US Jobless claims fall to 4 decade low

If so perhaps you'd like to explain why the Administration was quoting that 3 million jobs created or saved a year earlier?

Estimates of Job Creation from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009

Nah. There is no use in attempting to explain anything to a troll with a made up mind, which is based on lies. That has proven to any that tried to help you to be a total waste of time. You want to believe what you want to believe. You are incapable of rational thought. And, technically, you are what is known as a DUMB FUCK.
3 million is the number that was CREATED by the Obama Administration.

...WTF is wrong with you?

I just showed that the number came from CBO, so wtf makes you think you can just turm around and claim that it was created by the administration???

You are seriously insane.
Yeah... it's called "conservatism." And that one is inflicted badly with that disease.
Oh, for God's sake! Of course the numbers were "manipulated" by the Obama Administration! If they weren't...they would have simply given us the number of jobs that were created and that would have been it.


you can call it jobs saved or jobs created but That's the fucking number CBO estimated you idiot.

I'm done here, clearly no one is home.

For your information, I would like to say it has been a pleasure reading posts which are obviously from someone who cares about truth, and also obviously has a solid economic background. Dealing with clowns is frustrating, I will admit. And I leave from time to time. But rational people do show up here, and make things more livable. I hope you do come back.
At any rate, thanks for the effort at rationality.
Oh, for God's sake! Of course the numbers were "manipulated" by the Obama Administration! If they weren't...they would have simply given us the number of jobs that were created and that would have been it.


you can call it jobs saved or jobs created but That's the fucking number CBO estimated you idiot.

I'm done here, clearly no one is home.

And when did the CBO estimate that number, Anton? In their May, 2010 report?

Estimated Impact of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act on Employment and Economic Output from January 2010 Through March 2010
I'm sure you know that ARRA ran through to at least the end of 2010; so one can only guess why you'd refer to an interim report from May of 2010, while the ARRA was not even fully implemented yet?

I know why you did. I'm sure others will reach their own conclusions as well.
Why would my statement be incorrect? If the Obama Stimulus had created "significant jobs" then they wouldn't have had to use "Jobs created or saved"! If the Stimulus had done what was promised they OBVIOUSLY wouldn't have had to try and mislead the American people with a made up statistic!

The reason I say that Barack Obama owns The Great Recession is because of the choices that he made...both with how the stimulus money was spent and with the legislation that he pushed...namely ObamaCare and Cap & Trade both of which had negative effects on the economy and job creation.

...except I just explained why this is false.

You posting a response that that was already thoroughly disputed at length in the post you quoted makes me think that you either don't read or don't understand.

You just explained why and how the Obama Administration misled the American people. Why you think that disputes what I said...I have no idea!
Because what you just said is another lie. Which you are unable to stop.
Oh, for God's sake! Of course the numbers were "manipulated" by the Obama Administration! If they weren't...they would have simply given us the number of jobs that were created and that would have been it.


you can call it jobs saved or jobs created but That's the fucking number CBO estimated you idiot.

I'm done here, clearly no one is home.

And when did the CBO estimate that number, Anton? In their May, 2010 report?

Estimated Impact of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act on Employment and Economic Output from January 2010 Through March 2010
I'm sure you know that ARRA ran through to at least the end of 2010; so one can only guess why you'd refer to an interim report from May of 2010, while the ARRA was not even fully implemented yet?

I know why you did. I'm sure others will reach their own conclusions as well.
Poor ignorant congenital idiot can truly not stop himself. He feels and understands no problem with lying. And when he lies, and gets called on it, he has to lie again. And so the chain goes. But again, if you make a mistake and get called on it, or I, or any rational person makes a mistake and the mistake is caught, we admit to the mistake. But a con troll can not admit the mistake, because it is a true lie. And it just goes on and on and on.
Interesting...I just went back through every post I made since you joined the conversation and I didn't find a single one in which I said that the stimulus created "just a few jobs" yet you're quoting me as if I did! So did I miss that, Anton? Or are you making stuff up?
Do you ever stop lying, ya con tool? EVER??

As for the ARRA? With all due respect, Antontoo...if the Obama Stimulus had worked as promised...the Obama Administration wouldn't have had to use "Jobs created and saved" to hide how few net new jobs their programs actually created.

