US landlords trying to coerce cash-strapped tenants into ‘sex-for-rent’ agreements

wake me up when i can trade sex for taxes, which is the next step if da gub'mit keeps me locked down....~S~
Chicago, Barry Hussein's adopted home town where homicide victims outnumber corona virus victims so far this year 127-125.
You idiots always find a way to bring it back to Obama. Hello McFly, Obama isn’t President. Give it up already
You idiots always find a way to bring it [ a virus!!!!!!/racism/all the fake bullshit ] back to Mr Trump.... Hello McFly, Give it up already
Chicago, Barry Hussein's adopted home town where homicide victims outnumber corona virus victims so far this year 127-125.
You idiots always find a way to bring it back to Obama. Hello McFly, Obama isn’t President. Give it up already
You idiots always find a way to bring it [ a virus!!!!!!/racism/all the fake bullshit ] back to Mr Trump.... Hello McFly, Give it up already
Get your own material, hack
Chicago, Barry Hussein's adopted home town where homicide victims outnumber corona virus victims so far this year 127-125.
You idiots always find a way to bring it back to Obama. Hello McFly, Obama isn’t President. Give it up already
You idiots always find a way to bring it [ a virus!!!!!!/racism/all the fake bullshit ] back to Mr Trump.... Hello McFly, Give it up already
Get your own material, hack
hahhahahahahhhhahah.....we've been saying that since 2016--long before you joined USMB
Chicago, Barry Hussein's adopted home town where homicide victims outnumber corona virus victims so far this year 127-125.
You idiots always find a way to bring it back to Obama. Hello McFly, Obama isn’t President. Give it up already
You idiots always find a way to bring it [ a virus!!!!!!/racism/all the fake bullshit ] back to Mr Trump.... Hello McFly, Give it up already
Get your own material, hack
hahhahahahahhhhahah.....we've been saying that since 2016--long before you joined USMB
I have no doubt that you have been blaming Obama since way before 2016
“We’ve received more cases at our office in the last two days than we have in the last two years,” Khara Jabola-Carolus, the executive director of the commission, told the outlet last week.

In the Chicago area, Sheryl Ring, the legal director at Open Communities, a legal aid and fair housing agency, said that her organization has seen a threefold increase in housing-related sexual harassment complaints over the past month.

“We have seen an uptick in sexual harassment,” Ring told the outlet. “Since this started, [landlords] have been taking advantage of the financial hardships many of their tenants have in order to coerce their tenants into a sex-for-rent agreement — which is absolutely illegal.”

This isn't new but there is definitely an increase.
Equal protection of the laws for unemployment compensation in our at-will employment States is a capital solution to this Age Old social problem.
Arguing for Freedom of Contract here. If both sides consent, I see nothing wrong with it.

What if the tenant were a masseuse? Offered a one-hour full-body massage for a reduction of $100? Would that be OK? Why does the introduction of a different set of body parts make this unacceptable? No one is harmed in any way by a session of sexual intercourse. Good as new.

As always, Leftists wish to re-define "rape" in any way their bizarre minds can formulate it, then call the participant a "rapist." It is a semantic atrocity.
“We’ve received more cases at our office in the last two days than we have in the last two years,” Khara Jabola-Carolus, the executive director of the commission, told the outlet last week.

In the Chicago area, Sheryl Ring, the legal director at Open Communities, a legal aid and fair housing agency, said that her organization has seen a threefold increase in housing-related sexual harassment complaints over the past month.

“We have seen an uptick in sexual harassment,” Ring told the outlet. “Since this started, [landlords] have been taking advantage of the financial hardships many of their tenants have in order to coerce their tenants into a sex-for-rent agreement — which is absolutely illegal.”

This isn't new but there is definitely an increase.

A lot of tenants don't have the cash to pay their rent nowadays, with the economy being closed. This "Open Communities" outfit probably would like the alternative of the tenants being put out on the street either.

Perhaps these broads should just find their own johns and turn the cash over to the landlord for rent?
Arguing for Freedom of Contract here. If both sides consent, I see nothing wrong with it.

What if the tenant were a masseuse? Offered a one-hour full-body massage for a reduction of $100? Would that be OK? Why does the introduction of a different set of body parts make this unacceptable? No one is harmed in any way by a session of sexual intercourse. Good as new.

