US issues terror alert over anti-government extremists

The last time we had a national terror alert was due to the threats posed by Al-Qaeda after they flew commercial jets into buildings, killing nearly 3000 people. Now America's rightwingnuts are threatening to finish Al-Qaeda's destruction of the USA.
What a bunch of shit. The people destroying this country are now in power. The decline of America has been a priority since 2008. Obama rekindled the race war and started a war on the police. The media joined in and exaggerated every race related story it could. The manufactured crisis over the years, including Covid, have done nothing but erode our freedoms bit by bit. Biden handlers have now put this destruction of institutions and traditions in overdrive.

75 to 80 million voters being terrorists is patently ridiculous and only helplessly deluded and stupid people believe it and are stupid enough to enable it. You are a stupid person. Your posts prove that. Assflap.

Obama didn't rekindle any race war, the problem was there are some people who couldn't stand the idea of a black president over them.
BLM and ISIS were formed under his administration. Rightly or wrongly some of the blame falls on him.
Wrong! ISIS was formed during Bush. You don't know shit; ‘Chilling’: Man charged with threats to Rep. Jeffries’ family amid Capitol riot
I tried teaching that idiot, but sadly, he's ineducable...

ISIS garnered power under Obama’s leadership. Didn’t hear about them til he came to power.​
They grew out of Al-Qaeda in Iraq which formed to combat our forces in Iraq when Bush idiotically invaded there. They morphed into IS, Islamic State and then later, ISIL or ISIS after they invaded Syria. You really don't know shit, do ya, ShortBus?​
LMAO...fat slob Faun conversing with BWK the Chinese troll. Priceless. And I already showed you that ISIS truly gained power under Obama. Want me to do it again?
You got your ass kicked over my documentary where you failed to show proof I was wrong. If you watched it, which you didn't, it clearly explains what ISIS did after Bush left office. They never lost power you fucking idiot.
Documentary? LOL

In 2014, ISIS took control of Falluja, Mosul and Tikrit in Iraq, and declared itself a caliphate, which is a political and religious territory ruled by a leader known as a caliph.

From your link, ShortBus...

The roots of ISIS trace back to 2004

But you said they "formed" under Obama. You must think Obama was president in 2004? :cuckoo:

The roots of ISIS trace back 622AD when Islam began. Read the Koran it will tell you exactly what ISIS does and is. ISIS will tell you the same.
The truth bothers you doesn't it? What I said is fact.
What you said is not true, it's rightarded dementia. Hence, the crazy emoticon.

There are approaching 2 billion Muslims who follow the Qur'an who are not led to terrorism because of Islam. So no, ISIS was not formed in 622AD. It was formed in 2004 as Al-Qaeda-in-Iraq. That's a fact. I don't expect you to recognize facts when you seem because you're a cultist who believes in "alternative facts."

But you do expose how similar the right's Al-Qaeda-in-US are with their brethren, Al-Qaeda-in-Iraq. You both share the same excuse for terrorism -- butwhataboutism.
It is in their holy literature. Islam obligates jihad and teaches hate for anything un Islamic. It condones rape, terror, intolerance and anything that advances the religion.

That is the truth.
Dumbfuck, it's in the Torah to kill Jews who break the Sabbath by stoning them to death. Yet Jews no longer execute Sabbath breakers even though that decree was issued by G-d. People have become far more civilized over the ages and just because something is in their holy scriptures, doesn't mean it's observed today. Islamic terrorists still follow those tenets because they're radicalized and use those scriptures as an excuse to carry out their terror. But Islamic terrorists comprise an infinitesimal percentage of the 1.8 billion Muslims on the planet.

So no, ISIS did not form in the 7th century. It formed in 2004 to combat Bush's idiotic invasion of Iraq.
So civilized that every single mostly Islamic nation is a nightmare for those who pursue everyday freedoms and especially for women and gays. How do you explain that?

View attachment 450229
Shit, even conservative Judiasm is bigoted. The temple I once used wouldn't let women sit with men during services. That part of the world still maintains many bigotries. That they're not as Liberal as the U.S. doesn't alter what I said.
Dumbass, answer my question. I am a Jew. If you are a woman and want to leave the religion no one kills you. If you draw a cartoon of Moses no one kills you. Try to leave Islam as a woman or draw a cartoon of their prophet.

You are an amazingly ignorant person and you suffer from severe OCD.
I answered your question, ya moron.

That they're not as Liberal as the U.S.. They're also not as advanced as we are, not as culturally diverse as we are, not as civilized as we are.
So why do you want them here?

The last time we had a national terror alert was due to the threats posed by Al-Qaeda after they flew commercial jets into buildings, killing nearly 3000 people. Now America's rightwingnuts are threatening to finish Al-Qaeda's destruction of the USA.
What a bunch of shit. The people destroying this country are now in power. The decline of America has been a priority since 2008. Obama rekindled the race war and started a war on the police. The media joined in and exaggerated every race related story it could. The manufactured crisis over the years, including Covid, have done nothing but erode our freedoms bit by bit. Biden handlers have now put this destruction of institutions and traditions in overdrive.

75 to 80 million voters being terrorists is patently ridiculous and only helplessly deluded and stupid people believe it and are stupid enough to enable it. You are a stupid person. Your posts prove that. Assflap.

Obama didn't rekindle any race war, the problem was there are some people who couldn't stand the idea of a black president over them.
BLM and ISIS were formed under his administration. Rightly or wrongly some of the blame falls on him.
Wrong! ISIS was formed during Bush. You don't know shit; ‘Chilling’: Man charged with threats to Rep. Jeffries’ family amid Capitol riot
I tried teaching that idiot, but sadly, he's ineducable...

ISIS garnered power under Obama’s leadership. Didn’t hear about them til he came to power.​
They grew out of Al-Qaeda in Iraq which formed to combat our forces in Iraq when Bush idiotically invaded there. They morphed into IS, Islamic State and then later, ISIL or ISIS after they invaded Syria. You really don't know shit, do ya, ShortBus?​
LMAO...fat slob Faun conversing with BWK the Chinese troll. Priceless. And I already showed you that ISIS truly gained power under Obama. Want me to do it again?
You got your ass kicked over my documentary where you failed to show proof I was wrong. If you watched it, which you didn't, it clearly explains what ISIS did after Bush left office. They never lost power you fucking idiot.
Documentary? LOL

In 2014, ISIS took control of Falluja, Mosul and Tikrit in Iraq, and declared itself a caliphate, which is a political and religious territory ruled by a leader known as a caliph.

From your link, ShortBus...

The roots of ISIS trace back to 2004

But you said they "formed" under Obama. You must think Obama was president in 2004? :cuckoo:

The roots of ISIS trace back 622AD when Islam began. Read the Koran it will tell you exactly what ISIS does and is. ISIS will tell you the same.
The truth bothers you doesn't it? What I said is fact.
What you said is not true, it's rightarded dementia. Hence, the crazy emoticon.

There are approaching 2 billion Muslims who follow the Qur'an who are not led to terrorism because of Islam. So no, ISIS was not formed in 622AD. It was formed in 2004 as Al-Qaeda-in-Iraq. That's a fact. I don't expect you to recognize facts when you seem because you're a cultist who believes in "alternative facts."

But you do expose how similar the right's Al-Qaeda-in-US are with their brethren, Al-Qaeda-in-Iraq. You both share the same excuse for terrorism -- butwhataboutism.
It is in their holy literature. Islam obligates jihad and teaches hate for anything un Islamic. It condones rape, terror, intolerance and anything that advances the religion.

That is the truth.
Dumbfuck, it's in the Torah to kill Jews who break the Sabbath by stoning them to death. Yet Jews no longer execute Sabbath breakers even though that decree was issued by G-d. People have become far more civilized over the ages and just because something is in their holy scriptures, doesn't mean it's observed today. Islamic terrorists still follow those tenets because they're radicalized and use those scriptures as an excuse to carry out their terror. But Islamic terrorists comprise an infinitesimal percentage of the 1.8 billion Muslims on the planet.

So no, ISIS did not form in the 7th century. It formed in 2004 to combat Bush's idiotic invasion of Iraq.
So civilized that every single mostly Islamic nation is a nightmare for those who pursue everyday freedoms and especially for women and gays. How do you explain that?

View attachment 450229
Shit, even conservative Judiasm is bigoted. The temple I once used wouldn't let women sit with men during services. That part of the world still maintains many bigotries. That they're not as Liberal as the U.S. doesn't alter what I said.
Dumbass, answer my question. I am a Jew. If you are a woman and want to leave the religion no one kills you. If you draw a cartoon of Moses no one kills you. Try to leave Islam as a woman or draw a cartoon of their prophet.

You are an amazingly ignorant person and you suffer from severe OCD.
I answered your question, ya moron.

That they're not as Liberal as the U.S.. They're also not as advanced as we are, not as culturally diverse as we are, not as civilized as we are.
Aka they are barbaric. Why? No separation of church and state. Sharia Law runs Islamic countries once Muslims garner a majority. Try walking around some parts of London and see how that goes for you. Islam also hates dogs.

Fun ideology. You should convert. May cure your OCD.

The last time we had a national terror alert was due to the threats posed by Al-Qaeda after they flew commercial jets into buildings, killing nearly 3000 people. Now America's rightwingnuts are threatening to finish Al-Qaeda's destruction of the USA.
What a bunch of shit. The people destroying this country are now in power. The decline of America has been a priority since 2008. Obama rekindled the race war and started a war on the police. The media joined in and exaggerated every race related story it could. The manufactured crisis over the years, including Covid, have done nothing but erode our freedoms bit by bit. Biden handlers have now put this destruction of institutions and traditions in overdrive.

75 to 80 million voters being terrorists is patently ridiculous and only helplessly deluded and stupid people believe it and are stupid enough to enable it. You are a stupid person. Your posts prove that. Assflap.

Obama didn't rekindle any race war, the problem was there are some people who couldn't stand the idea of a black president over them.
BLM and ISIS were formed under his administration. Rightly or wrongly some of the blame falls on him.
Wrong! ISIS was formed during Bush. You don't know shit; ‘Chilling’: Man charged with threats to Rep. Jeffries’ family amid Capitol riot
I tried teaching that idiot, but sadly, he's ineducable...

ISIS garnered power under Obama’s leadership. Didn’t hear about them til he came to power.​
They grew out of Al-Qaeda in Iraq which formed to combat our forces in Iraq when Bush idiotically invaded there. They morphed into IS, Islamic State and then later, ISIL or ISIS after they invaded Syria. You really don't know shit, do ya, ShortBus?​
LMAO...fat slob Faun conversing with BWK the Chinese troll. Priceless. And I already showed you that ISIS truly gained power under Obama. Want me to do it again?
You got your ass kicked over my documentary where you failed to show proof I was wrong. If you watched it, which you didn't, it clearly explains what ISIS did after Bush left office. They never lost power you fucking idiot.
Documentary? LOL

In 2014, ISIS took control of Falluja, Mosul and Tikrit in Iraq, and declared itself a caliphate, which is a political and religious territory ruled by a leader known as a caliph.

