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US Jobless claims fall to 4 decade low

It's purported. Deal with it. And look at you trying to gain money on this. If this is a point of pride, you would offer to prove it straight up. As it is, I don't care about your scam. And you spazzing doesn't prove you know sh**, tbh. You're the troll telling us that doubling wages has no negative economic impact. What a load of utter horse shit. You are a hack and a half.
Right. Says the clown who has no credentials at all. Really, me boy, you are a simpleton clown, a conservative troll with nothing but con talking points.
If I remember, and I do, it was you that suggested I was lying about my background. So, put your money where your mouth is, or you can simply admit you are a coward. No guts, just empty attacks. Only really, really small and unimportant people who are jealous of others make personal attacks against those others.
It costs to prove anything, me boy. It costs for a referee, typically a financial institution. it costs to put money in escrow. And it would show you had some integrity if you would try to back up your accusations. But, refusing simply shows what we all know. You know you are going to loose money, and you know you will look like a fool. Unless you are correct. Really, you are such a small time tiny minded clown.

And, me boy, despite your best efforts at personal attacks, you are out of your comfort zone. I can prove what I say. You can not. All you can do is rely on totally agenda driven bat shit crazy sources. Because no impartial sources will back you up.

"Myth: Increasing the minimum wage will cause people to lose their jobs.

Not true: In a letter to President Obama and congressional leaders urging a minimum wage increase, more than 600 economists, including 7 Nobel Prize winners wrote, "In recent years there have been important developments in the academic literature on the effect of increases in the minimum wage on employment, with the weight of evidence now showing that increases in the minimum wage have had little or no negative effect on the employment of minimum-wage workers, even during times of weakness in the labor market. Research suggests that a minimum-wage increase could have a small stimulative effect on the economy as low-wage workers spend their additional earnings, raising demand and job growth, and providing some help on the jobs front.""
Minimum Wage Mythbusters
Damn. so, over 600 economists say the new minimum wage law is a good idea. You say it is not. So, 600 economists, to one con troll with absolutely no credentials. That is 600 to zero. You did not just loose, you were just destroyed. [/QUOTE][/QUOTE]

Dude, you're on a message board; not a college symposium. Nobody here has "credentials," jackass. Sorry, many do not (like you) but some do. You have econ professors, and people with lots of business background. Just because you have no credentials does not mean that others do not. As it is, you are a sh** economist if you think you're one. You ignore the most basic of concepts while spouting wild erroneous ideas as if they were absolute truth (which is really not what non-hack economists do).Or, if I interpret your little rant, what you are saying is that you hate it when I explain economics with expert proof of what I say. Because you as a troll want to simply state con talking points. Because even the small amount of searching for the truth is against your intent to simply post talking points. Got it. All that proves is that you are a simple minded con troll. Which is normal for con trolls. Cons in general prefer to have someone tell them what to believe. It is the way they want to get what they can then choose to believe. While rational people hate that concept, cons love it. It makes things so much easier, eh, dipshit. No research of any kind needed. No pesky hours of research. Just believe what you are told. Then, pretend you are knowledgeable and spout your con talking points.

And tell AYSO is costs (money) for their volunteer referees lmao: You're such a tool) Well, at least you admit it is your arrogant opinion. Because, as a simpleton con troll, it could not be IMHO. Again though, I'm not at all interested in your stupid little scam. So, you call naming someone a liar honorable? And proving that I never lie a scam? Really, dipshit. You are the tool here. I don't care about getting a PDF of someone else's economics degree (along with a virus). And if you weren't such a poor excuse for an economist, Really, me poor ignorant con. Getting a ba in economics does not make me an economist. There are economists on this board, but they are not me. And, importantly, I never in my life claimed to be an economist. And you are lying when you say I did. dipshit. And it takes no PDF copy of anything to prove a college degree. You simply call the registrar's office, ask a few questions, and they will send you an actual photo copy of the diploma. And you are welcome for another little bit of education, me ignorant con troll. you wouldn't be worried about that sh**. Really, you're just some phony ass peddler. And in the event that you did get a degree, you're a fucking disgrace to the discipline. Funny. You are providing the opinion you have to be that of a person who is angry at the world because you have no background that you can lean on. You have not done the work. You are just a simple minded con troll cutting and pasting con talking points with nothing to back you up, Funny, but not serious.

Citing numbers of libtard infiltrators doesn't mean a thing, dude. Really, me boy, you are making a spectacle of yourself. Calling impartial sources names means nothing. Because you are a complete nothing yourself. You know what their economics are? Get as much money from the government to publish sh** like that. Right, me simpleton con troll. They spend years of effort to get advanced degrees in Economics, and some clown with no credentials and who does not know anything about economics makes ignorant comments about their expertise. Because he is jealous of them, since he has done nothing but absorb con talking points. And is himself nothing at all, just a lying con troll. It's a glorified crime syndicate. That's basic fucking economics. This sh** goes right over your peabrain fucking head, you mother fucking country nugget. And as a con troll with no background or expert knowledge, you think that your opinion of people, and your base stupidity in calling people names and performing personal attacks means something. No one cares, me boy. You are a nothing, just capable of personal attacks, posting unsubstantiated personal attacks, and posting talking points and other drivel. No one believes you, me boy. You are just a joke, attacking with ignorance as hard as you can. Sad.
Last edited:
Blacks at 20 percent unemployment. Black OP proud though.
Why do you lie?

(Seas) Unemployment Rate - Black or African American


White youth unemployment 16-19 14.8%
Black youth unemployment 16-19 30.0%

E-16. Unemployment rates by age, sex, race, and Hispanic or Latino ethnicity

$15 an hour will surely rectify that. After all, $30K on top of all the other costs for entry level work is sure to make employers hire.

Now you're letting "reality" get in the way of the liberal agenda, Gatsby! People with zero jobs skills cost businesses big bucks to train. They literally are a drain on the business until they learn those skills. Liberals think a $15 an hour minimum wage will help poor people when in reality it will make things far worse because it means at that amount of money you're only going to hire those who already HAVE the skills needed to do the job. You'll be eliminating many of the entry level jobs that are the first step for the young to be a part of the work force.
Just a ba in Econ. An MBA. And over 40 years in the IT industry. Through sr. vp of sales and marketing of an international corp. Yeah, a fair amount actually.

I've met plenty of hack (purported) econ majors, tbh. And I'm guessing your company does not operate on strict margins. Grocery stores, restaurants, etc. cannot pay these astronomical costs; and the ones that can will be passing on major price hikes to consumers.

Here is your problem, dipshit. I never ever lie. So shove the purported up your ass. I worked hard to get where I got to, and some clown saying purported is more than tacky.
But, if you are a person of any integrity of all, which I doubt, put some money down. Make it enough to be worth the time. If I can not provide the diplomas, and proof of my past career titles, I loose. If I can do so, you loose. Let's see what you have, me poor ignorant clown.
Beyond that, everything you have said is nonsense. While it is true that at some point any minimum wage can be so high as to cause unemployment and loss of many businesses. But based on the proposed minimum wage and it's suggested time table, when washed against the real value of prior minimum wages, it should not be a problem. What it is, me ignorant con troll, is simply against your favorite bat shit crazy con talking points. Nothing more.
Really, you need to get a clue.

It's purported. Deal with it. And look at you trying to gain money on this. If this is a point of pride, you would offer to prove it straight up. As it is, I don't care about your scam. And you spazzing doesn't prove you know sh**, tbh. You're the troll telling us that doubling wages has no negative economic impact. What a load of utter horse shit. You are a hack and a half.
Right. Says the clown who has no credentials at all. Really, me boy, you are a simpleton clown, a conservative troll with nothing but con talking points.
If I remember, and I do, it was you that suggested I was lying. So, put your money where your mouth is, or you can simply admit you are a coward. No guts, just empty attacks.
It costs to prove anything, me boy. It costs for a referee, it costs to put money in escro. And it would show you had some integrity if you would try to back up your accusations. But, refusing to simply shows what we all know. You know you are going to loose money, and you know you will look like a fool. Unless you are correct. Really, you are such a small time tiny minded clown.

