US Median wage is $12.87/hour

What crisis?

The only crisis I read is people who has way to much envy, jealous and materialistic.

50% of all Americans earn a wage ($12.83/hr) that is less than Russia's median wage.

That means 50% of Americans are worse off than the typical RUSSIAN.

But no, no, there's no crisis here.

What is the Russian Middle Class? Probably Not What You Think

What does the Russians have that they don't?

Oh yea Obama care


I don't know what you're trying to say? Russia is growing their income, reducing their income gap, has full healthcare provided by the state, and massive government assistance as a socialist-quasi-communist country. It's funny how Republicans think Putin is awesome but Putin is a socialist and Russia's second largest political party is the COMMUNIST PARTY lol.

In Russia, you vote for Nationalist Socialists (Putin) or you vote Communist.

But Right-wing jerk-offs are in love with Putin somehow?

Russia is growing their income,
I'm not even going to try and make a "post" out of this, just let this sink in both DEMS and REPUBS.

If you haven't considered this yet, just realize what this means.

50% of all Americans make less than $12.87/hr.

If you divide the US Median wage by 2020 hours of a formerly standard 40 hour work week.

Do you see the crisis yet?

The REPUBLICANS have no answer, they say "if you're poor, get a better job".


If you haven't considered this yet, just realize what this means.

It means Obama's plan to give amnesty to millions of illegal aliens will continue to hurt middle and lower income Americans.

The REPUBLICANS have no answer

I have an answer. Cut corporate taxes. Cut moronic regulations. Repeal Obamacare.
Stop strangling new business formation. Stop electing stupid socialists, but then I repeat myself.

This doesn't work, cutting corporate taxes incentivizes corporations to put their money into Stocks/bonds or into other non-capital related interest accruing instruments.

Where do you moronic Conservatives think that if you cut taxes companies will invest that money in workers?

cutting corporate taxes incentivizes corporations to put their money into Stocks/bonds

We should raise our already highest in the world corporate tax rate? LOL!
Yes, driving more companies offshore will help raise wages.
That's some world class stupid you're using there.

It's only the "highest corporate tax rate in the world" if you're a goddamned idiot.

But then it's funny that in the same sentence you can criticize Europe for being too socialist, but somehow they get by with "less taxes than the US" and then you say we should be less socialist and less taxes?

It's also stupid that republican-cons think $Billionaires are smart that's why they are so rich, but then they think they are smarter than Billionaires who invest in Europe despite the OBVIOUS impending collapse of EUROPE due to "high taxes and socialism".

How are you stupid republican-cons so fucking dumb?

Your inconsistencies are insurmountable.
What crisis?

The only crisis I read is people who has way to much envy, jealous and materialistic.

50% of all Americans earn a wage ($12.83/hr) that is less than Russia's median wage.

That means 50% of Americans are worse off than the typical RUSSIAN.

But no, no, there's no crisis here.

What is the Russian Middle Class? Probably Not What You Think

These people make, roughly speaking, anywhere from $4,000 to $10,000 per person per year year in nominal terms.

Ummmmm....fucking moron. LOL!

You're the fucking moron who doesn't realize $20,000 a year is much much closer to $10,000 per year, than it is to $55,000 per year (the average wage in the US).

Your source, which you didn't read or couldn't comprehend, said middle income workers in Russia earn $4,000-$10,000 per year. I know you're a liberal, and really bad at math, but I'm glad to help.
If Russia's median wage was really more than $12.83/hr, their median wage would be over $25,000.
$25,000 is a lot more than $4,000-$10,000.

Let me know if you need more help with simple math or reading. I'm always happy to help liberal morons.
What crisis?

The only crisis I read is people who has way to much envy, jealous and materialistic.

50% of all Americans earn a wage ($12.83/hr) that is less than Russia's median wage.

That means 50% of Americans are worse off than the typical RUSSIAN.

But no, no, there's no crisis here.