From your link, ShortBus...

The roots of ISIS trace back to 2004

But you said they "formed" under Obama. You must think Obama was president in 2004? :cuckoo:

The roots of ISIS trace back 622AD when Islam began. Read the Koran it will tell you exactly what ISIS does and is. ISIS will tell you the same.
The truth bothers you doesn't it? What I said is fact.
What you said is not true, it's rightarded dementia. Hence, the crazy emoticon.

There are approaching 2 billion Muslims who follow the Qur'an who are not led to terrorism because of Islam. So no, ISIS was not formed in 622AD. It was formed in 2004 as Al-Qaeda-in-Iraq. That's a fact. I don't expect you to recognize facts when you seem because you're a cultist who believes in "alternative facts."

But you do expose how similar the right's Al-Qaeda-in-US are with their brethren, Al-Qaeda-in-Iraq. You both share the same excuse for terrorism -- butwhataboutism.
It is in their holy literature. Islam obligates jihad and teaches hate for anything un Islamic. It condones rape, terror, intolerance and anything that advances the religion.

That is the truth.
Dumbfuck, it's in the Torah to kill Jews who break the Sabbath by stoning them to death. Yet Jews no longer execute Sabbath breakers even though that decree was issued by G-d. People have become far more civilized over the ages and just because something is in their holy scriptures, doesn't mean it's observed today. Islamic terrorists still follow those tenets because they're radicalized and use those scriptures as an excuse to carry out their terror. But Islamic terrorists comprise an infinitesimal percentage of the 1.8 billion Muslims on the planet.

So no, ISIS did not form in the 7th century. It formed in 2004 to combat Bush's idiotic invasion of Iraq.
So civilized that every single mostly Islamic nation is a nightmare for those who pursue everyday freedoms and especially for women and gays. How do you explain that?

View attachment 450229
Shit, even conservative Judiasm is bigoted. The temple I once used wouldn't let women sit with men during services. That part of the world still maintains many bigotries. That they're not as Liberal as the U.S. doesn't alter what I said.
Dumbass, answer my question. I am a Jew. If you are a woman and want to leave the religion no one kills you. If you draw a cartoon of Moses no one kills you. Try to leave Islam as a woman or draw a cartoon of their prophet.

You are an amazingly ignorant person and you suffer from severe OCD.
I answered your question, ya moron.

That they're not as Liberal as the U.S.. They're also not as advanced as we are, not as culturally diverse as we are, not as civilized as we are.
So why do you want them here?
I'll answer for him since he has severe OCD and is fat. He believes the ones coming here are more westernized and would not be as barbaric.

The last time we had a national terror alert was due to the threats posed by Al-Qaeda after they flew commercial jets into buildings, killing nearly 3000 people. Now America's rightwingnuts are threatening to finish Al-Qaeda's destruction of the USA.
What a bunch of shit. The people destroying this country are now in power. The decline of America has been a priority since 2008. Obama rekindled the race war and started a war on the police. The media joined in and exaggerated every race related story it could. The manufactured crisis over the years, including Covid, have done nothing but erode our freedoms bit by bit. Biden handlers have now put this destruction of institutions and traditions in overdrive.

75 to 80 million voters being terrorists is patently ridiculous and only helplessly deluded and stupid people believe it and are stupid enough to enable it. You are a stupid person. Your posts prove that. Assflap.

Obama didn't rekindle any race war, the problem was there are some people who couldn't stand the idea of a black president over them.
BLM and ISIS were formed under his administration. Rightly or wrongly some of the blame falls on him.
Wrong! ISIS was formed during Bush. You don't know shit; ‘Chilling’: Man charged with threats to Rep. Jeffries’ family amid Capitol riot
I tried teaching that idiot, but sadly, he's ineducable...

ISIS garnered power under Obama’s leadership. Didn’t hear about them til he came to power.​
They grew out of Al-Qaeda in Iraq which formed to combat our forces in Iraq when Bush idiotically invaded there. They morphed into IS, Islamic State and then later, ISIL or ISIS after they invaded Syria. You really don't know shit, do ya, ShortBus?​
LMAO...fat slob Faun conversing with BWK the Chinese troll. Priceless. And I already showed you that ISIS truly gained power under Obama. Want me to do it again?
You got your ass kicked over my documentary where you failed to show proof I was wrong. If you watched it, which you didn't, it clearly explains what ISIS did after Bush left office. They never lost power you fucking idiot.
Documentary? LOL

In 2014, ISIS took control of Falluja, Mosul and Tikrit in Iraq, and declared itself a caliphate, which is a political and religious territory ruled by a leader known as a caliph.

From your link, ShortBus...

The roots of ISIS trace back to 2004

But you said they "formed" under Obama. You must think Obama was president in 2004? :cuckoo:

The roots of ISIS trace back 622AD when Islam began. Read the Koran it will tell you exactly what ISIS does and is. ISIS will tell you the same.
The truth bothers you doesn't it? What I said is fact.
What you said is not true, it's rightarded dementia. Hence, the crazy emoticon.

There are approaching 2 billion Muslims who follow the Qur'an who are not led to terrorism because of Islam. So no, ISIS was not formed in 622AD. It was formed in 2004 as Al-Qaeda-in-Iraq. That's a fact. I don't expect you to recognize facts when you seem because you're a cultist who believes in "alternative facts."

But you do expose how similar the right's Al-Qaeda-in-US are with their brethren, Al-Qaeda-in-Iraq. You both share the same excuse for terrorism -- butwhataboutism.
It is in their holy literature. Islam obligates jihad and teaches hate for anything un Islamic. It condones rape, terror, intolerance and anything that advances the religion.

That is the truth.
Dumbfuck, it's in the Torah to kill Jews who break the Sabbath by stoning them to death. Yet Jews no longer execute Sabbath breakers even though that decree was issued by G-d. People have become far more civilized over the ages and just because something is in their holy scriptures, doesn't mean it's observed today. Islamic terrorists still follow those tenets because they're radicalized and use those scriptures as an excuse to carry out their terror. But Islamic terrorists comprise an infinitesimal percentage of the 1.8 billion Muslims on the planet.

So no, ISIS did not form in the 7th century. It formed in 2004 to combat Bush's idiotic invasion of Iraq.
So civilized that every single mostly Islamic nation is a nightmare for those who pursue everyday freedoms and especially for women and gays. How do you explain that?

View attachment 450229
Shit, even conservative Judiasm is bigoted. The temple I once used wouldn't let women sit with men during services. That part of the world still maintains many bigotries. That they're not as Liberal as the U.S. doesn't alter what I said.
Dumbass, answer my question. I am a Jew. If you are a woman and want to leave the religion no one kills you. If you draw a cartoon of Moses no one kills you. Try to leave Islam as a woman or draw a cartoon of their prophet.

You are an amazingly ignorant person and you suffer from severe OCD.
I answered your question, ya moron.

That they're not as Liberal as the U.S.. They're also not as advanced as we are, not as culturally diverse as we are, not as civilized as we are.
So why do you want them here?
Because this is a free country and I we don't ban religions and I believe in freedom of religion.

The last time we had a national terror alert was due to the threats posed by Al-Qaeda after they flew commercial jets into buildings, killing nearly 3000 people. Now America's rightwingnuts are threatening to finish Al-Qaeda's destruction of the USA.
What a bunch of shit. The people destroying this country are now in power. The decline of America has been a priority since 2008. Obama rekindled the race war and started a war on the police. The media joined in and exaggerated every race related story it could. The manufactured crisis over the years, including Covid, have done nothing but erode our freedoms bit by bit. Biden handlers have now put this destruction of institutions and traditions in overdrive.

75 to 80 million voters being terrorists is patently ridiculous and only helplessly deluded and stupid people believe it and are stupid enough to enable it. You are a stupid person. Your posts prove that. Assflap.

Obama didn't rekindle any race war, the problem was there are some people who couldn't stand the idea of a black president over them.
BLM and ISIS were formed under his administration. Rightly or wrongly some of the blame falls on him.
Wrong! ISIS was formed during Bush. You don't know shit; ‘Chilling’: Man charged with threats to Rep. Jeffries’ family amid Capitol riot
I tried teaching that idiot, but sadly, he's ineducable...

ISIS garnered power under Obama’s leadership. Didn’t hear about them til he came to power.​
They grew out of Al-Qaeda in Iraq which formed to combat our forces in Iraq when Bush idiotically invaded there. They morphed into IS, Islamic State and then later, ISIL or ISIS after they invaded Syria. You really don't know shit, do ya, ShortBus?​
LMAO...fat slob Faun conversing with BWK the Chinese troll. Priceless. And I already showed you that ISIS truly gained power under Obama. Want me to do it again?
You got your ass kicked over my documentary where you failed to show proof I was wrong. If you watched it, which you didn't, it clearly explains what ISIS did after Bush left office. They never lost power you fucking idiot.
Documentary? LOL

In 2014, ISIS took control of Falluja, Mosul and Tikrit in Iraq, and declared itself a caliphate, which is a political and religious territory ruled by a leader known as a caliph.

From your link, ShortBus...

The roots of ISIS trace back to 2004

But you said they "formed" under Obama. You must think Obama was president in 2004? :cuckoo:

The roots of ISIS trace back 622AD when Islam began. Read the Koran it will tell you exactly what ISIS does and is. ISIS will tell you the same.
The truth bothers you doesn't it? What I said is fact.
What you said is not true, it's rightarded dementia. Hence, the crazy emoticon.

There are approaching 2 billion Muslims who follow the Qur'an who are not led to terrorism because of Islam. So no, ISIS was not formed in 622AD. It was formed in 2004 as Al-Qaeda-in-Iraq. That's a fact. I don't expect you to recognize facts when you seem because you're a cultist who believes in "alternative facts."

But you do expose how similar the right's Al-Qaeda-in-US are with their brethren, Al-Qaeda-in-Iraq. You both share the same excuse for terrorism -- butwhataboutism.
It is in their holy literature. Islam obligates jihad and teaches hate for anything un Islamic. It condones rape, terror, intolerance and anything that advances the religion.

That is the truth.
Dumbfuck, it's in the Torah to kill Jews who break the Sabbath by stoning them to death. Yet Jews no longer execute Sabbath breakers even though that decree was issued by G-d. People have become far more civilized over the ages and just because something is in their holy scriptures, doesn't mean it's observed today. Islamic terrorists still follow those tenets because they're radicalized and use those scriptures as an excuse to carry out their terror. But Islamic terrorists comprise an infinitesimal percentage of the 1.8 billion Muslims on the planet.

So no, ISIS did not form in the 7th century. It formed in 2004 to combat Bush's idiotic invasion of Iraq.
So civilized that every single mostly Islamic nation is a nightmare for those who pursue everyday freedoms and especially for women and gays. How do you explain that?

