US Military's Knee on the Throat of the World

They might have been. That does not mean that they did not put up statues to their fathers, as part of the normal process of familiar and civic pride that generally leads to statues and memorials.
Were they white supremacists, or not?

It doesn't matter. They put up statues to honor their dead fathers. That you want to invest their actions with evul WS, generations after the fact, is just you being an asshole.
Calling the system of alliance the US has, an "empire" is spin. Spin is what you do, when you know your case is weak as shit, and you are trying to win the debate dishonestly.
The US Empire has killed millions of innocent human beings who posed no threat to the US homeland over the past 75 years, and all you can do to refute that reality is whine about spin. You're either as stupid as Trump or a troll.

1. Your spin of "empire" is noted and held against you, you anti-American commie traitor.

2. We discussed collateral damage. Or we were discussing it, when you changed the subject and ran away. So dismissed.

3. Your pretense that war is only Just in the case of a direct threat to the US homeland is stupid and completely counter to Western Civilization traditions of war.

4. Your lies that I have "whined" is noted and dismissed, you commie bastard.

5.Trump is brilliant, and I am well above average intelligence. YOu are well above average in being a commie troll asshole.
Don't ask stupid questions, commie. YOu want to make a charge of genocide against America, name the fucking time and place or STFU.
You're confused about the role genocide played in Making America Great?o_O

California Slaughtered 16,000 Native Americans. The State Finally Apologized For the Genocide

Funny, you were all hot and bothered over US wars since 1945. I guess that was just shit?

All that talk about "collateral damage", I guess that was just shit?

Just admit that all the previous shit you said, was just shit, and I will move on to address your next serving of shit.

YOu commie loving traitor.
Anyone who opposes the evil Empire is a commie loving traitor. It’s always the same. Can’t fix stupid.

Goering was so right....
“Oh, that is all well and good, but, voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same way in any country.”
Don't ask stupid questions, commie. YOu want to make a charge of genocide against America, name the fucking time and place or STFU.
You're confused about the role genocide played in Making America Great?o_O

California Slaughtered 16,000 Native Americans. The State Finally Apologized For the Genocide

Funny, you were all hot and bothered over US wars since 1945. I guess that was just shit?

All that talk about "collateral damage", I guess that was just shit?

Just admit that all the previous shit you said, was just shit, and I will move on to address your next serving of shit.

YOu commie loving traitor.
Anyone who opposes the evil Empire is a commie loving traitor. It’s always the same. Can’t fix stupid.

Goering was so right....
“Oh, that is all well and good, but, voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same way in any country.”

George is a commie bastard. He has consistently minimized, denied, evaded, or out right ignored, other nations actions, especially communists nations, while blaming American for everything under the Sun.

ONly, more unreasonable than it sounds when I put it like that.

He is pushing some sort of marxist nonsense that blames capitalism, and private wealth for ALL WAR.

He is a drooling moron and an asshole.
You seem to have an unlimited supply of America-hating eggheads to do your talking for you

and they are all full of shit

You seem to be incapable of refuting most of their arguments; see if you can connect these dots:

Triffin dilemma - Wikipedia.

"The Triffin dilemma or Triffin paradox is the conflict of economic interests that arises between short-term domestic and long-term international objectives for countries whose currencies serve as global reserve currencies."

Trade Deficits And The American Empire

"As an imperial power and as the issuer of the world’s reserve currency, though, America can never have a balanced trade account.

This dilemma was first noted by the Belgian economist Robert Triffin in the 1960s.

"If America’s trade account was in balance, foreigners would not be able to access the additional dollars needed to purchase imports from one another and to hold as reserves.

"Without reliable access to dollars, global trade would become very difficult as 80% of global payments are made in dollars.

"Were global trade to collapse, so too would global prosperity. Finally, without the tribute payments represented by its persistent trade deficits, how could America continue to fund its military commitments?"
Yes they do. Russia and China have ICBMs that can reach the US. MAD won't hold forever.
Perhaps this would be a good time for the US to stop expecting the rest of the world to pay for lavish American lifestyles?

At the end of WWII, the US had 6% of the world's population and controlled almost 50% of global wealth; virtually everything we've done since that time has been to hold onto that economic privilege and most of the world knows that.

Again, this is something that can't be changed by "choosing" between Republican OR Democrat in the voting booth.
Only in your mind. Being a successful country, with a strong economy and strong military does not make that country and Empire. Not even close
When the successful country has 170,000 active-duty servicemen and women stationed in 150 foreign countries and its dollar serves as a global reserve currency, it is as much of an empire as Rome, although its methods of receiving taxation and tribute are different:

Trade Deficits And The American Empire

"As other nations need U.S. dollars to buy oil and other imports, they also need to hold U.S. dollars as foreign currency reserves.

