US Jobless claims fall to 4 decade low

Did not work? Did you happen to notice that the person I made that argument to...hasn't been back since? He made a claim and I showed him quite clearly that it was false. Taking a page out of your play book, Georgie...I can only assume he'll avoid this string until he thinks I've forgotten.

Here is his post:
Friday at 8:46 AM#214
Oldstyle said:
3 million is the number that was CREATED by the Obama Administration.
...WTF is wrong with you?

The response:
I just showed that the number came from CBO, so wtf makes you think you can just turm around and claim that it was created by the administration???

You are seriously insane.

  • clear.png
    Agree x 1
  • List

So, you felt you won that argument, dipshit. Really? You see what he said to you? Are you just trying to prove you are an idiot. He showed the CBO argument, you provided the argument of a food services guy. You lost big time, but did not have the integrity to admit it.

Friday at 7:56 AM#2137

OS said:
Please don't say you're quoting me, Anton and then not use my words. It's dishonest.

Antontoo said:

I'm starting to believe that there is some sort of mental deficiency going on here.

  • clear.png
    Winner x 1

And, Antontoo is getting frustrated because OS is delusional. He states he sees mental deficiency.

Friday at 9:01 AM#2154


Oldstyle makes this vacuous post:
Oh, for God's sake! Of course the numbers were "manipulated" by the Obama Administration! If they weren't...they would have simply given us the number of jobs that were created and that would have been it.
antontoo posts:

you can call it jobs saved or jobs created but That's the fucking number CBO estimated you idiot.

I'm done here, clearly no one is home.

You had your ass badly kicked by a person who knew economics. All you had, as usual, were personal statements from a person with no proof of what you posted. And you are a delusional food services worker.
So, your delusional mind thinks that antontoo left because he was "beaten" by you? Read the last line. Frustrated, he was. Beaten he was not. You simply believe what you want to believe. But the truth, me boy, is obvious. You are a con troll with mental problems. You were making a con talking point argument with no proof, no back up of any kind. And the opposition used the CBO as proof. No one, me boy, is going to believe a food services employee as opposed to the cbo. You lost BADLY. And you pissed of a really smart guy. Sad.
Then, to compound your stupidity, you lie about why he left the thread. Because you are a fucking liar.
Did not work? Did you happen to notice that the person I made that argument to...hasn't been back since? He made a claim and I showed him quite clearly that it was false. Taking a page out of your play book, Georgie...I can only assume he'll avoid this string until he thinks I've forgotten.

Here is his post:
Friday at 8:46 AM#214
Oldstyle said:
3 million is the number that was CREATED by the Obama Administration.
...WTF is wrong with you?

The response:
I just showed that the number came from CBO, so wtf makes you think you can just turm around and claim that it was created by the administration???

You are seriously insane.

  • clear.png
    Agree x 1
  • List

So, you felt you won that argument, dipshit. Really? You see what he said to you? Are you just trying to prove you are an idiot. He showed the CBO argument, you provided the argument of a food services guy. You lost big time, but did not have the integrity to admit it.

Friday at 7:56 AM#2137

OS said:
Please don't say you're quoting me, Anton and then not use my words. It's dishonest.

Antontoo said:

I'm starting to believe that there is some sort of mental deficiency going on here.

  • clear.png
    Winner x 1

And, Antontoo is getting frustrated because OS is delusional. He states he sees mental deficiency.

Friday at 9:01 AM#2154


Oldstyle makes this vacuous post:
Oh, for God's sake! Of course the numbers were "manipulated" by the Obama Administration! If they weren't...they would have simply given us the number of jobs that were created and that would have been it.
antontoo posts:

you can call it jobs saved or jobs created but That's the fucking number CBO estimated you idiot.

I'm done here, clearly no one is home.

You had your ass badly kicked by a person who knew economics. All you had, as usual, were personal statements from a person with no proof of what you posted. And you are a delusional food services worker.
So, your delusional mind thinks that antontoo left because he was "beaten" by you? Read the last line. Frustrated, he was. Beaten he was not. You simply believe what you want to believe. But the truth, me boy, is obvious. You are a con troll with mental problems. You were making a con talking point argument with no proof, no back up of any kind. And the opposition used the CBO as proof. No one, me boy, is going to believe a food services employee as opposed to the cbo. You lost BADLY. And you pissed of a really smart guy. Sad.
Then, to compound your stupidity, you lie about why he left the thread. Because you are a fucking liar.

Did you miss the whole part where I showed Anton that the Obama White House was using that 3 million jobs saved number a year before the CBO came out with their estimate?

That's when he left...idiot child! LOL
And you STILL haven't cited the last economic argument you presented on this string, Georgie! Why is that? Is it because you haven't had one in so long you're embarrassed to admit it?
Did not work? Did you happen to notice that the person I made that argument to...hasn't been back since? He made a claim and I showed him quite clearly that it was false. Taking a page out of your play book, Georgie...I can only assume he'll avoid this string until he thinks I've forgotten.

Here is his post:
Friday at 8:46 AM#214
Oldstyle said:
3 million is the number that was CREATED by the Obama Administration.
...WTF is wrong with you?

The response:
I just showed that the number came from CBO, so wtf makes you think you can just turm around and claim that it was created by the administration???

You are seriously insane.

  • clear.png
    Agree x 1
  • List

So, you felt you won that argument, dipshit. Really? You see what he said to you? Are you just trying to prove you are an idiot. He showed the CBO argument, you provided the argument of a food services guy. You lost big time, but did not have the integrity to admit it.

Friday at 7:56 AM#2137

OS said:
Please don't say you're quoting me, Anton and then not use my words. It's dishonest.

Antontoo said:

I'm starting to believe that there is some sort of mental deficiency going on here.

  • clear.png
    Winner x 1

And, Antontoo is getting frustrated because OS is delusional. He states he sees mental deficiency.

Friday at 9:01 AM#2154


Oldstyle makes this vacuous post:
Oh, for God's sake! Of course the numbers were "manipulated" by the Obama Administration! If they weren't...they would have simply given us the number of jobs that were created and that would have been it.
antontoo posts:

you can call it jobs saved or jobs created but That's the fucking number CBO estimated you idiot.

I'm done here, clearly no one is home.

You had your ass badly kicked by a person who knew economics. All you had, as usual, were personal statements from a person with no proof of what you posted. And you are a delusional food services worker.
So, your delusional mind thinks that antontoo left because he was "beaten" by you? Read the last line. Frustrated, he was. Beaten he was not. You simply believe what you want to believe. But the truth, me boy, is obvious. You are a con troll with mental problems. You were making a con talking point argument with no proof, no back up of any kind. And the opposition used the CBO as proof. No one, me boy, is going to believe a food services employee as opposed to the cbo. You lost BADLY. And you pissed of a really smart guy. Sad.
Then, to compound your stupidity, you lie about why he left the thread. Because you are a fucking liar.
Did you miss the whole part where I showed Anton that the Obama White House was using that 3 million jobs saved number a year before the CBO came out with their estimate?