View attachment 450229
Shit, even conservative Judiasm is bigoted. The temple I once used wouldn't let women sit with men during services. That part of the world still maintains many bigotries. That they're not as Liberal as the U.S. doesn't alter what I said.
Dumbass, answer my question. I am a Jew. If you are a woman and want to leave the religion no one kills you. If you draw a cartoon of Moses no one kills you. Try to leave Islam as a woman or draw a cartoon of their prophet.

You are an amazingly ignorant person and you suffer from severe OCD.
I answered your question, ya moron.

That they're not as Liberal as the U.S.. They're also not as advanced as we are, not as culturally diverse as we are, not as civilized as we are.
So why do you want them here?
I'll answer for him since he has severe OCD and is fat. He believes the ones coming here are more westernized and would not be as barbaric.
ShortBus, the ones who come here are bound be the same laws as you and I. It's a shame you're such a bigot, but I see that trait among many righties.

The last time we had a national terror alert was due to the threats posed by Al-Qaeda after they flew commercial jets into buildings, killing nearly 3000 people. Now America's rightwingnuts are threatening to finish Al-Qaeda's destruction of the USA.
What a bunch of shit. The people destroying this country are now in power. The decline of America has been a priority since 2008. Obama rekindled the race war and started a war on the police. The media joined in and exaggerated every race related story it could. The manufactured crisis over the years, including Covid, have done nothing but erode our freedoms bit by bit. Biden handlers have now put this destruction of institutions and traditions in overdrive.

75 to 80 million voters being terrorists is patently ridiculous and only helplessly deluded and stupid people believe it and are stupid enough to enable it. You are a stupid person. Your posts prove that. Assflap.

Obama didn't rekindle any race war, the problem was there are some people who couldn't stand the idea of a black president over them.
BLM and ISIS were formed under his administration. Rightly or wrongly some of the blame falls on him.
Wrong! ISIS was formed during Bush. You don't know shit; ‘Chilling’: Man charged with threats to Rep. Jeffries’ family amid Capitol riot
I tried teaching that idiot, but sadly, he's ineducable...

ISIS garnered power under Obama’s leadership. Didn’t hear about them til he came to power.​
They grew out of Al-Qaeda in Iraq which formed to combat our forces in Iraq when Bush idiotically invaded there. They morphed into IS, Islamic State and then later, ISIL or ISIS after they invaded Syria. You really don't know shit, do ya, ShortBus?​
LMAO...fat slob Faun conversing with BWK the Chinese troll. Priceless. And I already showed you that ISIS truly gained power under Obama. Want me to do it again?
You got your ass kicked over my documentary where you failed to show proof I was wrong. If you watched it, which you didn't, it clearly explains what ISIS did after Bush left office. They never lost power you fucking idiot.
Documentary? LOL

In 2014, ISIS took control of Falluja, Mosul and Tikrit in Iraq, and declared itself a caliphate, which is a political and religious territory ruled by a leader known as a caliph.

From your link, ShortBus...

The roots of ISIS trace back to 2004

But you said they "formed" under Obama. You must think Obama was president in 2004? :cuckoo:

The roots of ISIS trace back 622AD when Islam began. Read the Koran it will tell you exactly what ISIS does and is. ISIS will tell you the same.
The truth bothers you doesn't it? What I said is fact.
What you said is not true, it's rightarded dementia. Hence, the crazy emoticon.

There are approaching 2 billion Muslims who follow the Qur'an who are not led to terrorism because of Islam. So no, ISIS was not formed in 622AD. It was formed in 2004 as Al-Qaeda-in-Iraq. That's a fact. I don't expect you to recognize facts when you seem because you're a cultist who believes in "alternative facts."

But you do expose how similar the right's Al-Qaeda-in-US are with their brethren, Al-Qaeda-in-Iraq. You both share the same excuse for terrorism -- butwhataboutism.
It is in their holy literature. Islam obligates jihad and teaches hate for anything un Islamic. It condones rape, terror, intolerance and anything that advances the religion.

That is the truth.
Dumbfuck, it's in the Torah to kill Jews who break the Sabbath by stoning them to death. Yet Jews no longer execute Sabbath breakers even though that decree was issued by G-d. People have become far more civilized over the ages and just because something is in their holy scriptures, doesn't mean it's observed today. Islamic terrorists still follow those tenets because they're radicalized and use those scriptures as an excuse to carry out their terror. But Islamic terrorists comprise an infinitesimal percentage of the 1.8 billion Muslims on the planet.

So no, ISIS did not form in the 7th century. It formed in 2004 to combat Bush's idiotic invasion of Iraq.
So civilized that every single mostly Islamic nation is a nightmare for those who pursue everyday freedoms and especially for women and gays. How do you explain that?

View attachment 450229
Shit, even conservative Judiasm is bigoted. The temple I once used wouldn't let women sit with men during services. That part of the world still maintains many bigotries. That they're not as Liberal as the U.S. doesn't alter what I said.
Dumbass, answer my question. I am a Jew. If you are a woman and want to leave the religion no one kills you. If you draw a cartoon of Moses no one kills you. Try to leave Islam as a woman or draw a cartoon of their prophet.

You are an amazingly ignorant person and you suffer from severe OCD.
I answered your question, ya moron.

That they're not as Liberal as the U.S.. They're also not as advanced as we are, not as culturally diverse as we are, not as civilized as we are.
So why do you want them here?
I'll answer for him since he has severe OCD and is fat. He believes the ones coming here are more westernized and would not be as barbaric.
ShortBus, the ones who come here are bound be the same laws as you and I. It's a shame you're such a bigot, but I see that trait among many righties.
They are supposed to be bound by the same law but they are hard pressed to give up their love for Sharia law which is not compatible with the US Constitution, That fact makes it hard for them to assimilate into the US

The last time we had a national terror alert was due to the threats posed by Al-Qaeda after they flew commercial jets into buildings, killing nearly 3000 people. Now America's rightwingnuts are threatening to finish Al-Qaeda's destruction of the USA.
What a bunch of shit. The people destroying this country are now in power. The decline of America has been a priority since 2008. Obama rekindled the race war and started a war on the police. The media joined in and exaggerated every race related story it could. The manufactured crisis over the years, including Covid, have done nothing but erode our freedoms bit by bit. Biden handlers have now put this destruction of institutions and traditions in overdrive.

75 to 80 million voters being terrorists is patently ridiculous and only helplessly deluded and stupid people believe it and are stupid enough to enable it. You are a stupid person. Your posts prove that. Assflap.

Obama didn't rekindle any race war, the problem was there are some people who couldn't stand the idea of a black president over them.
BLM and ISIS were formed under his administration. Rightly or wrongly some of the blame falls on him.
Wrong! ISIS was formed during Bush. You don't know shit; ‘Chilling’: Man charged with threats to Rep. Jeffries’ family amid Capitol riot
I tried teaching that idiot, but sadly, he's ineducable...

ISIS garnered power under Obama’s leadership. Didn’t hear about them til he came to power.​
They grew out of Al-Qaeda in Iraq which formed to combat our forces in Iraq when Bush idiotically invaded there. They morphed into IS, Islamic State and then later, ISIL or ISIS after they invaded Syria. You really don't know shit, do ya, ShortBus?​
LMAO...fat slob Faun conversing with BWK the Chinese troll. Priceless. And I already showed you that ISIS truly gained power under Obama. Want me to do it again?
You got your ass kicked over my documentary where you failed to show proof I was wrong. If you watched it, which you didn't, it clearly explains what ISIS did after Bush left office. They never lost power you fucking idiot.
Documentary? LOL

In 2014, ISIS took control of Falluja, Mosul and Tikrit in Iraq, and declared itself a caliphate, which is a political and religious territory ruled by a leader known as a caliph.

From your link, ShortBus...

The roots of ISIS trace back to 2004

But you said they "formed" under Obama. You must think Obama was president in 2004? :cuckoo:

The roots of ISIS trace back 622AD when Islam began. Read the Koran it will tell you exactly what ISIS does and is. ISIS will tell you the same.
The truth bothers you doesn't it? What I said is fact.
What you said is not true, it's rightarded dementia. Hence, the crazy emoticon.

There are approaching 2 billion Muslims who follow the Qur'an who are not led to terrorism because of Islam. So no, ISIS was not formed in 622AD. It was formed in 2004 as Al-Qaeda-in-Iraq. That's a fact. I don't expect you to recognize facts when you seem because you're a cultist who believes in "alternative facts."

But you do expose how similar the right's Al-Qaeda-in-US are with their brethren, Al-Qaeda-in-Iraq. You both share the same excuse for terrorism -- butwhataboutism.
It is in their holy literature. Islam obligates jihad and teaches hate for anything un Islamic. It condones rape, terror, intolerance and anything that advances the religion.

That is the truth.
Dumbfuck, it's in the Torah to kill Jews who break the Sabbath by stoning them to death. Yet Jews no longer execute Sabbath breakers even though that decree was issued by G-d. People have become far more civilized over the ages and just because something is in their holy scriptures, doesn't mean it's observed today. Islamic terrorists still follow those tenets because they're radicalized and use those scriptures as an excuse to carry out their terror. But Islamic terrorists comprise an infinitesimal percentage of the 1.8 billion Muslims on the planet.

So no, ISIS did not form in the 7th century. It formed in 2004 to combat Bush's idiotic invasion of Iraq.
So civilized that every single mostly Islamic nation is a nightmare for those who pursue everyday freedoms and especially for women and gays. How do you explain that?

View attachment 450229
Shit, even conservative Judiasm is bigoted. The temple I once used wouldn't let women sit with men during services. That part of the world still maintains many bigotries. That they're not as Liberal as the U.S. doesn't alter what I said.
Dumbass, answer my question. I am a Jew. If you are a woman and want to leave the religion no one kills you. If you draw a cartoon of Moses no one kills you. Try to leave Islam as a woman or draw a cartoon of their prophet.

You are an amazingly ignorant person and you suffer from severe OCD.
I answered your question, ya moron.

That they're not as Liberal as the U.S.. They're also not as advanced as we are, not as culturally diverse as we are, not as civilized as we are.
So why do you want them here?
I'll answer for him since he has severe OCD and is fat. He believes the ones coming here are more westernized and would not be as barbaric.
ShortBus, the ones who come here are bound be the same laws as you and I. It's a shame you're such a bigot, but I see that trait among many righties.
They are supposed to be bound by the same law but they are hard pressed to give up their love for Sharia law which is not compatible with the US Constitution, That fact makes it hard for them to assimilate into the US

The last time we had a national terror alert was due to the threats posed by Al-Qaeda after they flew commercial jets into buildings, killing nearly 3000 people. Now America's rightwingnuts are threatening to finish Al-Qaeda's destruction of the USA.
What a bunch of shit. The people destroying this country are now in power. The decline of America has been a priority since 2008. Obama rekindled the race war and started a war on the police. The media joined in and exaggerated every race related story it could. The manufactured crisis over the years, including Covid, have done nothing but erode our freedoms bit by bit. Biden handlers have now put this destruction of institutions and traditions in overdrive.

