
No lawmakers were killed because the heroic police did a great job to protect them from that crazed mob who at one point was chanting, "hang Mike Pence," as a gallows was constructed outside.

And rightwingers have every right to protest. Many did outside the Capitol building. The ones who stormed the Capitol were not protesting, they were committing seditious insurrection in their attempt to "take" the Capitol and murder members of our government.
The heroic police are the ones who let them in. Show me a single member of our government who was harmed in the slightest by those protesters?
The cop who shot Ashli Target Practice is a hero. He saved the lives of Congressmen/women who were hiding in the House Chamber just feet behind him. This cop is another hero who saved the VP's life by luring the traitors in the opposite direction from Pence and Senators...


The last time we had a national terror alert was due to the threats posed by Al-Qaeda after they flew commercial jets into buildings, killing nearly 3000 people. Now America's rightwingnuts are threatening to finish Al-Qaeda's destruction of the USA.
What a bunch of shit. The people destroying this country are now in power. The decline of America has been a priority since 2008. Obama rekindled the race war and started a war on the police. The media joined in and exaggerated every race related story it could. The manufactured crisis over the years, including Covid, have done nothing but erode our freedoms bit by bit. Biden handlers have now put this destruction of institutions and traditions in overdrive.

75 to 80 million voters being terrorists is patently ridiculous and only helplessly deluded and stupid people believe it and are stupid enough to enable it. You are a stupid person. Your posts prove that. Assflap.

Obama didn't rekindle any race war, the problem was there are some people who couldn't stand the idea of a black president over them.
BLM and ISIS were formed under his administration. Rightly or wrongly some of the blame falls on him.
Wrong! ISIS was formed during Bush. You don't know shit; ‘Chilling’: Man charged with threats to Rep. Jeffries’ family amid Capitol riot
I tried teaching that idiot, but sadly, he's ineducable...

ISIS garnered power under Obama’s leadership. Didn’t hear about them til he came to power.​
They grew out of Al-Qaeda in Iraq which formed to combat our forces in Iraq when Bush idiotically invaded there. They morphed into IS, Islamic State and then later, ISIL or ISIS after they invaded Syria. You really don't know shit, do ya, ShortBus?​
LMAO...fat slob Faun conversing with BWK the Chinese troll. Priceless. And I already showed you that ISIS truly gained power under Obama. Want me to do it again?
You got your ass kicked over my documentary where you failed to show proof I was wrong. If you watched it, which you didn't, it clearly explains what ISIS did after Bush left office. They never lost power you fucking idiot.
Documentary? LOL

In 2014, ISIS took control of Falluja, Mosul and Tikrit in Iraq, and declared itself a caliphate, which is a political and religious territory ruled by a leader known as a caliph.

From your link, ShortBus...

The roots of ISIS trace back to 2004

But you said they "formed" under Obama. You must think Obama was president in 2004? :cuckoo:

The roots of ISIS trace back 622AD when Islam began. Read the Koran it will tell you exactly what ISIS does and is. ISIS will tell you the same.
The truth bothers you doesn't it? What I said is fact.
What you said is not true, it's rightarded dementia. Hence, the crazy emoticon.

There are approaching 2 billion Muslims who follow the Qur'an who are not led to terrorism because of Islam. So no, ISIS was not formed in 622AD. It was formed in 2004 as Al-Qaeda-in-Iraq. That's a fact. I don't expect you to recognize facts when you seem because you're a cultist who believes in "alternative facts."

But you do expose how similar the right's Al-Qaeda-in-US are with their brethren, Al-Qaeda-in-Iraq. You both share the same excuse for terrorism -- butwhataboutism.
It is in their holy literature. Islam obligates jihad and teaches hate for anything un Islamic. It condones rape, terror, intolerance and anything that advances the religion.

That is the truth.
Dumbfuck, it's in the Torah to kill Jews who break the Sabbath by stoning them to death. Yet Jews no longer execute Sabbath breakers even though that decree was issued by G-d. People have become far more civilized over the ages and just because something is in their holy scriptures, doesn't mean it's observed today. Islamic terrorists still follow those tenets because they're radicalized and use those scriptures as an excuse to carry out their terror. But Islamic terrorists comprise an infinitesimal percentage of the 1.8 billion Muslims on the planet.

So no, ISIS did not form in the 7th century. It formed in 2004 to combat Bush's idiotic invasion of Iraq.
I bet

The last time we had a national terror alert was due to the threats posed by Al-Qaeda after they flew commercial jets into buildings, killing nearly 3000 people. Now America's rightwingnuts are threatening to finish Al-Qaeda's destruction of the USA.
Strange if there is a national terror alert it should start with BLM and ANTIFA in Seattle and Portland, Then there is the guy in DC in the Fred Flintstone Water Buffalo hat not much of a threat but annoying.
Just more Democrat anti trump bs.
Neither BLM nor Antifa struck at the heart of our government like the rightwingnut Al-Qaeda-in-US did. Sad that whataboutisms are your only escape.
Vandalism is vandalism
Riots are riots
Arson is arson
Murder is murder
Rape is rape
Occupations are occupations

Sad that you ignored all that for A YEAR.
And seditious insurrection is seditious insurrection. So what's your point? And BTW, I have condemned the violence and riots by BLM and Antifa. I don't see any righties condemning the seditious insurrection committed by Trump supporters. I only see them either supporting it, or trying to excuse it by crying butwhatabout BLM.
If you don't see it then you're not paying attention.

I created a couple threads the day after BLASTING the stupidity of those people.
I've also heard popular right wing personalities condemn their actions.

Just because a handful of idiots on here support it doesn't mean everyone does.
A handful of idiots don't support that insurrection. Millions do. Get a clue. 74 million people don't vote for someone as evil and corrupt as Trump for no reason. Trump handed out all the bells and dog whistles they wanted to hear.
Turn off CNN. It's making you look even dumber, if that's even possible.
CNN didn't vote for a criminal. 74 million insurrectionists did.
CNN voted for a criminal....Crooked Joe....and his crooked family...
With your campaign on this forum for massive lying, you won't be proving that. All you do here is lie, and everyone knows it.
Yet you didn't site one lie...hmmmmmm....
Do you have your head screwed on backwards? You have not proven Joe Biden is a crook. That is the lie. Dude, get help. You are cognitively handicapped.
Oh come on...we heard him brag about blackmailing the Ukrainian president...its on youtube....the same thing they said Trump did on his impeachable phone call...come on idiot wake up....his drug addicted son makes more money doing nothing than anyone on the are one stupid fuck...

Imbecile, you heard no such thing. You only think you did because you're conservative crazy.