Wow...are you ever an idiot! Someone claims I said "just a few jobs"...I reply by saying that I don't remember saying that and now you claim that I'm lying because I said "few net new jobs"? You do realize those two things are not the same...right? I was misquoted. If you weren't a lying sack of you know what...YOU'D ADMIT THAT! But that's not how you and Georgie it!
There is no difference between saying a few jobs created versus a few net new jobs created. Either way, you're trying to portrsy job creation as limited to just a "few" new jobs. The key word being, "few". But being the con tool the forum has known you to be, you can't even refrain from lying about something even as silly as this.

Even worse for you -- this isn't even the first time you've made this claim...

It's nothing but smoke and mirrors to hide how few jobs were created.

Of course the numbers were just pulled out of somebody's ass, Pinqy! That was the whole purpose of "Jobs Saved"! It let the Obama Administration avoid having to tell the American public how few jobs they created with the stimulus by substituting a statistic that couldn't be verified!

He did give us the Obama Stimulus...something that turned into a liberal pork fest that created so few jobs that they had to invent a new economic statistic to hide how bad it was!
So yeah, keep denying you said it. Even though you've actually said it time and time again.

All you're doing is proving me right when I say you're nothing but a lying con tool who will make up any lie, no matter how rightarded, to prop up your bullshit.

I've said it repeatedly because it's a fact. The Obama Stimulus did turn into a liberal pork fest that didn't come close to producing the "shovel ready" jobs that Obama, Pelosi and Reid promised would be there if they were given the money.
And you two idiots can keep right on daisy chaining each other until the cows come home. It won't change the fact that "Jobs Saved" was nothing more than a slick accounting trick done to hide what really took place from naive you two!
Interesting...I just went back through every post I made since you joined the conversation and I didn't find a single one in which I said that the stimulus created "just a few jobs" yet you're quoting me as if I did! So did I miss that, Anton? Or are you making stuff up?
Do you ever stop lying, ya con tool? EVER??

As for the ARRA? With all due respect, Antontoo...if the Obama Stimulus had worked as promised...the Obama Administration wouldn't have had to use "Jobs created and saved" to hide how few net new jobs their programs actually created.

Wow...are you ever an idiot! Someone claims I said "just a few jobs"...I reply by saying that I don't remember saying that and now you claim that I'm lying because I said "few net new jobs"? You do realize those two things are not the same...right? I was misquoted. If you weren't a lying sack of you know what...YOU'D ADMIT THAT! But that's not how you and Georgie it!
There is no difference between saying a few jobs created versus a few net new jobs created. Either way, you're trying to portrsy job creation as limited to just a "few" new jobs. The key word being, "few". But being the con tool the forum has known you to be, you can't even refrain from lying about something even as silly as this.

Even worse for you -- this isn't even the first time you've made this claim...

It's nothing but smoke and mirrors to hide how few jobs were created.

Of course the numbers were just pulled out of somebody's ass, Pinqy! That was the whole purpose of "Jobs Saved"! It let the Obama Administration avoid having to tell the American public how few jobs they created with the stimulus by substituting a statistic that couldn't be verified!

He did give us the Obama Stimulus...something that turned into a liberal pork fest that created so few jobs that they had to invent a new economic statistic to hide how bad it was!
So yeah, keep denying you said it. Even though you've actually said it time and time again.

All you're doing is proving me right when I say you're nothing but a lying con tool who will make up any lie, no matter how rightarded, to prop up your bullshit.

I've said it repeatedly because it's a fact. The Obama Stimulus did turn into a liberal pork fest that didn't come close to producing the "shovel ready" jobs that Obama, Pelosi and Reid promised would be there if they were given the money.

My goodness. You say it was a fact. And we should believe you, as opposed to the cbo, for some reason that you can not explain. Because you provide no source, no link. And you are a simple fucking food services guy. Dipshit.

Along with that you are a con troll. And a liar. Yeah, you are so believable. dipshit.
And you two idiots can keep right on daisy chaining each other until the cows come home. It won't change the fact that "Jobs Saved" was nothing more than a slick accounting trick done to hide what really took place from naive you two!

My goodness. You say what?. And we should believe you, as opposed to the cbo, for some reason that you can not explain. Because you provide no source, no link. And you are a simple fucking food services guy. Dipshit.

Along with that you are a con troll. And a liar. Yeah, you are so believable. dipshit.
oh, and as always, you are a complete waste of space and time. dipshit.
Waste of time? You mean like repeating almost the same post word for word? That kind of a waste of time and space?
You're the buffoon who swears up and down that Obama never negotiated a deal with China on carbon emissions! Duh?