Yes, because it did not occur. That is just you lying again. Same old thing.
That's when he left...idiot child! LOL

Wow. Another lie. And more personal attacks. You showed Anton, or no one else, nothing. As I showed above. You are just a fucked up lying con troll. and a simpleton food services employee, versus the cbo. You lost big time. But you never, ever have the integrity to admit you lost. But everyone els knows. You or the cbo. Idiot child! LOL. You or the CBO. dipshit.

Jesus, you are pathetic.
What is really, really funny is you, one of the biggest liars on this board, suggesting you are telling the truth and the cbo and the white house, are lying. You, a food services worker, with no source to back up your claim. You are, me boy, a joke.
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And you STILL haven't cited the last economic argument you presented on this string, Georgie! Why is that? Is it because you haven't had one in so long you're embarrassed to admit it?
No, me poor ignorant juvenile minded con troll. No one cares. At all. It was a day or two ago, but it is not worth looking back that far for you. Because you are an idiot. And it makes no difference. I set up a new thread because you had clogged this one up with nonsense, and inability to argue anything. You lost arguments time after time, and always claim to have won them. And you spend all the time you can with personal attacks. And you propose the stupidest arguments of anyone, and pretend it is serious. Your unending arguments of ignorance goes on in this thread, and everyone is gone, why would anyone try to set up a new argument in this thread. You have poisoned it with lack of integrity, incessant lying, continual personal attacks. and the ignorance of a food services worker. So, as everyone leaves there you are telling everyone how you won all sorts of arguments. But, me poor ignorant fool, you are posting to yourself. Everyone else left to avoid you. You have become ed balamonte reborn. Two completely ignorant con trolls.
With you there, it is near impossible to have an economic discussion. Anyone can open a subject, and you change it to a political discussion. Where discussion is bat shit crazy oldstyle pushing agenda. It is never an economic discussion. You do not allow economic discussion. Because you are an agenda driven con troll.
And you STILL haven't cited the last economic argument you presented on this string, Georgie! Why is that? Is it because you haven't had one in so long you're embarrassed to admit it?
No, me poor ignorant juvenile minded con troll. No one cares. At all. It was a day or two ago, but it is not worth looking back that far for you. Because you are an idiot. And it makes no difference. I set up a new thread because you had clogged this one up with nonsense, and inability to argue anything. You lost arguments time after time, and always claim to have won them. And you spend all the time you can with personal attacks. And you propose the stupidest arguments of anyone, and pretend it is serious. Your unending arguments of ignorance goes on in this thread, and everyone is gone, why would anyone try to set up a new argument in this thread. You have poisoned it with lack of integrity, incessant lying, continual personal attacks. and the ignorance of a food services worker. So, as everyone leaves there you are telling everyone how you won all sorts of arguments. But, me poor ignorant fool, you are posting to yourself. Everyone else left to avoid you. You have become ed balamonte reborn. Two completely ignorant con trolls.
With you there, it is near impossible to have an economic discussion. Anyone can open a subject, and you change it to a political discussion. Where discussion is bat shit crazy oldstyle pushing agenda. It is never an economic discussion. You do not allow economic discussion. Because you are an agenda driven con troll.

Oh, so now it was a day or two ago? Did you get caught telling ANOTHER lie, Georgie?

How exactly does someone "clog" a thread? By asking you to provide the formula you promised? You could have gotten rid of that "clog" in about twenty seconds if you really HAD a formula to determine Jobs Saved! You didn't do that though...did you? Why? Because you lied when you said you had the formula. That lie is what clogged up this string.
And you STILL haven't cited the last economic argument you presented on this string, Georgie! Why is that? Is it because you haven't had one in so long you're embarrassed to admit it?
No, me poor ignorant juvenile minded con troll. No one cares. At all. It was a day or two ago, but it is not worth looking back that far for you. Because you are an idiot. And it makes no difference. I set up a new thread because you had clogged this one up with nonsense, and inability to argue anything. You lost arguments time after time, and always claim to have won them. And you spend all the time you can with personal attacks. And you propose the stupidest arguments of anyone, and pretend it is serious. Your unending arguments of ignorance goes on in this thread, and everyone is gone, why would anyone try to set up a new argument in this thread. You have poisoned it with lack of integrity, incessant lying, continual personal attacks. and the ignorance of a food services worker. So, as everyone leaves there you are telling everyone how you won all sorts of arguments. But, me poor ignorant fool, you are posting to yourself. Everyone else left to avoid you. You have become ed balamonte reborn. Two completely ignorant con trolls.
With you there, it is near impossible to have an economic discussion. Anyone can open a subject, and you change it to a political discussion. Where discussion is bat shit crazy oldstyle pushing agenda. It is never an economic discussion. You do not allow economic discussion. Because you are an agenda driven con troll.
Oh, so now it was a day or two ago? Did you get caught telling ANOTHER lie, Georgie?
Are you trying to call me a liar again, dipshit. You are the liar, well proven. I never lie. so, you will lose that one again. But then, just another personal attack.
How exactly does someone "clog" a thread? You know how. You are the one doing it. You do it by lying, by personal attacks, by political arguments as responses to economic arguments. By saying you know something which no one believes you know, because you are a simpleton food services worker pretending to be an expert. By irritating people to the point they do not want to try to discuss anything with you. By asking you to provide the formula you promised? No, by lying about the fact that you promised to meet a condition to get that formula. And by making the same lie over and over and over and over. About a subject that you could end simply by either admitting you can not meet the condition, or just letting it go. You could have gotten rid of that "clog" in about twenty seconds if you really HAD a formula to determine Jobs Saved! You could have by keeping your promise, meeting the condition you agreed to. I could not, because doing so would be dishones
t and provide you with an out that you do not deserve.
You didn't do that though...did you? Why? Because you lied when you said you had the formula. That lie is what clogged up this string. It was really simple. the condition was that you said you could provide a bill that republicans brought forward to address their recession. You said you could and would, and agreed to the condition. But, having no honor or integrity, you went back on your word. And you have made the above lie over and over for weeks now, oldstyle. Knowing that you are lying. Like a rug. And yes, me boy,, not keeping your word and lying over and over and over does clog a thread. Which is why, ass hole, no one is paying any attention to you.
Another thing you do not understand, at all, is how irrelevant you are. What you say makes no difference because you lie so clearly that everyone knows. You are well understood, me poor simpleton.
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And you STILL haven't cited the last economic argument you presented on this string, Georgie! Why is that? Is it because you haven't had one in so long you're embarrassed to admit it?
No, me poor ignorant juvenile minded con troll. No one cares. At all. It was a day or two ago, but it is not worth looking back that far for you. Because you are an idiot. And it makes no difference. I set up a new thread because you had clogged this one up with nonsense, and inability to argue anything. You lost arguments time after time, and always claim to have won them. And you spend all the time you can with personal attacks. And you propose the stupidest arguments of anyone, and pretend it is serious. Your unending arguments of ignorance goes on in this thread, and everyone is gone, why would anyone try to set up a new argument in this thread. You have poisoned it with lack of integrity, incessant lying, continual personal attacks. and the ignorance of a food services worker. So, as everyone leaves there you are telling everyone how you won all sorts of arguments. But, me poor ignorant fool, you are posting to yourself. Everyone else left to avoid you. You have become ed balamonte reborn. Two completely ignorant con trolls.
With you there, it is near impossible to have an economic discussion. Anyone can open a subject, and you change it to a political discussion. Where discussion is bat shit crazy oldstyle pushing agenda. It is never an economic discussion. You do not allow economic discussion. Because you are an agenda driven con troll.
Oh, so now it was a day or two ago? Did you get caught telling ANOTHER lie, Georgie?
Are you trying to call me a liar again, dipshit. You are the liar, well proven. I never lie. so, you will lose that one again. But then, just another personal attack.
How exactly does someone "clog" a thread? You know how. You are the one doing it. You do it by lying, by personal attacks, by political arguments as responses to economic arguments. By saying you know something which no one believes you know, because you are a simpleton food services worker pretending to be an expert. By irritating people to the point they do not want to try to discuss anything with you. By asking you to provide the formula you promised? No, by lying about the fact that you promised to meet a condition to get that formula. And by making the same lie over and over and over and over. About a subject that you could end simply by either admitting you can not meet the condition, or just letting it go. You could have gotten rid of that "clog" in about twenty seconds if you really HAD a formula to determine Jobs Saved! You could have by keeping your promise, meeting the condition you agreed to. I could not, because doing so would be dishones
t and provide you with an out that you do not deserve.
You didn't do that though...did you? Why? Because you lied when you said you had the formula. That lie is what clogged up this string. It was really simple. the condition was that you said you could provide a bill that republicans brought forward to address their recession. You said you could and would, and agreed to the condition. But, having no honor or integrity, you went back on your word. And you have made the above lie over and over for weeks now, oldstyle. Knowing that you are lying. Like a rug. And yes, me boy,, not keeping your word and lying over and over and over does clog a thread. Which is why, ass hole, no one is paying any attention to you.
Another thing you do not understand, at all, is how irrelevant you are. What you say makes no difference because you lie so clearly that everyone knows. You are well understood, me poor simpleton.