Joe Biden Forced Ukraine to Fire Prosecutor for Aid Money

Dumbfuck, for it to have been "blackmail," J'Biden would have to have personally gotten something out of it. He got nothing. You've always been this rightarded, haven't you?
He did stupid...he got his son and his sons employer out from under a national crime investigation so Hunter could keep daddy and Dr mommy's checks rolling must be dumb or blind and willingly void of any integrity what so ever.....remind me never to play cards with a lying dishonest scumbag like you....

The last time we had a national terror alert was due to the threats posed by Al-Qaeda after they flew commercial jets into buildings, killing nearly 3000 people. Now America's rightwingnuts are threatening to finish Al-Qaeda's destruction of the USA.
What a bunch of shit. The people destroying this country are now in power. The decline of America has been a priority since 2008. Obama rekindled the race war and started a war on the police. The media joined in and exaggerated every race related story it could. The manufactured crisis over the years, including Covid, have done nothing but erode our freedoms bit by bit. Biden handlers have now put this destruction of institutions and traditions in overdrive.

75 to 80 million voters being terrorists is patently ridiculous and only helplessly deluded and stupid people believe it and are stupid enough to enable it. You are a stupid person. Your posts prove that. Assflap.
Al-Qaeda said the same thing as you after 9/11. Congrats, rightwingnuts. You're the new Al-Qaeda.
So the millions of Americans who voted for Trump are now synonymous with Al-Queda? What a crock!
Al-Qaeda attacked the Pentagon and Trump supporters attacked the Capitol. So yeah, a faction of them are Al-Qaeda-in-US.
That's such a stupid analogy it doesn't even deserve a response.
Get back to me when you're willing to admit that conservatives have as much right to protest as liberals do and that "protests" that turn our cities into war zones for months at a time are far more dangerous to America than a protest that turned into a riot for a few hours at the Capital!
No one said you don't have the right to protest. What you don't have the right to do is to try and "take" the Capitol to murder the VP and lawmakers.
How many lawmakers were "murdered" that day? Were people pissed off? Were they shouting things? Oh, yeah! How many lawmakers were even touched that day? What was the extent of the real damage that day? Was the Congress shut down for weeks while the building was fixed due to the extensive damage wrought that day? You've taken a protest that got totally out of hand when Capital Police let protestors into the building and now you're using it as the excuse to brand millions of Americans as terrorists. It's bullshit and always will be!
You ARE saying that the right doesn't have the same right to protest as you on the left do! So is the main stream media! So is the justice system! How many protesters that took over the Wisconsin State House got prison time? None? Yet you want to put conservative protesters in prison for lengthy sentences for doing the exact same thing!
No lawmakers were killed because the heroic police did a great job to protect them from that crazed mob who at one point was chanting, "hang Mike Pence," as a gallows was constructed outside.

And rightwingers have every right to protest. Many did outside the Capitol building. The ones who stormed the Capitol were not protesting, they were committing seditious insurrection in their attempt to "take" the Capitol and murder members of our government.
The heroic police are the ones who let them in. Show me a single member of our government who was harmed in the slightest by those protesters?
The cop who shot Ashli Target Practice is a hero. He saved the lives of Congressmen/women who were hiding in the House Chamber just feet behind him. This cop is another hero who saved the VP's life by luring the traitors in the opposite direction from Pence and Senators...

What a fucking joke...that video makes that day look peaceful when compared to the summer of BLMANTIFA must be high and that bitch reporter looks foolish as hell...the amount of shit you libs have to ignore to come up with your bullshit is monumental....
I bet

The last time we had a national terror alert was due to the threats posed by Al-Qaeda after they flew commercial jets into buildings, killing nearly 3000 people. Now America's rightwingnuts are threatening to finish Al-Qaeda's destruction of the USA.
Strange if there is a national terror alert it should start with BLM and ANTIFA in Seattle and Portland, Then there is the guy in DC in the Fred Flintstone Water Buffalo hat not much of a threat but annoying.
Just more Democrat anti trump bs.
Neither BLM nor Antifa struck at the heart of our government like the rightwingnut Al-Qaeda-in-US did. Sad that whataboutisms are your only escape.
Vandalism is vandalism
Riots are riots
Arson is arson
Murder is murder
Rape is rape
Occupations are occupations

Sad that you ignored all that for A YEAR.
And seditious insurrection is seditious insurrection. So what's your point? And BTW, I have condemned the violence and riots by BLM and Antifa. I don't see any righties condemning the seditious insurrection committed by Trump supporters. I only see them either supporting it, or trying to excuse it by crying butwhatabout BLM.
If you don't see it then you're not paying attention.

I created a couple threads the day after BLASTING the stupidity of those people.
I've also heard popular right wing personalities condemn their actions.

Just because a handful of idiots on here support it doesn't mean everyone does.
A handful of idiots don't support that insurrection. Millions do. Get a clue. 74 million people don't vote for someone as evil and corrupt as Trump for no reason. Trump handed out all the bells and dog whistles they wanted to hear.
Turn off CNN. It's making you look even dumber, if that's even possible.
CNN didn't vote for a criminal. 74 million insurrectionists did.
CNN voted for a criminal....Crooked Joe....and his crooked family...
With your campaign on this forum for massive lying, you won't be proving that. All you do here is lie, and everyone knows it.
Yet you didn't site one lie...hmmmmmm....
Do you have your head screwed on backwards? You have not proven Joe Biden is a crook. That is the lie. Dude, get help. You are cognitively handicapped.
Oh come on...we heard him brag about blackmailing the Ukrainian president...its on youtube....the same thing they said Trump did on his impeachable phone call...come on idiot wake up....his drug addicted son makes more money doing nothing than anyone on the are one stupid fuck...

Imbecile, you heard no such thing. You only think you did because you're conservative crazy.

Joe Biden Forced Ukraine to Fire Prosecutor for Aid Money

Dumbfuck, for it to have been "blackmail," J'Biden would have to have personally gotten something out of it. He got nothing. You've always been this rightarded, haven't you?
OK big guy
I think Faun is a chick....

The last time we had a national terror alert was due to the threats posed by Al-Qaeda after they flew commercial jets into buildings, killing nearly 3000 people. Now America's rightwingnuts are threatening to finish Al-Qaeda's destruction of the USA.
Strange if there is a national terror alert it should start with BLM and ANTIFA in Seattle and Portland, Then there is the guy in DC in the Fred Flintstone Water Buffalo hat not much of a threat but annoying.
Just more Democrat anti trump bs.
Neither BLM nor Antifa struck at the heart of our government like the rightwingnut Al-Qaeda-in-US did. Sad that whataboutisms are your only escape.
Pelosi needed to shoot a peaceful unarmed woman when a few dozen protesters were allowed inside.
Just remember- 74 million and 9 billion rounds of ammo purchased just last year.
Karen Democrats felt threatened by a few dozen unarmed people. They ain’t seen nothing yet.