75 to 80 million voters being terrorists is patently ridiculous and only helplessly deluded and stupid people believe it and are stupid enough to enable it. You are a stupid person. Your posts prove that. Assflap.

Obama didn't rekindle any race war, the problem was there are some people who couldn't stand the idea of a black president over them.
BLM and ISIS were formed under his administration. Rightly or wrongly some of the blame falls on him.
Wrong! ISIS was formed during Bush. You don't know shit; ‘Chilling’: Man charged with threats to Rep. Jeffries’ family amid Capitol riot
I tried teaching that idiot, but sadly, he's ineducable...

ISIS garnered power under Obama’s leadership. Didn’t hear about them til he came to power.​
They grew out of Al-Qaeda in Iraq which formed to combat our forces in Iraq when Bush idiotically invaded there. They morphed into IS, Islamic State and then later, ISIL or ISIS after they invaded Syria. You really don't know shit, do ya, ShortBus?​
LMAO...fat slob Faun conversing with BWK the Chinese troll. Priceless. And I already showed you that ISIS truly gained power under Obama. Want me to do it again?
You got your ass kicked over my documentary where you failed to show proof I was wrong. If you watched it, which you didn't, it clearly explains what ISIS did after Bush left office. They never lost power you fucking idiot.
Documentary? LOL

In 2014, ISIS took control of Falluja, Mosul and Tikrit in Iraq, and declared itself a caliphate, which is a political and religious territory ruled by a leader known as a caliph.

From your link, ShortBus...

The roots of ISIS trace back to 2004

But you said they "formed" under Obama. You must think Obama was president in 2004? :cuckoo:

The roots of ISIS trace back 622AD when Islam began. Read the Koran it will tell you exactly what ISIS does and is. ISIS will tell you the same.
The truth bothers you doesn't it? What I said is fact.
What you said is not true, it's rightarded dementia. Hence, the crazy emoticon.

There are approaching 2 billion Muslims who follow the Qur'an who are not led to terrorism because of Islam. So no, ISIS was not formed in 622AD. It was formed in 2004 as Al-Qaeda-in-Iraq. That's a fact. I don't expect you to recognize facts when you seem because you're a cultist who believes in "alternative facts."

But you do expose how similar the right's Al-Qaeda-in-US are with their brethren, Al-Qaeda-in-Iraq. You both share the same excuse for terrorism -- butwhataboutism.
It is in their holy literature. Islam obligates jihad and teaches hate for anything un Islamic. It condones rape, terror, intolerance and anything that advances the religion.

That is the truth.
Dumbfuck, it's in the Torah to kill Jews who break the Sabbath by stoning them to death. Yet Jews no longer execute Sabbath breakers even though that decree was issued by G-d. People have become far more civilized over the ages and just because something is in their holy scriptures, doesn't mean it's observed today. Islamic terrorists still follow those tenets because they're radicalized and use those scriptures as an excuse to carry out their terror. But Islamic terrorists comprise an infinitesimal percentage of the 1.8 billion Muslims on the planet.

So no, ISIS did not form in the 7th century. It formed in 2004 to combat Bush's idiotic invasion of Iraq.
So civilized that every single mostly Islamic nation is a nightmare for those who pursue everyday freedoms and especially for women and gays. How do you explain that?

View attachment 450229
Shit, even conservative Judiasm is bigoted. The temple I once used wouldn't let women sit with men during services. That part of the world still maintains many bigotries. That they're not as Liberal as the U.S. doesn't alter what I said.
Dumbass, answer my question. I am a Jew. If you are a woman and want to leave the religion no one kills you. If you draw a cartoon of Moses no one kills you. Try to leave Islam as a woman or draw a cartoon of their prophet.

You are an amazingly ignorant person and you suffer from severe OCD.
I answered your question, ya moron.

That they're not as Liberal as the U.S.. They're also not as advanced as we are, not as culturally diverse as we are, not as civilized as we are.
So why do you want them here?
Because this is a free country and I we don't ban religions and I believe in freedom of religion.
Religion is fine but the ideology is barbaric as you admitted. So you're OK with them treating women as poorly as they do because its OK by their religion?

The last time we had a national terror alert was due to the threats posed by Al-Qaeda after they flew commercial jets into buildings, killing nearly 3000 people. Now America's rightwingnuts are threatening to finish Al-Qaeda's destruction of the USA.
What a bunch of shit. The people destroying this country are now in power. The decline of America has been a priority since 2008. Obama rekindled the race war and started a war on the police. The media joined in and exaggerated every race related story it could. The manufactured crisis over the years, including Covid, have done nothing but erode our freedoms bit by bit. Biden handlers have now put this destruction of institutions and traditions in overdrive.

75 to 80 million voters being terrorists is patently ridiculous and only helplessly deluded and stupid people believe it and are stupid enough to enable it. You are a stupid person. Your posts prove that. Assflap.

Obama didn't rekindle any race war, the problem was there are some people who couldn't stand the idea of a black president over them.
BLM and ISIS were formed under his administration. Rightly or wrongly some of the blame falls on him.
Wrong! ISIS was formed during Bush. You don't know shit; ‘Chilling’: Man charged with threats to Rep. Jeffries’ family amid Capitol riot
I tried teaching that idiot, but sadly, he's ineducable...

ISIS garnered power under Obama’s leadership. Didn’t hear about them til he came to power.​
They grew out of Al-Qaeda in Iraq which formed to combat our forces in Iraq when Bush idiotically invaded there. They morphed into IS, Islamic State and then later, ISIL or ISIS after they invaded Syria. You really don't know shit, do ya, ShortBus?​
LMAO...fat slob Faun conversing with BWK the Chinese troll. Priceless. And I already showed you that ISIS truly gained power under Obama. Want me to do it again?
You got your ass kicked over my documentary where you failed to show proof I was wrong. If you watched it, which you didn't, it clearly explains what ISIS did after Bush left office. They never lost power you fucking idiot.
Documentary? LOL

In 2014, ISIS took control of Falluja, Mosul and Tikrit in Iraq, and declared itself a caliphate, which is a political and religious territory ruled by a leader known as a caliph.

From your link, ShortBus...

The roots of ISIS trace back to 2004

But you said they "formed" under Obama. You must think Obama was president in 2004? :cuckoo:

The roots of ISIS trace back 622AD when Islam began. Read the Koran it will tell you exactly what ISIS does and is. ISIS will tell you the same.
The truth bothers you doesn't it? What I said is fact.
What you said is not true, it's rightarded dementia. Hence, the crazy emoticon.

There are approaching 2 billion Muslims who follow the Qur'an who are not led to terrorism because of Islam. So no, ISIS was not formed in 622AD. It was formed in 2004 as Al-Qaeda-in-Iraq. That's a fact. I don't expect you to recognize facts when you seem because you're a cultist who believes in "alternative facts."

But you do expose how similar the right's Al-Qaeda-in-US are with their brethren, Al-Qaeda-in-Iraq. You both share the same excuse for terrorism -- butwhataboutism.
It is in their holy literature. Islam obligates jihad and teaches hate for anything un Islamic. It condones rape, terror, intolerance and anything that advances the religion.

That is the truth.
Dumbfuck, it's in the Torah to kill Jews who break the Sabbath by stoning them to death. Yet Jews no longer execute Sabbath breakers even though that decree was issued by G-d. People have become far more civilized over the ages and just because something is in their holy scriptures, doesn't mean it's observed today. Islamic terrorists still follow those tenets because they're radicalized and use those scriptures as an excuse to carry out their terror. But Islamic terrorists comprise an infinitesimal percentage of the 1.8 billion Muslims on the planet.

So no, ISIS did not form in the 7th century. It formed in 2004 to combat Bush's idiotic invasion of Iraq.
So civilized that every single mostly Islamic nation is a nightmare for those who pursue everyday freedoms and especially for women and gays. How do you explain that?

View attachment 450229
Shit, even conservative Judiasm is bigoted. The temple I once used wouldn't let women sit with men during services. That part of the world still maintains many bigotries. That they're not as Liberal as the U.S. doesn't alter what I said.
Dumbass, answer my question. I am a Jew. If you are a woman and want to leave the religion no one kills you. If you draw a cartoon of Moses no one kills you. Try to leave Islam as a woman or draw a cartoon of their prophet.

You are an amazingly ignorant person and you suffer from severe OCD.
I answered your question, ya moron.

That they're not as Liberal as the U.S.. They're also not as advanced as we are, not as culturally diverse as we are, not as civilized as we are.
So why do you want them here?
I'll answer for him since he has severe OCD and is fat. He believes the ones coming here are more westernized and would not be as barbaric.
ShortBus, the ones who come here are bound be the same laws as you and I. It's a shame you're such a bigot, but I see that trait among many righties.
Yes, our laws don't preclude them from arranged marriages, dressing women like umbrellas and treating them poorly. And if they try to leave they are humiliated or worse. Funny how you don't see that, fat OCD man.

The last time we had a national terror alert was due to the threats posed by Al-Qaeda after they flew commercial jets into buildings, killing nearly 3000 people. Now America's rightwingnuts are threatening to finish Al-Qaeda's destruction of the USA.
What a bunch of shit. The people destroying this country are now in power. The decline of America has been a priority since 2008. Obama rekindled the race war and started a war on the police. The media joined in and exaggerated every race related story it could. The manufactured crisis over the years, including Covid, have done nothing but erode our freedoms bit by bit. Biden handlers have now put this destruction of institutions and traditions in overdrive.

75 to 80 million voters being terrorists is patently ridiculous and only helplessly deluded and stupid people believe it and are stupid enough to enable it. You are a stupid person. Your posts prove that. Assflap.

Obama didn't rekindle any race war, the problem was there are some people who couldn't stand the idea of a black president over them.
BLM and ISIS were formed under his administration. Rightly or wrongly some of the blame falls on him.
Wrong! ISIS was formed during Bush. You don't know shit; ‘Chilling’: Man charged with threats to Rep. Jeffries’ family amid Capitol riot
I tried teaching that idiot, but sadly, he's ineducable...

ISIS garnered power under Obama’s leadership. Didn’t hear about them til he came to power.​
They grew out of Al-Qaeda in Iraq which formed to combat our forces in Iraq when Bush idiotically invaded there. They morphed into IS, Islamic State and then later, ISIL or ISIS after they invaded Syria. You really don't know shit, do ya, ShortBus?​
LMAO...fat slob Faun conversing with BWK the Chinese troll. Priceless. And I already showed you that ISIS truly gained power under Obama. Want me to do it again?
You got your ass kicked over my documentary where you failed to show proof I was wrong. If you watched it, which you didn't, it clearly explains what ISIS did after Bush left office. They never lost power you fucking idiot.
Documentary? LOL

In 2014, ISIS took control of Falluja, Mosul and Tikrit in Iraq, and declared itself a caliphate, which is a political and religious territory ruled by a leader known as a caliph.