Do you really think you're fooling anyone with this nonsense about why you haven't provided the formula used to determine Jobs Saved? You haven't provided it, Georgie...because it doesn't exist! You know it...I know...and everyone who looks at this string knows it! Which makes you about as big a liar as there has ever been, little buddy because you've been lying about this for WEEKS!

The reason this string is "clogged" is because you needed to obscure the fact that ONCE AGAIN, the US Message Board's resident caught pretending he knew something about economics!

You can post in can post in can post in RED...or you can post in ROYAL BLUE....and it still won't change how full of shit you are!
And you STILL haven't cited the last economic argument you presented on this string, Georgie! Why is that? Is it because you haven't had one in so long you're embarrassed to admit it?
No, me poor ignorant juvenile minded con troll. No one cares. At all. It was a day or two ago, but it is not worth looking back that far for you. Because you are an idiot. And it makes no difference. I set up a new thread because you had clogged this one up with nonsense, and inability to argue anything. You lost arguments time after time, and always claim to have won them. And you spend all the time you can with personal attacks. And you propose the stupidest arguments of anyone, and pretend it is serious. Your unending arguments of ignorance goes on in this thread, and everyone is gone, why would anyone try to set up a new argument in this thread. You have poisoned it with lack of integrity, incessant lying, continual personal attacks. and the ignorance of a food services worker. So, as everyone leaves there you are telling everyone how you won all sorts of arguments. But, me poor ignorant fool, you are posting to yourself. Everyone else left to avoid you. You have become ed balamonte reborn. Two completely ignorant con trolls.
With you there, it is near impossible to have an economic discussion. Anyone can open a subject, and you change it to a political discussion. Where discussion is bat shit crazy oldstyle pushing agenda. It is never an economic discussion. You do not allow economic discussion. Because you are an agenda driven con troll.
Oh, so now it was a day or two ago? Did you get caught telling ANOTHER lie, Georgie?
Are you trying to call me a liar again, dipshit. You are the liar, well proven. I never lie. so, you will lose that one again. But then, just another personal attack.
How exactly does someone "clog" a thread? You know how. You are the one doing it. You do it by lying, by personal attacks, by political arguments as responses to economic arguments. By saying you know something which no one believes you know, because you are a simpleton food services worker pretending to be an expert. By irritating people to the point they do not want to try to discuss anything with you. By asking you to provide the formula you promised? No, by lying about the fact that you promised to meet a condition to get that formula. And by making the same lie over and over and over and over. About a subject that you could end simply by either admitting you can not meet the condition, or just letting it go. You could have gotten rid of that "clog" in about twenty seconds if you really HAD a formula to determine Jobs Saved! You could have by keeping your promise, meeting the condition you agreed to. I could not, because doing so would be dishones
t and provide you with an out that you do not deserve.
You didn't do that though...did you? Why? Because you lied when you said you had the formula. That lie is what clogged up this string. It was really simple. the condition was that you said you could provide a bill that republicans brought forward to address their recession. You said you could and would, and agreed to the condition. But, having no honor or integrity, you went back on your word. And you have made the above lie over and over for weeks now, oldstyle. Knowing that you are lying. Like a rug. And yes, me boy,, not keeping your word and lying over and over and over does clog a thread. Which is why, ass hole, no one is paying any attention to you.
Another thing you do not understand, at all, is how irrelevant you are. What you say makes no difference because you lie so clearly that everyone knows. You are well understood, me poor simpleton.

Do you really think you're fooling anyone with this nonsense about why you haven't provided the formula used to determine Jobs Saved? What is this, me poor con troll The twentieth time you have asked the same question. You are a lying fuck. You haven't provided it, Georgie...because it doesn't exist! You know it...I know...and everyone who looks at this string knows it! Which makes you about as big a liar as there has ever been, little buddy because you've been lying about this for WEEKS It could be so simple, me lying con troll. but you are simply playing games. Provide the name of the bill, or admit that republicans did not have any such bill. Simple. The fact that you have no honor, and you lied, is not my problem. That would be yours. You agreed to the condition, then cut and ran from the condition. Because you lied, and now you have no honesty, and refuse to admit that you can not do as you said. That would be YOUR fault. I kept my promise, and still am.

The reason this string is "clogged" is because you needed to obscure the fact that ONCE AGAIN, the US Message Board's resident caught pretending he knew something about economics!
Hardly, me lying con troll. I never, ever lie. You, on the other hand, as I and pretty much everyone who has ever dealt with you has said, are a serial liar.