Send Efrem Zimbalist Jr. after me.
Damn son, it's one lie after another with you. You really are a pitiful sour soul who's every post liens on gigantic lies.
Trumpism is a mental disease with symptoms which include zombie-like cultist behavior. His fans would fly commercial jets into U.S. buildings if he told them that would MAGA.
Would they burn down cities? Filthy Dems are already doing that.Funny how Dems work. Orwell had a word for it. "DoubleThink".
They do whatever Trump tells them to do. They would drink Jim Jones' kool-aid if he said to.
There are a lot of Trump haters on this board, but you take the cake. Trump will be living rent free in you head for the fore seeable future, Worse case of TDS I have ever seen.

The last time we had a national terror alert was due to the threats posed by Al-Qaeda after they flew commercial jets into buildings, killing nearly 3000 people. Now America's rightwingnuts are threatening to finish Al-Qaeda's destruction of the USA.
What a bunch of shit. The people destroying this country are now in power. The decline of America has been a priority since 2008. Obama rekindled the race war and started a war on the police. The media joined in and exaggerated every race related story it could. The manufactured crisis over the years, including Covid, have done nothing but erode our freedoms bit by bit. Biden handlers have now put this destruction of institutions and traditions in overdrive.

75 to 80 million voters being terrorists is patently ridiculous and only helplessly deluded and stupid people believe it and are stupid enough to enable it. You are a stupid person. Your posts prove that. Assflap.

Obama didn't rekindle any race war, the problem was there are some people who couldn't stand the idea of a black president over them.
BLM and ISIS were formed under his administration. Rightly or wrongly some of the blame falls on him.
Wrong! ISIS was formed during Bush. You don't know shit; ‘Chilling’: Man charged with threats to Rep. Jeffries’ family amid Capitol riot
I tried teaching that idiot, but sadly, he's ineducable...

ISIS garnered power under Obama’s leadership. Didn’t hear about them til he came to power.​
They grew out of Al-Qaeda in Iraq which formed to combat our forces in Iraq when Bush idiotically invaded there. They morphed into IS, Islamic State and then later, ISIL or ISIS after they invaded Syria. You really don't know shit, do ya, ShortBus?​
LMAO...fat slob Faun conversing with BWK the Chinese troll. Priceless. And I already showed you that ISIS truly gained power under Obama. Want me to do it again?
You got your ass kicked over my documentary where you failed to show proof I was wrong. If you watched it, which you didn't, it clearly explains what ISIS did after Bush left office. They never lost power you fucking idiot.
Documentary? LOL

In 2014, ISIS took control of Falluja, Mosul and Tikrit in Iraq, and declared itself a caliphate, which is a political and religious territory ruled by a leader known as a caliph.

From your link, ShortBus...

The roots of ISIS trace back to 2004

But you said they "formed" under Obama. You must think Obama was president in 2004? :cuckoo:

The roots of ISIS trace back 622AD when Islam began. Read the Koran it will tell you exactly what ISIS does and is. ISIS will tell you the same.
The truth bothers you doesn't it? What I said is fact.
What you said is not true, it's rightarded dementia. Hence, the crazy emoticon.

There are approaching 2 billion Muslims who follow the Qur'an who are not led to terrorism because of Islam. So no, ISIS was not formed in 622AD. It was formed in 2004 as Al-Qaeda-in-Iraq. That's a fact. I don't expect you to recognize facts when you seem because you're a cultist who believes in "alternative facts."

But you do expose how similar the right's Al-Qaeda-in-US are with their brethren, Al-Qaeda-in-Iraq. You both share the same excuse for terrorism -- butwhataboutism.
It is in their holy literature. Islam obligates jihad and teaches hate for anything un Islamic. It condones rape, terror, intolerance and anything that advances the religion.

That is the truth.
Dumbfuck, it's in the Torah to kill Jews who break the Sabbath by stoning them to death. Yet Jews no longer execute Sabbath breakers even though that decree was issued by G-d. People have become far more civilized over the ages and just because something is in their holy scriptures, doesn't mean it's observed today. Islamic terrorists still follow those tenets because they're radicalized and use those scriptures as an excuse to carry out their terror. But Islamic terrorists comprise an infinitesimal percentage of the 1.8 billion Muslims on the planet.

So no, ISIS did not form in the 7th century. It formed in 2004 to combat Bush's idiotic invasion of Iraq.
So civilized that every single mostly Islamic nation is a nightmare for those who pursue everyday freedoms and especially for women and gays. How do you explain that?

I bet

The last time we had a national terror alert was due to the threats posed by Al-Qaeda after they flew commercial jets into buildings, killing nearly 3000 people. Now America's rightwingnuts are threatening to finish Al-Qaeda's destruction of the USA.
Strange if there is a national terror alert it should start with BLM and ANTIFA in Seattle and Portland, Then there is the guy in DC in the Fred Flintstone Water Buffalo hat not much of a threat but annoying.
Just more Democrat anti trump bs.
Neither BLM nor Antifa struck at the heart of our government like the rightwingnut Al-Qaeda-in-US did. Sad that whataboutisms are your only escape.
Vandalism is vandalism
Riots are riots
Arson is arson
Murder is murder
Rape is rape
Occupations are occupations

Sad that you ignored all that for A YEAR.
And seditious insurrection is seditious insurrection. So what's your point? And BTW, I have condemned the violence and riots by BLM and Antifa. I don't see any righties condemning the seditious insurrection committed by Trump supporters. I only see them either supporting it, or trying to excuse it by crying butwhatabout BLM.
If you don't see it then you're not paying attention.

I created a couple threads the day after BLASTING the stupidity of those people.
I've also heard popular right wing personalities condemn their actions.

Just because a handful of idiots on here support it doesn't mean everyone does.
A handful of idiots don't support that insurrection. Millions do. Get a clue. 74 million people don't vote for someone as evil and corrupt as Trump for no reason. Trump handed out all the bells and dog whistles they wanted to hear.
Turn off CNN. It's making you look even dumber, if that's even possible.
CNN didn't vote for a criminal. 74 million insurrectionists did.
CNN voted for a criminal....Crooked Joe....and his crooked family...
With your campaign on this forum for massive lying, you won't be proving that. All you do here is lie, and everyone knows it.
Yet you didn't site one lie...hmmmmmm....
Do you have your head screwed on backwards? You have not proven Joe Biden is a crook. That is the lie. Dude, get help. You are cognitively handicapped.
Oh come on...we heard him brag about blackmailing the Ukrainian president...its on youtube....the same thing they said Trump did on his impeachable phone call...come on idiot wake up....his drug addicted son makes more money doing nothing than anyone on the are one stupid fuck...

Imbecile, you heard no such thing. You only think you did because you're conservative crazy.

