US Military's Knee on the Throat of the World

I actually want to close bases and bring them home. I wish you WERE with me. But you're not. You're a partisan political hack and this is just a partisan issue for you. When Democrats are back behind the steering wheel, you'll just purr like a kitten.
I haven't voted for a Democrat OR Republican in a state or federal election in over 25 years, have you?

Because of course when you voted for the Communist Party candidate that wasn't the Democrat. Oops, it was. The Communists endorsed the Democrat every year for the last 25 years ...
Of course our knee is on the throat of the World. The World is a Wolf out to eat the innocent. Who else could do this, but our Great Nation! Granted, we need to do a lot more, but first we got our yapping lap dogs at home that need euthanizing.
Ouch, and GeorgeJackass goes down with a giant thud! The ultimate admission he's out of ammo. You're a racist! That's all the little prick has left. His gutless admission of total defeat
See if you can spot any racists:
yes, they did.
The Taliban offered to turn over bin Laden if provided with evidence of his complicity, and Bush declined the overture:

"JALALABAD, Afghanistan –– A senior Taliban leader said Sunday that the Islamic militia would be willing to hand over Osama bin Laden to a third country if the United States halts the bombing of Afghanistan and provides evidence against him.

"President Bush quickly rejected the offer."

when you find that you have accidentally committed an act of war against the most powerful nation in the world, that is a time for simple yes or no answers, followed by swift action.

qualifiers? stalling? making demands? those are various actions that can all be labelled as "failing to serve the interests of your people".

once again, you look at a historical event, and give the non-americans a pass on all responsibility for their actions, while judging the americans in the most harsh light possible, without any consideration of the context of events of the time.

you are obviously just an anti-american commie.
they put up statues to honor their dead fathers. for generations, those statues have been part of a proud regional heritage, as part of a larger American Identity, accepted by the nation as a whole.
Their dead fathers were white supremacist traitors who should have been hanged for their treason; why do you feel a kinship with such rancid, racist shit?

because they were fellow americans who were fighting to defend their homelands against overwhelming powerful invaders.

your hatred makes you more of a monster than they were. hell, you support an ideology that is worse than theirs.

hell, you show me a statue put up to celebrate commies who were fighting against the nazis, and i would be fine with that statue standing there. i could "feel a kinship" even with a commie, who was fighting to protect his motherland from powerful invaders.

that you cannot empathize with people different than you, that you disagree with politically, is because you are the type of soulless monster that would commit genocide on his enemies, if given the chance.
Ouch, and GeorgeJackass goes down with a giant thud! The ultimate admission he's out of ammo. You're a racist! That's all the little prick has left. His gutless admission of total defeat
See if you can spot any racists:

I do see one. The username by your avatar.

When you have to go to calling people racists, you prove there is nothing but blanks in your gun, Nancy.

He is insane. But probably speaks for many on the left
It isn't only leftists who've noticed finance capitalism has run its course. Paul Craig Roberts was a member of Reagan's Administration, and he's clear on how neoliberalism's helicopter money falls only on Wall Street:

"JULY 23, 2020
Let the Banks Go Under and Put Money Into the Real Economy

"You mentioned Paul Craig Roberts before, former Undersecretary of the Treasury for International Affairs.

"He told me that what the Federal Reserve is doing these days is manipulating the forward market.

"It will go into Wall Street and it will say, 'We promise to buy the Dow Jones average at 50 points higher than it is today, next week.'

"Well, once it makes a promise to buy, the speculators will see that and they will begin to bid up the prices to what the Federal Reserve promises to pay for the stocks. It can keep doing that, week after week and month after month and it can keep pushing up the stock market.

"That’s how it pushes up the bond market by promising to buy bonds at a higher and higher price.

"That means that an existing bond will yield less interest income.

"They can just continue to inflate the economy with credit, like a Ponzi scheme."
Well capitalism certainly has been a failure, thanks in part to a corrupt criminal central government.
There's no doubt in my mind about the corruption of government in the US, but I think we make a huge mistake when we ignore the source of that corruption.

Government has always been the servant of the (economic) system that sustains it

Let the Banks Go Under and Put Money Into the Real Economy -

"For 95 percent of the population, the economy stopped growing in 2008, when Obama bailed out the banks and left all the bad debts in place.

"Since 2008, all the growth of GDP – all the increase in national income – has accrued just to the wealthiest five percent of the population.

