CDZ US Mexico Border, Existing Wall, Trumps Wall and How it is Being Built


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
So the US Supreme Court voted to allow Trump to start constructing 100 miles of wall.

Bloomberg - Are you a robot?
The wall segments in Arizona, New Mexico and California would give Trump a tangible achievement to tout in his campaign for re-election. Until now, congressional and court resistance had thwarted significant progress toward a stronger barrier on the almost 2,000-mile (3,200-kilometer) frontier. During his first campaign, Trump said Mexico would pay for the wall.

The 30-foot steel bollard fencing would replace barriers that the Trump administration says are dilapidated and ineffective. Some of those existing barriers are designed only to prevent vehicles from crossing and don’t stop pedestrians.​
Now this is the border barrier situation in 2017, and it shows in shaded pink areas where most apprehensions of illegal crosses are made.


Note how the Big Bend area is already a fairly effective barrier to human traffic, little needs to be done there.

So Trumps wall will go in piecemeal as existing inferior wall is replaced and upgraded to more effectively prevent entry and allow our border Patrol agents to see through to what the criminals are trying to do.

FACT CHECK: Trump Says 'A Lot Of Wall Has Been Built' As He Demands We Build More
To date, the fencing is a hodge-podge of projects covering about 650 miles.
In November, the government announced a $324 million contract for 32 miles of "primary pedestrian replacement wall" in Arizona.
A 20-mile border wall replacement project in Santa Teresa, N.M., was announced in April 2018. The cost is reported to be $73.3 million.
A 6-mile "levee wall system" is set for construction in Texas's Rio Grande Valley beginning in February 2019. It will cost $145 million.
A 14-mile "border wall construction project" along the border in San Diego was announced in June 2018. The project actually will replace an "eight-to-10 foot high scrap metal wall with an 18-to-30 foot bollard-style wall topped off with an anti-climbing plate." The cost will be $147 million.
New Southwest Border Arrests Jump 78 Percent In November
The dramatic declines in "illegal traffic," as the president put it, appear to reflect the long term impact of fencing and other factors that go back to the 1990s.
The larger picture is more complicated. Border apprehensions — an indicator of overall unauthorized border crossings — have declined since 2000 when monthly totals were as high as 220,000. That same year 1.6 million unauthorized border-crossers were detained.​
Starr County Texas is a good illustration of this and how it will be implemented.
Maps reveal planned locations for border wall construction in Starr County - The Monitor

Already the areas where the wall has been upgraded have shown a huge impact in making our agents safer and in preventing braches along that roughly 2 mile section.
EXCLUSIVE: Completed Section of Trump’s New Wall Helping Secure Border, Say Agents

So if Trump can replace the current 650 miles of low quality fencing and upgrade it to his Bolard 'fencing' then I would say he has accomplished much to secure our Southern border with Mexico, but he has a very long way to go.
State and local sanctuary jurisdictions should be charged in the crimes committed by the criminals they catch and release. Until the loony toons do some time they will continue to screw the pooch
State and local sanctuary jurisdictions should be charged in the crimes committed by the criminals they catch and release. Until the loony toons do some time they will continue to screw the pooch
They will do that until their Oligarchs who push them to these ridiculous policies are also held accountable.

To a great extent, our officials are not the ones who make the real decisions, and simply carry out instructions given to them by their Donor Class.
The Democratic Party's open borders policy is also openly racist because they are openly trying to displace their arch enemy, the Anglo Voters.
There has been zero new wall built by Trump.

Replacement, upgrades are NEW. It is more correct to say that so far, the congress and Nancy Pelosi have REFUSED to give $$$$ to wall being built where none exist. BTW the old wall is tantamount to no wall at all. Cool your TDS it is affecting your logical thinking.
There has been zero new wall built by Trump.

Replacement, upgrades are NEW. It is more correct to say that so far, the congress and Nancy Pelosi have REFUSED to give $$$$ to wall being built where none exist. BTW the old wall is tantamount to no wall at all. Cool your TDS it is affecting your logical thinking.

No. Replacing existing wall is not building new wall.

Trump had the house, senate and Oval for 2 years. Did nothing about funding the wall.

That is how much he considers the wall a priority. Pity that you’re being played for a fool
Replacement, upgrades are NEW. It is more correct to say that so far, the congress and Nancy Pelosi have REFUSED to give $$$$ to wall being built where none exist. BTW the old wall is tantamount to no wall at all. Cool your TDS it is affecting your logical thinking.
Replacement and upgrades are already authorized under different federal laws that predate Pelosi's senile pseudo-control of this Congress.

But Trump can build more wall where none exists if he wants to as authorized in various anti-drug smuggling laws.

Going to Congress to get funding for such a small project that isn't even in the high double billion digits is merely a courtesy.

Most of the area that has no fencing or anti-vehicle barrier is Big Bend and it really doesn't need it, plus that weird corner of New Mexico.


That is some of the worst hell hole on the border, covered in mountains and desert.

Anyone who can walk through that should be welcomed as improvement to our DNA pool.
They need to cover all non border wall areas with drones even the tough terrain. We could have elite trained terrorists coming through the toughest areas.

That long section of third tier pedestrian fencing along the Rio Grande is more likely to be upgraded than that area that has nothing at all.

Sometimes you just cant improve on what God has already done.
No. Replacing existing wall is not building new wall.

Yes it is. (note that I am presenting the SAME evidence as you)......NONE!!!!

Trump had the house, senate and Oval for 2 years. Did nothing about funding the wall.

Nancy Pelosi is the Speaker and, last time I looked, she is a Democrat.

That is how much he considers the wall a priority. Pity that you’re being played for a fool

You are sadly ill informed as you just proved.
No. Replacing existing wall is not building new wall.

Yes it is. (note that I am presenting the SAME evidence as you)......NONE!!!!

Trump had the house, senate and Oval for 2 years. Did nothing about funding the wall.

Nancy Pelosi is the Speaker and, last time I looked, she is a Democrat.

That is how much he considers the wall a priority. Pity that you’re being played for a fool

You are sadly ill informed as you just proved.
Well, before Pelosi, we were stuck With Paul 'the Numb-nuts' Ryan, not much better than Pelosi.
No. Replacing existing wall is not building new wall.

Yes it is. (note that I am presenting the SAME evidence as you)......NONE!!!!

Trump had the house, senate and Oval for 2 years. Did nothing about funding the wall.

Nancy Pelosi is the Speaker and, last time I looked, she is a Democrat.

That is how much he considers the wall a priority. Pity that you’re being played for a fool

You are sadly ill informed as you just proved.

Well, before Pelosi, we were stuck With Paul 'the Numb-nuts' Ryan, not much better than Pelosi.

You mean Paul "Rino" Ryan? Yes, a true TDSer.
The Democratic Party's open borders policy is also openly racist because they are openly trying to displace their arch enemy, the Anglo Voters.
Democrats also force the poor fools who follow them to compete with needy homeless foreign nationals who come and go unchecked and unregulated at will, for resources meant for Americans.
No problem with border security, needs to be turned over to builders to determine where what & how, it's been blown all out of proportion .

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