You can post in can post in can post in RED...or you can post in ROYAL BLUE....and it still won't change how full of shit you are!
So, another post by a food service worker. I am so impressed with you. And a proven liar. I am so hurt by your drivel. Do you yet understand that 1. No one cares what you say anymore. 2. No one is reading your posts. 3. As a food services worker who never provides impartial sources for your drivel, you really do not matter. 4. You are incapable of discussing economics, so you are wasting people's time. 5. You are a fucking simpleton food services worker and con troll, and nothing else.
And you STILL haven't cited the last economic argument you presented on this string, Georgie! Why is that? Is it because you haven't had one in so long you're embarrassed to admit it?
No, me poor ignorant juvenile minded con troll. No one cares. At all. It was a day or two ago, but it is not worth looking back that far for you. Because you are an idiot. And it makes no difference. I set up a new thread because you had clogged this one up with nonsense, and inability to argue anything. You lost arguments time after time, and always claim to have won them. And you spend all the time you can with personal attacks. And you propose the stupidest arguments of anyone, and pretend it is serious. Your unending arguments of ignorance goes on in this thread, and everyone is gone, why would anyone try to set up a new argument in this thread. You have poisoned it with lack of integrity, incessant lying, continual personal attacks. and the ignorance of a food services worker. So, as everyone leaves there you are telling everyone how you won all sorts of arguments. But, me poor ignorant fool, you are posting to yourself. Everyone else left to avoid you. You have become ed balamonte reborn. Two completely ignorant con trolls.
With you there, it is near impossible to have an economic discussion. Anyone can open a subject, and you change it to a political discussion. Where discussion is bat shit crazy oldstyle pushing agenda. It is never an economic discussion. You do not allow economic discussion. Because you are an agenda driven con troll.
Oh, so now it was a day or two ago? Did you get caught telling ANOTHER lie, Georgie?
Are you trying to call me a liar again, dipshit. You are the liar, well proven. I never lie. so, you will lose that one again. But then, just another personal attack.
How exactly does someone "clog" a thread? You know how. You are the one doing it. You do it by lying, by personal attacks, by political arguments as responses to economic arguments. By saying you know something which no one believes you know, because you are a simpleton food services worker pretending to be an expert. By irritating people to the point they do not want to try to discuss anything with you. By asking you to provide the formula you promised? No, by lying about the fact that you promised to meet a condition to get that formula. And by making the same lie over and over and over and over. About a subject that you could end simply by either admitting you can not meet the condition, or just letting it go. You could have gotten rid of that "clog" in about twenty seconds if you really HAD a formula to determine Jobs Saved! You could have by keeping your promise, meeting the condition you agreed to. I could not, because doing so would be dishones
t and provide you with an out that you do not deserve.
You didn't do that though...did you? Why? Because you lied when you said you had the formula. That lie is what clogged up this string. It was really simple. the condition was that you said you could provide a bill that republicans brought forward to address their recession. You said you could and would, and agreed to the condition. But, having no honor or integrity, you went back on your word. And you have made the above lie over and over for weeks now, oldstyle. Knowing that you are lying. Like a rug. And yes, me boy,, not keeping your word and lying over and over and over does clog a thread. Which is why, ass hole, no one is paying any attention to you.
Another thing you do not understand, at all, is how irrelevant you are. What you say makes no difference because you lie so clearly that everyone knows. You are well understood, me poor simpleton.

Do you really think you're fooling anyone with this nonsense about why you haven't provided the formula used to determine Jobs Saved? What is this, me poor con troll The twentieth time you have asked the same question. You are a lying fuck. You haven't provided it, Georgie...because it doesn't exist! You know it...I know...and everyone who looks at this string knows it! Which makes you about as big a liar as there has ever been, little buddy because you've been lying about this for WEEKS It could be so simple, me lying con troll. but you are simply playing games. Provide the name of the bill, or admit that republicans did not have any such bill. Simple. The fact that you have no honor, and you lied, is not my problem. That would be yours. You agreed to the condition, then cut and ran from the condition. Because you lied, and now you have no honesty, and refuse to admit that you can not do as you said. That would be YOUR fault. I kept my promise, and still am.

The reason this string is "clogged" is because you needed to obscure the fact that ONCE AGAIN, the US Message Board's resident caught pretending he knew something about economics!
Hardly, me lying con troll. I never, ever lie. You, on the other hand, as I and pretty much everyone who has ever dealt with you has said, are a serial liar.

You can post in can post in can post in RED...or you can post in ROYAL BLUE....and it still won't change how full of shit you are!
So, another post by a food service worker. I am so impressed with you. And a proven liar. I am so hurt by your drivel. Do you yet understand that 1. No one cares what you say anymore. 2. No one is reading your posts. 3. As a food services worker who never provides impartial sources for your drivel, you really do not matter. 4. You are incapable of discussing economics, so you are wasting people's time. 5. You are a fucking simpleton food services worker and con troll, and nothing else.

If I really were a "simpleton food services worker" and not someone who ran multi-million dollar food and beverage operations for would only make it more pathetic that I know so much more about economics than someone who claims to have taught the subject at the college level.

Here's a challenge for you, Georgie! To prove your chops on economics...pick out your most intelligent post on an economic issue...then cut & paste that bad boy here where we can all bask in your superior intellect! I'm willing to say I have a better chance of hitting Power Ball than you ever doing THAT because once you start going through your posts you're going to realize what a complete moron you sound like whenever you try to post an original thought of yours instead of cutting and pasting the thoughts of someone else. But hey, maybe you'll shock me by finding something that doesn't sound like it was written by Homer Simpson!
No, me poor ignorant juvenile minded con troll. No one cares. At all. It was a day or two ago, but it is not worth looking back that far for you. Because you are an idiot. And it makes no difference. I set up a new thread because you had clogged this one up with nonsense, and inability to argue anything. You lost arguments time after time, and always claim to have won them. And you spend all the time you can with personal attacks. And you propose the stupidest arguments of anyone, and pretend it is serious. Your unending arguments of ignorance goes on in this thread, and everyone is gone, why would anyone try to set up a new argument in this thread. You have poisoned it with lack of integrity, incessant lying, continual personal attacks. and the ignorance of a food services worker. So, as everyone leaves there you are telling everyone how you won all sorts of arguments. But, me poor ignorant fool, you are posting to yourself. Everyone else left to avoid you. You have become ed balamonte reborn. Two completely ignorant con trolls.
With you there, it is near impossible to have an economic discussion. Anyone can open a subject, and you change it to a political discussion. Where discussion is bat shit crazy oldstyle pushing agenda. It is never an economic discussion. You do not allow economic discussion. Because you are an agenda driven con troll.
Oh, so now it was a day or two ago? Did you get caught telling ANOTHER lie, Georgie?
Are you trying to call me a liar again, dipshit. You are the liar, well proven. I never lie. so, you will lose that one again. But then, just another personal attack.
How exactly does someone "clog" a thread? You know how. You are the one doing it. You do it by lying, by personal attacks, by political arguments as responses to economic arguments. By saying you know something which no one believes you know, because you are a simpleton food services worker pretending to be an expert. By irritating people to the point they do not want to try to discuss anything with you. By asking you to provide the formula you promised? No, by lying about the fact that you promised to meet a condition to get that formula. And by making the same lie over and over and over and over. About a subject that you could end simply by either admitting you can not meet the condition, or just letting it go. You could have gotten rid of that "clog" in about twenty seconds if you really HAD a formula to determine Jobs Saved! You could have by keeping your promise, meeting the condition you agreed to. I could not, because doing so would be dishones
t and provide you with an out that you do not deserve.
You didn't do that though...did you? Why? Because you lied when you said you had the formula. That lie is what clogged up this string. It was really simple. the condition was that you said you could provide a bill that republicans brought forward to address their recession. You said you could and would, and agreed to the condition. But, having no honor or integrity, you went back on your word. And you have made the above lie over and over for weeks now, oldstyle. Knowing that you are lying. Like a rug. And yes, me boy,, not keeping your word and lying over and over and over does clog a thread. Which is why, ass hole, no one is paying any attention to you.
Another thing you do not understand, at all, is how irrelevant you are. What you say makes no difference because you lie so clearly that everyone knows. You are well understood, me poor simpleton.