The simplest way to acquire dollars is to sell goods and services to the U.S. while accepting dollars (which will never be used to purchase American goods) in payment.

"Looking at the flow of goods and services, we can easily detect a pattern of tributary states sending treasure to the imperial power.

"Oil from the Middle East, electronics and apparel from East Asia, minerals from Africa, tropical fruits from Latin America and automobiles and automobile parts from Canada, Mexico and the E.U. all flow into the U.S. from around the world in exchange for dollars which will henceforth be used only outside the U.S.

"As I wrote in a previous column, the U.S. is the only country in the world able to write cheques (issue dollars) which will never be cashed (used to purchase American goods and services)."

When the successful country has 170,000 active-duty servicemen and women stationed in 150 foreign countries

Don't you hate it that countries beg the US to base soldiers in their countries while no one
wants Russian troops based in their country?

and its dollar serves as a global reserve currency

Don't you hate it that everyone wants to hold as many US dollars as possible while no one
wants to hold any Russian currency?

It's almost as though everyone know that Russia sucks, eh?
You seem to have an unlimited supply of America-hating eggheads to do your talking for you

and they are all full of shit

You seem to be incapable of refuting most of their arguments; see if you can connect these dots:

Triffin dilemma - Wikipedia.

"The Triffin dilemma or Triffin paradox is the conflict of economic interests that arises between short-term domestic and long-term international objectives for countries whose currencies serve as global reserve currencies."

Trade Deficits And The American Empire

"As an imperial power and as the issuer of the world’s reserve currency, though, America can never have a balanced trade account.

This dilemma was first noted by the Belgian economist Robert Triffin in the 1960s.

"If America’s trade account was in balance, foreigners would not be able to access the additional dollars needed to purchase imports from one another and to hold as reserves.

"Without reliable access to dollars, global trade would become very difficult as 80% of global payments are made in dollars.

"Were global trade to collapse, so too would global prosperity. Finally, without the tribute payments represented by its persistent trade deficits, how could America continue to fund its military commitments?"
I dont know if thats true or not

but since you whole schtick revolves around hating America how does that fit your image of our country as the worlds bully?

and if possible I’d rather debate you than some dead belgian egghead
I suppose Paul Mason is a down and dirty leftist

he sure has weird dreams

and he’s full of shit
He's correct about neoliberalism and Trump:

Globalisation is dead, and white supremacy has triumphed | Paul Mason

"Freemarket economics unleashed two forces that have now collided: the rapid rise in inequality, and a route to the top percentile for the talented female, black or gay person.

"As long as it delivered not just growth but a growth story, a foreseeable better future, those disempowered by neoliberalism could stand it.

"But neoliberalism no longer works.

"It is broken.

"If it survived it would have delivered at best zombie growth fuelled by central bank money and at worst stagnation.

"But it will not survive.

"Last summer I predicted that if we do not break with the economics of high inequality, high debt and low productivity, populations will vote to dismantle the global order.

"With Brexit and Trump that process is inexorable – ....
Only an asshole would claim that WS is a significant force in American politics.
An asshole like Steven Miller...

How White Supremacy Returned to Mainstream Politics - Center for American Progress

"In December 2019, the Southern Poverty Law Center’s Hatewatch published a cache of more than 900 emails2 Miller wrote to his contacts at Breitbart News before the 2016 presidential election.

"Miller, who began his role in the Trump administration in 2017, is widely considered the president’s most ideologically extreme and bureaucratically effective adviser.

"Miller has been careful not to talk openly about his political views, so this correspondence proved to be revealing.

"In the emails, Miller, an adviser to the Trump campaign at the time, advocated many of the most extreme white supremacist concepts.

"These included the 'great replacement' theory, fears of white genocide through immigration, race science, and eugenics; he also linked immigrants with crime, glorified the Confederacy, and promoted the genocidal book, The Camp of the Saints, as a roadmap for U.S. policy. Anti-Semitism was the only missing white nationalist trope in the emails—perhaps unsurprisingly, as Miller himself is Jewish."
It doesn't matter. They put up statues to honor their dead fathers. That you want to invest their actions with evul WS, generations after the fact, is just you being an asshole.
In fact, assholes who erect statues to racist, slaveholding traitors are white supremacists; your inability to recognize that makes me think you might be one of them?

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