US Military's Knee on the Throat of the World

Wow! A democrat doing the bidding for Putin and Jinping.
Getting pretty bold coming out in the daylight from the sewers and admitting to i
MAGA yet?

Drink more bleach.

Wow! A democrat doing the bidding for Putin and Jinping.
Getting pretty bold coming out in the daylight from the sewers and admitting to i
MAGA yet?

Drink more bleach.
Are these the kind of posts to keep your thread going, Skippy?
You a commie or just a socialist?
I made a claim and backed it up with an example of Trump, being brilliant in front of the whole world.
If you're referring to Trump's "win" in 2016, he lost the popular vote by over eight million ballots, so if that's your definition of brilliant, you are as ignorant as he is....

Puppet Master

yes, i was talking about that massive and brilliant win. your excuses, especially your excuse of not knowing how the election was counted, ie electoral college, is just you admitting that you were less smart than trump.

you jump all over the place, in your attempt to create an illusion that that shit is believe in, has not all been discredited long ago.

you complain about trump while supporting an ideology that normally leads to genocide.

you are a monster.
georgephillip has been pretty clear in his love of communism and his acceptance of genocide as part of the price of doing business.
If I approved of genocide as a cost of doing business, I wouldn't support US wars of aggression in Indochina and the Middle East, would I? Why do you?

you do support other nations and other ideologies that commit more real genocides.

that was my point.

it is to be expected that you would avoid it though dishonest tactics.
Only an asshole would claim that WS is a significant force in American politics.
An asshole like Steven Miller...

How White Supremacy Returned to Mainstream Politics - Center for American Progress

"In December 2019, the Southern Poverty Law Center’s Hatewatch published a cache of more than 900 emails2 Miller wrote to his contacts at Breitbart News before the 2016 presidential election.

"Miller, who began his role in the Trump administration in 2017, is widely considered the president’s most ideologically extreme and bureaucratically effective adviser.

"Miller has been careful not to talk openly about his political views, so this correspondence proved to be revealing.

"In the emails, Miller, an adviser to the Trump campaign at the time, advocated many of the most extreme white supremacist concepts.

"These included the 'great replacement' theory, fears of white genocide through immigration, race science, and eugenics; he also linked immigrants with crime, glorified the Confederacy, and promoted the genocidal book, The Camp of the Saints, as a roadmap for U.S. policy. Anti-Semitism was the only missing white nationalist trope in the emails—perhaps unsurprisingly, as Miller himself is Jewish."

so, to support your claim, that ws is currently important in american politics, you open with pictures of books a century old and then cite the discredited splc about a fired advisor to the president?

that is some weak ass shit.

both parties have been united in a bi-partisan consensus for minority rights, for over 70 years now.

WS have not had a voice in public affairs since the dems gave up on jim crow.

before i was even born.

maybe you can remember that far back. but stop living in the past. times have changed a lot, old man.
You obviously do not believe that, becasue when called on to get specific, you instead run to get more general.
When has the US Congress declared war since 1945?

cowardly the way you cut away the context, before for you made your irrelevant point. very cowardly of you.

and the type of dishonest evasion that someone does, when they know they are defending a false position.

you know that your position is bad for people and the country, but you support it anyway.

you are evil.
Which country poses the greatest threat to global peace?
Who gets rich from that?

"JULY 3, 2020
The US Military Has Its Knee on the Throat of the World

"As Mark Milley, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, observed, 'The character of war is changing frequency'.

"The messy, scrappy, unsatisfying, asymmetrical wars in the devastated Middle East have lost the interest of our warriors, as two worthier adversaries, China and Russia, have been conjured up, and now grip their attention.

"Although our budget comprises over 40% of the world’s military spending, and China and Russia spend respectively one-sixth and one-tenth of ours, the Pentagon refers to them generously as “near-peers”.;)

"China and Russia are not eager for these roles.

"We have had to torment them, like reluctant bulls in a bullfight.

"We sail our warships within twelve miles of their shores, conducting vast military exercises in the South China Sea, the Black Sea, the Persian Gulf and the Japan Sea.

"Thousands of US troops marched across Europe this spring to perform military exercises along Russia’s borders.

"Arleigh-Burke class guided missile destroyers, with aerial escort, performed maneuvers this May, close to the Russian coast in the Barents Sea, to enforce 'freedom of navigation'".

Time to defund the Pentagon?

And when the rubber hits the road, those countries squeal like a stuck pig when we pull our troops out while others beg us to relocate there.

This while Democrats do NOTHING when they are in power to reduce our military footprint.

I actually want to close bases and bring them home. I wish you WERE with me. But you're not. You're a partisan political hack and this is just a partisan issue for you. When Democrats are back behind the steering wheel, you'll just purr like a kitten.