Do you really think you're fooling anyone with this nonsense about why you haven't provided the formula used to determine Jobs Saved? What is this, me poor con troll The twentieth time you have asked the same question. You are a lying fuck. You haven't provided it, Georgie...because it doesn't exist! You know it...I know...and everyone who looks at this string knows it! Which makes you about as big a liar as there has ever been, little buddy because you've been lying about this for WEEKS It could be so simple, me lying con troll. but you are simply playing games. Provide the name of the bill, or admit that republicans did not have any such bill. Simple. The fact that you have no honor, and you lied, is not my problem. That would be yours. You agreed to the condition, then cut and ran from the condition. Because you lied, and now you have no honesty, and refuse to admit that you can not do as you said. That would be YOUR fault. I kept my promise, and still am.

The reason this string is "clogged" is because you needed to obscure the fact that ONCE AGAIN, the US Message Board's resident caught pretending he knew something about economics!
Hardly, me lying con troll. I never, ever lie. You, on the other hand, as I and pretty much everyone who has ever dealt with you has said, are a serial liar.

You can post in can post in can post in RED...or you can post in ROYAL BLUE....and it still won't change how full of shit you are!
So, another post by a food service worker. I am so impressed with you. And a proven liar. I am so hurt by your drivel. Do you yet understand that 1. No one cares what you say anymore. 2. No one is reading your posts. 3. As a food services worker who never provides impartial sources for your drivel, you really do not matter. 4. You are incapable of discussing economics, so you are wasting people's time. 5. You are a fucking simpleton food services worker and con troll, and nothing else.[/QUOTE] [/QUOTE]

If I really were a "simpleton food services worker" and not someone who ran multi-million dollar food and beverage operations for would only make it more pathetic that I know so much more about economics than someone who claims to have taught the subject at the college level.
Prove it, me boy. If it is true, and you want anyone to believe it, prove it and shut up. You see, I do not care if you run a "food and beverage operation". I see that makes you proud, so good for you. But a liar gives away the ability to get anyone to believe what they claim. And you are a serial liar.
You have proven, me poor ignorant con troll, over the years that you know nothing. Just talking points. And you are a food services worker, by definition. And you have no economics background to speak of, by admission.
What you are is a simpleton con troll, who is the only person who thinks his understanding of economics is beyond third grade level. Which it is not. And, in addition, you are a proven con troll, to whom rational thought is foreign. And, to top it off, you are a serial liar. So, anything you say is beyond belief. No one believes liars, and you have proven yourself to be a liar. And you have posted the most ignorant posts ever. Have you noticed that no one has anything positive to say about your economic opinions. The opinions, me boy, of a food services worker?

Here's a challenge for you, Georgie! To prove your chops on economics...pick out your most intelligent post on an economic issue...then cut & paste that bad boy here where we can all bask in your superior intellect! I'm willing to say I have a better chance of hitting Power Ball than you ever doing THAT because once you start going through your posts you're going to realize what a complete moron you sound like whenever you try to post an original thought of yours instead of cutting and pasting the thoughts of someone else. But hey, maybe you'll shock me by finding something that doesn't sound like it was written by Homer Simpson!
Here is the thing, me boy. While you attack my knowledge of economics, and while you brag about your knowledge of same, what you have shown is that you lie constantly. And those that have economic knowledge, have shown you a fool. Yet you keep saying you win economic arguments that in fact you have lost big time. Because you simply lie about it. You have just proven that you know NOTHING about economics. There is nothing that I can post in the realm of economics that you will not attack with your stupid simplistic con troll methodology. No one, me poor ignorant con troll, wants to play games with you. Take a look at your posts, and explain why anyone would want to subject themselves to your simplistic, juvenile personal attacks. And there are no posts that are "most Intelligent". If you knew anything at all about economics, you would understand that your posts are either true, as my posts are, or not true, as your posts are. Then, there is objective proof of your post, which I provide. Or there is just your opinion, which you rely on. I have a bachelors degree in economics that is now over 45 years old, which does not make me an expert. I have a great deal of respect for higher level degrees in econ. PHD's, Masters degrees often, but I have a simple BA in the subject. So I always provide source documentation to back up what I say. Because I do not expect people to look at me as an expert. You, on the other hand, have had two classes in economics. Believing that you are very capable in the subject with that education simply proves you to be stupid. You say you do not need a source for your posts, because you know they are correct. So, you try to pass your posts off as correct by your superior intellect. Which, me boy, turns out to be a joke. Because your posts are almost always unsupported, and have no support in the world of impartial expert sources. They are, me boy, simply con talking points which I can find ONLY in the bat shit crazy con web sites, or in the site.. Which, of course, you suggest is only a coincidence. And your posts are nearly always lies, based on your desire that they be true. The hallmark of a stupid person.

So, in short, you are a dipshit
, who lies and uses personal attacks for support. Thinking your personal attacks carry any weight proves your ignorance. Thinking your unsupported posts carry any weight also proves your ignorance. You posts about your superior knowledge, understanding of economics, or job resume likewise carry no weight. People like you, who try to brag about their abilities and knowledge, simply prove up front that they have "no chops" as you say, and that they are liars.
If you want to discuss economics, post something in the realm yourself some time. That would indicate that you actually are interested in the subject.
Last edited:
No, me poor ignorant juvenile minded con troll. No one cares. At all. It was a day or two ago, but it is not worth looking back that far for you. Because you are an idiot. And it makes no difference. I set up a new thread because you had clogged this one up with nonsense, and inability to argue anything. You lost arguments time after time, and always claim to have won them. And you spend all the time you can with personal attacks. And you propose the stupidest arguments of anyone, and pretend it is serious. Your unending arguments of ignorance goes on in this thread, and everyone is gone, why would anyone try to set up a new argument in this thread. You have poisoned it with lack of integrity, incessant lying, continual personal attacks. and the ignorance of a food services worker. So, as everyone leaves there you are telling everyone how you won all sorts of arguments. But, me poor ignorant fool, you are posting to yourself. Everyone else left to avoid you. You have become ed balamonte reborn. Two completely ignorant con trolls.
With you there, it is near impossible to have an economic discussion. Anyone can open a subject, and you change it to a political discussion. Where discussion is bat shit crazy oldstyle pushing agenda. It is never an economic discussion. You do not allow economic discussion. Because you are an agenda driven con troll.
Oh, so now it was a day or two ago? Did you get caught telling ANOTHER lie, Georgie?
Are you trying to call me a liar again, dipshit. You are the liar, well proven. I never lie. so, you will lose that one again. But then, just another personal attack.
How exactly does someone "clog" a thread? You know how. You are the one doing it. You do it by lying, by personal attacks, by political arguments as responses to economic arguments. By saying you know something which no one believes you know, because you are a simpleton food services worker pretending to be an expert. By irritating people to the point they do not want to try to discuss anything with you. By asking you to provide the formula you promised? No, by lying about the fact that you promised to meet a condition to get that formula. And by making the same lie over and over and over and over. About a subject that you could end simply by either admitting you can not meet the condition, or just letting it go. You could have gotten rid of that "clog" in about twenty seconds if you really HAD a formula to determine Jobs Saved! You could have by keeping your promise, meeting the condition you agreed to. I could not, because doing so would be dishones
t and provide you with an out that you do not deserve.
You didn't do that though...did you? Why? Because you lied when you said you had the formula. That lie is what clogged up this string. It was really simple. the condition was that you said you could provide a bill that republicans brought forward to address their recession. You said you could and would, and agreed to the condition. But, having no honor or integrity, you went back on your word. And you have made the above lie over and over for weeks now, oldstyle. Knowing that you are lying. Like a rug. And yes, me boy,, not keeping your word and lying over and over and over does clog a thread. Which is why, ass hole, no one is paying any attention to you.
Another thing you do not understand, at all, is how irrelevant you are. What you say makes no difference because you lie so clearly that everyone knows. You are well understood, me poor simpleton.

