US Military's Knee on the Throat of the World

An interesting idea discussed, but never formalized in any treaty. Ultimately, NATO's expansion eastward has been to everyone's benefit. NATO has always been a defensive Alliance, and has strict requirements for a country to meet in order to join the Alliance.
NATO stopped being a defensive alliance twenty years ago:

Nato, master of the world

"Meeting in Washington for the 50th anniversary of the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation, the member states on 26 April (1999) ratified the New Strategic Concept proposed by the United States.

"This permits Nato to go beyond its defensive role and intervene militarily, without a mandate from the United Nations, against a sovereign state.

"The token reference to the UN may satisfy France but does not seriously modify US power.

"The war in the Balkans, conducted without the authorisation of the Security Council, in the name of humanitarian intervention, and the new strategic concept mark a turning point in the global order.

"For the first time since 1945 the victors of the second world war (less Russia) have ignored the sole source of international legality, the UN - without replacing it.

"This allows China, India or Russia, for example, to conduct similar interventions in their own spheres of influence; and increases the risks of injustice and conflict throughout the world."
The Boy is in Syria. The problems in Syria arose from the Arab Spring in late 2010 after a man in Tunisia set himself on fire in protest to the abuse he was receiving
How many Iraqi refugees were living in Syria in 2010?

Iraqis in Syria - Wikipedia.

"Iraqis in Syria are Syrian citizens of Iraqi origin or, more commonly today, Iraqis who are seeking refuge or better opportunities inside Syria.

"Though there is no consensus on the community's size, most estimates indicate that the number of displaced Iraqis in Syria remains well over 1,000,000 in 2010."

The US invasion of Iraq was the biggest foreign policy blunder in history; its consequences include the Arab Spring, Syrian civil war, and a refugee tsunami unseen since the days of WWII.
Russia, China, and Iran don't possess the combined military assets required to threaten the US Homeland.
We may get a chance to test that claim someday

because libs cant wait to defund our military along with thevpolice
One of the first discussions of political economy I can remember took place in 1950 when I overheard my dad and grandfather voicing support for the coming Korean bloodshed because they thought it would prevent the next recession/depression.
Your memory is bad

because before the communists invaded south korea hardly more than a dozen Americans in the hinterlands even knew korea existed

and they certainly had no advance warning of a future war
Don't ask stupid questions, commie. YOu want to make a charge of genocide against America, name the fucking time and place or STFU.
You're confused about the role genocide played in Making America Great?o_O

California Slaughtered 16,000 Native Americans. The State Finally Apologized For the Genocide

Funny, you were all hot and bothered over US wars since 1945. I guess that was just shit?

All that talk about "collateral damage", I guess that was just shit?

Just admit that all the previous shit you said, was just shit, and I will move on to address your next serving of shit.

YOu commie loving traitor.
rump is brilliant. His campaign, where he went against what ALL the experts, in two fields said, and crushed them all, proved that beyond a shadow of a doubt.
Trump's stupidity and ignorance are matched only by his venality and arrogance; anyone who actually believes he is "brilliant" isn't paying attention.

I made a claim and backed it up with an example of Trump, being brilliant in front of the whole world.

YOu expressed disagreement, but instead of making any case as to why my example was wrong,

all you do to support your argument is repeatedly make negative assertions about the man.

That is not you failing to make your case.

That is not even you failing to even TRYING to make your case.

That is you obviously failing to even understand the concept of making a supporting argument.

You lose. Again.
Which country poses the greatest threat to global peace?
Who gets rich from that?

"JULY 3, 2020
The US Military Has Its Knee on the Throat of the World

"As Mark Milley, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, observed, 'The character of war is changing frequency'.

"The messy, scrappy, unsatisfying, asymmetrical wars in the devastated Middle East have lost the interest of our warriors, as two worthier adversaries, China and Russia, have been conjured up, and now grip their attention.

"Although our budget comprises over 40% of the world’s military spending, and China and Russia spend respectively one-sixth and one-tenth of ours, the Pentagon refers to them generously as “near-peers”.;)

"China and Russia are not eager for these roles.

"We have had to torment them, like reluctant bulls in a bullfight.

"We sail our warships within twelve miles of their shores, conducting vast military exercises in the South China Sea, the Black Sea, the Persian Gulf and the Japan Sea.

"Thousands of US troops marched across Europe this spring to perform military exercises along Russia’s borders.

"Arleigh-Burke class guided missile destroyers, with aerial escort, performed maneuvers this May, close to the Russian coast in the Barents Sea, to enforce 'freedom of navigation'".

Time to defund the Pentagon?
Wow! A democrat doing the bidding for Putin and Jinping.
Getting pretty bold coming out in the daylight from the sewers and admitting to it. :smoke:
I made a point about the Korean War having a legitimate basis in national security interest as opposed to your conspiracy theories of Evul Capitalism being the reason.
Your point is laughable; the US in 1945 was the only major economy whose homeland's infrastructure was untouched by the bombs that reduced Russia and the UK to ruins. The US was the only country with nuclear weapons. You appear to believe the constant lies designed to terrify timid souls into paying any price and assuming any debt to stop "them" from taking over this country. "They" are not the problem; gullible tykes like you are.