And, me boy, despite your best efforts at personal attacks, you are out of your comfort zone. I can prove what I say. You can not. All you can do is rely on totally agenda driven bat shit crazy sources. Because no impartial sources will back you up.

"Myth: Increasing the minimum wage will cause people to lose their jobs.

Not true: In a letter to President Obama and congressional leaders urging a minimum wage increase, more than 600 economists, including 7 Nobel Prize winners wrote, "In recent years there have been important developments in the academic literature on the effect of increases in the minimum wage on employment, with the weight of evidence now showing that increases in the minimum wage have had little or no negative effect on the employment of minimum-wage workers, even during times of weakness in the labor market. Research suggests that a minimum-wage increase could have a small stimulative effect on the economy as low-wage workers spend their additional earnings, raising demand and job growth, and providing some help on the jobs front.""
Minimum Wage Mythbusters

Damn. so, over 600 economists say the new minimum wage law is a good idea. You say it is not. So, 600 economists, to one con troll with absolutely no credentials. That is 600 to zero. You did not just loose, you were just destroyed.

Dude, you're on a message board; not a college symposium. Nobody here has "credentials," jackass. As it is, you are a sh** economist if you think you're one. You ignore the most basic of concepts while spouting wild erroneous ideas as if they were absolute truth (which is really not what non-hack economists do).

And tell AYSO is costs (money) for their volunteer referees :)lmao: You're such a tool). Again though, I'm not at all interested in your stupid little scam. I don't care about getting a PDF of someone else's economics degree (along with a virus). And if you weren't such a poor excuse for an economist, you wouldn't be worried about that sh**. Really, you're just some phony ass peddler. And in the event that you did get a degree, you're a fucking disgrace to the discipline.

Citing numbers of libtard infiltrators doesn't mean a thing, dude. You know what their economics are? Get as much money from the government to publish sh** like that. It's a glorified crime syndicate. That's basic fucking economics. This sh** goes right over your peabrain fucking head, you mother fucking country nugget.

You gotta love, Rshermr! He claims to have taught economics at the college level while he was an undergrad...yet he didn't have a clue what I was referring to when I asked him what school of economics he was basing his claim on! The poser thought I was talking about a brick and mortar college! I know so much more about economics than he does from taking two entry level Econ classes forty years ago that it's laughable! Try to get him to post you something related to economics in his own words and watch the gibberish that he'll come up with! It's hilarious. He's got a degree in Economics like I'm a brain surgeon.

I refer to him as Georgie...short for George Costanza...because he is the board's biggest liar.
It's purported. Deal with it. And look at you trying to gain money on this. If this is a point of pride, you would offer to prove it straight up. As it is, I don't care about your scam. And you spazzing doesn't prove you know sh**, tbh. You're the troll telling us that doubling wages has no negative economic impact. What a load of utter horse shit. You are a hack and a half.
Right. Says the clown who has no credentials at all. Really, me boy, you are a simpleton clown, a conservative troll with nothing but con talking points.
If I remember, and I do, it was you that suggested I was lying about my background. So, put your money where your mouth is, or you can simply admit you are a coward. No guts, just empty attacks. Only really, really small and unimportant people who are jealous of others make personal attacks against those others.
It costs to prove anything, me boy. It costs for a referee, typically a financial institution. it costs to put money in escrow. And it would show you had some integrity if you would try to back up your accusations. But, refusing simply shows what we all know. You know you are going to loose money, and you know you will look like a fool. Unless you are correct. Really, you are such a small time tiny minded clown.

And, me boy, despite your best efforts at personal attacks, you are out of your comfort zone. I can prove what I say. You can not. All you can do is rely on totally agenda driven bat shit crazy sources. Because no impartial sources will back you up.

"Myth: Increasing the minimum wage will cause people to lose their jobs.

Not true: In a letter to President Obama and congressional leaders urging a minimum wage increase, more than 600 economists, including 7 Nobel Prize winners wrote, "In recent years there have been important developments in the academic literature on the effect of increases in the minimum wage on employment, with the weight of evidence now showing that increases in the minimum wage have had little or no negative effect on the employment of minimum-wage workers, even during times of weakness in the labor market. Research suggests that a minimum-wage increase could have a small stimulative effect on the economy as low-wage workers spend their additional earnings, raising demand and job growth, and providing some help on the jobs front.""
Minimum Wage Mythbusters
Damn. so, over 600 economists say the new minimum wage law is a good idea. You say it is not. So, 600 economists, to one con troll with absolutely no credentials. That is 600 to zero. You did not just loose, you were just destroyed.

Dude, you're on a message board; not a college symposium. Nobody here has "credentials," jackass. Sorry, many do not (like you) but some do. You have econ professors, and people with lots of business background. Just because you have no credentials does not mean that others do not. As it is, you are a sh** economist if you think you're one. You ignore the most basic of concepts while spouting wild erroneous ideas as if they were absolute truth (which is really not what non-hack economists do).Or, if I interpret your little rant, what you are saying is that you hate it when I explain economics with expert proof of what I say. Because you as a troll want to simply state con talking points. Because even the small amount of searching for the truth is against your intent to simply post talking points. Got it. All that proves is that you are a simple minded con troll. Which is normal for con trolls. Cons in general prefer to have someone tell them what to believe. It is the way they want to get what they can then choose to believe. While rational people hate that concept, cons love it. It makes things so much easier, eh, dipshit. No research of any kind needed. No pesky hours of research. Just believe what you are told. Then, pretend you are knowledgeable and spout your con talking points.

And tell AYSO is costs (money) for their volunteer referees lmao: You're such a tool) Well, at least you admit it is your arrogant opinion. Because, as a simpleton con troll, it could not be IMHO. Again though, I'm not at all interested in your stupid little scam. So, you call naming someone a liar honorable? And proving that I never lie a scam? Really, dipshit. You are the tool here. I don't care about getting a PDF of someone else's economics degree (along with a virus). And if you weren't such a poor excuse for an economist, Really, me poor ignorant con. Getting a ba in economics does not make me an economist. There are economists on this board, but they are not me. And, importantly, I never in my life claimed to be an economist. And you are lying when you say I did. dipshit. And it takes no PDF copy of anything to prove a college degree. You simply call the registrar's office, ask a few questions, and they will send you an actual photo copy of the diploma. And you are welcome for another little bit of education, me ignorant con troll. you wouldn't be worried about that sh**. Really, you're just some phony ass peddler. And in the event that you did get a degree, you're a fucking disgrace to the discipline. Funny. You are providing the opinion you have to be that of a person who is angry at the world because you have no background that you can lean on. You have not done the work. You are just a simple minded con troll cutting and pasting con talking points with nothing to back you up, Funny, but not serious.

Citing numbers of libtard infiltrators doesn't mean a thing, dude. Really, me boy, you are making a spectacle of yourself. Calling impartial sources names means nothing. Because you are a complete nothing yourself. You know what their economics are? Get as much money from the government to publish sh** like that. Right, me simpleton con troll. They spend years of effort to get advanced degrees in Economics, and some clown with no credentials and who does not know anything about economics makes ignorant comments about their expertise. Because he is jealous of them, since he has done nothing but absorb con talking points. And is himself nothing at all, just a lying con troll. It's a glorified crime syndicate. That's basic fucking economics. This sh** goes right over your peabrain fucking head, you mother fucking country nugget. And as a con troll with no background or expert knowledge, you think that your opinion of people, and your base stupidity in calling people names and performing personal attacks means something. No one cares, me boy. You are a nothing, just capable of personal attacks, posting unsubstantiated personal attacks, and posting talking points and other drivel. No one believes you, me boy. You are just a joke, attacking with ignorance as hard as you can. Sad.

Bla bla, dude. This thread is not about your sorry ass despite what you want to think, you stupid bloviating narcissist.