Do you really think you're fooling anyone with this nonsense about why you haven't provided the formula used to determine Jobs Saved? What is this, me poor con troll The twentieth time you have asked the same question. You are a lying fuck. You haven't provided it, Georgie...because it doesn't exist! You know it...I know...and everyone who looks at this string knows it! Which makes you about as big a liar as there has ever been, little buddy because you've been lying about this for WEEKS It could be so simple, me lying con troll. but you are simply playing games. Provide the name of the bill, or admit that republicans did not have any such bill. Simple. The fact that you have no honor, and you lied, is not my problem. That would be yours. You agreed to the condition, then cut and ran from the condition. Because you lied, and now you have no honesty, and refuse to admit that you can not do as you said. That would be YOUR fault. I kept my promise, and still am.

The reason this string is "clogged" is because you needed to obscure the fact that ONCE AGAIN, the US Message Board's resident caught pretending he knew something about economics!
Hardly, me lying con troll. I never, ever lie. You, on the other hand, as I and pretty much everyone who has ever dealt with you has said, are a serial liar.

You can post in can post in can post in RED...or you can post in ROYAL BLUE....and it still won't change how full of shit you are!
So, another post by a food service worker. I am so impressed with you. And a proven liar. I am so hurt by your drivel. Do you yet understand that 1. No one cares what you say anymore. 2. No one is reading your posts. 3. As a food services worker who never provides impartial sources for your drivel, you really do not matter. 4. You are incapable of discussing economics, so you are wasting people's time. 5. You are a fucking simpleton food services worker and con troll, and nothing else.[/QUOTE] [/QUOTE]

If I really were a "simpleton food services worker" and not someone who ran multi-million dollar food and beverage operations for would only make it more pathetic that I know so much more about economics than someone who claims to have taught the subject at the college level.
Prove it, me boy. If it is true, and you want anyone to believe it, prove it and shut up. You see, I do not care if you run a "food and beverage operation". I see that makes you proud, so good for you. But a liar gives away the ability to get anyone to believe what they claim. And you are a serial liar.
You have proven, me poor ignorant con troll, over the years that you know nothing. Just talking points. And you are a food services worker, by definition. And you have no economics background to speak of, by admission.
What you are is a simpleton con troll, who is the only person who thinks his understanding of economics is beyond third grade level. Which it is not. And, in addition, you are a proven con troll, to whom rational thought is foreign. And, to top it off, you are a serial liar. So, anything you say is beyond belief. No one believes liars, and you have proven yourself to be a liar. And you have posted the most ignorant posts ever. Have you noticed that no one has anything positive to say about your economic opinions. The opinions, me boy, of a food services worker?

Here's a challenge for you, Georgie! To prove your chops on economics...pick out your most intelligent post on an economic issue...then cut & paste that bad boy here where we can all bask in your superior intellect! I'm willing to say I have a better chance of hitting Power Ball than you ever doing THAT because once you start going through your posts you're going to realize what a complete moron you sound like whenever you try to post an original thought of yours instead of cutting and pasting the thoughts of someone else. But hey, maybe you'll shock me by finding something that doesn't sound like it was written by Homer Simpson!
Jesus. And you want to ask me to do something and start the request by calling me Georgie. You juvinile and insulting effort to attack me personally. So, fuck off.
Here is the thing, me boy. While you attack my knowledge of economics, and while you brag about your knowledge of same, what you have shown is that you lie constantly. And those that have economic knowledge, have shown you a fool. Yet you keep saying you win economic arguments that in fact you have lost big time. Because you simply lie about it. You have just proven that you know NOTHING about economics. There is nothing that I can post in the realm of economics that you will not attack with your stupid simplistic con troll methodology. No one, me poor ignorant con troll, wants to play games with you. Take a look at your posts, and explain why anyone would want to subject themselves to your simplistic, juvenile personal attacks.
And there are no posts that are "most Intelligent". If you knew anything at all about economics, you would understand that a person's posts are either true, as my posts are, or not true, as your posts are. Then, there is objective proof of your post, which I provide. Or there is just your opinion, which you rely on. I have a bachelors degree in economics that is now over 45 years old, which does not make me an expert. I have a great deal of respect for higher level degrees in econ. PHD's, Masters degrees often, but I have a simple BA in the subject. So I always provide source documentation to back up what I say. Because I do not expect people to look at me as an expert. You, on the other hand, have had two classes in economics. Believing that you are very capable in the subject with that education simply proves you to be stupid. You say you do not need a source for your posts, because you know they are correct. So, you try to pass your posts off as correct by your superior intellect. Which, me boy, turns out to be a joke. Because your posts are almost always unsupported, and have no support in the world of impartial expert sources. They are, me boy, simply con talking points which I can find ONLY in the bat shit crazy con web sites, or in the site.. Which, of course, you suggest is only a coincidence. And your posts are nearly always lies, based on your desire that they be true. The hallmark of a stupid person.

So, in short, you are a dipshit
, who lies and uses personal attacks for support. Thinking your personal attacks carry any weight proves your ignorance. Thinking your unsupported posts carry any weight also proves your ignorance. You posts about your superior knowledge, understanding of economics, or job resume likewise carry no weight. People like you, who try to brag about their abilities and knowledge, simply prove up front that they have "no chops" as you say, and that they are liars.
If you want to discuss economics, post something in the realm yourself some time. That would indicate that you are actually interested in the subject. [/QUOTE]
Did you miss the whole part where I showed Anton that the Obama White House was using that 3 million jobs saved number a year before the CBO came out with their estimate?

That's when he left...idiot child! LOL

I can't believe this is still going.

I'll give it one more try, one more time only.

Oldstyle, it is very simple - the numbers administration used are legitimate, un-made-up numbers confirmed by estimates CBO did. Your argumentation that they were somehow simply made up by administration is BS, no ifs, no butts.

Time to learn it and move on with your life, because when you deny the obvious you make yourself look like a idiot. Why are you so hell bent on making yourself look that way?