Joe Biden Forced Ukraine to Fire Prosecutor for Aid Money

Dumbfuck, for it to have been "blackmail," J'Biden would have to have personally gotten something out of it. He got nothing. You've always been this rightarded, haven't you?
OK big guy
I think Faun is a chick....
He is a dude but identifies as a prancing Nancy boy.
I bet

The last time we had a national terror alert was due to the threats posed by Al-Qaeda after they flew commercial jets into buildings, killing nearly 3000 people. Now America's rightwingnuts are threatening to finish Al-Qaeda's destruction of the USA.
Strange if there is a national terror alert it should start with BLM and ANTIFA in Seattle and Portland, Then there is the guy in DC in the Fred Flintstone Water Buffalo hat not much of a threat but annoying.
Just more Democrat anti trump bs.
Neither BLM nor Antifa struck at the heart of our government like the rightwingnut Al-Qaeda-in-US did. Sad that whataboutisms are your only escape.
Vandalism is vandalism
Riots are riots
Arson is arson
Murder is murder
Rape is rape
Occupations are occupations

Sad that you ignored all that for A YEAR.
And seditious insurrection is seditious insurrection. So what's your point? And BTW, I have condemned the violence and riots by BLM and Antifa. I don't see any righties condemning the seditious insurrection committed by Trump supporters. I only see them either supporting it, or trying to excuse it by crying butwhatabout BLM.
If you don't see it then you're not paying attention.

I created a couple threads the day after BLASTING the stupidity of those people.
I've also heard popular right wing personalities condemn their actions.

Just because a handful of idiots on here support it doesn't mean everyone does.
A handful of idiots don't support that insurrection. Millions do. Get a clue. 74 million people don't vote for someone as evil and corrupt as Trump for no reason. Trump handed out all the bells and dog whistles they wanted to hear.
Turn off CNN. It's making you look even dumber, if that's even possible.
CNN didn't vote for a criminal. 74 million insurrectionists did.
CNN voted for a criminal....Crooked Joe....and his crooked family...
With your campaign on this forum for massive lying, you won't be proving that. All you do here is lie, and everyone knows it.
Yet you didn't site one lie...hmmmmmm....
Do you have your head screwed on backwards? You have not proven Joe Biden is a crook. That is the lie. Dude, get help. You are cognitively handicapped.
Oh come on...we heard him brag about blackmailing the Ukrainian president...its on youtube....the same thing they said Trump did on his impeachable phone call...come on idiot wake up....his drug addicted son makes more money doing nothing than anyone on the are one stupid fuck...

Imbecile, you heard no such thing. You only think you did because you're conservative crazy.

Joe Biden Forced Ukraine to Fire Prosecutor for Aid Money

Dumbfuck, for it to have been "blackmail," J'Biden would have to have personally gotten something out of it. He got nothing. You've always been this rightarded, haven't you?
He did stupid...he got his son and his sons employer out from under a national crime investigation so Hunter could keep daddy and Dr mommy's checks rolling must be dumb or blind and willingly void of any integrity what so ever.....remind me never to play cards with a lying dishonest scumbag like you....
Nope, you're lying. His son wasn't in any trouble with the law and his son's company wasn't actively being investigated. And despite your drivel which you just made up from whole cloth, the prosecutor who replaced Shokin, did reopen the investigation and did prosecute the owner of his son's company, who had to pay back taxes. So while you pretend as though his son's job would have been in jeopardy had his company been prosecuted, the reality is it was ultimately prosecuted post-Shokin and Hunter Biden didn't lose his job.

So there was nothing at all for J'Biden to personally gain by getting a corrupt prosecutor fired which means, despite your hysterics, there was no blackmail. Turns out, you're just a loon. :cuckoo:

But who here didn't already know that?

The last time we had a national terror alert was due to the threats posed by Al-Qaeda after they flew commercial jets into buildings, killing nearly 3000 people. Now America's rightwingnuts are threatening to finish Al-Qaeda's destruction of the USA.
What a bunch of shit. The people destroying this country are now in power. The decline of America has been a priority since 2008. Obama rekindled the race war and started a war on the police. The media joined in and exaggerated every race related story it could. The manufactured crisis over the years, including Covid, have done nothing but erode our freedoms bit by bit. Biden handlers have now put this destruction of institutions and traditions in overdrive.

75 to 80 million voters being terrorists is patently ridiculous and only helplessly deluded and stupid people believe it and are stupid enough to enable it. You are a stupid person. Your posts prove that. Assflap.
Al-Qaeda said the same thing as you after 9/11. Congrats, rightwingnuts. You're the new Al-Qaeda.
So the millions of Americans who voted for Trump are now synonymous with Al-Queda? What a crock!
Al-Qaeda attacked the Pentagon and Trump supporters attacked the Capitol. So yeah, a faction of them are Al-Qaeda-in-US.
That's such a stupid analogy it doesn't even deserve a response.
Get back to me when you're willing to admit that conservatives have as much right to protest as liberals do and that "protests" that turn our cities into war zones for months at a time are far more dangerous to America than a protest that turned into a riot for a few hours at the Capital!
No one said you don't have the right to protest. What you don't have the right to do is to try and "take" the Capitol to murder the VP and lawmakers.
How many lawmakers were "murdered" that day? Were people pissed off? Were they shouting things? Oh, yeah! How many lawmakers were even touched that day? What was the extent of the real damage that day? Was the Congress shut down for weeks while the building was fixed due to the extensive damage wrought that day? You've taken a protest that got totally out of hand when Capital Police let protestors into the building and now you're using it as the excuse to brand millions of Americans as terrorists. It's bullshit and always will be!
You ARE saying that the right doesn't have the same right to protest as you on the left do! So is the main stream media! So is the justice system! How many protesters that took over the Wisconsin State House got prison time? None? Yet you want to put conservative protesters in prison for lengthy sentences for doing the exact same thing!
No lawmakers were killed because the heroic police did a great job to protect them from that crazed mob who at one point was chanting, "hang Mike Pence," as a gallows was constructed outside.

And rightwingers have every right to protest. Many did outside the Capitol building. The ones who stormed the Capitol were not protesting, they were committing seditious insurrection in their attempt to "take" the Capitol and murder members of our government.
The heroic police are the ones who let them in. Show me a single member of our government who was harmed in the slightest by those protesters?
The cop who shot Ashli Target Practice is a hero. He saved the lives of Congressmen/women who were hiding in the House Chamber just feet behind him. This cop is another hero who saved the VP's life by luring the traitors in the opposite direction from Pence and Senators...

What a fucking joke...that video makes that day look peaceful when compared to the summer of BLMANTIFA must be high and that bitch reporter looks foolish as hell...the amount of shit you libs have to ignore to come up with your bullshit is monumental....


The joke is you. In reality, that cop is a hero who is being hailed as Congress is looking to give him their highest honor...

... meanwhile, two more domestic terrorists were just arrested who were among those who were duped away from the Senate chamber by that heroic cop...

One by one, those traitors are being rounded up and will face the justice this country doles out to traitors. And felony murder charges are being consider since 5 people died as a result of their seditious insurrection.