"That means that for 95 percent of the population the economy hasn’t been growing at all. It’s been shrinking."
Well capitalism certainly has been a failure, thanks in part to a corrupt criminal central government.
There's no doubt in my mind about the corruption of government in the US, but I think we make a huge mistake when we ignore the source of that corruption.

Government has always been the servant of the (economic) system that sustains it

shown to be false by the examples of government leading their countries though changes of economic systems.

china is an excellent example. the communist party retained control as the nation did a radical change from communism to a form of crony capitalism.

for one example.

you just a a marxist spouting marxist dogma without any thought of your own.
He is insane. But probably speaks for many on the left
It isn't only leftists who've noticed finance capitalism has run its course. Paul Craig Roberts was a member of Reagan's Administration, and he's clear on how neoliberalism's helicopter money falls only on Wall Street:

"JULY 23, 2020
Let the Banks Go Under and Put Money Into the Real Economy

"You mentioned Paul Craig Roberts before, former Undersecretary of the Treasury for International Affairs.

"He told me that what the Federal Reserve is doing these days is manipulating the forward market.

"It will go into Wall Street and it will say, 'We promise to buy the Dow Jones average at 50 points higher than it is today, next week.'

"Well, once it makes a promise to buy, the speculators will see that and they will begin to bid up the prices to what the Federal Reserve promises to pay for the stocks. It can keep doing that, week after week and month after month and it can keep pushing up the stock market.

"That’s how it pushes up the bond market by promising to buy bonds at a higher and higher price.

"That means that an existing bond will yield less interest income.

"They can just continue to inflate the economy with credit, like a Ponzi scheme."

Paul Craig Roberts was a member of Reagan's Administration,

And now he suffers from mad cow disease.


Ellen Brown is funny. And clueless.
And considering the utter failure of every marxist economy, marxist economists are just sad.
When you have to go to calling people racists, you prove there is nothing but blanks in your gun, Nancy.
Condemning moronic, misogynistic bigots isn't racist

Voting for one is.

‘We’re All Tired of Being Called Racists’

No, Trump isn't a Democrat. You're the party of racism. The Klan is all you. As was slavery, segregation, Jim Crow laws. Don't you have a cross to burn in someone's front yard, grand wizard? Some black who thinks he's allowed to think for himself and not be a Democrat? You gotta send a message to the others that thinking for themselves doesn't include thinking differently than you do
Ouch, and GeorgeJackass goes down with a giant thud! The ultimate admission he's out of ammo. You're a racist! That's all the little prick has left. His gutless admission of total defeat
See if you can spot any racists:
the R word has been used for so much crap that it means nothing now

Once assholes like GeorgePhillip soil a discussion with racism accusations, that's the end of any discussion
Well capitalism certainly has been a failure, thanks in part to a corrupt criminal central government.
There's no doubt in my mind about the corruption of government in the US, but I think we make a huge mistake when we ignore the source of that corruption.

Government has always been the servant of the (economic) system that sustains it

Let the Banks Go Under and Put Money Into the Real Economy -

"For 95 percent of the population, the economy stopped growing in 2008, when Obama bailed out the banks and left all the bad debts in place.

"Since 2008, all the growth of GDP – all the increase in national income – has accrued just to the wealthiest five percent of the population.

"That means that for 95 percent of the population the economy hasn’t been growing at all. It’s been shrinking."

The Federal Reserve can issue whenever it wants. I guess one of my basic questions about the Federal Reserve is that people say they could actually go bankrupt, their balance sheet doesn’t balance, and all that.

OMG! Ellen is such a moron.

I can understand why you like her.
You think China doesnt want to rule the world? :cuckoo:
I KNOW China doesn't currently have over 800 military bases in more than 70 countries. I KNOW China has not killed millions of innocent civilians on the opposite side of the planet since 1945.

US military bases – geographical imaginations
Greatest Purveyor of Violence in the World Today?
It's not China.
Why are you against countries around the world who want our military bases in their nations?
Why are you against countries around the world who want our military bases in their nations?
Where did you get the idea a majority of people around the globe want US bases in their countries?

U.S. Expansionism in the Gilded Age: Arguments in Political Cartoons | Journeys into the Past | Miami University
Which countries DONT want our base on their land? Name them. Japan has had various issues with our base in Okinawa, but i bet even they still like having US there as a deterrent to China.

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