You want to make non-idiot argument against stimulus? Here it is, listen up:

Stimulus, and other expansionary policies Obama administration put in place during recession did in fact make for a significant jobs increase since he has been in office, these policies however have come at expense of aggravating our long term problems. The money we burrowed yesterday caused jobs, but the interest and eventual settling of the debt will ultimately cost even more jobs due to contractionary policies (increasing taxes and/or cutting spending) needed to repay it.

Yes, this is what sane, fact respecting, economically sound, conservative argument looks like - and because of those fine qualities we will rarely hear it from our challenged friends on the right.
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Did you miss the whole part where I showed Anton that the Obama White House was using that 3 million jobs saved number a year before the CBO came out with their estimate?

That's when he left...idiot child! LOL

I can't believe this is still going.

I'll give it one more try, one more time only.

Oldstyle, it is very simple - the numbers administration used are legitimate, un-made-up numbers confirmed by estimates CBO did. Your argumentation that they were somehow simply made up by administration is BS, no ifs, no butts.

Time to learn it and move on with your life, because when you deny the obvious you make yourself look like a idiot. Why are you so hell bent on making yourself look that way?

You want to make non-idiot argument against stimulus? Here it is, listen up:

Stimulus, and other expansionary policies Obama administration put in place during recession did in fact make for a significant jobs increase since he has been in office, these policies however have come at expense of aggravating our long term problems. The money we burrowed yesterday caused jobs, but the interest and eventual settling of the debt will ultimately cost even more jobs due to contractionary policies (increasing taxes and/or cutting spending) needed to repay it.

Yes, this is what sane, fact respecting, economically sound, conservative argument looks like - and because of those fine qualities we will rarely hear it from our challenged friends on the right.

Wonderful! Since you contend that the numbers the Obama Administration came up with for "Jobs Saved" are legitimate and should have no problem at all providing the formula that was used to arrive at those numbers...right?

You folks on the left keep declaring that "Jobs Saved" is a verifiable number...yet none of you can give me the formula that one would use to arrive at that "verified" total! There's a reason for that, Anton and it's because the numbers aren't's because they were manufactured. Obama's economists plugged in whatever number of jobs saved that they needed to make the jobs created number look acceptable...called the fiction that they'd created "Jobs Created or Saved" and sold it to a gullible public.
No, me poor ignorant juvenile minded con troll. No one cares. At all. It was a day or two ago, but it is not worth looking back that far for you. Because you are an idiot. And it makes no difference. I set up a new thread because you had clogged this one up with nonsense, and inability to argue anything. You lost arguments time after time, and always claim to have won them. And you spend all the time you can with personal attacks. And you propose the stupidest arguments of anyone, and pretend it is serious. Your unending arguments of ignorance goes on in this thread, and everyone is gone, why would anyone try to set up a new argument in this thread. You have poisoned it with lack of integrity, incessant lying, continual personal attacks. and the ignorance of a food services worker. So, as everyone leaves there you are telling everyone how you won all sorts of arguments. But, me poor ignorant fool, you are posting to yourself. Everyone else left to avoid you. You have become ed balamonte reborn. Two completely ignorant con trolls.
With you there, it is near impossible to have an economic discussion. Anyone can open a subject, and you change it to a political discussion. Where discussion is bat shit crazy oldstyle pushing agenda. It is never an economic discussion. You do not allow economic discussion. Because you are an agenda driven con troll.
Oh, so now it was a day or two ago? Did you get caught telling ANOTHER lie, Georgie?
Are you trying to call me a liar again, dipshit. You are the liar, well proven. I never lie. so, you will lose that one again. But then, just another personal attack.
How exactly does someone "clog" a thread? You know how. You are the one doing it. You do it by lying, by personal attacks, by political arguments as responses to economic arguments. By saying you know something which no one believes you know, because you are a simpleton food services worker pretending to be an expert. By irritating people to the point they do not want to try to discuss anything with you. By asking you to provide the formula you promised? No, by lying about the fact that you promised to meet a condition to get that formula. And by making the same lie over and over and over and over. About a subject that you could end simply by either admitting you can not meet the condition, or just letting it go. You could have gotten rid of that "clog" in about twenty seconds if you really HAD a formula to determine Jobs Saved! You could have by keeping your promise, meeting the condition you agreed to. I could not, because doing so would be dishones
t and provide you with an out that you do not deserve.
You didn't do that though...did you? Why? Because you lied when you said you had the formula. That lie is what clogged up this string. It was really simple. the condition was that you said you could provide a bill that republicans brought forward to address their recession. You said you could and would, and agreed to the condition. But, having no honor or integrity, you went back on your word. And you have made the above lie over and over for weeks now, oldstyle. Knowing that you are lying. Like a rug. And yes, me boy,, not keeping your word and lying over and over and over does clog a thread. Which is why, ass hole, no one is paying any attention to you.
Another thing you do not understand, at all, is how irrelevant you are. What you say makes no difference because you lie so clearly that everyone knows. You are well understood, me poor simpleton.

Do you really think you're fooling anyone with this nonsense about why you haven't provided the formula used to determine Jobs Saved? What is this, me poor con troll The twentieth time you have asked the same question. You are a lying fuck. You haven't provided it, Georgie...because it doesn't exist! You know it...I know...and everyone who looks at this string knows it! Which makes you about as big a liar as there has ever been, little buddy because you've been lying about this for WEEKS It could be so simple, me lying con troll. but you are simply playing games. Provide the name of the bill, or admit that republicans did not have any such bill. Simple. The fact that you have no honor, and you lied, is not my problem. That would be yours. You agreed to the condition, then cut and ran from the condition. Because you lied, and now you have no honesty, and refuse to admit that you can not do as you said. That would be YOUR fault. I kept my promise, and still am.

The reason this string is "clogged" is because you needed to obscure the fact that ONCE AGAIN, the US Message Board's resident caught pretending he knew something about economics!
Hardly, me lying con troll. I never, ever lie. You, on the other hand, as I and pretty much everyone who has ever dealt with you has said, are a serial liar.

You can post in can post in can post in RED...or you can post in ROYAL BLUE....and it still won't change how full of shit you are!
So, another post by a food service worker. I am so impressed with you. And a proven liar. I am so hurt by your drivel. Do you yet understand that 1. No one cares what you say anymore. 2. No one is reading your posts. 3. As a food services worker who never provides impartial sources for your drivel, you really do not matter. 4. You are incapable of discussing economics, so you are wasting people's time. 5. You are a fucking simpleton food services worker and con troll, and nothing else.[/QUOTE] [/QUOTE]

If I really were a "simpleton food services worker" and not someone who ran multi-million dollar food and beverage operations for would only make it more pathetic that I know so much more about economics than someone who claims to have taught the subject at the college level.
Prove it, me boy. If it is true, and you want anyone to believe it, prove it and shut up. You see, I do not care if you run a "food and beverage operation". I see that makes you proud, so good for you. But a liar gives away the ability to get anyone to believe what they claim. And you are a serial liar.
You have proven, me poor ignorant con troll, over the years that you know nothing. Just talking points. And you are a food services worker, by definition. And you have no economics background to speak of, by admission.
What you are is a simpleton con troll, who is the only person who thinks his understanding of economics is beyond third grade level. Which it is not. And, in addition, you are a proven con troll, to whom rational thought is foreign. And, to top it off, you are a serial liar. So, anything you say is beyond belief. No one believes liars, and you have proven yourself to be a liar. And you have posted the most ignorant posts ever. Have you noticed that no one has anything positive to say about your economic opinions. The opinions, me boy, of a food services worker?