The last time we had a national terror alert was due to the threats posed by Al-Qaeda after they flew commercial jets into buildings, killing nearly 3000 people. Now America's rightwingnuts are threatening to finish Al-Qaeda's destruction of the USA.
What a bunch of shit. The people destroying this country are now in power. The decline of America has been a priority since 2008. Obama rekindled the race war and started a war on the police. The media joined in and exaggerated every race related story it could. The manufactured crisis over the years, including Covid, have done nothing but erode our freedoms bit by bit. Biden handlers have now put this destruction of institutions and traditions in overdrive.

75 to 80 million voters being terrorists is patently ridiculous and only helplessly deluded and stupid people believe it and are stupid enough to enable it. You are a stupid person. Your posts prove that. Assflap.

Obama didn't rekindle any race war, the problem was there are some people who couldn't stand the idea of a black president over them.
BLM and ISIS were formed under his administration. Rightly or wrongly some of the blame falls on him.
Wrong! ISIS was formed during Bush. You don't know shit; ‘Chilling’: Man charged with threats to Rep. Jeffries’ family amid Capitol riot
I tried teaching that idiot, but sadly, he's ineducable...

ISIS garnered power under Obama’s leadership. Didn’t hear about them til he came to power.​
They grew out of Al-Qaeda in Iraq which formed to combat our forces in Iraq when Bush idiotically invaded there. They morphed into IS, Islamic State and then later, ISIL or ISIS after they invaded Syria. You really don't know shit, do ya, ShortBus?​
LMAO...fat slob Faun conversing with BWK the Chinese troll. Priceless. And I already showed you that ISIS truly gained power under Obama. Want me to do it again?
You got your ass kicked over my documentary where you failed to show proof I was wrong. If you watched it, which you didn't, it clearly explains what ISIS did after Bush left office. They never lost power you fucking idiot.
Documentary? LOL

In 2014, ISIS took control of Falluja, Mosul and Tikrit in Iraq, and declared itself a caliphate, which is a political and religious territory ruled by a leader known as a caliph.

From your link, ShortBus...

The roots of ISIS trace back to 2004

But you said they "formed" under Obama. You must think Obama was president in 2004? :cuckoo:

The roots of ISIS trace back 622AD when Islam began. Read the Koran it will tell you exactly what ISIS does and is. ISIS will tell you the same.
The truth bothers you doesn't it? What I said is fact.
What you said is not true, it's rightarded dementia. Hence, the crazy emoticon.

There are approaching 2 billion Muslims who follow the Qur'an who are not led to terrorism because of Islam. So no, ISIS was not formed in 622AD. It was formed in 2004 as Al-Qaeda-in-Iraq. That's a fact. I don't expect you to recognize facts when you seem because you're a cultist who believes in "alternative facts."

But you do expose how similar the right's Al-Qaeda-in-US are with their brethren, Al-Qaeda-in-Iraq. You both share the same excuse for terrorism -- butwhataboutism.
It is in their holy literature. Islam obligates jihad and teaches hate for anything un Islamic. It condones rape, terror, intolerance and anything that advances the religion.

That is the truth.
Dumbfuck, it's in the Torah to kill Jews who break the Sabbath by stoning them to death. Yet Jews no longer execute Sabbath breakers even though that decree was issued by G-d. People have become far more civilized over the ages and just because something is in their holy scriptures, doesn't mean it's observed today. Islamic terrorists still follow those tenets because they're radicalized and use those scriptures as an excuse to carry out their terror. But Islamic terrorists comprise an infinitesimal percentage of the 1.8 billion Muslims on the planet.

So no, ISIS did not form in the 7th century. It formed in 2004 to combat Bush's idiotic invasion of Iraq.
So civilized that every single mostly Islamic nation is a nightmare for those who pursue everyday freedoms and especially for women and gays. How do you explain that?

View attachment 450229
Shit, even conservative Judiasm is bigoted. The temple I once used wouldn't let women sit with men during services. That part of the world still maintains many bigotries. That they're not as Liberal as the U.S. doesn't alter what I said.

The last time we had a national terror alert was due to the threats posed by Al-Qaeda after they flew commercial jets into buildings, killing nearly 3000 people. Now America's rightwingnuts are threatening to finish Al-Qaeda's destruction of the USA.
What a bunch of shit. The people destroying this country are now in power. The decline of America has been a priority since 2008. Obama rekindled the race war and started a war on the police. The media joined in and exaggerated every race related story it could. The manufactured crisis over the years, including Covid, have done nothing but erode our freedoms bit by bit. Biden handlers have now put this destruction of institutions and traditions in overdrive.

75 to 80 million voters being terrorists is patently ridiculous and only helplessly deluded and stupid people believe it and are stupid enough to enable it. You are a stupid person. Your posts prove that. Assflap.
Al-Qaeda said the same thing as you after 9/11. Congrats, rightwingnuts. You're the new Al-Qaeda.
So the millions of Americans who voted for Trump are now synonymous with Al-Queda? What a crock!
Al-Qaeda attacked the Pentagon and Trump supporters attacked the Capitol. So yeah, a faction of them are Al-Qaeda-in-US.
That's such a stupid analogy it doesn't even deserve a response.
Get back to me when you're willing to admit that conservatives have as much right to protest as liberals do and that "protests" that turn our cities into war zones for months at a time are far more dangerous to America than a protest that turned into a riot for a few hours at the Capital!
No one said you don't have the right to protest. What you don't have the right to do is to try and "take" the Capitol to murder the VP and lawmakers.
How many lawmakers were "murdered" that day? Were people pissed off? Were they shouting things? Oh, yeah! How many lawmakers were even touched that day? What was the extent of the real damage that day? Was the Congress shut down for weeks while the building was fixed due to the extensive damage wrought that day? You've taken a protest that got totally out of hand when Capital Police let protestors into the building and now you're using it as the excuse to brand millions of Americans as terrorists. It's bullshit and always will be!
You ARE saying that the right doesn't have the same right to protest as you on the left do! So is the main stream media! So is the justice system! How many protesters that took over the Wisconsin State House got prison time? None? Yet you want to put conservative protesters in prison for lengthy sentences for doing the exact same thing!
No lawmakers were killed because the heroic police did a great job to protect them from that crazed mob who at one point was chanting, "hang Mike Pence," as a gallows was constructed outside.

And rightwingers have every right to protest. Many did outside the Capitol building. The ones who stormed the Capitol were not protesting, they were committing seditious insurrection in their attempt to "take" the Capitol and murder members of our government.
The heroic police are the ones who let them in. Show me a single member of our government who was harmed in the slightest by those protesters?
The cop who shot Ashli Target Practice is a hero. He saved the lives of Congressmen/women who were hiding in the House Chamber just feet behind him. This cop is another hero who saved the VP's life by luring the traitors in the opposite direction from Pence and Senators...