And the funny thing is what set you off (among other things) was the accurate use of the word purported. You can't handle that people don't just accept your phony sense of superiority :lmao:
It's purported. Deal with it. And look at you trying to gain money on this. If this is a point of pride, you would offer to prove it straight up. As it is, I don't care about your scam. And you spazzing doesn't prove you know sh**, tbh. You're the troll telling us that doubling wages has no negative economic impact. What a load of utter horse shit. You are a hack and a half.
Right. Says the clown who has no credentials at all. Really, me boy, you are a simpleton clown, a conservative troll with nothing but con talking points.
If I remember, and I do, it was you that suggested I was lying about my background. So, put your money where your mouth is, or you can simply admit you are a coward. No guts, just empty attacks. Only really, really small and unimportant people who are jealous of others make personal attacks against those others.
It costs to prove anything, me boy. It costs for a referee, typically a financial institution. it costs to put money in escrow. And it would show you had some integrity if you would try to back up your accusations. But, refusing simply shows what we all know. You know you are going to loose money, and you know you will look like a fool. Unless you are correct. Really, you are such a small time tiny minded clown.

And, me boy, despite your best efforts at personal attacks, you are out of your comfort zone. I can prove what I say. You can not. All you can do is rely on totally agenda driven bat shit crazy sources. Because no impartial sources will back you up.

"Myth: Increasing the minimum wage will cause people to lose their jobs.

Not true: In a letter to President Obama and congressional leaders urging a minimum wage increase, more than 600 economists, including 7 Nobel Prize winners wrote, "In recent years there have been important developments in the academic literature on the effect of increases in the minimum wage on employment, with the weight of evidence now showing that increases in the minimum wage have had little or no negative effect on the employment of minimum-wage workers, even during times of weakness in the labor market. Research suggests that a minimum-wage increase could have a small stimulative effect on the economy as low-wage workers spend their additional earnings, raising demand and job growth, and providing some help on the jobs front.""
Minimum Wage Mythbusters
Damn. so, over 600 economists say the new minimum wage law is a good idea. You say it is not. So, 600 economists, to one con troll with absolutely no credentials. That is 600 to zero. You did not just loose, you were just destroyed.

Dude, you're on a message board; not a college symposium. Nobody here has "credentials," jackass. Sorry, many do not (like you) but some do. You have econ professors, and people with lots of business background. Just because you have no credentials does not mean that others do not. As it is, you are a sh** economist if you think you're one. You ignore the most basic of concepts while spouting wild erroneous ideas as if they were absolute truth (which is really not what non-hack economists do).Or, if I interpret your little rant, what you are saying is that you hate it when I explain economics with expert proof of what I say. Because you as a troll want to simply state con talking points. Because even the small amount of searching for the truth is against your intent to simply post talking points. Got it. All that proves is that you are a simple minded con troll. Which is normal for con trolls. Cons in general prefer to have someone tell them what to believe. It is the way they want to get what they can then choose to believe. While rational people hate that concept, cons love it. It makes things so much easier, eh, dipshit. No research of any kind needed. No pesky hours of research. Just believe what you are told. Then, pretend you are knowledgeable and spout your con talking points.

And tell AYSO is costs (money) for their volunteer referees lmao: You're such a tool) Well, at least you admit it is your arrogant opinion. Because, as a simpleton con troll, it could not be IMHO. Again though, I'm not at all interested in your stupid little scam. So, you call naming someone a liar honorable? And proving that I never lie a scam? Really, dipshit. You are the tool here. I don't care about getting a PDF of someone else's economics degree (along with a virus). And if you weren't such a poor excuse for an economist, Really, me poor ignorant con. Getting a ba in economics does not make me an economist. There are economists on this board, but they are not me. And, importantly, I never in my life claimed to be an economist. And you are lying when you say I did. dipshit. And it takes no PDF copy of anything to prove a college degree. You simply call the registrar's office, ask a few questions, and they will send you an actual photo copy of the diploma. And you are welcome for another little bit of education, me ignorant con troll. you wouldn't be worried about that sh**. Really, you're just some phony ass peddler. And in the event that you did get a degree, you're a fucking disgrace to the discipline. Funny. You are providing the opinion you have to be that of a person who is angry at the world because you have no background that you can lean on. You have not done the work. You are just a simple minded con troll cutting and pasting con talking points with nothing to back you up, Funny, but not serious.

Citing numbers of libtard infiltrators doesn't mean a thing, dude. Really, me boy, you are making a spectacle of yourself. Calling impartial sources names means nothing. Because you are a complete nothing yourself. You know what their economics are? Get as much money from the government to publish sh** like that. Right, me simpleton con troll. They spend years of effort to get advanced degrees in Economics, and some clown with no credentials and who does not know anything about economics makes ignorant comments about their expertise. Because he is jealous of them, since he has done nothing but absorb con talking points. And is himself nothing at all, just a lying con troll. It's a glorified crime syndicate. That's basic fucking economics. This sh** goes right over your peabrain fucking head, you mother fucking country nugget. And as a con troll with no background or expert knowledge, you think that your opinion of people, and your base stupidity in calling people names and performing personal attacks means something. No one cares, me boy. You are a nothing, just capable of personal attacks, posting unsubstantiated personal attacks, and posting talking points and other drivel. No one believes you, me boy. You are just a joke, attacking with ignorance as hard as you can. Sad.

Bla bla, dude. This thread is not about your sorry ass despite what you want to think, you stupid bloviating narcissist.

And the funny thing is what set you off (among other things) was the accurate use of the word purported. You can't handle that people don't just accept your phony sense of superiority :lmao:
When Georgie starts posting in blue...you know that he's in over his head and is REALLY going to start shoveling the Grade A manure! He'll give you his usual blather about "con web sites" and "personal attacks"...all the while USING liberal web sites and nothing but personal attacks! It's how he rolls here...

Keep after him and see if you can get him to post something about economics that's coming from him...and not a cut and paste from some site. You want to talk about someone embarrassing themselves? Watching Rshermr try to sound "in the know" about economics is farce of the first order!
Blacks at 20 percent unemployment. Black OP proud though.
Why do you lie?

(Seas) Unemployment Rate - Black or African American


White youth unemployment 16-19 14.8%
Black youth unemployment 16-19 30.0%

E-16. Unemployment rates by age, sex, race, and Hispanic or Latino ethnicity

$15 an hour will surely rectify that. After all, $30K on top of all the other costs for entry level work is sure to make employers hire.

Now you're letting "reality" get in the way of the liberal agenda, Gatsby! People with zero jobs skills cost businesses big bucks to train. They literally are a drain on the business until they learn those skills. Liberals think a $15 an hour minimum wage will help poor people when in reality it will make things far worse because it means at that amount of money you're only going to hire those who already HAVE the skills needed to do the job. You'll be eliminating many of the entry level jobs that are the first step for the young to be a part of the work force.
So, the con troll who has no backing for his statements makes an economic projection. But, being a food services worker kind of eliminates anyone believing what he has to say. Poor clown.
I've met plenty of hack (purported) econ majors, tbh. And I'm guessing your company does not operate on strict margins. Grocery stores, restaurants, etc. cannot pay these astronomical costs; and the ones that can will be passing on major price hikes to consumers.

Here is your problem, dipshit. I never ever lie. So shove the purported up your ass. I worked hard to get where I got to, and some clown saying purported is more than tacky.
But, if you are a person of any integrity of all, which I doubt, put some money down. Make it enough to be worth the time. If I can not provide the diplomas, and proof of my past career titles, I loose. If I can do so, you loose. Let's see what you have, me poor ignorant clown.
Beyond that, everything you have said is nonsense. While it is true that at some point any minimum wage can be so high as to cause unemployment and loss of many businesses. But based on the proposed minimum wage and it's suggested time table, when washed against the real value of prior minimum wages, it should not be a problem. What it is, me ignorant con troll, is simply against your favorite bat shit crazy con talking points. Nothing more.
Really, you need to get a clue.