As always, Leftists wish to re-define "rape" in any way their bizarre minds can formulate it, then call the participant a "rapist." It is a semantic atrocity.

The question is whether the tenant has freely consented ... it's far too easy for a landlord to coerce such an agreement ... consider the single mother of three living paycheck to paycheck ... the landlord threatens eviction if she doesn't sleep with him ... is that consent? ... what if the threat in only implied ... is that consent now? ... pretty much every day of the twenty years I managed rentals, I had a tenant I could pull this stunt with, and gotten away with it scott-free ... the kid breaks the heater thermostat, mother is in my bed naked the next three Saturday nights, or she and her kids are homeless in the middle of winter ...

Remember, all these tenants have witnessed me throwing infant babies into snowbanks ... six deputy sheriffs taking their neighbor down and hauling them off to jail at my command ... all those awful things you read about how nasty landlords get, I've done it all, it's in the job description ...

In our society, certain people have power over others ... in light of past abuses of this power, we're enacted laws and regulations that control how this power is exercised ... the second 80% of our Declaration of Independence is a nice tidy list of the kinds of abuses of power we wish to be done with ... one of these areas of the law is that those who are under the power of another cannot consent to have sex with that person ... children under 18 cannot consent to sex with someone over 18 (usually) ... defendants in criminal court cannot consent to have sex with the judge ... certain mental disabilities do not allow the person to understand what consent means ...

Yes ... tenants cannot consent to have sex with their landlord ... if it happens, it's rape ... even if only a small part is forced ... if a woman's only other choice is sleeping under a freeway overpass in sub-freezing weather, then that's hardly a "semantic atrocity" ... what kind of disgusting PIG thinks forced sex is harmless ...


She was beautiful, young and in every way my type of girl ... she lost her job and asked me instead of rent money if she could sleep with me a few times a month ... I said no and she had to move, last thing I needed then was an incurable STD ... anyway, she went all around the community lamb-blasting me as a creep, many beautiful women don't take rejection very well ... the rumors about me circulating were just awful ...

Well ... some of the local churches got wind of this ... [ka'ching] ... and I quickly became the "go-to" guy for safe affordable housing for the church's vulnerable young (or old) women, some of my very best tenants came from these recommendations ... city council, county commissioners, sheriff's office, Circuit Court for the State of Oregon ... other than beggars, thieves and whores; I had a fine honorable reputation with all other levels of society ...

All because sluts said terrible things about me ...
I have a friend who collected rent. While I was there, in front of me and anyone else who happened to be around, a female tenant offered sex in exchange for rent.

So. it's not always the landlord's idea.

Did you and your friend have a threesome ?

This be my payment for rent. You want?
“We’ve received more cases at our office in the last two days than we have in the last two years,” Khara Jabola-Carolus, the executive director of the commission, told the outlet last week.

In the Chicago area, Sheryl Ring, the legal director at Open Communities, a legal aid and fair housing agency, said that her organization has seen a threefold increase in housing-related sexual harassment complaints over the past month.

“We have seen an uptick in sexual harassment,” Ring told the outlet. “Since this started, [landlords] have been taking advantage of the financial hardships many of their tenants have in order to coerce their tenants into a sex-for-rent agreement — which is absolutely illegal.”

This isn't new but there is definitely an increase.

The problem is old, in NYC for example it is very common.
Guess landlords of which religion are the most greedy, unfair and tend to extort sex from tenants
“We’ve received more cases at our office in the last two days than we have in the last two years,” Khara Jabola-Carolus, the executive director of the commission, told the outlet last week.

In the Chicago area, Sheryl Ring, the legal director at Open Communities, a legal aid and fair housing agency, said that her organization has seen a threefold increase in housing-related sexual harassment complaints over the past month.

“We have seen an uptick in sexual harassment,” Ring told the outlet. “Since this started, [landlords] have been taking advantage of the financial hardships many of their tenants have in order to coerce their tenants into a sex-for-rent agreement — which is absolutely illegal.”

This isn't new but there is definitely an increase.

Not uncommon around here at all. $20 off rent for a BJ, $50 if you lay down. So sad but some do.

No I own, it's not me!

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