What a fucking joke...that video makes that day look peaceful when compared to the summer of BLMANTIFA must be high and that bitch reporter looks foolish as hell...the amount of shit you libs have to ignore to come up with your bullshit is monumental....


The joke is you. In reality, that cop is a hero who is being hailed as Congress is looking to give him their highest honor...

... meanwhile, two more domestic terrorists were just arrested who were among those who were duped away from the Senate chamber by that heroic cop...

One by one, those traitors are being rounded up and will face the justice this country doles out to traitors. And felony murder charges are being consider since 5 people died as a result of their seditious insurrection.

Ok, now give equal time to all those traitor's that burned, killed, looted, and attacked the innocent through out the Summer of Love.

You can't and won't do it, because you are TOLD not too.

The last time we had a national terror alert was due to the threats posed by Al-Qaeda after they flew commercial jets into buildings, killing nearly 3000 people. Now America's rightwingnuts are threatening to finish Al-Qaeda's destruction of the USA.
What a bunch of shit. The people destroying this country are now in power. The decline of America has been a priority since 2008. Obama rekindled the race war and started a war on the police. The media joined in and exaggerated every race related story it could. The manufactured crisis over the years, including Covid, have done nothing but erode our freedoms bit by bit. Biden handlers have now put this destruction of institutions and traditions in overdrive.

75 to 80 million voters being terrorists is patently ridiculous and only helplessly deluded and stupid people believe it and are stupid enough to enable it. You are a stupid person. Your posts prove that. Assflap.
Al-Qaeda said the same thing as you after 9/11. Congrats, rightwingnuts. You're the new Al-Qaeda.
So the millions of Americans who voted for Trump are now synonymous with Al-Queda? What a crock!
Al-Qaeda attacked the Pentagon and Trump supporters attacked the Capitol. So yeah, a faction of them are Al-Qaeda-in-US.
That's such a stupid analogy it doesn't even deserve a response.
Get back to me when you're willing to admit that conservatives have as much right to protest as liberals do and that "protests" that turn our cities into war zones for months at a time are far more dangerous to America than a protest that turned into a riot for a few hours at the Capital!
No one said you don't have the right to protest. What you don't have the right to do is to try and "take" the Capitol to murder the VP and lawmakers.
How many lawmakers were "murdered" that day? Were people pissed off? Were they shouting things? Oh, yeah! How many lawmakers were even touched that day? What was the extent of the real damage that day? Was the Congress shut down for weeks while the building was fixed due to the extensive damage wrought that day? You've taken a protest that got totally out of hand when Capital Police let protestors into the building and now you're using it as the excuse to brand millions of Americans as terrorists. It's bullshit and always will be!
You ARE saying that the right doesn't have the same right to protest as you on the left do! So is the main stream media! So is the justice system! How many protesters that took over the Wisconsin State House got prison time? None? Yet you want to put conservative protesters in prison for lengthy sentences for doing the exact same thing!
No lawmakers were killed because the heroic police did a great job to protect them from that crazed mob who at one point was chanting, "hang Mike Pence," as a gallows was constructed outside.

And rightwingers have every right to protest. Many did outside the Capitol building. The ones who stormed the Capitol were not protesting, they were committing seditious insurrection in their attempt to "take" the Capitol and murder members of our government.
The heroic police are the ones who let them in. Show me a single member of our government who was harmed in the slightest by those protesters?
The cop who shot Ashli Target Practice is a hero. He saved the lives of Congressmen/women who were hiding in the House Chamber just feet behind him. This cop is another hero who saved the VP's life by luring the traitors in the opposite direction from Pence and Senators...

What a fucking joke...that video makes that day look peaceful when compared to the summer of BLMANTIFA must be high and that bitch reporter looks foolish as hell...the amount of shit you libs have to ignore to come up with your bullshit is monumental....


The joke is you. In reality, that cop is a hero who is being hailed as Congress is looking to give him their highest honor...

... meanwhile, two more domestic terrorists were just arrested who were among those who were duped away from the Senate chamber by that heroic cop...

One by one, those traitors are being rounded up and will face the justice this country doles out to traitors. And felony murder charges are being consider since 5 people died as a result of their seditious insurrection.

Ok, now give equal time to all those traitor's that burned, killed, looted, and attacked the innocent through out the Summer of Love.

You can't and won't do it, because you are TOLD not too.


You're just an imbecile who doesn't know what the word, "traitor," means.

The last time we had a national terror alert was due to the threats posed by Al-Qaeda after they flew commercial jets into buildings, killing nearly 3000 people. Now America's rightwingnuts are threatening to finish Al-Qaeda's destruction of the USA.
What a bunch of shit. The people destroying this country are now in power. The decline of America has been a priority since 2008. Obama rekindled the race war and started a war on the police. The media joined in and exaggerated every race related story it could. The manufactured crisis over the years, including Covid, have done nothing but erode our freedoms bit by bit. Biden handlers have now put this destruction of institutions and traditions in overdrive.

75 to 80 million voters being terrorists is patently ridiculous and only helplessly deluded and stupid people believe it and are stupid enough to enable it. You are a stupid person. Your posts prove that. Assflap.
Al-Qaeda said the same thing as you after 9/11. Congrats, rightwingnuts. You're the new Al-Qaeda.
So the millions of Americans who voted for Trump are now synonymous with Al-Queda? What a crock!
Al-Qaeda attacked the Pentagon and Trump supporters attacked the Capitol. So yeah, a faction of them are Al-Qaeda-in-US.
That's such a stupid analogy it doesn't even deserve a response.
Get back to me when you're willing to admit that conservatives have as much right to protest as liberals do and that "protests" that turn our cities into war zones for months at a time are far more dangerous to America than a protest that turned into a riot for a few hours at the Capital!
No one said you don't have the right to protest. What you don't have the right to do is to try and "take" the Capitol to murder the VP and lawmakers.
How many lawmakers were "murdered" that day? Were people pissed off? Were they shouting things? Oh, yeah! How many lawmakers were even touched that day? What was the extent of the real damage that day? Was the Congress shut down for weeks while the building was fixed due to the extensive damage wrought that day? You've taken a protest that got totally out of hand when Capital Police let protestors into the building and now you're using it as the excuse to brand millions of Americans as terrorists. It's bullshit and always will be!
You ARE saying that the right doesn't have the same right to protest as you on the left do! So is the main stream media! So is the justice system! How many protesters that took over the Wisconsin State House got prison time? None? Yet you want to put conservative protesters in prison for lengthy sentences for doing the exact same thing!
No lawmakers were killed because the heroic police did a great job to protect them from that crazed mob who at one point was chanting, "hang Mike Pence," as a gallows was constructed outside.