From your link, ShortBus...

The roots of ISIS trace back to 2004

But you said they "formed" under Obama. You must think Obama was president in 2004? :cuckoo:

The roots of ISIS trace back 622AD when Islam began. Read the Koran it will tell you exactly what ISIS does and is. ISIS will tell you the same.
The truth bothers you doesn't it? What I said is fact.
What you said is not true, it's rightarded dementia. Hence, the crazy emoticon.

There are approaching 2 billion Muslims who follow the Qur'an who are not led to terrorism because of Islam. So no, ISIS was not formed in 622AD. It was formed in 2004 as Al-Qaeda-in-Iraq. That's a fact. I don't expect you to recognize facts when you seem because you're a cultist who believes in "alternative facts."

But you do expose how similar the right's Al-Qaeda-in-US are with their brethren, Al-Qaeda-in-Iraq. You both share the same excuse for terrorism -- butwhataboutism.
It is in their holy literature. Islam obligates jihad and teaches hate for anything un Islamic. It condones rape, terror, intolerance and anything that advances the religion.

That is the truth.
Dumbfuck, it's in the Torah to kill Jews who break the Sabbath by stoning them to death. Yet Jews no longer execute Sabbath breakers even though that decree was issued by G-d. People have become far more civilized over the ages and just because something is in their holy scriptures, doesn't mean it's observed today. Islamic terrorists still follow those tenets because they're radicalized and use those scriptures as an excuse to carry out their terror. But Islamic terrorists comprise an infinitesimal percentage of the 1.8 billion Muslims on the planet.

So no, ISIS did not form in the 7th century. It formed in 2004 to combat Bush's idiotic invasion of Iraq.
So civilized that every single mostly Islamic nation is a nightmare for those who pursue everyday freedoms and especially for women and gays. How do you explain that?

View attachment 450229
Shit, even conservative Judiasm is bigoted. The temple I once used wouldn't let women sit with men during services. That part of the world still maintains many bigotries. That they're not as Liberal as the U.S. doesn't alter what I said.
Dumbass, answer my question. I am a Jew. If you are a woman and want to leave the religion no one kills you. If you draw a cartoon of Moses no one kills you. Try to leave Islam as a woman or draw a cartoon of their prophet.

You are an amazingly ignorant person and you suffer from severe OCD.
I answered your question, ya moron.

That they're not as Liberal as the U.S.. They're also not as advanced as we are, not as culturally diverse as we are, not as civilized as we are.
So why do you want them here?
I'll answer for him since he has severe OCD and is fat. He believes the ones coming here are more westernized and would not be as barbaric.
ShortBus, the ones who come here are bound be the same laws as you and I. It's a shame you're such a bigot, but I see that trait among many righties.
They are supposed to be bound by the same law but they are hard pressed to give up their love for Sharia law which is not compatible with the US Constitution, That fact makes it hard for them to assimilate into the US

So you need to get you head out of your OCD ass.
Islam is hate filled, condones violence, sexism, intolerance, and terror. One more group that wants to destroy America is alright with Assflap. As far as seeing something, he has the ability to disregard what he sees if it does not fit the narrative. Examples like fraud caught on video anyone can see somehow did not happen prove his idiocy and compliance.

The last time we had a national terror alert was due to the threats posed by Al-Qaeda after they flew commercial jets into buildings, killing nearly 3000 people. Now America's rightwingnuts are threatening to finish Al-Qaeda's destruction of the USA.
What a bunch of shit. The people destroying this country are now in power. The decline of America has been a priority since 2008. Obama rekindled the race war and started a war on the police. The media joined in and exaggerated every race related story it could. The manufactured crisis over the years, including Covid, have done nothing but erode our freedoms bit by bit. Biden handlers have now put this destruction of institutions and traditions in overdrive.

75 to 80 million voters being terrorists is patently ridiculous and only helplessly deluded and stupid people believe it and are stupid enough to enable it. You are a stupid person. Your posts prove that. Assflap.

Obama didn't rekindle any race war, the problem was there are some people who couldn't stand the idea of a black president over them.
BLM and ISIS were formed under his administration. Rightly or wrongly some of the blame falls on him.
Wrong! ISIS was formed during Bush. You don't know shit; ‘Chilling’: Man charged with threats to Rep. Jeffries’ family amid Capitol riot
I tried teaching that idiot, but sadly, he's ineducable...

ISIS garnered power under Obama’s leadership. Didn’t hear about them til he came to power.​
They grew out of Al-Qaeda in Iraq which formed to combat our forces in Iraq when Bush idiotically invaded there. They morphed into IS, Islamic State and then later, ISIL or ISIS after they invaded Syria. You really don't know shit, do ya, ShortBus?​
LMAO...fat slob Faun conversing with BWK the Chinese troll. Priceless. And I already showed you that ISIS truly gained power under Obama. Want me to do it again?
You got your ass kicked over my documentary where you failed to show proof I was wrong. If you watched it, which you didn't, it clearly explains what ISIS did after Bush left office. They never lost power you fucking idiot.
Documentary? LOL

In 2014, ISIS took control of Falluja, Mosul and Tikrit in Iraq, and declared itself a caliphate, which is a political and religious territory ruled by a leader known as a caliph.

From your link, ShortBus...

The roots of ISIS trace back to 2004

But you said they "formed" under Obama. You must think Obama was president in 2004? :cuckoo:

The roots of ISIS trace back 622AD when Islam began. Read the Koran it will tell you exactly what ISIS does and is. ISIS will tell you the same.
The truth bothers you doesn't it? What I said is fact.
What you said is not true, it's rightarded dementia. Hence, the crazy emoticon.

There are approaching 2 billion Muslims who follow the Qur'an who are not led to terrorism because of Islam. So no, ISIS was not formed in 622AD. It was formed in 2004 as Al-Qaeda-in-Iraq. That's a fact. I don't expect you to recognize facts when you seem because you're a cultist who believes in "alternative facts."

But you do expose how similar the right's Al-Qaeda-in-US are with their brethren, Al-Qaeda-in-Iraq. You both share the same excuse for terrorism -- butwhataboutism.
It is in their holy literature. Islam obligates jihad and teaches hate for anything un Islamic. It condones rape, terror, intolerance and anything that advances the religion.

That is the truth.
Dumbfuck, it's in the Torah to kill Jews who break the Sabbath by stoning them to death. Yet Jews no longer execute Sabbath breakers even though that decree was issued by G-d. People have become far more civilized over the ages and just because something is in their holy scriptures, doesn't mean it's observed today. Islamic terrorists still follow those tenets because they're radicalized and use those scriptures as an excuse to carry out their terror. But Islamic terrorists comprise an infinitesimal percentage of the 1.8 billion Muslims on the planet.

So no, ISIS did not form in the 7th century. It formed in 2004 to combat Bush's idiotic invasion of Iraq.
So civilized that every single mostly Islamic nation is a nightmare for those who pursue everyday freedoms and especially for women and gays. How do you explain that?

View attachment 450229
Shit, even conservative Judiasm is bigoted. The temple I once used wouldn't let women sit with men during services. That part of the world still maintains many bigotries. That they're not as Liberal as the U.S. doesn't alter what I said.
Dumbass, answer my question. I am a Jew. If you are a woman and want to leave the religion no one kills you. If you draw a cartoon of Moses no one kills you. Try to leave Islam as a woman or draw a cartoon of their prophet.

You are an amazingly ignorant person and you suffer from severe OCD.
I answered your question, ya moron.

That they're not as Liberal as the U.S.. They're also not as advanced as we are, not as culturally diverse as we are, not as civilized as we are.
So why do you want them here?
Because this is a free country and I we don't ban religions and I believe in freedom of religion.
Religion is fine but the ideology is barbaric as you admitted. So you're OK with them treating women as poorly as they do because its OK by their religion?
ShortBus, how many times need I tell you? When they're here, they are subject to the same laws as us. If they violate any of our laws, even if it's to practice their religion or ideology, they should face the penalty laid out by the laws they violate.

The last time we had a national terror alert was due to the threats posed by Al-Qaeda after they flew commercial jets into buildings, killing nearly 3000 people. Now America's rightwingnuts are threatening to finish Al-Qaeda's destruction of the USA.
What a bunch of shit. The people destroying this country are now in power. The decline of America has been a priority since 2008. Obama rekindled the race war and started a war on the police. The media joined in and exaggerated every race related story it could. The manufactured crisis over the years, including Covid, have done nothing but erode our freedoms bit by bit. Biden handlers have now put this destruction of institutions and traditions in overdrive.

75 to 80 million voters being terrorists is patently ridiculous and only helplessly deluded and stupid people believe it and are stupid enough to enable it. You are a stupid person. Your posts prove that. Assflap.

Obama didn't rekindle any race war, the problem was there are some people who couldn't stand the idea of a black president over them.
BLM and ISIS were formed under his administration. Rightly or wrongly some of the blame falls on him.
Wrong! ISIS was formed during Bush. You don't know shit; ‘Chilling’: Man charged with threats to Rep. Jeffries’ family amid Capitol riot
I tried teaching that idiot, but sadly, he's ineducable...

ISIS garnered power under Obama’s leadership. Didn’t hear about them til he came to power.​
They grew out of Al-Qaeda in Iraq which formed to combat our forces in Iraq when Bush idiotically invaded there. They morphed into IS, Islamic State and then later, ISIL or ISIS after they invaded Syria. You really don't know shit, do ya, ShortBus?​
LMAO...fat slob Faun conversing with BWK the Chinese troll. Priceless. And I already showed you that ISIS truly gained power under Obama. Want me to do it again?
You got your ass kicked over my documentary where you failed to show proof I was wrong. If you watched it, which you didn't, it clearly explains what ISIS did after Bush left office. They never lost power you fucking idiot.
Documentary? LOL

In 2014, ISIS took control of Falluja, Mosul and Tikrit in Iraq, and declared itself a caliphate, which is a political and religious territory ruled by a leader known as a caliph.

From your link, ShortBus...

The roots of ISIS trace back to 2004

But you said they "formed" under Obama. You must think Obama was president in 2004? :cuckoo:

The roots of ISIS trace back 622AD when Islam began. Read the Koran it will tell you exactly what ISIS does and is. ISIS will tell you the same.
The truth bothers you doesn't it? What I said is fact.
What you said is not true, it's rightarded dementia. Hence, the crazy emoticon.

There are approaching 2 billion Muslims who follow the Qur'an who are not led to terrorism because of Islam. So no, ISIS was not formed in 622AD. It was formed in 2004 as Al-Qaeda-in-Iraq. That's a fact. I don't expect you to recognize facts when you seem because you're a cultist who believes in "alternative facts."

But you do expose how similar the right's Al-Qaeda-in-US are with their brethren, Al-Qaeda-in-Iraq. You both share the same excuse for terrorism -- butwhataboutism.
It is in their holy literature. Islam obligates jihad and teaches hate for anything un Islamic. It condones rape, terror, intolerance and anything that advances the religion.