It's purported. Deal with it. And look at you trying to gain money on this. If this is a point of pride, you would offer to prove it straight up. As it is, I don't care about your scam. And you spazzing doesn't prove you know sh**, tbh. You're the troll telling us that doubling wages has no negative economic impact. What a load of utter horse shit. You are a hack and a half.
Right. Says the clown who has no credentials at all. Really, me boy, you are a simpleton clown, a conservative troll with nothing but con talking points.
If I remember, and I do, it was you that suggested I was lying. So, put your money where your mouth is, or you can simply admit you are a coward. No guts, just empty attacks.
It costs to prove anything, me boy. It costs for a referee, it costs to put money in escro. And it would show you had some integrity if you would try to back up your accusations. But, refusing to simply shows what we all know. You know you are going to loose money, and you know you will look like a fool. Unless you are correct. Really, you are such a small time tiny minded clown.

And, me boy, despite your best efforts at personal attacks, you are out of your comfort zone. I can prove what I say. You can not. All you can do is rely on totally agenda driven bat shit crazy sources. Because no impartial sources will back you up.

"Myth: Increasing the minimum wage will cause people to lose their jobs.

Not true: In a letter to President Obama and congressional leaders urging a minimum wage increase, more than 600 economists, including 7 Nobel Prize winners wrote, "In recent years there have been important developments in the academic literature on the effect of increases in the minimum wage on employment, with the weight of evidence now showing that increases in the minimum wage have had little or no negative effect on the employment of minimum-wage workers, even during times of weakness in the labor market. Research suggests that a minimum-wage increase could have a small stimulative effect on the economy as low-wage workers spend their additional earnings, raising demand and job growth, and providing some help on the jobs front.""
Minimum Wage Mythbusters

Damn. so, over 600 economists say the new minimum wage law is a good idea. You say it is not. So, 600 economists, to one con troll with absolutely no credentials. That is 600 to zero. You did not just loose, you were just destroyed.

Dude, you're on a message board; not a college symposium. Nobody here has "credentials," jackass. As it is, you are a sh** economist if you think you're one. You ignore the most basic of concepts while spouting wild erroneous ideas as if they were absolute truth (which is really not what non-hack economists do).

And tell AYSO is costs (money) for their volunteer referees :)lmao: You're such a tool). Again though, I'm not at all interested in your stupid little scam. I don't care about getting a PDF of someone else's economics degree (along with a virus). And if you weren't such a poor excuse for an economist, you wouldn't be worried about that sh**. Really, you're just some phony ass peddler. And in the event that you did get a degree, you're a fucking disgrace to the discipline.

Citing numbers of libtard infiltrators doesn't mean a thing, dude. You know what their economics are? Get as much money from the government to publish sh** like that. It's a glorified crime syndicate. That's basic fucking economics. This sh** goes right over your peabrain fucking head, you mother fucking country nugget.

You gotta love, Rshermr! He claims to have taught economics at the college level while he was an undergrad..Sort of, but for a college professor. And as Oldstyle knows, it was at a college that had no grad degrees in economics. Kind of forgets those parts. yet he didn't have a clue what I was referring to when I asked him what school of economics he was basing his claim on! The poser thought I was talking about a brick and mortar college! And another lie by the lying con troll. What's new. I know so much more about economics than he does from taking two entry level Econ classes forty years ago that it's laughable! Which is indeed laughable, and proves you to be delusional. You have yet to win an economic argument. Funny. Try to get him to post you something related to economics in his own words and watch the gibberish that he'll come up with! It's hilarious. He's got a degree in Economics like I'm a brain surgeon.
And, of course, given the chance to prove it and make some money, Oldstyle ran like a scalded cat. Offer is still open, me boy. I show you the diploma and you pay, ok? If I have no diploma, you get paid. But then, you will run again, eh me lying con troll.

I refer to him as Georgie...short for George Costanza...because he is the board's biggest liar.
Which is why you can not prove I ever lied. Because I never do. And it proves you, a serial liar, all sorts of consternation.
Still waiting for you to prove that I have ever in my life lied on this board. Because you can not. Now you, on the other hand, have been caught red handed many times. Want proof, me boy. Want to tell people how you said I had not known what you were talking about when you said Chicago School? Remember, you said it over 20 times. But it was untrue, and I proved you had never used the term at all, until you made that lying claim. I can go on, but suffice it to say that I never ever lie. Never. And I can show several times when Oldstyle has. Because he simply lies to get out of lies.

So, what have we this time from the food services worker and self proclaimed econ expert. Nothing but a bunch of lies. And a bunch of personal attacks. I once counted the number of OS posts that I responded to and counted the number of times he touched on the subject of the thread, and the number of times he discussed any economics subject. In both cases, it was a round number. Zero. Entirely personal attacks. Filled with lies. Cmon, oldstyle, you said how great you are at discussing econ, how much you know, and how little I know. Want to get crushed again? Perhaps you would like to talk about the ARRA, or the ACCA as you called it in post after post. That is the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants. Which Oldstyle kept referencing over and over and over, showing his vast knowledge of economics. Or, better said, why he is simply a food services worker.
Here is one of Oldstyle's epic posts:

So you're saying that when the Obama Administration was claiming to have "Created or Saved" two million jobs with the ACCA that they did so with verified numbers from the ACCA forms that were required to be filled out?
That was post 2615 this past monday in this thread. Perhaps Oldstyle would like to regale us with more stories about theACCA. Not sure why, your not a certified accountant even. And there are several more of those ACCA posts by oldstyle. Sure looks like an econ expert to me.
Last edited:
It's purported. Deal with it. And look at you trying to gain money on this. If this is a point of pride, you would offer to prove it straight up. As it is, I don't care about your scam. And you spazzing doesn't prove you know sh**, tbh. You're the troll telling us that doubling wages has no negative economic impact. What a load of utter horse shit. You are a hack and a half.
Right. Says the clown who has no credentials at all. Really, me boy, you are a simpleton clown, a conservative troll with nothing but con talking points.
If I remember, and I do, it was you that suggested I was lying about my background. So, put your money where your mouth is, or you can simply admit you are a coward. No guts, just empty attacks. Only really, really small and unimportant people who are jealous of others make personal attacks against those others.
It costs to prove anything, me boy. It costs for a referee, typically a financial institution. it costs to put money in escrow. And it would show you had some integrity if you would try to back up your accusations. But, refusing simply shows what we all know. You know you are going to loose money, and you know you will look like a fool. Unless you are correct. Really, you are such a small time tiny minded clown.

And, me boy, despite your best efforts at personal attacks, you are out of your comfort zone. I can prove what I say. You can not. All you can do is rely on totally agenda driven bat shit crazy sources. Because no impartial sources will back you up.

"Myth: Increasing the minimum wage will cause people to lose their jobs.

Not true: In a letter to President Obama and congressional leaders urging a minimum wage increase, more than 600 economists, including 7 Nobel Prize winners wrote, "In recent years there have been important developments in the academic literature on the effect of increases in the minimum wage on employment, with the weight of evidence now showing that increases in the minimum wage have had little or no negative effect on the employment of minimum-wage workers, even during times of weakness in the labor market. Research suggests that a minimum-wage increase could have a small stimulative effect on the economy as low-wage workers spend their additional earnings, raising demand and job growth, and providing some help on the jobs front.""
Minimum Wage Mythbusters
Damn. so, over 600 economists say the new minimum wage law is a good idea. You say it is not. So, 600 economists, to one con troll with absolutely no credentials. That is 600 to zero. You did not just loose, you were just destroyed.

Dude, you're on a message board; not a college symposium. Nobody here has "credentials," jackass. Sorry, many do not (like you) but some do. You have econ professors, and people with lots of business background. Just because you have no credentials does not mean that others do not. As it is, you are a sh** economist if you think you're one. You ignore the most basic of concepts while spouting wild erroneous ideas as if they were absolute truth (which is really not what non-hack economists do).Or, if I interpret your little rant, what you are saying is that you hate it when I explain economics with expert proof of what I say. Because you as a troll want to simply state con talking points. Because even the small amount of searching for the truth is against your intent to simply post talking points. Got it. All that proves is that you are a simple minded con troll. Which is normal for con trolls. Cons in general prefer to have someone tell them what to believe. It is the way they want to get what they can then choose to believe. While rational people hate that concept, cons love it. It makes things so much easier, eh, dipshit. No research of any kind needed. No pesky hours of research. Just believe what you are told. Then, pretend you are knowledgeable and spout your con talking points.