And rightwingers have every right to protest. Many did outside the Capitol building. The ones who stormed the Capitol were not protesting, they were committing seditious insurrection in their attempt to "take" the Capitol and murder members of our government.
The heroic police are the ones who let them in. Show me a single member of our government who was harmed in the slightest by those protesters?
The cop who shot Ashli Target Practice is a hero. He saved the lives of Congressmen/women who were hiding in the House Chamber just feet behind him. This cop is another hero who saved the VP's life by luring the traitors in the opposite direction from Pence and Senators...

What a fucking joke...that video makes that day look peaceful when compared to the summer of BLMANTIFA must be high and that bitch reporter looks foolish as hell...the amount of shit you libs have to ignore to come up with your bullshit is monumental....


The joke is you. In reality, that cop is a hero who is being hailed as Congress is looking to give him their highest honor...

... meanwhile, two more domestic terrorists were just arrested who were among those who were duped away from the Senate chamber by that heroic cop...

One by one, those traitors are being rounded up and will face the justice this country doles out to traitors. And felony murder charges are being consider since 5 people died as a result of their seditious insurrection.

Ok, now give equal time to all those traitor's that burned, killed, looted, and attacked the innocent through out the Summer of Love.

You can't and won't do it, because you are TOLD not too.


You're just an imbecile who doesn't know what the word, "traitor," means.

Looked up the word Traitor in the dictionary and low and behold there was a picture of joe Biden

The last time we had a national terror alert was due to the threats posed by Al-Qaeda after they flew commercial jets into buildings, killing nearly 3000 people. Now America's rightwingnuts are threatening to finish Al-Qaeda's destruction of the USA.
What a bunch of shit. The people destroying this country are now in power. The decline of America has been a priority since 2008. Obama rekindled the race war and started a war on the police. The media joined in and exaggerated every race related story it could. The manufactured crisis over the years, including Covid, have done nothing but erode our freedoms bit by bit. Biden handlers have now put this destruction of institutions and traditions in overdrive.

75 to 80 million voters being terrorists is patently ridiculous and only helplessly deluded and stupid people believe it and are stupid enough to enable it. You are a stupid person. Your posts prove that. Assflap.
Al-Qaeda said the same thing as you after 9/11. Congrats, rightwingnuts. You're the new Al-Qaeda.
So the millions of Americans who voted for Trump are now synonymous with Al-Queda? What a crock!
Al-Qaeda attacked the Pentagon and Trump supporters attacked the Capitol. So yeah, a faction of them are Al-Qaeda-in-US.
That's such a stupid analogy it doesn't even deserve a response.
Get back to me when you're willing to admit that conservatives have as much right to protest as liberals do and that "protests" that turn our cities into war zones for months at a time are far more dangerous to America than a protest that turned into a riot for a few hours at the Capital!
No one said you don't have the right to protest. What you don't have the right to do is to try and "take" the Capitol to murder the VP and lawmakers.
How many lawmakers were "murdered" that day? Were people pissed off? Were they shouting things? Oh, yeah! How many lawmakers were even touched that day? What was the extent of the real damage that day? Was the Congress shut down for weeks while the building was fixed due to the extensive damage wrought that day? You've taken a protest that got totally out of hand when Capital Police let protestors into the building and now you're using it as the excuse to brand millions of Americans as terrorists. It's bullshit and always will be!
You ARE saying that the right doesn't have the same right to protest as you on the left do! So is the main stream media! So is the justice system! How many protesters that took over the Wisconsin State House got prison time? None? Yet you want to put conservative protesters in prison for lengthy sentences for doing the exact same thing!
No lawmakers were killed because the heroic police did a great job to protect them from that crazed mob who at one point was chanting, "hang Mike Pence," as a gallows was constructed outside.

And rightwingers have every right to protest. Many did outside the Capitol building. The ones who stormed the Capitol were not protesting, they were committing seditious insurrection in their attempt to "take" the Capitol and murder members of our government.
The heroic police are the ones who let them in. Show me a single member of our government who was harmed in the slightest by those protesters?
The cop who shot Ashli Target Practice is a hero. He saved the lives of Congressmen/women who were hiding in the House Chamber just feet behind him. This cop is another hero who saved the VP's life by luring the traitors in the opposite direction from Pence and Senators...

What a fucking joke...that video makes that day look peaceful when compared to the summer of BLMANTIFA must be high and that bitch reporter looks foolish as hell...the amount of shit you libs have to ignore to come up with your bullshit is monumental....


The joke is you. In reality, that cop is a hero who is being hailed as Congress is looking to give him their highest honor...

... meanwhile, two more domestic terrorists were just arrested who were among those who were duped away from the Senate chamber by that heroic cop...

One by one, those traitors are being rounded up and will face the justice this country doles out to traitors. And felony murder charges are being consider since 5 people died as a result of their seditious insurrection.

Ok, now give equal time to all those traitor's that burned, killed, looted, and attacked the innocent through out the Summer of Love.

You can't and won't do it, because you are TOLD not too.


You're just an imbecile who doesn't know what the word, "traitor," means.

Looked up the word Traitor in the dictionary and low and behold there was a picture of joe Biden


The last time we had a national terror alert was due to the threats posed by Al-Qaeda after they flew commercial jets into buildings, killing nearly 3000 people. Now America's rightwingnuts are threatening to finish Al-Qaeda's destruction of the USA.
What a bunch of shit. The people destroying this country are now in power. The decline of America has been a priority since 2008. Obama rekindled the race war and started a war on the police. The media joined in and exaggerated every race related story it could. The manufactured crisis over the years, including Covid, have done nothing but erode our freedoms bit by bit. Biden handlers have now put this destruction of institutions and traditions in overdrive.

75 to 80 million voters being terrorists is patently ridiculous and only helplessly deluded and stupid people believe it and are stupid enough to enable it. You are a stupid person. Your posts prove that. Assflap.

Obama didn't rekindle any race war, the problem was there are some people who couldn't stand the idea of a black president over them.
BLM and ISIS were formed under his administration. Rightly or wrongly some of the blame falls on him.
Wrong! ISIS was formed during Bush. You don't know shit; ‘Chilling’: Man charged with threats to Rep. Jeffries’ family amid Capitol riot
I tried teaching that idiot, but sadly, he's ineducable...

ISIS garnered power under Obama’s leadership. Didn’t hear about them til he came to power.​
They grew out of Al-Qaeda in Iraq which formed to combat our forces in Iraq when Bush idiotically invaded there. They morphed into IS, Islamic State and then later, ISIL or ISIS after they invaded Syria. You really don't know shit, do ya, ShortBus?​
LMAO...fat slob Faun conversing with BWK the Chinese troll. Priceless. And I already showed you that ISIS truly gained power under Obama. Want me to do it again?
You got your ass kicked over my documentary where you failed to show proof I was wrong. If you watched it, which you didn't, it clearly explains what ISIS did after Bush left office. They never lost power you fucking idiot.
Documentary? LOL

In 2014, ISIS took control of Falluja, Mosul and Tikrit in Iraq, and declared itself a caliphate, which is a political and religious territory ruled by a leader known as a caliph.