What is the Russian Middle Class? Probably Not What You Think

What does the Russians have that they don't?

Oh yea Obama care


I don't know what you're trying to say? Russia is growing their income, reducing their income gap, has full healthcare provided by the state, and massive government assistance as a socialist-quasi-communist country. It's funny how Republicans think Putin is awesome but Putin is a socialist and Russia's second largest political party is the COMMUNIST PARTY lol.

In Russia, you vote for Nationalist Socialists (Putin) or you vote Communist.

But Right-wing jerk-offs are in love with Putin somehow?

Russia is growing their income,
I'm not even going to try and make a "post" out of this, just let this sink in both DEMS and REPUBS.

If you haven't considered this yet, just realize what this means.

50% of all Americans make less than $12.87/hr.

If you divide the US Median wage by 2020 hours of a formerly standard 40 hour work week.

Do you see the crisis yet?

The REPUBLICANS have no answer, they say "if you're poor, get a better job".


If you haven't considered this yet, just realize what this means.

It means Obama's plan to give amnesty to millions of illegal aliens will continue to hurt middle and lower income Americans.

The REPUBLICANS have no answer

I have an answer. Cut corporate taxes. Cut moronic regulations. Repeal Obamacare.
Stop strangling new business formation. Stop electing stupid socialists, but then I repeat myself.

This doesn't work, cutting corporate taxes incentivizes corporations to put their money into Stocks/bonds or into other non-capital related interest accruing instruments.

Where do you moronic Conservatives think that if you cut taxes companies will invest that money in workers?

cutting corporate taxes incentivizes corporations to put their money into Stocks/bonds

We should raise our already highest in the world corporate tax rate? LOL!
Yes, driving more companies offshore will help raise wages.
That's some world class stupid you're using there.

It's only the "highest corporate tax rate in the world" if you're a goddamned idiot.

But then it's funny that in the same sentence you can criticize Europe for being too socialist, but somehow they get by with "less taxes than the US" and then you say we should be less socialist and less taxes?


It's only the "highest corporate tax rate in the world" if you're a goddamned idiot.

Well, it is the highest in the world and you are a goddamned idiot. So you've got that going for you.

But then it's funny that in the same sentence you can criticize Europe for being too socialist

Europe and the US are both too socialist.

but somehow they get by with "less taxes than the US"

No, you twit, because they have other, higher taxes than we do.

and then you say we should be less socialist and less taxes?

Yes, we should be less socialist and have lower taxes.


I agree, your IQ is seriously lacking.
What crisis?

The only crisis I read is people who has way to much envy, jealous and materialistic.

50% of all Americans earn a wage ($12.83/hr) that is less than Russia's median wage.

That means 50% of Americans are worse off than the typical RUSSIAN.

But no, no, there's no crisis here.

What is the Russian Middle Class? Probably Not What You Think

These people make, roughly speaking, anywhere from $4,000 to $10,000 per person per year year in nominal terms.

Ummmmm....fucking moron. LOL!

You're the fucking moron who doesn't realize $20,000 a year is much much closer to $10,000 per year, than it is to $55,000 per year (the average wage in the US).

Go and add in everything the 20k person can get federal assistance wise, and the 55k person. You'll find the difference isn't as profound as you make it.

Want the middle class to have more money? Cut their taxes. No raise necessary, they have more money, less inflationary impact.
I'm not even going to try and make a "post" out of this, just let this sink in both DEMS and REPUBS.

If you haven't considered this yet, just realize what this means.

50% of all Americans make less than $12.87/hr.

If you divide the US Median wage by 2020 hours of a formerly standard 40 hour work week.

Do you see the crisis yet?

The REPUBLICANS have no answer, they say "if you're poor, get a better job".


Here in our city, legislation was recently passed to increase minimum wage to $15.00/hour. Even at that, it's not really a living wage. With fewer positions in the job pool, competition for anything higher is tough.

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