The poser who says he taught economics at the college level as an undergrad...yet didn't know what I was referring to when I asked what school of economics he was basing a contention on!

The flim flam man who gave us A-B=Jobs Saved...then a feigned "You're on ignore!"...and then his "condition"!

The man who continually complains about "con talking points" when he does little else but post liberal talking points!

The man who constantly whines about personal attacks yet posts very little BUT personal attacks!

You're Georgie...who "NEVER LIES"! (eye-roll)
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And you two idiots can keep right on daisy chaining each other until the cows come home. It won't change the fact that "Jobs Saved" was nothing more than a slick accounting trick done to hide what really took place from naive you two!

Sure, os. But then you are an idiot. And you probably think jobs lost at around 500,000 to 800,000 per month were nothing more than slick accounting tricks. And when that was slowed, and stopped, there were no jobs saved. Because you are a con troll, and you believe what they tell you to believe. And though you can find no impartial source backing you up, you just keep spreading your con talking points. Because that is all you have. And no one buys it, oldstyle. Just you. And that is because you are stupid.
And to make you really look stupid, you suggest that the ue numbers come from Obama. Jesus, you are dumb. It is embarrassing. I never let anyone see your posts that I am responding to, because you are such an embarrassment.
You're the buffoon who swears up and down that Obama never negotiated a deal with China on carbon emissions! Duh?
Duh is correct, me con troll. Obama was never, ever involved in negotiations. He simply signed the agreement. Dipshit. Which is why you can find NO sourse saying that he did any negotiating.

The poser who says he taught economics at the college level as an undergrad...yet didn't know what I was referring to when I asked what school of economics he was basing a contention on!
And more lies from the great liar. that lie has been proven to be untrue multiple times, me poor ignorant con troll.

The flim flam man who gave us A-B=Jobs Saved...then a feigned "You're on ignore!"...and then his "condition"!
Funny. Another lie by you, that has been proven to be a lie. Fuck off, me lying con troll.
As we all know, Oldstyle, you lie without compunction, and have been trying to lie about the fact that I never ever lie. Never, me boy. But you repeat the same lies over and over and over. And at this point, only new people posting do not know you are a liar. But they learn, quickly. And leave, tired of dealing with a person like you who does not have integrity. Or honor. and is a true dipshit.
Oh, so Obama wasn't involved in negotiation with the Chinese...he just signed the agreement? That is about as pathetic a claim as you've ever made, Georgie...and God knows you've made some pathetic ones! (My favorite, by the way, is that the reason you can't spell or write well is that your "secretary" normally proofs all of your correspondence...that's classic!)

"sourse"? I think you've worn out your spell check,'s not even trying anymore! It probably has a "stupid threshold" that it can't go over!
Oh, so Obama wasn't involved in negotiation with the Chinese...he just signed the agreement? That is about as pathetic a claim as you've ever made, Georgie...and God knows you've made some pathetic ones! (My favorite, by the way, is that the reason you can't spell or write well is that your "secretary" normally proofs all of your correspondence...that's classic!)
Good. So you have no problem with the fact that the agreement, the Nov 2014 agreement specifically, which has since been integrated with the France agreement, was negotiated by professionals which did not include the President of the United States. Your having said Obama negotiated the deal simply showed again what a simpleton you are. The agreement was negotiated in Bejing, me boy. Over months. And Obama was not there except briefly at the end. When the deal was done by the professionals who had negotiated it. After it was don. To sign it. So, physically, what you say is stupid. Then, since you can find absolutely NO expert statement that Obama was negotiating the deal, would give rational people a pretty solid understanding that the was not the negotiator.
That you are a simple minded con troll is well established. But your suggestion that any president would go and spend months negotiating an agreement just does not pass the giggle test, me boy. Are you just trying to prove how stupid you are?

So, your attack on me is personal and just normal. Personal attacks are all you have, me boy. Trying to say a president negotiated an agreement is high on the list of stupid claims. But you have proven yourself capable of such, time and again. Just a simpleton con troll.
By the way, if you look at this thread for the past few days, you have used personal attacks against each person who has disagreed with you. All such persons. One new member with solid economic background was so irritated with you that he chose to stop posting entirely, letting you know on the way out that you were the reason. So, my questions are:
1. What is the purpose of your personal attacks?
2. Why do you make personal attacks with specific claims you can not prove?
3. Can you name a single economic argument that you have made in the past month?
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Interesting...I just went back through every post I made since you joined the conversation and I didn't find a single one in which I said that the stimulus created "just a few jobs" yet you're quoting me as if I did! So did I miss that, Anton? Or are you making stuff up?
Do you ever stop lying, ya con tool? EVER??