Those of us who think what you claim to think and don't need real allies who mean it all the time, not just when your party is out of power
It doesn't matter. They put up statues to honor their dead fathers. That you want to invest their actions with evul WS, generations after the fact, is just you being an asshole.
In fact, assholes who erect statues to racist, slaveholding traitors are white supremacists; your inability to recognize that makes me think you might be one of them?

no, it does not. you just say shit like that, because you are an asshole.

a lying commie asshole.

they put up statues to honor their dead fathers. for generations, those statues have been part of a proud regional heritage, as part of a larger American Identity, accepted by the nation as a whole.

your attempt to reverse that, to create division were there was none, since even before you were born, and before you father and probably even his father was born,

is you being an anti-american asshole.
I made a claim and backed it up with an example of Trump, being brilliant in front of the whole world.
If you're referring to Trump's "win" in 2016, he lost the popular vote by over eight million ballots, so if that's your definition of brilliant, you are as ignorant as he is....

Puppet Master

yes, i was talking about that massive and brilliant win. your excuses, especially your excuse of not knowing how the election was counted, ie electoral college, is just you admitting that you were less smart than trump.

you jump all over the place, in your attempt to create an illusion that that shit is believe in, has not all been discredited long ago.

you complain about trump while supporting an ideology that normally leads to genocide.

you are a monster.

Yep. No one has used military power to kill more people in the history of the world than the left. Over a hundred million in the last century
Which country poses the greatest threat to global peace?
Who gets rich from that?

"JULY 3, 2020
The US Military Has Its Knee on the Throat of the World

"As Mark Milley, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, observed, 'The character of war is changing frequency'.

"The messy, scrappy, unsatisfying, asymmetrical wars in the devastated Middle East have lost the interest of our warriors, as two worthier adversaries, China and Russia, have been conjured up, and now grip their attention.

"Although our budget comprises over 40% of the world’s military spending, and China and Russia spend respectively one-sixth and one-tenth of ours, the Pentagon refers to them generously as “near-peers”.;)

"China and Russia are not eager for these roles.

"We have had to torment them, like reluctant bulls in a bullfight.

"We sail our warships within twelve miles of their shores, conducting vast military exercises in the South China Sea, the Black Sea, the Persian Gulf and the Japan Sea.

"Thousands of US troops marched across Europe this spring to perform military exercises along Russia’s borders.

"Arleigh-Burke class guided missile destroyers, with aerial escort, performed maneuvers this May, close to the Russian coast in the Barents Sea, to enforce 'freedom of navigation'".

Time to defund the Pentagon?

You are very stupid and obviously did absolutely nothing for mathematical theory in any school in your may have attended. Total money spent on defense does not equate to Total product purchased or total hardware aquired.

Just because China pays 1/10 our wage rates to their industrial workers does not mean that they don't also produce military hardware of very high quality.

It may surprise you to know that the highest paid manufacturing workers in the world work under the general umbrella of Pentagon and defense contracts. Nearly 100% union labor participates in this endeavor.

They may not spend as much as we do but that doesn't mean they don't have as much as we do you moronic retard.

Putin is first and foremost a businessman we don't have to worry about him starting a war because he does not want to spend the money that it would take to sustain one. But you are very wrong about China. They have very deeply entrenched expansionist penchant and they couldn't care less how much they have to spend to satisfy it.

It doesn't matter. They put up statues to honor their dead fathers. That you want to invest their actions with evul WS, generations after the fact, is just you being an asshole.
In fact, assholes who erect statues to racist, slaveholding traitors are white supremacists; your inability to recognize that makes me think you might be one of them?

Ouch, and GeorgeJackass goes down with a giant thud! The ultimate admission he's out of ammo. You're a racist! That's all the little prick has left. His gutless admission of total defeat
I suppose Paul Mason is a down and dirty leftist

he sure has weird dreams

and he’s full of shit
He's correct about neoliberalism and Trump:

Globalisation is dead, and white supremacy has triumphed | Paul Mason

"Freemarket economics unleashed two forces that have now collided: the rapid rise in inequality, and a route to the top percentile for the talented female, black or gay person.

"As long as it delivered not just growth but a growth story, a foreseeable better future, those disempowered by neoliberalism could stand it.

"But neoliberalism no longer works.

"It is broken.

"If it survived it would have delivered at best zombie growth fuelled by central bank money and at worst stagnation.

"But it will not survive.

"Last summer I predicted that if we do not break with the economics of high inequality, high debt and low productivity, populations will vote to dismantle the global order.

"With Brexit and Trump that process is inexorable – ....
He is insane. But probably speaks for many on the left
Which country poses the greatest threat to global peace?
Who gets rich from that?

"JULY 3, 2020
The US Military Has Its Knee on the Throat of the World

"As Mark Milley, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, observed, 'The character of war is changing frequency'.

"The messy, scrappy, unsatisfying, asymmetrical wars in the devastated Middle East have lost the interest of our warriors, as two worthier adversaries, China and Russia, have been conjured up, and now grip their attention.

"Although our budget comprises over 40% of the world’s military spending, and China and Russia spend respectively one-sixth and one-tenth of ours, the Pentagon refers to them generously as “near-peers”.;)

"China and Russia are not eager for these roles.

