US Military's Knee on the Throat of the World

but since you whole schtick revolves around hating America how does that fit your image of our country as the worlds bully?
Hating America has nothing to do with recognizing how the US has fashioned the first truly global empire based on indirect, economic power rather than the stark military occupation favored by the Romans and Brits.

Trade Deficits And The American Empire

"Empires such as the Roman Empire exhibit certain features which often, at least in the beginning, improve the lives of their subjects.

"First, imperial armies both keep the peace internally and defend against foreign invasion.
"Second, conquered nations are compelled to accept and use the empire’s money.

"Third, peace and stability and the use of a common currency cause trade to flourish.

"Finally, this increase in trade and economic activity in general permits the empire to collect the taxes and tribute payments necessary to pay for the imperial armies upon which the empire’s security depends."
Hating America has nothing to do with recognizing how the US has fashioned the first truly global empire based on indirect, economic power rather than the stark military occupation favored by the Romans and Brits.
America became the largest economic power in the 19th century when european colonialism was at its peak

we did not become the dominant superpower until after WWII

And we quickly disbanded our military from the strongest in the world to no better than 2nd after the soviet union

but soviet aggression forced us to rearm

Sometimes we acted clumsily and tripped over our own feet

But without America the world would be a much darker place today

and if we dont stand up to china there will be another time if great torment or humanity
yes, i was talking about that massive and brilliant win. your excuses, especially your excuse of not knowing how the election was counted, ie electoral college, is just you admitting that you were less smart than trump.
When you lose the popular vote by eight million ballots, your "win" is neither brilliant nor massive and has more to do with chattel slavery than popular sovereignty:

Three-Fifths Compromise - Wikipedia.
both parties have been united in a bi-partisan consensus for minority rights, for over 70 years now.
Bull shit; Republicans have been gutting voting rights especially since Shelby County v Holder.

Republican Voter Suppression Efforts Are Targeting Minorities, Journalist Says

"Since the 2010 elections, 24 states have implemented new restrictions on voting.

"Alabama now requires a photo ID to cast a ballot.

"Other states such as Ohio and Georgia have enacted 'use it or lose it' laws, which strike voters from registration rolls if they have not participated in an election within a prescribed period of time.

Mother Jones journalist Ari Berman, author of Give Us the Ballot, says that many of the restrictions are part of a broader Republican strategy to tighten access to the ballot — an effort that was bolstered in 2013 by the Supreme Court's Shelby County v. Holder ruling."
1. Your spin of "empire" is noted and held against you, you anti-American commie traitor.
You haven't even tried to refute my arguments for believing the US is the greatest empire in history and it rests on the power of the US dollar and military:

To End Forever War, End the Dollar’s Global Dominance

"But in its laser focus on military restraint, the present debate about endless war largely overlooks the financial architecture of U.S. empire.

"As the Iraq case illustrates, the dollar is a linchpin of U.S. military dominance, motivating and enabling its expansion around the world.

"To curb America’s imperial adventurism—and the president’s personal ability to engage in it unilaterally—it is essential not only to draw down the nation’s enormous global military presence but to reduce the dollar’s centrality to international trade and finance."

stating it repeatedly is not an argument, you commie.
both parties have been united in a bi-partisan consensus for minority rights, for over 70 years now.
Bull shit; Republicans have been gutting voting rights especially since Shelby County v Holder.

Republican Voter Suppression Efforts Are Targeting Minorities, Journalist Says

"Since the 2010 elections, 24 states have implemented new restrictions on voting.

"Alabama now requires a photo ID to cast a ballot.

"Other states such as Ohio and Georgia have enacted 'use it or lose it' laws, which strike voters from registration rolls if they have not participated in an election within a prescribed period of time.

Mother Jones journalist Ari Berman, author of Give Us the Ballot, says that many of the restrictions are part of a broader Republican strategy to tighten access to the ballot — an effort that was bolstered in 2013 by the Supreme Court's Shelby County v. Holder ruling."