And tell AYSO is costs (money) for their volunteer referees lmao: You're such a tool) Well, at least you admit it is your arrogant opinion. Because, as a simpleton con troll, it could not be IMHO. Again though, I'm not at all interested in your stupid little scam. So, you call naming someone a liar honorable? And proving that I never lie a scam? Really, dipshit. You are the tool here. I don't care about getting a PDF of someone else's economics degree (along with a virus). And if you weren't such a poor excuse for an economist, Really, me poor ignorant con. Getting a ba in economics does not make me an economist. There are economists on this board, but they are not me. And, importantly, I never in my life claimed to be an economist. And you are lying when you say I did. dipshit. And it takes no PDF copy of anything to prove a college degree. You simply call the registrar's office, ask a few questions, and they will send you an actual photo copy of the diploma. And you are welcome for another little bit of education, me ignorant con troll. you wouldn't be worried about that sh**. Really, you're just some phony ass peddler. And in the event that you did get a degree, you're a fucking disgrace to the discipline. Funny. You are providing the opinion you have to be that of a person who is angry at the world because you have no background that you can lean on. You have not done the work. You are just a simple minded con troll cutting and pasting con talking points with nothing to back you up, Funny, but not serious.

Citing numbers of libtard infiltrators doesn't mean a thing, dude. Really, me boy, you are making a spectacle of yourself. Calling impartial sources names means nothing. Because you are a complete nothing yourself. You know what their economics are? Get as much money from the government to publish sh** like that. Right, me simpleton con troll. They spend years of effort to get advanced degrees in Economics, and some clown with no credentials and who does not know anything about economics makes ignorant comments about their expertise. Because he is jealous of them, since he has done nothing but absorb con talking points. And is himself nothing at all, just a lying con troll. It's a glorified crime syndicate. That's basic fucking economics. This sh** goes right over your peabrain fucking head, you mother fucking country nugget. And as a con troll with no background or expert knowledge, you think that your opinion of people, and your base stupidity in calling people names and performing personal attacks means something. No one cares, me boy. You are a nothing, just capable of personal attacks, posting unsubstantiated personal attacks, and posting talking points and other drivel. No one believes you, me boy. You are just a joke, attacking with ignorance as hard as you can. Sad.

Bla bla, dude. This thread is not about your sorry ass despite what you want to think, you stupid bloviating narcissist.

And the funny thing is what set you off (among other things) was the accurate use of the word purported. You can't handle that people don't just accept your phony sense of superiority :lmao:

If you REALLY get under Georgie's skin...he'll accuse you of being a "dishwasher" or something equally "low class"! It hasn't dawned on Rshermr that getting your ass handed to you in a debate by someone who actually WAS a dishwasher would be infinitely more embarrassing then having it done by someone with a couple of real (as opposed to make believe!) college degrees!

What's amusing is he actually seems to have been able to convince HIMSELF that he's not an idiot by cut and pasting other people's intelligent arguments! If and when he does try to talk about economics off the top of his head...he's so clueless it's almost painful to watch.
Here is your problem, dipshit. I never ever lie. So shove the purported up your ass. I worked hard to get where I got to, and some clown saying purported is more than tacky.
But, if you are a person of any integrity of all, which I doubt, put some money down. Make it enough to be worth the time. If I can not provide the diplomas, and proof of my past career titles, I loose. If I can do so, you loose. Let's see what you have, me poor ignorant clown.
Beyond that, everything you have said is nonsense. While it is true that at some point any minimum wage can be so high as to cause unemployment and loss of many businesses. But based on the proposed minimum wage and it's suggested time table, when washed against the real value of prior minimum wages, it should not be a problem. What it is, me ignorant con troll, is simply against your favorite bat shit crazy con talking points. Nothing more.
Really, you need to get a clue.

It's purported. Deal with it. And look at you trying to gain money on this. If this is a point of pride, you would offer to prove it straight up. As it is, I don't care about your scam. And you spazzing doesn't prove you know sh**, tbh. You're the troll telling us that doubling wages has no negative economic impact. What a load of utter horse shit. You are a hack and a half.
Right. Says the clown who has no credentials at all. Really, me boy, you are a simpleton clown, a conservative troll with nothing but con talking points.
If I remember, and I do, it was you that suggested I was lying. So, put your money where your mouth is, or you can simply admit you are a coward. No guts, just empty attacks.
It costs to prove anything, me boy. It costs for a referee, it costs to put money in escro. And it would show you had some integrity if you would try to back up your accusations. But, refusing to simply shows what we all know. You know you are going to loose money, and you know you will look like a fool. Unless you are correct. Really, you are such a small time tiny minded clown.

And, me boy, despite your best efforts at personal attacks, you are out of your comfort zone. I can prove what I say. You can not. All you can do is rely on totally agenda driven bat shit crazy sources. Because no impartial sources will back you up.

"Myth: Increasing the minimum wage will cause people to lose their jobs.

Not true: In a letter to President Obama and congressional leaders urging a minimum wage increase, more than 600 economists, including 7 Nobel Prize winners wrote, "In recent years there have been important developments in the academic literature on the effect of increases in the minimum wage on employment, with the weight of evidence now showing that increases in the minimum wage have had little or no negative effect on the employment of minimum-wage workers, even during times of weakness in the labor market. Research suggests that a minimum-wage increase could have a small stimulative effect on the economy as low-wage workers spend their additional earnings, raising demand and job growth, and providing some help on the jobs front.""
Minimum Wage Mythbusters

Damn. so, over 600 economists say the new minimum wage law is a good idea. You say it is not. So, 600 economists, to one con troll with absolutely no credentials. That is 600 to zero. You did not just loose, you were just destroyed.

Dude, you're on a message board; not a college symposium. Nobody here has "credentials," jackass. As it is, you are a sh** economist if you think you're one. You ignore the most basic of concepts while spouting wild erroneous ideas as if they were absolute truth (which is really not what non-hack economists do).

And tell AYSO is costs (money) for their volunteer referees :)lmao: You're such a tool). Again though, I'm not at all interested in your stupid little scam. I don't care about getting a PDF of someone else's economics degree (along with a virus). And if you weren't such a poor excuse for an economist, you wouldn't be worried about that sh**. Really, you're just some phony ass peddler. And in the event that you did get a degree, you're a fucking disgrace to the discipline.

Citing numbers of libtard infiltrators doesn't mean a thing, dude. You know what their economics are? Get as much money from the government to publish sh** like that. It's a glorified crime syndicate. That's basic fucking economics. This sh** goes right over your peabrain fucking head, you mother fucking country nugget.

You gotta love, Rshermr! He claims to have taught economics at the college level while he was an undergrad..Sort of, but for a college professor. And as Oldstyle knows, it was at a college that had no grad degrees in economics. Kind of forgets those parts. yet he didn't have a clue what I was referring to when I asked him what school of economics he was basing his claim on! The poser thought I was talking about a brick and mortar college! And another lie by the lying con troll. What's new. I know so much more about economics than he does from taking two entry level Econ classes forty years ago that it's laughable! Which is indeed laughable, and proves you to be delusional. You have yet to win an economic argument. Funny. Try to get him to post you something related to economics in his own words and watch the gibberish that he'll come up with! It's hilarious. He's got a degree in Economics like I'm a brain surgeon.
And, of course, given the chance to prove it and make some money, Oldstyle ran like a scalded cat. Offer is still open, me boy. I show you the diploma and you pay, ok? If I have no diploma, you get paid. But then, you will run again, eh me lying con troll.

I refer to him as Georgie...short for George Costanza...because he is the board's biggest liar.
Which is why you can not prove I ever lied. Because I never do. And it proves you, a serial liar, all sorts of consternation.
Still waiting for you to prove that I have ever in my life lied on this board. Because you can not. Now you, on the other hand, have been caught red handed many times. Want proof, me boy. Want to tell people how you said I had not known what you were talking about when you said Chicago School? Remember, you said it over 20 times. But it was untrue, and I proved you had never used the term at all, until you made that lying claim. I can go on, but suffice it to say that I never ever lie. Never. And I can show several times when Oldstyle has. Because he simply lies to get out of lies.