As for the ARRA? With all due respect, Antontoo...if the Obama Stimulus had worked as promised...the Obama Administration wouldn't have had to use "Jobs created and saved" to hide how few net new jobs their programs actually created.

Wow...are you ever an idiot! Someone claims I said "just a few jobs"...I reply by saying that I don't remember saying that and now you claim that I'm lying because I said "few net new jobs"? You do realize those two things are not the same...right? I was misquoted. If you weren't a lying sack of you know what...YOU'D ADMIT THAT! But that's not how you and Georgie it!
There is no difference between saying a few jobs created versus a few net new jobs created. Either way, you're trying to portrsy job creation as limited to just a "few" new jobs. The key word being, "few". But being the con tool the forum has known you to be, you can't even refrain from lying about something even as silly as this.

Even worse for you -- this isn't even the first time you've made this claim...

It's nothing but smoke and mirrors to hide how few jobs were created.

Of course the numbers were just pulled out of somebody's ass, Pinqy! That was the whole purpose of "Jobs Saved"! It let the Obama Administration avoid having to tell the American public how few jobs they created with the stimulus by substituting a statistic that couldn't be verified!

He did give us the Obama Stimulus...something that turned into a liberal pork fest that created so few jobs that they had to invent a new economic statistic to hide how bad it was!
So yeah, keep denying you said it. Even though you've actually said it time and time again.

All you're doing is proving me right when I say you're nothing but a lying con tool who will make up any lie, no matter how rightarded, to prop up your bullshit.

I've said it repeatedly because it's a fact. The Obama Stimulus did turn into a liberal pork fest that didn't come close to producing the "shovel ready" jobs that Obama, Pelosi and Reid promised would be there if they were given the money.
Yet you denied saying it when antontoo claimed you said it. And no, it's not a fact. It's your delusion which is contrary to the facts.
Oh, so Obama wasn't involved in negotiation with the Chinese...he just signed the agreement? That is about as pathetic a claim as you've ever made, Georgie...and God knows you've made some pathetic ones! (My favorite, by the way, is that the reason you can't spell or write well is that your "secretary" normally proofs all of your correspondence...that's classic!)
Good. So you have no problem with the fact that the agreement, the Nov 2014 agreement specifically, which has since been integrated with the France agreement, was negotiated by professionals which did not include the President of the United States. Your having said Obama negotiated the deal simply showed again what a simpleton you are. The agreement was negotiated in Bejing, me boy. Over months. And Obama was not there except briefly at the end. When the deal was done by the professionals who had negotiated it. After it was don. To sign it. So, physically, what you say is stupid. Then, since you can find absolutely NO expert statement that Obama was negotiating the deal, would give rational people a pretty solid understanding that the was not the negotiator.
That you are a simple minded con troll is well established. But your suggestion that any president would go and spend months negotiating an agreement just does not pass the giggle test, me boy. Are you just trying to prove how stupid you are?

So, your attack on me is personal and just normal. Personal attacks are all you have, me boy. Trying to say a president negotiated an agreement is high on the list of stupid claims. But you have proven yourself capable of such, time and again. Just a simpleton con troll.
By the way, if you look at this thread for the past few days, you have used personal attacks against each person who has disagreed with you. All such persons. One new member with solid economic background was so irritated with you that he chose to stop posting entirely, letting you know on the way out that you were the reason. So, my questions are:
1. What is the purpose of your personal attacks?
2. Why do you make personal attacks with specific claims you can not prove?
3. Can you name a single economic argument that you have made in the past month?

So what you're saying is that Barry doesn't really do ANYTHING...just signs his name to stuff that someone else does all the work on? That he didn't have ANY input into the negotiation for that deal with China at all...just took credit for the work that someone else did?

You know what, Georgie? I've said all along that Barack Obama is an empty suit but it turns out that I give him more credit than you do! I think that he was involved every step of the way with negotiations with China on that deal. I think you're only saying he WASN'T because you don't want to admit that there were two deals made independent of each other and that Obama was part of the negotiations of each...especially the initial deal with China!

What you call "personal attacks" is my simply pointing out what a pathetic liar you are. If you didn't claim to be something that you OBVIOUSLY AREN'T you wouldn't be getting "attacked"! Or don't you grasp how that works...Mr "I NEVER EVER LIE"?

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