Here's a challenge for you, Georgie! To prove your chops on economics...pick out your most intelligent post on an economic issue...then cut & paste that bad boy here where we can all bask in your superior intellect! I'm willing to say I have a better chance of hitting Power Ball than you ever doing THAT because once you start going through your posts you're going to realize what a complete moron you sound like whenever you try to post an original thought of yours instead of cutting and pasting the thoughts of someone else. But hey, maybe you'll shock me by finding something that doesn't sound like it was written by Homer Simpson!
Jesus. And you want to ask me to do something and start the request by calling me Georgie. You juvinile and insulting effort to attack me personally. So, fuck off.
Here is the thing, me boy. While you attack my knowledge of economics, and while you brag about your knowledge of same, what you have shown is that you lie constantly. And those that have economic knowledge, have shown you a fool. Yet you keep saying you win economic arguments that in fact you have lost big time. Because you simply lie about it. You have just proven that you know NOTHING about economics. There is nothing that I can post in the realm of economics that you will not attack with your stupid simplistic con troll methodology. No one, me poor ignorant con troll, wants to play games with you. Take a look at your posts, and explain why anyone would want to subject themselves to your simplistic, juvenile personal attacks.
And there are no posts that are "most Intelligent". If you knew anything at all about economics, you would understand that a person's posts are either true, as my posts are, or not true, as your posts are. Then, there is objective proof of your post, which I provide. Or there is just your opinion, which you rely on. I have a bachelors degree in economics that is now over 45 years old, which does not make me an expert. I have a great deal of respect for higher level degrees in econ. PHD's, Masters degrees often, but I have a simple BA in the subject. So I always provide source documentation to back up what I say. Because I do not expect people to look at me as an expert. You, on the other hand, have had two classes in economics. Believing that you are very capable in the subject with that education simply proves you to be stupid. You say you do not need a source for your posts, because you know they are correct. So, you try to pass your posts off as correct by your superior intellect. Which, me boy, turns out to be a joke. Because your posts are almost always unsupported, and have no support in the world of impartial expert sources. They are, me boy, simply con talking points which I can find ONLY in the bat shit crazy con web sites, or in the site.. Which, of course, you suggest is only a coincidence. And your posts are nearly always lies, based on your desire that they be true. The hallmark of a stupid person.

So, in short, you are a dipshit
, who lies and uses personal attacks for support. Thinking your personal attacks carry any weight proves your ignorance. Thinking your unsupported posts carry any weight also proves your ignorance. You posts about your superior knowledge, understanding of economics, or job resume likewise carry no weight. People like you, who try to brag about their abilities and knowledge, simply prove up front that they have "no chops" as you say, and that they are liars.
If you want to discuss economics, post something in the realm yourself some time. That would indicate that you are actually interested in the subject. [/QUOTE][/QUOTE]

Gee,'re always whining about how this thread doesn't discuss economics...but when I give you the opportunity to copy and paste one of your brilliant commentaries on decline? Could it be that you realize how ignorant you are on the subject? That if one took away the ability to cut and paste the thoughts of others on economic wouldn't be able to hold an intelligent conversation on economics?

I graduated with a degree in History in 1978. 38 years later I can still tell you most of the things I learned in my college classes those four years. I wouldn't consider myself an "expert" in the field of History by any means but I can carry on an intelligent conversation about History. Why is it that you can't do the same with Economics? Oh, that's right...I keep forgetting...I actually got a degree in History while you just PRETEND that you got one in Economics!
Wonderful! Since you contend that the numbers the Obama Administration came up with for "Jobs Saved" are legitimate and should have no problem at all providing the formula that was used to arrive at those numbers...right?

Umm no, not right.

You are seriously clueless what it takes to produce a macroeconomic estimate. There is actually a REASON why we need professional economists to do this stuff.

There is not one formula, there are various formulas used to calculate all kinds of different components of policy, from project spending, to grants, to various tax cuts, interest rates consideration, secondary effects etc. etc. which then get totaled up in the publicly made reports.
Did you miss the whole part where I showed Anton that the Obama White House was using that 3 million jobs saved number a year before the CBO came out with their estimate?

That's when he left...idiot child! LOL

I can't believe this is still going.

I'll give it one more try, one more time only.

Oldstyle, it is very simple - the numbers administration used are legitimate, un-made-up numbers confirmed by estimates CBO did. Your argumentation that they were somehow simply made up by administration is BS, no ifs, no butts.

Time to learn it and move on with your life, because when you deny the obvious you make yourself look like a idiot. Why are you so hell bent on making yourself look that way?

You want to make non-idiot argument against stimulus? Here it is, listen up:

Stimulus, and other expansionary policies Obama administration put in place during recession did in fact make for a significant jobs increase since he has been in office, these policies however have come at expense of aggravating our long term problems. The money we burrowed yesterday caused jobs, but the interest and eventual settling of the debt will ultimately cost even more jobs due to contractionary policies (increasing taxes and/or cutting spending) needed to repay it.

Yes, this is what sane, fact respecting, economically sound, conservative argument looks like - and because of those fine qualities we will rarely hear it from our challenged friends on the right.

I note that you didn't respond to my point that the Obama Administration was using the figure of 3 million jobs saved a year before the CBO released their findings that given the numbers that the Obama Administration gave them to crunch that 3 million jobs saved was possible.

Don't you admit when you were wrong?
Wonderful! Since you contend that the numbers the Obama Administration came up with for "Jobs Saved" are legitimate and should have no problem at all providing the formula that was used to arrive at those numbers...right?

Umm no, not right.

You are seriously clueless what it takes to produce a macroeconomic estimate. There is actually a REASON why we need professional economists to do this stuff.

There is not one formula, there are various formulas used to calculate all kinds of different components of policy, from project spending, to grants, to various tax cuts, interest rates consideration etc. etc. which then get totaled up in the publicly made reports.

But obviously there must be a formula that is used to determine "Jobs Saved", Anton? Right? They didn't just pull that number out of thin air! So what was it?

It only stands to reason that if there are various formulas for calculating project spending, grants, tax cuts and interest rates...that there must be one for calculating "Jobs Saved"...correct?
I note that you didn't respond to my point that the Obama Administration was using the figure of 3 million jobs saved a year before the CBO released their findings that given the numbers that the Obama Administration gave them to crunch that 3 million jobs saved was possible.

Don't you admit when you were wrong?

BECAUSE IT IS IRRELEVANT. The bottom line, the thing that really MATTERS is that their numbers were based on sound economic estimates, as confirmed by CBO.

Tell you get it THIS TIME.
LOL...the reason you can't tell me what it that they did indeed pull that number out of thin air! They made it up.

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