"We have had to torment them, like reluctant bulls in a bullfight.

"We sail our warships within twelve miles of their shores, conducting vast military exercises in the South China Sea, the Black Sea, the Persian Gulf and the Japan Sea.

"Thousands of US troops marched across Europe this spring to perform military exercises along Russia’s borders.

"Arleigh-Burke class guided missile destroyers, with aerial escort, performed maneuvers this May, close to the Russian coast in the Barents Sea, to enforce 'freedom of navigation'".

Time to defund the Pentagon?

And when the rubber hits the road, those countries squeal like a stuck pig when we pull our troops out while others beg us to relocate there.

This while Democrats do NOTHING when they are in power to reduce our military footprint.

I actually want to close bases and bring them home. I wish you WERE with me. But you're not. You're a partisan political hack and this is just a partisan issue for you. When Democrats are back behind the steering wheel, you'll just purr like a kitten.

Those of us who think what you claim to think and don't need real allies who mean it all the time, not just when your party is out of power

agreed. hell, a lot of nato expansion took place under bill clinton.

we are treaty bound to fight a global nuclear war, over fucking estonia.

that is fucking stupid beyond all measure.

and you know what? you push a lib on it, and he will admit it's a bluff.

bluffing? with nuclear weapons in the mix?

fucking retards.
It doesn't matter. They put up statues to honor their dead fathers. That you want to invest their actions with evul WS, generations after the fact, is just you being an asshole.
In fact, assholes who erect statues to racist, slaveholding traitors are white supremacists; your inability to recognize that makes me think you might be one of them?

Ouch, and GeorgeJackass goes down with a giant thud! The ultimate admission he's out of ammo. You're a racist! That's all the little prick has left. His gutless admission of total defeat

agreed. anyone that admits that they cannot defend an argument without crying "wacism" like a retarded child,

has just admitted that they cannot defend their argument at all.
  • Thanks
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1. Your spin of "empire" is noted and held against you, you anti-American commie traitor.
You haven't even tried to refute my arguments for believing the US is the greatest empire in history and it rests on the power of the US dollar and military:

To End Forever War, End the Dollar’s Global Dominance

"But in its laser focus on military restraint, the present debate about endless war largely overlooks the financial architecture of U.S. empire.

"As the Iraq case illustrates, the dollar is a linchpin of U.S. military dominance, motivating and enabling its expansion around the world.

"To curb America’s imperial adventurism—and the president’s personal ability to engage in it unilaterally—it is essential not only to draw down the nation’s enormous global military presence but to reduce the dollar’s centrality to international trade and finance."
3. Your pretense that war is only Just in the case of a direct threat to the US homeland is stupid and completely counter to Western Civilization traditions of war.
Until 1945 Western Civilization's traditions of war was summed up by "might makes right"; that changed at Nuremberg and since that time ALL US military invasions of sovereign states have been illegal and immoral and done for only one purpo$e.

Declaration of war by the United States - Wikipedia

"The last time the United States formally declared war, using specific terminology, on any nation was in 1942, when war was declared against Axis-allied Hungary, Bulgaria, and Romania, because President Franklin Roosevelt thought it was improper to engage in hostilities against a country without a formal declaration of war.

"Since then, every American president has used military force without a declaration of war.[2]"
Anyone who opposes the evil Empire is a commie loving traitor. It’s always the same. Can’t fix stupid.

Goering was so right....
Capitalism is currently under duress in the US, and it is sliding right, just as it did decades ago in Germany and Italy:

MR Online | Fascism: The decay of capitalism

"As protests continue around the globe and COVID continues to take it’s toll, more and more people are becoming disillusioned with the current system.

"They are sick of being told things are fine when they’re not.

"Capitalism is crumbling, it’s contradictions are becoming more and more apparent, and the world seems to be sliding right, closer and closer to fascism."
George is a commie bastard. He has consistently minimized, denied, evaded, or out right ignored, other nations actions, especially communists nations, while blaming American for everything under the Sun
You still haven't told me which "other nations" have sent their military thousands of miles from their homeland and killed MILLIONS of innocent civilians; why is that?
Anyone who opposes the evil Empire is a commie loving traitor. It’s always the same. Can’t fix stupid.

Goering was so right....
Capitalism is currently under duress in the US, and it is sliding right, just as it did decades ago in Germany and Italy:

MR Online | Fascism: The decay of capitalism

"As protests continue around the globe and COVID continues to take it’s toll, more and more people are becoming disillusioned with the current system.

"They are sick of being told things are fine when they’re not.

"Capitalism is crumbling, it’s contradictions are becoming more and more apparent, and the world seems to be sliding right, closer and closer to fascism."
Well capitalism certainly has been a failure, thanks in part to a corrupt criminal central government.

When a handful of people have more wealth then 80% of the American people, something stinks. These billionaires have attained enormous political power.

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