So, what have we this time from the food services worker and self proclaimed econ expert. Nothing but a bunch of lies. And a bunch of personal attacks. I once counted the number of OS posts that I responded to and counted the number of times he touched on the subject of the thread, and the number of times he discussed any economics subject. In both cases, it was a round number. Zero. Entirely personal attacks. Filled with lies. Cmon, oldstyle, you said how great you are at discussing econ, how much you know, and how little I know. Want to get crushed again? Perhaps you would like to talk about the ARRA, or the ACCA as you called it in post after post. That is the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants. Which Oldstyle kept referencing over and over and over, showing his vast knowledge of economics. Or, better said, why he is simply a food services worker.
Here is one of Oldstyle's epic posts:

So you're saying that when the Obama Administration was claiming to have "Created or Saved" two million jobs with the ACCA that they did so with verified numbers from the ACCA forms that were required to be filled out?
That was post 2615 this past monday in this thread. Perhaps Oldstyle would like to regale us with more stories about theACCA. Not sure why, your not a certified accountant even. And there are several more of those ACCA posts by oldstyle. Sure looks like an econ expert to me.

You know what's sad, Georgie? You think my calling the ARRA the ACCA in a couple posts means something! Of course you ignore the nine other posts that came before those where I correctly referred to it as the ARRA. All done when I was repeatedly asking you to admit that you're full of it when you said the ARRA didn't require reports from it's recipients. The fact is...if you'd show some integrity and admit when you were wrong about something...people like me wouldn't have to ask the same questions over and over again while you do your shuck and jive routine.
So, oldstyle making more personal attacks and a few more lies. But surprise, no discussion of the thread or economics. Funny.
Keep after him and see if you can get him to post something about economics that's coming from him...and not a cut and paste from some site. You want to talk about someone embarrassing themselves? Watching Rshermr try to sound "in the know" about economics is farce of the first order![/QUOTE]
Right. Says the food services worker who lies all the time, and thinks the ACCA is lying. It is really hard to imagine anyone looking more foolish than you posting about the ACCA. Are you really serious, or are you simply trying to prove you are stupid. You lie about me a bunch of times and complain about the color of the type. Really stupid, me boy. Sorry, but to my memory I never typed the word purported. Lets check that out. Turns out that the word Purported was not brought up by me, I did respond to Gatsby who had used it. It was, me boy, said by Gatsby, a couple times. Through yesterday, for instance.
Really, oldstyle, you lie too much. Let me know if you want me to prove that for you also. Easy, me boy.
Blacks at 20 percent unemployment. Black OP proud though.
Why do you lie?

(Seas) Unemployment Rate - Black or African American


White youth unemployment 16-19 14.8%
Black youth unemployment 16-19 30.0%

E-16. Unemployment rates by age, sex, race, and Hispanic or Latino ethnicity

$15 an hour will surely rectify that. After all, $30K on top of all the other costs for entry level work is sure to make employers hire.

Now you're letting "reality" get in the way of the liberal agenda, Gatsby! People with zero jobs skills cost businesses big bucks to train. They literally are a drain on the business until they learn those skills. Liberals think a $15 an hour minimum wage will help poor people when in reality it will make things far worse because it means at that amount of money you're only going to hire those who already HAVE the skills needed to do the job. You'll be eliminating many of the entry level jobs that are the first step for the young to be a part of the work force.
So, the con troll who has no backing for his statements makes an economic projection. But, being a food services worker kind of eliminates anyone believing what he has to say. Poor clown.

Who is a dish washer? But I met dish washers working their way through college who were quite intelligent unlike Rshermr.

But isn't it funny how this guy uses such a blue collar job as derogatory term even as he is trying to argue for doubling their wages. Does that begin to make sense? Nay. It shows how the left uses the lower class as cogs for votes. He wants the Dems to appear heroic giving these raises; and then when people can't find jobs he will invariably blame "cons".
It's purported. Deal with it. And look at you trying to gain money on this. If this is a point of pride, you would offer to prove it straight up. As it is, I don't care about your scam. And you spazzing doesn't prove you know sh**, tbh. You're the troll telling us that doubling wages has no negative economic impact. What a load of utter horse shit. You are a hack and a half.
Right. Says the clown who has no credentials at all. Really, me boy, you are a simpleton clown, a conservative troll with nothing but con talking points.
If I remember, and I do, it was you that suggested I was lying. So, put your money where your mouth is, or you can simply admit you are a coward. No guts, just empty attacks.
It costs to prove anything, me boy. It costs for a referee, it costs to put money in escro. And it would show you had some integrity if you would try to back up your accusations. But, refusing to simply shows what we all know. You know you are going to loose money, and you know you will look like a fool. Unless you are correct. Really, you are such a small time tiny minded clown.

And, me boy, despite your best efforts at personal attacks, you are out of your comfort zone. I can prove what I say. You can not. All you can do is rely on totally agenda driven bat shit crazy sources. Because no impartial sources will back you up.

"Myth: Increasing the minimum wage will cause people to lose their jobs.

Not true: In a letter to President Obama and congressional leaders urging a minimum wage increase, more than 600 economists, including 7 Nobel Prize winners wrote, "In recent years there have been important developments in the academic literature on the effect of increases in the minimum wage on employment, with the weight of evidence now showing that increases in the minimum wage have had little or no negative effect on the employment of minimum-wage workers, even during times of weakness in the labor market. Research suggests that a minimum-wage increase could have a small stimulative effect on the economy as low-wage workers spend their additional earnings, raising demand and job growth, and providing some help on the jobs front.""
Minimum Wage Mythbusters

Damn. so, over 600 economists say the new minimum wage law is a good idea. You say it is not. So, 600 economists, to one con troll with absolutely no credentials. That is 600 to zero. You did not just loose, you were just destroyed.

Dude, you're on a message board; not a college symposium. Nobody here has "credentials," jackass. As it is, you are a sh** economist if you think you're one. You ignore the most basic of concepts while spouting wild erroneous ideas as if they were absolute truth (which is really not what non-hack economists do).

And tell AYSO is costs (money) for their volunteer referees :)lmao: You're such a tool). Again though, I'm not at all interested in your stupid little scam. I don't care about getting a PDF of someone else's economics degree (along with a virus). And if you weren't such a poor excuse for an economist, you wouldn't be worried about that sh**. Really, you're just some phony ass peddler. And in the event that you did get a degree, you're a fucking disgrace to the discipline.

Citing numbers of libtard infiltrators doesn't mean a thing, dude. You know what their economics are? Get as much money from the government to publish sh** like that. It's a glorified crime syndicate. That's basic fucking economics. This sh** goes right over your peabrain fucking head, you mother fucking country nugget.

You gotta love, Rshermr! He claims to have taught economics at the college level while he was an undergrad..Sort of, but for a college professor. And as Oldstyle knows, it was at a college that had no grad degrees in economics. Kind of forgets those parts. yet he didn't have a clue what I was referring to when I asked him what school of economics he was basing his claim on! The poser thought I was talking about a brick and mortar college! And another lie by the lying con troll. What's new. I know so much more about economics than he does from taking two entry level Econ classes forty years ago that it's laughable! Which is indeed laughable, and proves you to be delusional. You have yet to win an economic argument. Funny. Try to get him to post you something related to economics in his own words and watch the gibberish that he'll come up with! It's hilarious. He's got a degree in Economics like I'm a brain surgeon.
And, of course, given the chance to prove it and make some money, Oldstyle ran like a scalded cat. Offer is still open, me boy. I show you the diploma and you pay, ok? If I have no diploma, you get paid. But then, you will run again, eh me lying con troll.

I refer to him as Georgie...short for George Costanza...because he is the board's biggest liar.
Which is why you can not prove I ever lied. Because I never do. And it proves you, a serial liar, all sorts of consternation.
Still waiting for you to prove that I have ever in my life lied on this board. Because you can not. Now you, on the other hand, have been caught red handed many times. Want proof, me boy. Want to tell people how you said I had not known what you were talking about when you said Chicago School? Remember, you said it over 20 times. But it was untrue, and I proved you had never used the term at all, until you made that lying claim. I can go on, but suffice it to say that I never ever lie. Never. And I can show several times when Oldstyle has. Because he simply lies to get out of lies.