From your link, ShortBus...

The roots of ISIS trace back to 2004

But you said they "formed" under Obama. You must think Obama was president in 2004? :cuckoo:

The roots of ISIS trace back 622AD when Islam began. Read the Koran it will tell you exactly what ISIS does and is. ISIS will tell you the same.
The truth bothers you doesn't it? What I said is fact.
What you said is not true, it's rightarded dementia. Hence, the crazy emoticon.

There are approaching 2 billion Muslims who follow the Qur'an who are not led to terrorism because of Islam. So no, ISIS was not formed in 622AD. It was formed in 2004 as Al-Qaeda-in-Iraq. That's a fact. I don't expect you to recognize facts when you seem because you're a cultist who believes in "alternative facts."

But you do expose how similar the right's Al-Qaeda-in-US are with their brethren, Al-Qaeda-in-Iraq. You both share the same excuse for terrorism -- butwhataboutism.
It is in their holy literature. Islam obligates jihad and teaches hate for anything un Islamic. It condones rape, terror, intolerance and anything that advances the religion.

That is the truth.
Dumbfuck, it's in the Torah to kill Jews who break the Sabbath by stoning them to death. Yet Jews no longer execute Sabbath breakers even though that decree was issued by G-d. People have become far more civilized over the ages and just because something is in their holy scriptures, doesn't mean it's observed today. Islamic terrorists still follow those tenets because they're radicalized and use those scriptures as an excuse to carry out their terror. But Islamic terrorists comprise an infinitesimal percentage of the 1.8 billion Muslims on the planet.

So no, ISIS did not form in the 7th century. It formed in 2004 to combat Bush's idiotic invasion of Iraq.
So civilized that every single mostly Islamic nation is a nightmare for those who pursue everyday freedoms and especially for women and gays. How do you explain that?

View attachment 450229
Shit, even conservative Judiasm is bigoted. The temple I once used wouldn't let women sit with men during services. That part of the world still maintains many bigotries. That they're not as Liberal as the U.S. doesn't alter what I said.
Dumbass, answer my question. I am a Jew. If you are a woman and want to leave the religion no one kills you. If you draw a cartoon of Moses no one kills you. Try to leave Islam as a woman or draw a cartoon of their prophet.

You are an amazingly ignorant person and you suffer from severe OCD.

The last time we had a national terror alert was due to the threats posed by Al-Qaeda after they flew commercial jets into buildings, killing nearly 3000 people. Now America's rightwingnuts are threatening to finish Al-Qaeda's destruction of the USA.
What a bunch of shit. The people destroying this country are now in power. The decline of America has been a priority since 2008. Obama rekindled the race war and started a war on the police. The media joined in and exaggerated every race related story it could. The manufactured crisis over the years, including Covid, have done nothing but erode our freedoms bit by bit. Biden handlers have now put this destruction of institutions and traditions in overdrive.

75 to 80 million voters being terrorists is patently ridiculous and only helplessly deluded and stupid people believe it and are stupid enough to enable it. You are a stupid person. Your posts prove that. Assflap.

Obama didn't rekindle any race war, the problem was there are some people who couldn't stand the idea of a black president over them.
BLM and ISIS were formed under his administration. Rightly or wrongly some of the blame falls on him.
Wrong! ISIS was formed during Bush. You don't know shit; ‘Chilling’: Man charged with threats to Rep. Jeffries’ family amid Capitol riot
I tried teaching that idiot, but sadly, he's ineducable...

ISIS garnered power under Obama’s leadership. Didn’t hear about them til he came to power.​
They grew out of Al-Qaeda in Iraq which formed to combat our forces in Iraq when Bush idiotically invaded there. They morphed into IS, Islamic State and then later, ISIL or ISIS after they invaded Syria. You really don't know shit, do ya, ShortBus?​
LMAO...fat slob Faun conversing with BWK the Chinese troll. Priceless. And I already showed you that ISIS truly gained power under Obama. Want me to do it again?
You got your ass kicked over my documentary where you failed to show proof I was wrong. If you watched it, which you didn't, it clearly explains what ISIS did after Bush left office. They never lost power you fucking idiot.
Documentary? LOL

In 2014, ISIS took control of Falluja, Mosul and Tikrit in Iraq, and declared itself a caliphate, which is a political and religious territory ruled by a leader known as a caliph.

From your link, ShortBus...

The roots of ISIS trace back to 2004

But you said they "formed" under Obama. You must think Obama was president in 2004? :cuckoo:

The roots of ISIS trace back 622AD when Islam began. Read the Koran it will tell you exactly what ISIS does and is. ISIS will tell you the same.
The truth bothers you doesn't it? What I said is fact.
What you said is not true, it's rightarded dementia. Hence, the crazy emoticon.

There are approaching 2 billion Muslims who follow the Qur'an who are not led to terrorism because of Islam. So no, ISIS was not formed in 622AD. It was formed in 2004 as Al-Qaeda-in-Iraq. That's a fact. I don't expect you to recognize facts when you seem because you're a cultist who believes in "alternative facts."

But you do expose how similar the right's Al-Qaeda-in-US are with their brethren, Al-Qaeda-in-Iraq. You both share the same excuse for terrorism -- butwhataboutism.
It is in their holy literature. Islam obligates jihad and teaches hate for anything un Islamic. It condones rape, terror, intolerance and anything that advances the religion.

That is the truth.
Dumbfuck, it's in the Torah to kill Jews who break the Sabbath by stoning them to death. Yet Jews no longer execute Sabbath breakers even though that decree was issued by G-d. People have become far more civilized over the ages and just because something is in their holy scriptures, doesn't mean it's observed today. Islamic terrorists still follow those tenets because they're radicalized and use those scriptures as an excuse to carry out their terror. But Islamic terrorists comprise an infinitesimal percentage of the 1.8 billion Muslims on the planet.

So no, ISIS did not form in the 7th century. It formed in 2004 to combat Bush's idiotic invasion of Iraq.
So civilized that every single mostly Islamic nation is a nightmare for those who pursue everyday freedoms and especially for women and gays. How do you explain that?

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Shit, even conservative Judiasm is bigoted. The temple I once used wouldn't let women sit with men during services. That part of the world still maintains many bigotries. That they're not as Liberal as the U.S. doesn't alter what I said.
Dumbass, answer my question. I am a Jew. If you are a woman and want to leave the religion no one kills you. If you draw a cartoon of Moses no one kills you. Try to leave Islam as a woman or draw a cartoon of their prophet.

You are an amazingly ignorant person and you suffer from severe OCD.
I answered your question, ya moron.

That they're not as Liberal as the U.S.. They're also not as advanced as we are, not as culturally diverse as we are, not as civilized as we are.

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