US kills another ISIS leader

It's like whack a mole. Kill one and another dozen start popping up. But the death of any goat fugging radical muzzie makes me smile
Serious Obama derangement syndrome when an individual criticizes the President and the US military for killing terrorist that are actively planning to kill some of us and have publicly announced their intentions to do so.
Imagine if these people had their way and we stopped killing the leaders of the terrorist groups who are actively working on ways to attack America with terrorist strikes.

Hell, we want him to kill more of them instead of acting like a mosquito on an elephant's ass.... Why doesn't he????
ODS. Obama kills them, he gets shit from the RWnuts. He doesn't kill them, he gets shit from the RWnuts.

And lies. Always with the lies.

RWs loved Bush for NOT killing US enemies and hate Obama because he does kill them. RWs hate the US. They are traitors to their own country.

Hell, we want him to kill more of them instead of acting like a mosquito on an elephant's ass.... Why doesn't he????
They are viewed as snakes (unconventional guerrilla warfare), not elephants (conventional army vs army warfare). An elephant implies a large target. Snakes are small targets that use the tactic of hiding under rocks and in tall grass easy and hence, extremely difficult to find. Our policy is to find the snakes and cut off their heads.
To fight them with more conventional warfare methods would required very large increases in manpower and assets directly onto the battlefield. In this situation, the battlefields are widespread and scattered over vast expanses of territory.
The numbers of troops needed would be far more than the country is willing to provide. Nobody is going to agree to borrow trillions of dollars again. We did that in Iraq and haven't paid back the loan yet. Heck, we are reducing the size of our military due to sequestration. Do you think the no new tax folks who control congress are going to raise the revenue to provide 700,000 troops to finish off the terrorist threat?

Bush tried to kill Saddam in the first hour of the war. You idiot.

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