So, what have we this time from the food services worker and self proclaimed econ expert. Nothing but a bunch of lies. And a bunch of personal attacks. I once counted the number of OS posts that I responded to and counted the number of times he touched on the subject of the thread, and the number of times he discussed any economics subject. In both cases, it was a round number. Zero. Entirely personal attacks. Filled with lies. Cmon, oldstyle, you said how great you are at discussing econ, how much you know, and how little I know. Want to get crushed again? Perhaps you would like to talk about the ARRA, or the ACCA as you called it in post after post. That is the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants. Which Oldstyle kept referencing over and over and over, showing his vast knowledge of economics. Or, better said, why he is simply a food services worker.
Here is one of Oldstyle's epic posts:

So you're saying that when the Obama Administration was claiming to have "Created or Saved" two million jobs with the ACCA that they did so with verified numbers from the ACCA forms that were required to be filled out?
That was post 2615 this past monday in this thread. Perhaps Oldstyle would like to regale us with more stories about theACCA. Not sure why, your not a certified accountant even. And there are several more of those ACCA posts by oldstyle. Sure looks like an econ expert to me.

You know what's sad, Georgie? You think my calling the ARRA the ACCA in a couple posts means something! Not a couple At least six. Of course you ignore the nine other posts that came before those where I correctly referred to it as the ARRA. Ah. so, you want credit for getting it's name correct. got it. I guess 9 of 15 is good for a food services worker, with no economic knowledge. Funny. All done when I was repeatedly asking you to admit that you're full of it when you said the ARRA didn't require reports from it's recipients. No, I did not say that. What I said was simply that the ARRA did not make reports. Which you said they did. The fact is...if you'd show some integrity and admit when you were wrong about something...people like me wouldn't have to ask the same questions over and over again while you do your shuck and jive routine.

Sorry. the ARRA is in the end an association. It does not make reports, nor require reports. The reports you speak of are required by congress. From recipients of ARRA money. Thousands of them. Reports are called surveys. But, since you are an econ expert, and know much more than me, I am shocked you got that all mixed up and completely wrong.
That is four straight posts with no economic arguments. Nic.e
That is four straight posts with no economic arguments. Nice.

Who cares. You're a hack and a charlatan.

But isn't it funny how this guy uses such a blue collar job (dishwasher) as derogatory term even as he is trying to argue for doubling their wages. Does that begin to make sense? Nay. It shows how the left uses the lower class as cogs for votes. He wants the Dems to appear heroic giving these raises; and then when people can't find jobs he will invariably blame "cons".

$15 an hour will surely rectify that. After all, $30K on top of all the other costs for entry level work is sure to make employers hire.

Now you're letting "reality" get in the way of the liberal agenda, Gatsby! People with zero jobs skills cost businesses big bucks to train. They literally are a drain on the business until they learn those skills. Liberals think a $15 an hour minimum wage will help poor people when in reality it will make things far worse because it means at that amount of money you're only going to hire those who already HAVE the skills needed to do the job. You'll be eliminating many of the entry level jobs that are the first step for the young to be a part of the work force.
So, the con troll who has no backing for his statements makes an economic projection. But, being a food services worker kind of eliminates anyone believing what he has to say. Poor clown.

Who is a dish washer? But I met dish washers working their way through college who were quite intelligent unlike Rshermr.

But isn't it funny how this guy uses such a blue collar job as derogatory term even as he is trying to argue for doubling their wages. Does that begin to make sense? Nay. It shows how the left uses the lower class as cogs for votes. He wants the Dems to appear heroic giving these raises; and then when people can't find jobs he will invariably blame "cons".

I ran nightclubs for three decades...like the largest club in Boston...but Georgie thinks because I told him I was in the Hospitality Industry that makes me a "dishwasher". It's his usual tact when he's losing an argument.

You'll find that Rshermr will constantly demand that you talk "economic issues" yet when you do and he has no comeback to what you point out...he will label you as a "bat shit crazy con" who spouts "talking points"...and then spam a bunch of left wing garbage that I don't think he has a clue as to what it really means! Ask him what will happen to the wage structure of other workers if those at an entry level get $15 an hour? Ask him how it accomplishes anything if everyone gets a pay bump which would of course mean that labor cost would have to be passed along to consumers in the form of price hikes? He won't have a reply for either.

I understand pay scales because I've actually run large businesses where I had to determine what wages will attract the best employees...keep them long enough to justify the cost of training them...and still make a profit. Rshermr doesn't have the faintest idea how any of those things work. I don't have the faintest idea what he really did for a living...but I'm pretty sure he never was in charge of anything.

$15 an hour will surely rectify that. After all, $30K on top of all the other costs for entry level work is sure to make employers hire.

Now you're letting "reality" get in the way of the liberal agenda, Gatsby! People with zero jobs skills cost businesses big bucks to train. They literally are a drain on the business until they learn those skills. Liberals think a $15 an hour minimum wage will help poor people when in reality it will make things far worse because it means at that amount of money you're only going to hire those who already HAVE the skills needed to do the job. You'll be eliminating many of the entry level jobs that are the first step for the young to be a part of the work force.
So, the con troll who has no backing for his statements makes an economic projection. But, being a food services worker kind of eliminates anyone believing what he has to say. Poor clown.

Who is a dish washer? But I met dish washers working their way through college who were quite intelligent unlike Rshermr.

But isn't it funny how this guy uses such a blue collar job as derogatory term even as he is trying to argue for doubling their wages. Does that begin to make sense? Nay. It shows how the left uses the lower class as cogs for votes. He wants the Dems to appear heroic giving these raises; and then when people can't find jobs he will invariably blame "cons".

Funny thing is that Oldstyle has proudly corrected me saying that in fact he is not a dishwasher, so I have honored that. Truth is, if you can believe anything he says, OS is a food services worker. So, there is no dishonor in that at all, me poor ignorant con. Truth is, however, that there is no reason to expect that a food services worker should be believed in economic matters. Same for me. I have a degree in economics, but I am not an economist. I do not study the subject all day long. Get it. So, I see no reason anyone should believe my statements in the realm of economics. And certainly you should not believe a food services worker.
Why do I mention it? Even you should understand. Making unsubstantiated claims by either of us is treating anyone reading the posts unfairly. So, I always use impartial sources to prove my points. Problem is, Oldstyle seldom if ever uses impartial sources. There, me con troll, is the problem as I see it. Prove your statements or shut up.
White youth unemployment 16-19 14.8%
Black youth unemployment 16-19 30.0%

E-16. Unemployment rates by age, sex, race, and Hispanic or Latino ethnicity

$15 an hour will surely rectify that. After all, $30K on top of all the other costs for entry level work is sure to make employers hire.

Now you're letting "reality" get in the way of the liberal agenda, Gatsby! People with zero jobs skills cost businesses big bucks to train. They literally are a drain on the business until they learn those skills. Liberals think a $15 an hour minimum wage will help poor people when in reality it will make things far worse because it means at that amount of money you're only going to hire those who already HAVE the skills needed to do the job. You'll be eliminating many of the entry level jobs that are the first step for the young to be a part of the work force.
So, the con troll who has no backing for his statements makes an economic projection. But, being a food services worker kind of eliminates anyone believing what he has to say. Poor clown.

Who is a dish washer? But I met dish washers working their way through college who were quite intelligent unlike Rshermr.

But isn't it funny how this guy uses such a blue collar job as derogatory term even as he is trying to argue for doubling their wages. Does that begin to make sense? Nay. It shows how the left uses the lower class as cogs for votes. He wants the Dems to appear heroic giving these raises; and then when people can't find jobs he will invariably blame "cons".
I ran nightclubs for three decades...like the largest club in Boston...but Georgie thinks because I told him I was in the Hospitality Industry that makes me a "dishwasher". It's his usual tact when he's losing an argument.