That is the truth.
Dumbfuck, it's in the Torah to kill Jews who break the Sabbath by stoning them to death. Yet Jews no longer execute Sabbath breakers even though that decree was issued by G-d. People have become far more civilized over the ages and just because something is in their holy scriptures, doesn't mean it's observed today. Islamic terrorists still follow those tenets because they're radicalized and use those scriptures as an excuse to carry out their terror. But Islamic terrorists comprise an infinitesimal percentage of the 1.8 billion Muslims on the planet.

So no, ISIS did not form in the 7th century. It formed in 2004 to combat Bush's idiotic invasion of Iraq.
So civilized that every single mostly Islamic nation is a nightmare for those who pursue everyday freedoms and especially for women and gays. How do you explain that?

View attachment 450229
Shit, even conservative Judiasm is bigoted. The temple I once used wouldn't let women sit with men during services. That part of the world still maintains many bigotries. That they're not as Liberal as the U.S. doesn't alter what I said.
Dumbass, answer my question. I am a Jew. If you are a woman and want to leave the religion no one kills you. If you draw a cartoon of Moses no one kills you. Try to leave Islam as a woman or draw a cartoon of their prophet.

You are an amazingly ignorant person and you suffer from severe OCD.
I answered your question, ya moron.

That they're not as Liberal as the U.S.. They're also not as advanced as we are, not as culturally diverse as we are, not as civilized as we are.
So why do you want them here?
I'll answer for him since he has severe OCD and is fat. He believes the ones coming here are more westernized and would not be as barbaric.
ShortBus, the ones who come here are bound be the same laws as you and I. It's a shame you're such a bigot, but I see that trait among many righties.
Yes, our laws don't preclude them from arranged marriages, dressing women like umbrellas and treating them poorly. And if they try to leave they are humiliated or worse. Funny how you don't see that, fat OCD man.
So what's your problem if they're here and not breaking our laws?

The last time we had a national terror alert was due to the threats posed by Al-Qaeda after they flew commercial jets into buildings, killing nearly 3000 people. Now America's rightwingnuts are threatening to finish Al-Qaeda's destruction of the USA.
What a bunch of shit. The people destroying this country are now in power. The decline of America has been a priority since 2008. Obama rekindled the race war and started a war on the police. The media joined in and exaggerated every race related story it could. The manufactured crisis over the years, including Covid, have done nothing but erode our freedoms bit by bit. Biden handlers have now put this destruction of institutions and traditions in overdrive.

75 to 80 million voters being terrorists is patently ridiculous and only helplessly deluded and stupid people believe it and are stupid enough to enable it. You are a stupid person. Your posts prove that. Assflap.

Obama didn't rekindle any race war, the problem was there are some people who couldn't stand the idea of a black president over them.
BLM and ISIS were formed under his administration. Rightly or wrongly some of the blame falls on him.
Wrong! ISIS was formed during Bush. You don't know shit; ‘Chilling’: Man charged with threats to Rep. Jeffries’ family amid Capitol riot
I tried teaching that idiot, but sadly, he's ineducable...

ISIS garnered power under Obama’s leadership. Didn’t hear about them til he came to power.​
They grew out of Al-Qaeda in Iraq which formed to combat our forces in Iraq when Bush idiotically invaded there. They morphed into IS, Islamic State and then later, ISIL or ISIS after they invaded Syria. You really don't know shit, do ya, ShortBus?​
LMAO...fat slob Faun conversing with BWK the Chinese troll. Priceless. And I already showed you that ISIS truly gained power under Obama. Want me to do it again?
You got your ass kicked over my documentary where you failed to show proof I was wrong. If you watched it, which you didn't, it clearly explains what ISIS did after Bush left office. They never lost power you fucking idiot.
Documentary? LOL

In 2014, ISIS took control of Falluja, Mosul and Tikrit in Iraq, and declared itself a caliphate, which is a political and religious territory ruled by a leader known as a caliph.

From your link, ShortBus...

The roots of ISIS trace back to 2004

But you said they "formed" under Obama. You must think Obama was president in 2004? :cuckoo:

The roots of ISIS trace back 622AD when Islam began. Read the Koran it will tell you exactly what ISIS does and is. ISIS will tell you the same.
The truth bothers you doesn't it? What I said is fact.
What you said is not true, it's rightarded dementia. Hence, the crazy emoticon.

There are approaching 2 billion Muslims who follow the Qur'an who are not led to terrorism because of Islam. So no, ISIS was not formed in 622AD. It was formed in 2004 as Al-Qaeda-in-Iraq. That's a fact. I don't expect you to recognize facts when you seem because you're a cultist who believes in "alternative facts."

But you do expose how similar the right's Al-Qaeda-in-US are with their brethren, Al-Qaeda-in-Iraq. You both share the same excuse for terrorism -- butwhataboutism.
It is in their holy literature. Islam obligates jihad and teaches hate for anything un Islamic. It condones rape, terror, intolerance and anything that advances the religion.

That is the truth.
Dumbfuck, it's in the Torah to kill Jews who break the Sabbath by stoning them to death. Yet Jews no longer execute Sabbath breakers even though that decree was issued by G-d. People have become far more civilized over the ages and just because something is in their holy scriptures, doesn't mean it's observed today. Islamic terrorists still follow those tenets because they're radicalized and use those scriptures as an excuse to carry out their terror. But Islamic terrorists comprise an infinitesimal percentage of the 1.8 billion Muslims on the planet.

So no, ISIS did not form in the 7th century. It formed in 2004 to combat Bush's idiotic invasion of Iraq.
So civilized that every single mostly Islamic nation is a nightmare for those who pursue everyday freedoms and especially for women and gays. How do you explain that?

View attachment 450229
Shit, even conservative Judiasm is bigoted. The temple I once used wouldn't let women sit with men during services. That part of the world still maintains many bigotries. That they're not as Liberal as the U.S. doesn't alter what I said.
Dumbass, answer my question. I am a Jew. If you are a woman and want to leave the religion no one kills you. If you draw a cartoon of Moses no one kills you. Try to leave Islam as a woman or draw a cartoon of their prophet.

You are an amazingly ignorant person and you suffer from severe OCD.
I answered your question, ya moron.

That they're not as Liberal as the U.S.. They're also not as advanced as we are, not as culturally diverse as we are, not as civilized as we are.
So why do you want them here?
I'll answer for him since he has severe OCD and is fat. He believes the ones coming here are more westernized and would not be as barbaric.
ShortBus, the ones who come here are bound be the same laws as you and I. It's a shame you're such a bigot, but I see that trait among many righties.
They are supposed to be bound by the same law but they are hard pressed to give up their love for Sharia law which is not compatible with the US Constitution, That fact makes it hard for them to assimilate into the US

So you need to get you head out of your OCD ass.
What?? There's anti-semitism in America? Get out. So does this mean you're on Antifa's side now since they fight anti-Semites? Regardless, if any violence stems from those sermons, they're leaders should be held accountable for inciting it.
Islam is hate filled, condones violence, sexism, intolerance, and terror. One more group that wants to destroy America is alright with Assflap. As far as seeing something, he has the ability to disregard what he sees if it does not fit the narrative. Examples like fraud caught on video anyone can see somehow did not happen prove his idiocy and compliance.
What fraud?

The last time we had a national terror alert was due to the threats posed by Al-Qaeda after they flew commercial jets into buildings, killing nearly 3000 people. Now America's rightwingnuts are threatening to finish Al-Qaeda's destruction of the USA.
What a bunch of shit. The people destroying this country are now in power. The decline of America has been a priority since 2008. Obama rekindled the race war and started a war on the police. The media joined in and exaggerated every race related story it could. The manufactured crisis over the years, including Covid, have done nothing but erode our freedoms bit by bit. Biden handlers have now put this destruction of institutions and traditions in overdrive.

75 to 80 million voters being terrorists is patently ridiculous and only helplessly deluded and stupid people believe it and are stupid enough to enable it. You are a stupid person. Your posts prove that. Assflap.

Obama didn't rekindle any race war, the problem was there are some people who couldn't stand the idea of a black president over them.
BLM and ISIS were formed under his administration. Rightly or wrongly some of the blame falls on him.
Wrong! ISIS was formed during Bush. You don't know shit; ‘Chilling’: Man charged with threats to Rep. Jeffries’ family amid Capitol riot
I tried teaching that idiot, but sadly, he's ineducable...

ISIS garnered power under Obama’s leadership. Didn’t hear about them til he came to power.​
They grew out of Al-Qaeda in Iraq which formed to combat our forces in Iraq when Bush idiotically invaded there. They morphed into IS, Islamic State and then later, ISIL or ISIS after they invaded Syria. You really don't know shit, do ya, ShortBus?​
LMAO...fat slob Faun conversing with BWK the Chinese troll. Priceless. And I already showed you that ISIS truly gained power under Obama. Want me to do it again?
You got your ass kicked over my documentary where you failed to show proof I was wrong. If you watched it, which you didn't, it clearly explains what ISIS did after Bush left office. They never lost power you fucking idiot.
Documentary? LOL

In 2014, ISIS took control of Falluja, Mosul and Tikrit in Iraq, and declared itself a caliphate, which is a political and religious territory ruled by a leader known as a caliph.

From your link, ShortBus...

The roots of ISIS trace back to 2004

But you said they "formed" under Obama. You must think Obama was president in 2004? :cuckoo:

The roots of ISIS trace back 622AD when Islam began. Read the Koran it will tell you exactly what ISIS does and is. ISIS will tell you the same.
The truth bothers you doesn't it? What I said is fact.
What you said is not true, it's rightarded dementia. Hence, the crazy emoticon.

There are approaching 2 billion Muslims who follow the Qur'an who are not led to terrorism because of Islam. So no, ISIS was not formed in 622AD. It was formed in 2004 as Al-Qaeda-in-Iraq. That's a fact. I don't expect you to recognize facts when you seem because you're a cultist who believes in "alternative facts."

But you do expose how similar the right's Al-Qaeda-in-US are with their brethren, Al-Qaeda-in-Iraq. You both share the same excuse for terrorism -- butwhataboutism.
It is in their holy literature. Islam obligates jihad and teaches hate for anything un Islamic. It condones rape, terror, intolerance and anything that advances the religion.

That is the truth.
Dumbfuck, it's in the Torah to kill Jews who break the Sabbath by stoning them to death. Yet Jews no longer execute Sabbath breakers even though that decree was issued by G-d. People have become far more civilized over the ages and just because something is in their holy scriptures, doesn't mean it's observed today. Islamic terrorists still follow those tenets because they're radicalized and use those scriptures as an excuse to carry out their terror. But Islamic terrorists comprise an infinitesimal percentage of the 1.8 billion Muslims on the planet.

So no, ISIS did not form in the 7th century. It formed in 2004 to combat Bush's idiotic invasion of Iraq.
So civilized that every single mostly Islamic nation is a nightmare for those who pursue everyday freedoms and especially for women and gays. How do you explain that?