"Alabama now requires a photo ID to cast a ballot.

They all should.

"Other states such as Ohio and Georgia have enacted 'use it or lose it' laws, which strike voters from registration rolls if they have not participated in an election within a prescribed period of time.

What's your preferred method to purge voter rolls?
Or should they never ever be purged?
3. Your pretense that war is only Just in the case of a direct threat to the US homeland is stupid and completely counter to Western Civilization traditions of war.
Until 1945 Western Civilization's traditions of war was summed up by "might makes right"; that changed at Nuremberg and since that time ALL US military invasions of sovereign states have been illegal and immoral and done for only one purpo$e.

Declaration of war by the United States - Wikipedia

"The last time the United States formally declared war, using specific terminology, on any nation was in 1942, when war was declared against Axis-allied Hungary, Bulgaria, and Romania, because President Franklin Roosevelt thought it was improper to engage in hostilities against a country without a formal declaration of war.

"Since then, every American president has used military force without a declaration of war.[2]"

All you did in that post, was make two stupid and unsupported assertions.

Both were completely wrong.
yes, i was talking about that massive and brilliant win. your excuses, especially your excuse of not knowing how the election was counted, ie electoral college, is just you admitting that you were less smart than trump.
When you lose the popular vote by eight million ballots, your "win" is neither brilliant nor massive and has more to do with chattel slavery than popular sovereignty:

Three-Fifths Compromise - Wikipedia.

1. got it. you are still too stupid to realize that winning is what counts as winning.

2. the 3/5s compromise was about restraining the political power of slave states. if that is part of the process of how the electoral college came to be, i'm fine with that.
you do support other nations and other ideologies that commit more real genocides.
Prove it with a link.

the massive death toll of communism, is well known. that you support it, is you being an immoral monster.

that you deny the massive death toll is you being utterly dishonest.

your request for a link, is you playing silly troll games.

your support of communism and genocide makes your complaints against the US military not credible.

your inability to support your claims have been well demonstrated, by you.

you lose.
you complain about trump while supporting an ideology that normally leads to genocide.
You support a country FOUNDED on genocide and chattel slavery.

incorrect. this country was founded on the principles of the enlightenment era. chattel slavery was common at that time but immediately became a political issue, and almost immediately started to lose ground to the more dynamic free state economies of the north, despite a much longer growing period.

your lying about history is to be expected from a communist.
so, to support your claim, that ws is currently important in american politics, you open with pictures of books a century old and then cite the discredited splc about a fired advisor to the president?
Is that a typo?
Which fired advisor to the president are you referring to?

the one mentioned in your link. the first one, if there was more than one. i did not read your entire link, why would i?

the point is, you again, utterly and completely failed to support your idiotic accusations against America.

WS are a tiny, tiny utterly powerless fringe.

you are a liar.
yes, they did.
The Taliban offered to turn over bin Laden if provided with evidence of his complicity, and Bush declined the overture:

"JALALABAD, Afghanistan –– A senior Taliban leader said Sunday that the Islamic militia would be willing to hand over Osama bin Laden to a third country if the United States halts the bombing of Afghanistan and provides evidence against him.

"President Bush quickly rejected the offer."
I actually want to close bases and bring them home. I wish you WERE with me. But you're not. You're a partisan political hack and this is just a partisan issue for you. When Democrats are back behind the steering wheel, you'll just purr like a kitten.
I haven't voted for a Democrat OR Republican in a state or federal election in over 25 years, have you?
they put up statues to honor their dead fathers. for generations, those statues have been part of a proud regional heritage, as part of a larger American Identity, accepted by the nation as a whole.
Their dead fathers were white supremacist traitors who should have been hanged for their treason; why do you feel a kinship with such rancid, racist shit?
But you are very wrong about China. They have very deeply entrenched expansionist penchant and they couldn't care less how much they have to spend to satisfy it.
Can you provide any evidence in support of "China's deeply entrenched expansionist penchant"? How many times in its history has China invaded another country on the opposite side of the planet?

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