You'll find that Rshermr will constantly demand that you talk "economic issues" yet when you do and he has no comeback to what you point out...he will label you as a "bat shit crazy con" who spouts "talking points"...and then spam a bunch of left wing garbage that I don't think he has a clue as to what it really means! Ask him what will happen to the wage structure of other workers if those at an entry level get $15 an hour? Ask him how it accomplishes anything if everyone gets a pay bump which would of course mean that labor cost would have to be passed along to consumers in the form of price hikes? He won't have a reply for either.

I understand pay scales because I've actually run large businesses where I had to determine what wages will attract the best employees...keep them long enough to justify the cost of training them...and still make a profit. Rshermr doesn't have the faintest idea how any of those things work. I don't have the faintest idea what he really did for a living...but I'm pretty sure he never was in charge of anything.

Uh, thanks for your opinion, me boy. You know how much I respect your opinion. Relative to being in charge of anything, want to put money on that one. Will be no problem to prove you wrong. Glad you are proud of yourself. Now, if you could just cut down on the lies. The people who worked for me were all college grads. IT professionals. And no problem to prove it. Got a few thousand, or does being a big time food services guy not pay that well. I could work with you at a few hundred to fit you pocket book.

So, no discussion of the subject of the thread, and no discussion of economics. Just a bunch of personal attacks. Your record in the past month is 25 straight without economic discussion. But then, who knows how far it went. I just quit counting.
So, Five Straight posts with no discussion of economics, just personal attacks, me boy.
That is four straight posts with no economic arguments. Nice.

Who cares. You're a hack and a charlatan.
Well, me poor ignorant con troll, those who simply post con talking points really could care less. But those who have actual working minds like their proof from impartial sources. Not food services employees, and not retired IT management. That you could care less is completely normal for those who have no knowledge, no dignity, no respect, and no integrity. Like you, they just do not get it.
$15 an hour will surely rectify that. After all, $30K on top of all the other costs for entry level work is sure to make employers hire.

Now you're letting "reality" get in the way of the liberal agenda, Gatsby! People with zero jobs skills cost businesses big bucks to train. They literally are a drain on the business until they learn those skills. Liberals think a $15 an hour minimum wage will help poor people when in reality it will make things far worse because it means at that amount of money you're only going to hire those who already HAVE the skills needed to do the job. You'll be eliminating many of the entry level jobs that are the first step for the young to be a part of the work force.
So, the con troll who has no backing for his statements makes an economic projection. But, being a food services worker kind of eliminates anyone believing what he has to say. Poor clown.

Who is a dish washer? But I met dish washers working their way through college who were quite intelligent unlike Rshermr.

But isn't it funny how this guy uses such a blue collar job as derogatory term even as he is trying to argue for doubling their wages. Does that begin to make sense? Nay. It shows how the left uses the lower class as cogs for votes. He wants the Dems to appear heroic giving these raises; and then when people can't find jobs he will invariably blame "cons".
I ran nightclubs for three decades...like the largest club in Boston...but Georgie thinks because I told him I was in the Hospitality Industry that makes me a "dishwasher". It's his usual tact when he's losing an argument.

You'll find that Rshermr will constantly demand that you talk "economic issues" yet when you do and he has no comeback to what you point out...he will label you as a "bat shit crazy con" who spouts "talking points"...and then spam a bunch of left wing garbage that I don't think he has a clue as to what it really means! Ask him what will happen to the wage structure of other workers if those at an entry level get $15 an hour? Ask him how it accomplishes anything if everyone gets a pay bump which would of course mean that labor cost would have to be passed along to consumers in the form of price hikes? He won't have a reply for either.

I understand pay scales because I've actually run large businesses where I had to determine what wages will attract the best employees...keep them long enough to justify the cost of training them...and still make a profit. Rshermr doesn't have the faintest idea how any of those things work. I don't have the faintest idea what he really did for a living...but I'm pretty sure he never was in charge of anything.

Uh, thanks for your opinion, me boy. You know how much I respect your opinion. Relative to being in charge of anything, want to put money on that one. Will be no problem to prove you wrong. Glad you are proud of yourself. Now, if you could just cut down on the lies. The people who worked for me were all college grads. IT professionals. And no problem to prove it. Got a few thousand, or does being a big time food services guy not pay that well. I could work with you at a few hundred to fit you pocket book.

So, no discussion of the subject of the thread, and no discussion of economics. Just a bunch of personal attacks. Your record in the past month is 25 straight without economic discussion. But then, who knows how far it went. I just quit counting.
So, Five Straight posts with no discussion of economics, just personal attacks, me boy.

At this point I don't think anyone with any common sense who's listened to your posts here is buying that you're some hot shot business man with scores of college graduates that worked for you, Georgie! I mean, I'm sorry but you have eighth grade grammar and spelling skills...display almost zero knowledge of the subject you profess to have a four year degree in...and whenever you post something that isn't a cut an paste of someone else...you come across as a bit of a dunce.

As for a discussion of economics? When do you EVER do that? I just gave you a challenge to explain what would happen to the basic salary structure of other workers if entry level employees get paid $15 an hour or why those additional labor costs won't end up being passed along to consumers and you ignored that challenge while you whined about people not discussing economics? The truth is...you can't hang in a discussion about economics.
White youth unemployment 16-19 14.8%
Black youth unemployment 16-19 30.0%

E-16. Unemployment rates by age, sex, race, and Hispanic or Latino ethnicity

$15 an hour will surely rectify that. After all, $30K on top of all the other costs for entry level work is sure to make employers hire.

Now you're letting "reality" get in the way of the liberal agenda, Gatsby! People with zero jobs skills cost businesses big bucks to train. They literally are a drain on the business until they learn those skills. Liberals think a $15 an hour minimum wage will help poor people when in reality it will make things far worse because it means at that amount of money you're only going to hire those who already HAVE the skills needed to do the job. You'll be eliminating many of the entry level jobs that are the first step for the young to be a part of the work force.
So, the con troll who has no backing for his statements makes an economic projection. But, being a food services worker kind of eliminates anyone believing what he has to say. Poor clown.

Who is a dish washer? But I met dish washers working their way through college who were quite intelligent unlike Rshermr.

But isn't it funny how this guy uses such a blue collar job as derogatory term even as he is trying to argue for doubling their wages. Does that begin to make sense? Nay. It shows how the left uses the lower class as cogs for votes. He wants the Dems to appear heroic giving these raises; and then when people can't find jobs he will invariably blame "cons".

Funny thing is that Oldstyle has proudly corrected me saying that in fact he is not a dishwasher, so I have honored that. Truth is, if you can believe anything he says, OS is a food services worker. So, there is no dishonor in that at all, me poor ignorant con. Truth is, however, that there is no reason to expect that a food services worker should be believed in economic matters. Same for me. I have a degree in economics, but I am not an economist. I do not study the subject all day long. Get it. So, I see no reason anyone should believe my statements in the realm of economics. And certainly you should not believe a food services worker.
Why do I mention it? Even you should understand. Making unsubstantiated claims by either of us is treating anyone reading the posts unfairly. So, I always use impartial sources to prove my points. Problem is, Oldstyle seldom if ever uses impartial sources. There, me con troll, is the problem as I see it. Prove your statements or shut up.

Well, whether you study econ regularly or not (or are practiced in it), you still suck at it, tbh (and that's pretty apparent). But suddenly, you say you're not so talented in the field, yet you were trying to play the credential card some odd posts ago. Honestly, you're as nutty as squirrel sh**.

As to your "impartial sources," they're not impartial. Every entity has agendas. And in fact, many of the entities you cite have huge agendas. I would trust independent economists over most the stuff you post.
That is four straight posts with no economic arguments. Nice.

Who cares. You're a hack and a charlatan.
Well, me poor ignorant con troll, those who simply post con talking points really could care less. But those who have actual working minds like their proof from impartial sources. Not food services employees, and not retired IT management. That you could care less is completely normal for those who have no knowledge, no dignity, no respect, and no integrity. Like you, they just do not get it.

Man, you just have a hard time making cogent points let alone putting forth solid economics. I suggest you stop trying to be an expert or a mindless purveyor of sorts and start actually trying to understand real economic concepts and systems.

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