How many tanks did Stalin have sitting in Germany in 1945?
You think China doesnt want to rule the world? :cuckoo:
I KNOW China doesn't currently have over 800 military bases in more than 70 countries. I KNOW China has not killed millions of innocent civilians on the opposite side of the planet since 1945.

US military bases – geographical imaginations
Greatest Purveyor of Violence in the World Today?
It's not China.

China killed hundreds of millions of its own citizens with communism. Mao even had his own wife killed. Have to do better than that gp. You're slipping big time.
That would be in their country, not around the world. Try to pay attention.

Communism has killed hundreds of millions around the world and if it comes here, it will do the same thing. You love communism, we get it.
You are one of those paranoid people raised to fear Communism. How many people has the US killed in the name of Democracy?
You think China doesnt want to rule the world? :cuckoo:
I KNOW China doesn't currently have over 800 military bases in more than 70 countries. I KNOW China has not killed millions of innocent civilians on the opposite side of the planet since 1945.

US military bases – geographical imaginations
Greatest Purveyor of Violence in the World Today?
It's not China.

China killed hundreds of millions of its own citizens with communism. Mao even had his own wife killed. Have to do better than that gp. You're slipping big time.
That would be in their country, not around the world. Try to pay attention.

Communism has killed hundreds of millions around the world and if it comes here, it will do the same thing. You love communism, we get it.
You are one of those paranoid people raised to fear Communism. How many people has the US killed in the name of Democracy?

georgephillip has been pretty clear in his love of communism and his acceptance of genocide as part of the price of doing business.

Mentioning the genocide of communism when debating with a rabid communists is completely reasonable and valid.
no, there is only hate and resentment for white people by lefty losers
White supremacy will outlive America

Globalisation is dead, and white supremacy has triumphed | Paul Mason

"Donald Trump has won the presidency – not because of the 'white working class', but because millions of middle-class and educated US citizens reached into their soul and found there, after all its conceits were stripped away, a grinning white supremacist. Plus untapped reserves of misogyny."
We were discussing two specific wars, actually many, and you cut the wars we were discussing to throw a gish gallop of shit against a wall to distract from your inability to support your position.
War of aggression - Wikipedia.

"A war of aggression, sometimes also war of conquest, is a military conflict waged without the justification of self-defense, usually for territorial gain and subjugation."

Every war the US has initiated since 1945 has been a war of aggression, imho. If you believe otherwise, make your argument.
Calling the system of alliance the US has, an "empire" is spin. Spin is what you do, when you know your case is weak as shit, and you are trying to win the debate dishonestly.
The US Empire has killed millions of innocent human beings who posed no threat to the US homeland over the past 75 years, and all you can do to refute that reality is whine about spin. You're either as stupid as Trump or a troll.
no, there is only hate and resentment for white people by lefty losers
White supremacy will outlive America

Globalisation is dead, and white supremacy has triumphed | Paul Mason

"Donald Trump has won the presidency – not because of the 'white working class', but because millions of middle-class and educated US citizens reached into their soul and found there, after all its conceits were stripped away, a grinning white supremacist. Plus untapped reserves of misogyny."
I suppose Paul Mason is a down and dirty leftist

he sure has weird dreams

and he’s full of shit
no, there is only hate and resentment for white people by lefty losers
White supremacy will outlive America

Globalisation is dead, and white supremacy has triumphed | Paul Mason

"Donald Trump has won the presidency – not because of the 'white working class', but because millions of middle-class and educated US citizens reached into their soul and found there, after all its conceits were stripped away, a grinning white supremacist. Plus untapped reserves of misogyny."

Only an asshole would claim that WS is a significant force in American politics.

We have had a bi-partisan consensus on equal rights for blacks since mid 60s.

YOur ignoring that, is you being an anti-American asshole.
Correct, the actual terrorists were saudi. That does not address my point about the government of Afghanistan making the choice to host them in their country.
What makes the government of Afghanistan's "choice" any different than the governments of Germany, Florida, and San Diego?


The fact that when we demanded they turn the terrorists over, they refused.
We were discussing two specific wars, actually many, and you cut the wars we were discussing to throw a gish gallop of shit against a wall to distract from your inability to support your position.
War of aggression - Wikipedia.

"A war of aggression, sometimes also war of conquest, is a military conflict waged without the justification of self-defense, usually for territorial gain and subjugation."

Every war the US has initiated since 1945 has been a war of aggression, imho. If you believe otherwise, make your argument.

You obviously do not believe that, becasue when called on to get specific, you instead run to get more general.

That is the action of someone who knows they are spewing bullshit from their pie hole.

You lose.

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