View attachment 450229
Shit, even conservative Judiasm is bigoted. The temple I once used wouldn't let women sit with men during services. That part of the world still maintains many bigotries. That they're not as Liberal as the U.S. doesn't alter what I said.
Dumbass, answer my question. I am a Jew. If you are a woman and want to leave the religion no one kills you. If you draw a cartoon of Moses no one kills you. Try to leave Islam as a woman or draw a cartoon of their prophet.

You are an amazingly ignorant person and you suffer from severe OCD.
I answered your question, ya moron.

That they're not as Liberal as the U.S.. They're also not as advanced as we are, not as culturally diverse as we are, not as civilized as we are.
So why do you want them here?
Because this is a free country and I we don't ban religions and I believe in freedom of religion.
Religion is fine but the ideology is barbaric as you admitted. So you're OK with them treating women as poorly as they do because its OK by their religion?
ShortBus, how many times need I tell you? When they're here, they are subject to the same laws as us. If they violate any of our laws, even if it's to practice their religion or ideology, they should face the penalty laid out by the laws they violate.
Should and do are not synonymous. It is not against the law to force women to dress like umbrellas but I am pretty certain the women don't like that.

Fellow Liberal Bill Maher agrees. Maybe you should take some OCD meds.


The last time we had a national terror alert was due to the threats posed by Al-Qaeda after they flew commercial jets into buildings, killing nearly 3000 people. Now America's rightwingnuts are threatening to finish Al-Qaeda's destruction of the USA.
What a bunch of shit. The people destroying this country are now in power. The decline of America has been a priority since 2008. Obama rekindled the race war and started a war on the police. The media joined in and exaggerated every race related story it could. The manufactured crisis over the years, including Covid, have done nothing but erode our freedoms bit by bit. Biden handlers have now put this destruction of institutions and traditions in overdrive.

75 to 80 million voters being terrorists is patently ridiculous and only helplessly deluded and stupid people believe it and are stupid enough to enable it. You are a stupid person. Your posts prove that. Assflap.

Obama didn't rekindle any race war, the problem was there are some people who couldn't stand the idea of a black president over them.
BLM and ISIS were formed under his administration. Rightly or wrongly some of the blame falls on him.
Wrong! ISIS was formed during Bush. You don't know shit; ‘Chilling’: Man charged with threats to Rep. Jeffries’ family amid Capitol riot
I tried teaching that idiot, but sadly, he's ineducable...

ISIS garnered power under Obama’s leadership. Didn’t hear about them til he came to power.​
They grew out of Al-Qaeda in Iraq which formed to combat our forces in Iraq when Bush idiotically invaded there. They morphed into IS, Islamic State and then later, ISIL or ISIS after they invaded Syria. You really don't know shit, do ya, ShortBus?​
LMAO...fat slob Faun conversing with BWK the Chinese troll. Priceless. And I already showed you that ISIS truly gained power under Obama. Want me to do it again?
You got your ass kicked over my documentary where you failed to show proof I was wrong. If you watched it, which you didn't, it clearly explains what ISIS did after Bush left office. They never lost power you fucking idiot.
Documentary? LOL

In 2014, ISIS took control of Falluja, Mosul and Tikrit in Iraq, and declared itself a caliphate, which is a political and religious territory ruled by a leader known as a caliph.

From your link, ShortBus...

The roots of ISIS trace back to 2004

But you said they "formed" under Obama. You must think Obama was president in 2004? :cuckoo:

The roots of ISIS trace back 622AD when Islam began. Read the Koran it will tell you exactly what ISIS does and is. ISIS will tell you the same.
The truth bothers you doesn't it? What I said is fact.
What you said is not true, it's rightarded dementia. Hence, the crazy emoticon.

There are approaching 2 billion Muslims who follow the Qur'an who are not led to terrorism because of Islam. So no, ISIS was not formed in 622AD. It was formed in 2004 as Al-Qaeda-in-Iraq. That's a fact. I don't expect you to recognize facts when you seem because you're a cultist who believes in "alternative facts."

But you do expose how similar the right's Al-Qaeda-in-US are with their brethren, Al-Qaeda-in-Iraq. You both share the same excuse for terrorism -- butwhataboutism.
It is in their holy literature. Islam obligates jihad and teaches hate for anything un Islamic. It condones rape, terror, intolerance and anything that advances the religion.

That is the truth.
Dumbfuck, it's in the Torah to kill Jews who break the Sabbath by stoning them to death. Yet Jews no longer execute Sabbath breakers even though that decree was issued by G-d. People have become far more civilized over the ages and just because something is in their holy scriptures, doesn't mean it's observed today. Islamic terrorists still follow those tenets because they're radicalized and use those scriptures as an excuse to carry out their terror. But Islamic terrorists comprise an infinitesimal percentage of the 1.8 billion Muslims on the planet.

So no, ISIS did not form in the 7th century. It formed in 2004 to combat Bush's idiotic invasion of Iraq.
So civilized that every single mostly Islamic nation is a nightmare for those who pursue everyday freedoms and especially for women and gays. How do you explain that?

View attachment 450229
Shit, even conservative Judiasm is bigoted. The temple I once used wouldn't let women sit with men during services. That part of the world still maintains many bigotries. That they're not as Liberal as the U.S. doesn't alter what I said.
Dumbass, answer my question. I am a Jew. If you are a woman and want to leave the religion no one kills you. If you draw a cartoon of Moses no one kills you. Try to leave Islam as a woman or draw a cartoon of their prophet.

You are an amazingly ignorant person and you suffer from severe OCD.
I answered your question, ya moron.

That they're not as Liberal as the U.S.. They're also not as advanced as we are, not as culturally diverse as we are, not as civilized as we are.
So why do you want them here?
I'll answer for him since he has severe OCD and is fat. He believes the ones coming here are more westernized and would not be as barbaric.
ShortBus, the ones who come here are bound be the same laws as you and I. It's a shame you're such a bigot, but I see that trait among many righties.
Yes, our laws don't preclude them from arranged marriages, dressing women like umbrellas and treating them poorly. And if they try to leave they are humiliated or worse. Funny how you don't see that, fat OCD man.
So what's your problem if they're here and not breaking our laws?
Already answered it. Here is the video again. The way they treat women is not compatible with American values even though they aren't technically breaking the law.


The last time we had a national terror alert was due to the threats posed by Al-Qaeda after they flew commercial jets into buildings, killing nearly 3000 people. Now America's rightwingnuts are threatening to finish Al-Qaeda's destruction of the USA.
What a bunch of shit. The people destroying this country are now in power. The decline of America has been a priority since 2008. Obama rekindled the race war and started a war on the police. The media joined in and exaggerated every race related story it could. The manufactured crisis over the years, including Covid, have done nothing but erode our freedoms bit by bit. Biden handlers have now put this destruction of institutions and traditions in overdrive.

75 to 80 million voters being terrorists is patently ridiculous and only helplessly deluded and stupid people believe it and are stupid enough to enable it. You are a stupid person. Your posts prove that. Assflap.

Obama didn't rekindle any race war, the problem was there are some people who couldn't stand the idea of a black president over them.
BLM and ISIS were formed under his administration. Rightly or wrongly some of the blame falls on him.
Wrong! ISIS was formed during Bush. You don't know shit; ‘Chilling’: Man charged with threats to Rep. Jeffries’ family amid Capitol riot
I tried teaching that idiot, but sadly, he's ineducable...

ISIS garnered power under Obama’s leadership. Didn’t hear about them til he came to power.​
They grew out of Al-Qaeda in Iraq which formed to combat our forces in Iraq when Bush idiotically invaded there. They morphed into IS, Islamic State and then later, ISIL or ISIS after they invaded Syria. You really don't know shit, do ya, ShortBus?​
LMAO...fat slob Faun conversing with BWK the Chinese troll. Priceless. And I already showed you that ISIS truly gained power under Obama. Want me to do it again?
You got your ass kicked over my documentary where you failed to show proof I was wrong. If you watched it, which you didn't, it clearly explains what ISIS did after Bush left office. They never lost power you fucking idiot.
Documentary? LOL

In 2014, ISIS took control of Falluja, Mosul and Tikrit in Iraq, and declared itself a caliphate, which is a political and religious territory ruled by a leader known as a caliph.

From your link, ShortBus...

The roots of ISIS trace back to 2004

But you said they "formed" under Obama. You must think Obama was president in 2004? :cuckoo:

The roots of ISIS trace back 622AD when Islam began. Read the Koran it will tell you exactly what ISIS does and is. ISIS will tell you the same.
The truth bothers you doesn't it? What I said is fact.
What you said is not true, it's rightarded dementia. Hence, the crazy emoticon.

There are approaching 2 billion Muslims who follow the Qur'an who are not led to terrorism because of Islam. So no, ISIS was not formed in 622AD. It was formed in 2004 as Al-Qaeda-in-Iraq. That's a fact. I don't expect you to recognize facts when you seem because you're a cultist who believes in "alternative facts."

But you do expose how similar the right's Al-Qaeda-in-US are with their brethren, Al-Qaeda-in-Iraq. You both share the same excuse for terrorism -- butwhataboutism.
It is in their holy literature. Islam obligates jihad and teaches hate for anything un Islamic. It condones rape, terror, intolerance and anything that advances the religion.

That is the truth.
Dumbfuck, it's in the Torah to kill Jews who break the Sabbath by stoning them to death. Yet Jews no longer execute Sabbath breakers even though that decree was issued by G-d. People have become far more civilized over the ages and just because something is in their holy scriptures, doesn't mean it's observed today. Islamic terrorists still follow those tenets because they're radicalized and use those scriptures as an excuse to carry out their terror. But Islamic terrorists comprise an infinitesimal percentage of the 1.8 billion Muslims on the planet.

So no, ISIS did not form in the 7th century. It formed in 2004 to combat Bush's idiotic invasion of Iraq.
So civilized that every single mostly Islamic nation is a nightmare for those who pursue everyday freedoms and especially for women and gays. How do you explain that?

View attachment 450229
Shit, even conservative Judiasm is bigoted. The temple I once used wouldn't let women sit with men during services. That part of the world still maintains many bigotries. That they're not as Liberal as the U.S. doesn't alter what I said.
Dumbass, answer my question. I am a Jew. If you are a woman and want to leave the religion no one kills you. If you draw a cartoon of Moses no one kills you. Try to leave Islam as a woman or draw a cartoon of their prophet.

You are an amazingly ignorant person and you suffer from severe OCD.
I answered your question, ya moron.

That they're not as Liberal as the U.S.. They're also not as advanced as we are, not as culturally diverse as we are, not as civilized as we are.
So why do you want them here?
I'll answer for him since he has severe OCD and is fat. He believes the ones coming here are more westernized and would not be as barbaric.
ShortBus, the ones who come here are bound be the same laws as you and I. It's a shame you're such a bigot, but I see that trait among many righties.
They are supposed to be bound by the same law but they are hard pressed to give up their love for Sharia law which is not compatible with the US Constitution, That fact makes it hard for them to assimilate into the US

So you need to get you head out of your OCD ass.
What?? There's anti-semitism in America? Get out. So does this mean you're on Antifa's side now since they fight anti-Semites? Regardless, if any violence stems from those sermons, they're leaders should be held accountable for inciting it.
Antifa doesn't fight antisemites. You're such a sheep to believe that. I got into a confrontation with them in Boston because they are pricks, like you.

The last time we had a national terror alert was due to the threats posed by Al-Qaeda after they flew commercial jets into buildings, killing nearly 3000 people. Now America's rightwingnuts are threatening to finish Al-Qaeda's destruction of the USA.
What a bunch of shit. The people destroying this country are now in power. The decline of America has been a priority since 2008. Obama rekindled the race war and started a war on the police. The media joined in and exaggerated every race related story it could. The manufactured crisis over the years, including Covid, have done nothing but erode our freedoms bit by bit. Biden handlers have now put this destruction of institutions and traditions in overdrive.

75 to 80 million voters being terrorists is patently ridiculous and only helplessly deluded and stupid people believe it and are stupid enough to enable it. You are a stupid person. Your posts prove that. Assflap.

Obama didn't rekindle any race war, the problem was there are some people who couldn't stand the idea of a black president over them.
BLM and ISIS were formed under his administration. Rightly or wrongly some of the blame falls on him.
Wrong! ISIS was formed during Bush. You don't know shit; ‘Chilling’: Man charged with threats to Rep. Jeffries’ family amid Capitol riot
I tried teaching that idiot, but sadly, he's ineducable...

ISIS garnered power under Obama’s leadership. Didn’t hear about them til he came to power.​
They grew out of Al-Qaeda in Iraq which formed to combat our forces in Iraq when Bush idiotically invaded there. They morphed into IS, Islamic State and then later, ISIL or ISIS after they invaded Syria. You really don't know shit, do ya, ShortBus?​
LMAO...fat slob Faun conversing with BWK the Chinese troll. Priceless. And I already showed you that ISIS truly gained power under Obama. Want me to do it again?
You got your ass kicked over my documentary where you failed to show proof I was wrong. If you watched it, which you didn't, it clearly explains what ISIS did after Bush left office. They never lost power you fucking idiot.
Documentary? LOL

In 2014, ISIS took control of Falluja, Mosul and Tikrit in Iraq, and declared itself a caliphate, which is a political and religious territory ruled by a leader known as a caliph.

From your link, ShortBus...

The roots of ISIS trace back to 2004

But you said they "formed" under Obama. You must think Obama was president in 2004? :cuckoo:

The roots of ISIS trace back 622AD when Islam began. Read the Koran it will tell you exactly what ISIS does and is. ISIS will tell you the same.
The truth bothers you doesn't it? What I said is fact.
What you said is not true, it's rightarded dementia. Hence, the crazy emoticon.

There are approaching 2 billion Muslims who follow the Qur'an who are not led to terrorism because of Islam. So no, ISIS was not formed in 622AD. It was formed in 2004 as Al-Qaeda-in-Iraq. That's a fact. I don't expect you to recognize facts when you seem because you're a cultist who believes in "alternative facts."

But you do expose how similar the right's Al-Qaeda-in-US are with their brethren, Al-Qaeda-in-Iraq. You both share the same excuse for terrorism -- butwhataboutism.
It is in their holy literature. Islam obligates jihad and teaches hate for anything un Islamic. It condones rape, terror, intolerance and anything that advances the religion.

That is the truth.
Dumbfuck, it's in the Torah to kill Jews who break the Sabbath by stoning them to death. Yet Jews no longer execute Sabbath breakers even though that decree was issued by G-d. People have become far more civilized over the ages and just because something is in their holy scriptures, doesn't mean it's observed today. Islamic terrorists still follow those tenets because they're radicalized and use those scriptures as an excuse to carry out their terror. But Islamic terrorists comprise an infinitesimal percentage of the 1.8 billion Muslims on the planet.

So no, ISIS did not form in the 7th century. It formed in 2004 to combat Bush's idiotic invasion of Iraq.
So civilized that every single mostly Islamic nation is a nightmare for those who pursue everyday freedoms and especially for women and gays. How do you explain that?

View attachment 450229
Shit, even conservative Judiasm is bigoted. The temple I once used wouldn't let women sit with men during services. That part of the world still maintains many bigotries. That they're not as Liberal as the U.S. doesn't alter what I said.
Dumbass, answer my question. I am a Jew. If you are a woman and want to leave the religion no one kills you. If you draw a cartoon of Moses no one kills you. Try to leave Islam as a woman or draw a cartoon of their prophet.

You are an amazingly ignorant person and you suffer from severe OCD.
I answered your question, ya moron.

That they're not as Liberal as the U.S.. They're also not as advanced as we are, not as culturally diverse as we are, not as civilized as we are.
So why do you want them here?
I'll answer for him since he has severe OCD and is fat. He believes the ones coming here are more westernized and would not be as barbaric.
ShortBus, the ones who come here are bound be the same laws as you and I. It's a shame you're such a bigot, but I see that trait among many righties.
They are supposed to be bound by the same law but they are hard pressed to give up their love for Sharia law which is not compatible with the US Constitution, That fact makes it hard for them to assimilate into the US

So you need to get you head out of your OCD ass.
What?? There's anti-semitism in America? Get out. So does this mean you're on Antifa's side now since they fight anti-Semites? Regardless, if any violence stems from those sermons, they're leaders should be held accountable for inciting it.
Antifa doesn't fight antisemites. You're such a sheep to believe that. I got into a confrontation with them in Boston because they are pricks, like you.


The last time we had a national terror alert was due to the threats posed by Al-Qaeda after they flew commercial jets into buildings, killing nearly 3000 people. Now America's rightwingnuts are threatening to finish Al-Qaeda's destruction of the USA.
What a bunch of shit. The people destroying this country are now in power. The decline of America has been a priority since 2008. Obama rekindled the race war and started a war on the police. The media joined in and exaggerated every race related story it could. The manufactured crisis over the years, including Covid, have done nothing but erode our freedoms bit by bit. Biden handlers have now put this destruction of institutions and traditions in overdrive.

75 to 80 million voters being terrorists is patently ridiculous and only helplessly deluded and stupid people believe it and are stupid enough to enable it. You are a stupid person. Your posts prove that. Assflap.

Obama didn't rekindle any race war, the problem was there are some people who couldn't stand the idea of a black president over them.
BLM and ISIS were formed under his administration. Rightly or wrongly some of the blame falls on him.
Wrong! ISIS was formed during Bush. You don't know shit; ‘Chilling’: Man charged with threats to Rep. Jeffries’ family amid Capitol riot
I tried teaching that idiot, but sadly, he's ineducable...

ISIS garnered power under Obama’s leadership. Didn’t hear about them til he came to power.​
They grew out of Al-Qaeda in Iraq which formed to combat our forces in Iraq when Bush idiotically invaded there. They morphed into IS, Islamic State and then later, ISIL or ISIS after they invaded Syria. You really don't know shit, do ya, ShortBus?​
LMAO...fat slob Faun conversing with BWK the Chinese troll. Priceless. And I already showed you that ISIS truly gained power under Obama. Want me to do it again?
You got your ass kicked over my documentary where you failed to show proof I was wrong. If you watched it, which you didn't, it clearly explains what ISIS did after Bush left office. They never lost power you fucking idiot.
Documentary? LOL

In 2014, ISIS took control of Falluja, Mosul and Tikrit in Iraq, and declared itself a caliphate, which is a political and religious territory ruled by a leader known as a caliph.

From your link, ShortBus...

The roots of ISIS trace back to 2004

But you said they "formed" under Obama. You must think Obama was president in 2004? :cuckoo:

The roots of ISIS trace back 622AD when Islam began. Read the Koran it will tell you exactly what ISIS does and is. ISIS will tell you the same.
The truth bothers you doesn't it? What I said is fact.
What you said is not true, it's rightarded dementia. Hence, the crazy emoticon.

There are approaching 2 billion Muslims who follow the Qur'an who are not led to terrorism because of Islam. So no, ISIS was not formed in 622AD. It was formed in 2004 as Al-Qaeda-in-Iraq. That's a fact. I don't expect you to recognize facts when you seem because you're a cultist who believes in "alternative facts."

But you do expose how similar the right's Al-Qaeda-in-US are with their brethren, Al-Qaeda-in-Iraq. You both share the same excuse for terrorism -- butwhataboutism.
It is in their holy literature. Islam obligates jihad and teaches hate for anything un Islamic. It condones rape, terror, intolerance and anything that advances the religion.

That is the truth.
Dumbfuck, it's in the Torah to kill Jews who break the Sabbath by stoning them to death. Yet Jews no longer execute Sabbath breakers even though that decree was issued by G-d. People have become far more civilized over the ages and just because something is in their holy scriptures, doesn't mean it's observed today. Islamic terrorists still follow those tenets because they're radicalized and use those scriptures as an excuse to carry out their terror. But Islamic terrorists comprise an infinitesimal percentage of the 1.8 billion Muslims on the planet.

So no, ISIS did not form in the 7th century. It formed in 2004 to combat Bush's idiotic invasion of Iraq.
So civilized that every single mostly Islamic nation is a nightmare for those who pursue everyday freedoms and especially for women and gays. How do you explain that?

View attachment 450229
Shit, even conservative Judiasm is bigoted. The temple I once used wouldn't let women sit with men during services. That part of the world still maintains many bigotries. That they're not as Liberal as the U.S. doesn't alter what I said.
Dumbass, answer my question. I am a Jew. If you are a woman and want to leave the religion no one kills you. If you draw a cartoon of Moses no one kills you. Try to leave Islam as a woman or draw a cartoon of their prophet.

You are an amazingly ignorant person and you suffer from severe OCD.
I answered your question, ya moron.

That they're not as Liberal as the U.S.. They're also not as advanced as we are, not as culturally diverse as we are, not as civilized as we are.
So why do you want them here?
I'll answer for him since he has severe OCD and is fat. He believes the ones coming here are more westernized and would not be as barbaric.
ShortBus, the ones who come here are bound be the same laws as you and I. It's a shame you're such a bigot, but I see that trait among many righties.
They are supposed to be bound by the same law but they are hard pressed to give up their love for Sharia law which is not compatible with the US Constitution, That fact makes it hard for them to assimilate into the US

So you need to get you head out of your OCD ass.
What?? There's anti-semitism in America? Get out. So does this mean you're on Antifa's side now since they fight anti-Semites? Regardless, if any violence stems from those sermons, they're leaders should be held accountable for inciting it.
Antifa doesn't fight antisemites. You're such a sheep to believe that. I got into a confrontation with them in Boston because they are pricks, like you.

Sheep. Antifa hates anyone and everyone. They are anarchists. Dumbass OCD Fat boy.

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